PRESENT: Mayor Carolyn Woods
Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach
Commissioner Jimmy Hill
Commissioner Maria Mark
ALSO: Nelson Van Liere, Interim City Manager
Rich Komando, City Attorney
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
ABSENT: Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty
Call to order.
Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. in the Commission Chamber. She explained
Commissioner Daugherty was just leaving downtown and was on his way. City Attorney Komando
explained the procedures for the Special Called meeting and the requirements for a quasi-judicial
proceeding. He asked that the Commissioners disclose if they have had any ex parte communication.
Commissioner Mark disclosed her ex parte discussion with Jim Smith, a citizen, about the procedure
Commissioner Hill disclosed his ex parte discussion with Jim Smith, a citizen.
Mayor Woods stated she had a phone conversation with Don Wolfson and they discussed the court order
requiring a new hearing and she received a few emails today.
Commissioner Beckenbach disclosed he had just received the emails.
1. Wolfson Appeal of Variance Denial ZVAR-2011-01
Commissioner Mark asked to defer this hearing until before the next Commission meeting due to the
lateness of receiving the documents. She stated she has not had ample time to thoroughly review
everything submitted and wants to be sure she is making her decision based on a thorough understanding
of what occurred.
Motion: Defer this hearing until before the next Commission meeting.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Hill
Mayor Woods asked Mr. Wolfson if he was bothered by the Commissioners needing more time to
review the packet that has been submitted.
Don Wolfson stated this has been going on for four years. He stated the last thing he wants is for any
Commissioner to be unprepared to understand full well the details of this variance and the purpose of the
court order to remand this to the Commission. He stated it is very important for the entire Commission
to understand what the responsibilities are and why it has come back to the Commission. He stated he is
agreeable if the date is mutually convenient but he would appreciate some discussion here from the City
Attorney to the Commission to understand how we got here and why the Commission has been ordered
by the courts to review this again.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Wolfson's attorney, Christopher White, stated he was in agreement with Mr. Wolfson. He stated he
doesn't want anyone to think they sprung this as some sort of surprise; it was originally scheduled
several months ago and Mr. Wolfson had a death in the family, which was why it was pushed off until
this month. He stated he would like them to consider scheduling it for a Special Meeting at 5:00. He
stated when you get it tied into a regular meeting, it can be a very difficult evening and he doesn't know
if they would be able to really put forward what they want to put forward.
Mayor Woods stated she would be supportive of deferring with two conditions: that it is on a date
separate from a Commission meeting so there are no time constraints and that they understand that the
information they have received in their packet tonight is all of the information and there will not be
anything else presented. Mr. White stated he and Mr. Komando have agreed on that; it is the entire
record in the Clerk's office from what was before the Board and that is the only thing that should be
Mr. Komando stated the only additional thing he provided to the Commission this evening was a copy of
the First District Court of Appeals order and the procedure. Discussion ensued. Mr. Komando stated
the difference with this type of hearing is that the public's opportunity to comment was at the
Community Development Board, so they did have an opportunity to speak before a decision was made
and at this point, the First District Court of Appeals as well as the Circuit Court have instructed this
Commission to act only on what information was provided to the Community Development Board. He
stated those are the parameters of what you are permitted to consider before coming to a decision either
to uphold the Community Development Board's decision or to reverse that decision.
Commissioner Beckenbach asked if the best thing to do would be to not have a conversation with the
public pertaining to this. Mr. Komando stated that is a decision they have to make individually; it is just
something they will have to disclose as part of any ex parte communication, considering they are
essentially the tribunal making the decision.
City Clerk Bartle asked if they should amend the motion, since it was originally before the next meeting
at 5:00 and now it is on a date separate from a regular meeting. She asked if the fact that no additional
information will be submitted should be part of the motion. Mr. Komando stated it would help if they
defer to a time certain.
Motion: Amend to schedule within the next 60 days.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Hill
Mayor Woods asked City Clerk Bartle to clarify what the required notification timeframe is. Ms. Bartle
and Mr. Komando stated it doesn't have a time period. Ms. Bartle stated this meeting was properly
noticed; she believes the fact that there was no agenda posted (until Friday) was the complaint. She
stated they usually like to do a three-day notice, but they could do two. Mr. Komando agreed, stating
the notice issue is to put the public on notice of the topic to be discussed, the date, time and place; it
doesn't even require an agenda. He stated all of those things were done.
Mr. Komando asked if the Commission could give Mr. White some available days. Discussion ensued
and it was agreed to have the meeting on April 22 at 5:00. Mr. White stated they could meet on April
Motion: Amend to defer the Wolfson hearing until Wednesday,April 22 at 5:00 p.m.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Hill
Aye: 4—Beckenbach, Hill,Mark,Woods
Nay: 0
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 5:22 p.m.
ATTEST Carolyn Woods
144,76.- Mayor
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk