6-8-15 Handout Brad Kennelly r � (- June 8, 2015 To Whom It May Concern, Following are several issues regarding both the Fleet Landing Sign and the Kangaroo Sign. The Fleet Sign should be relocated back to the original location approved by AB in 2001, and the Kangaroo property install signage as required by the current code of AB. Highlights—Fleet Landing Sign • Fleet Landing encroached/blocked Kangaroo property rights for signage • City of AB made an error in allowing Fleet Landing sign to remain—already had granted exception to be located over 250+- feet west of property line • The Fleet Sign is situated directly under a large "transmission line" • Fleet Landing lawyer"stated he would work it out with Kangaroo" Highlights—Kangaroo Sign • Represented by Counsel • Kangaroo forced to install pole signs—loss of their signage rights • Original application submitted with LED description—Denied • 2»a signage site plan submitted—Approved—Permit issued June 6, 2013 • July 3, 2013 —Kangaroo submits a 3`a sign site plan representing what is constructed —No Permit issued • Significant difference in 3`a site plan(July 3,2013)—total of(5) sign improvements including "illumination"—No Permit issued Sincerely Brad Kennelly 2265 Beachcomber Trail Atlantic Beach 32233 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 23,2011 CITY HALL,800 SEMINOLE ROAD Attendance IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C.Jensen Mayor Pro Tern John L.Fletcher City Manager Jim Hanson Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty City Clerk Donna L.Bartle Commissioner Paul Parsons Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey Commissioner Carolyn Woods Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Bomo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Daugherty gave the Invocation,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 9,2011. Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 9, 2011,as written. Moved by Fletcher.Seconded by Daugherty. Commissioner Woods stated she believes the comments by Lyman Fletcher needed to he changed to more accurately reflect the comment he was making as she had proposed in the email given to each Commissioner. Mayor Homo reminded her that his comments were part of the quasi judicial hearing and were recorded verbatim by the court reporter in its entirety in the record. He stated he agrees with the summarization in the minutes and knows there have been exchanges back and forth about how difficult it was to pick up his comments and be able to get it fully accurate. Commissioner Woods stated she wanted to make a motion to amend what is in the minutes on his comments so his concept of what he was trying to get across is more accurately reflected. Motion: Amend minutes to reflect changes to comments by Lyman Fletcher as proposed. Moved by Woods,Seconded by Daugherty Commissioner Daugherty asked what exactly she wanted to add, was it the underlined section they were given. Commissioner Woods stated yes. She further stated the top half was the verbatim transcript and the yellow highlighted was the meat of what he was saying,which is reflected in the underlined statement at the bottom. Commissioner Fletcher asked whose interpretation was the underlined, the clerk's or Commissioner Woods' interpretation. Commissioner Woods stated it isn't really an interpretation;it's pretty much what is highlighted in yellow. She stated she wrote it Votes: Aye: 3—Parsons,Woods,Daugherty Nay: 2—Borne,Fletcher MOTION CARRIED Ma 23.2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 Mayor Boma stated they need to amend this to delete the Community Development Block Grant. Mr. Thompson explained a mistake was made when they sent the letter that said they were going to reduce our allocation for CDBG funding by $18.517. They realized the reduction in funding would not take place until next year. Motion: Amend motion to delete reference to the Community Development Block Grant fund. Moved by Fletcher,Seconded by Daugherty Votes: Aye: 5—Borno,Daugherty,Fletcher,Parsons,Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Borno called for a vote on the original motion,as amended, Votes: Aye: 5—Borno,Daugherty,Fletcher,Parsons,Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Miscellaneous 8. Miscellaneous Business Business A. Approval of location of Fleet Landing Sign. Sonya Doerr explained the sign ordinance that led up to Fleet Landing changing their sign and summarized her staff report stating they are retroactively bringing this to the Commission for their approval. Bill Deem, 2341 Fiddlers Lane, counsel representing The Pantry Inc., owner of the Kangaroo store, stated they have found no middle ground. He distributed a presentation to the Commission. Mr. Deem presented his client's position,stating the Commission should do what is right. He discussed the new placement of the Fleet Landing sign which obscures the sign for the Kangaroo store. He further stated Fleet Landing is not a retail business and they do not need to attract customers off of Mayport Road. He further cited several sections from the code regarding signage. stating Fleet Landing's sign does not conform to code. Commissioner Parsons asked Mr.Deem if the Kangaroo sign blocked the original Fleet Lancing sign before it was moved. Mr. Deem stated, no, they were side by side. Commissioner Parsons asked how business has been since that sign has been up. Mr. Deem stated he did not have the answer to that but could get it, if needed. Commissioner Parsons stated that was not necessary,they have already had six weeks to work on it. Josh Ashby, One Fleet Ianding Blvd., stated they moved the sign farther west to improve their visibility because it is an important navigational aid for older adults who May 23,2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pane 9 have vision impairments. He requested the Commission approve the staff's recommendation and retroactively approve the location of the Fleet Landing sign. Motion: Approve existing location of new Fleet Landing entrance sign replaced pursuant to Section 1117 14(5)of the Sian Regulations requiring non-conforming signs to be brought into compliance by September 9,2012. Moved by Fletcher,Seconded by Parsons. Commissioner Fletcher asked if this sign conforms to code. Ms. Doerr explained it complies with the 8 foot size and location but they have never made anyone comply with the Welcome to Atlantic Beach style. She further stated this was a sign permit, there was not a public notice requirement as Mr. Deem requested. Commissioner Woods asked Ms. Doerr about her comment that they have never held anyone to the Atlantic Beach signage design. She asked how many signs have been approved to be put in the right-of-way since they redid the sign ordinance. Ms. Doerr stated there are Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside, stating they just added the provision that they have to be approved by the Commission, which she believes was done in response to Selva Linkside. Mr. Hanson stated there are quite a number of signs in the right-of-way that go back to a time before they required Commission approval. Commissioner Woods stated the question was since we redid the code and the code said if you are going to put a sign in the right-of-way it needs to look like our Atlantic Beach signs. She asked how many signs have been approved to be put in the right-of- way since this code change. Ms. Doerr stated Selva Norte has this type of sign. Commissioner Parsons stated they are almost identical to what the Atlantic Beach sign looks like. Ms. Doerr stated she doesn't believe they were trying to say everybody had to have a sign that looks like the Atlantic Beach sign, it was just this monument sign look and externally illuminated. Commissioner Woods stated she believes the language is pretty clear. She asked about Fleet Landing having two signs,one at their gate and the one in the right-of-way and whether the code allows for more than one sign. Ms. Doerr stated that is a different kind of sign, they can have a free standing sign at each entrance and can also have a fascia sign. Commissioner Woods asked Ms. Doerr to show her where that was in the code, which she did. Discussion ensued re ated to PUDs and residential zoning and signage. Commissioner Woods stated the Fleet Landing sign does not look anything like the Atlantic Beach sign in any way. fashion or form. She stated Fleet Landing is great for this community and she does not want them to think she is picking on them, but she believes we have created another hardship for ourselves because we have conflicting codes going on. She stated she believes it is very unfortunate and it was obvious when the permitting was going on that the Kangaroo sign would be completely blocked and believes it should have been addressed at the time. Ms. Doerr stated it is not our responsibility to provide clear unobstructed visibility for commercial signs. Commissioner Woods stated it is our responsibility to go by our codes and this sign does not look anything like what is required in the code and she believes it should have been brought up in the permitting process. Ms. Doerr stated we were forcing them, by other requirements, to put in a nc:w sign and she does not know that we would want a lot of signs looking just like our Welcome to Atlantic Beach signs. Discussion ensued. City Attorney clarified that the language about the signs complementing and conforming to the Welcome to Atlantic Beach sign references signs in residential districts and signs at the entrance to parks May 2.3.2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 10 and other public buildings and places. He stated under 17-39,Commercial Signs,there is nothing about the sign having to look like the Welcome to Atlantic Beach sign and believes that is what we are dealing with here. He stated this sign is obviously in a commercial location. He stated the PUD doesn't start on Mayport Road, it doesn't start until you get over the bridge, or at the bridge, as he understands it. He stated under 17-42 (13)private signs on any public property other than specifically approved by the City Commission are the signs that are prohibited. He stated this sign is a private sign on public property and it has to be permitted by the Commission. He stated the sign is in a commercially zoned piece of property advertising a residential area located within a PUD and the sign is not within the PUD. Commissioner Fletcher asked if he was saying that the commercial sign guidelines apply, which means this doesn't apply. Mr. Jensen stated that was correct, there is nothing within 17-39 that has that same language. Commissioner Daugherty stated,to him,what the sign looks like really isn't the issue. He stated he has to look at this as if it was coming across for the first time and that sign isn't there yet. He stated the reason these things have to come before the Commission is to give people notice and a chance to respond. He stated that is why he is going to be voting against this. He stated the easy thing to do,to protect ourselves and say yes we are following all the legal things,is to approve it and be done with it,but what he is looking at is if this was coming up for the first time and he had to look at it and say is it right to allow this. He stated Fleet Landing doesn't own the property and the gas station pays a premium for their property frontage on Mayport Road and therefore bought the right to advertise on Mayport Road. He stated,as valuable as Fleet Landing is to our community they don't own any property at that location on Mayport Road. He stated looking at the site plan for Kangaroo there is no place to move their sign. He stated if this was coming up for the first time and the gas station said please don't put this in front of our sign because it going to adversely affect our business, would he approve it. He stated the answer was no. Commissioner Fletcher stated if we heard this brand new today he does not believe they would be allowed to consider a neighbor fussing, because it is not their job to provide sightlines in the way they approve signs. He stated Fleet Landing first put up their sign 10-15 years ago, and since then the Kangaroo sign has obstructed that coming from the north and now the Walgreens sign obstructs them coming from the south. He stated they are looking to rectify that and he doesn't believe the Commission should be in the position to referee. He stated there is no legal reason not to approve the sign and he doesn't weigh a lot of input from a non-conforming sign from the Kangaroo complaining about the sightline. He stated every time something gets built, somebody's sightline gets affected,so he is inclined to support it. Commissioner Parsons stated we don't look at things like what if,this is what it is and he believes they have the right to have their sign where it is and Kangaroo will have to take down their sign in less than a year and a half anyway. Mayor Bomo asked if grandfathering comes into this at all. Ms. Doerr stated if you were considering this location right now for the first time,you would have a hard time telling Fleet Landing they can't put their sign three feet away from where their old sign was. She stated it meets the setback requirement now and the old sign did not it meets May 23,2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pane 11 the 8 foot height limit and size requirements. She further stated she does not believe it was ever the intent in the sign discussions that every commercial monument sign or free standing sign look like the Welcome to Atlantic Beach signs,although they talked about it for parks, subdivisions, but she does not recall discussions about commercial signs. Commissioner Woods stated this is a residential sign. Commissioner Parsons added that Fleet Landing is not a total residential area. it also has a nursing home and does have commercial usage in there. Commissioner Woods asked how much the sign cost to put there and what it would cost to move it. Mr. Ashby stated it was$20,000 to put the sign in. He stated there would be no visibility if it was moved back. Votes: Aye: 3—Borno,Fletcher,Parsons Nay: 2—Daugherty,Woods MOTION CARRIED B. Approval of Final Order on Wolfson appeal. City Attorney Jensen stated, as explained at the previous meeting, this had to be reduced to a written order setting forth the findings of fact and conclusion of law based on what was heard and the record presented to Community Development Board,which is what this order attempts to reflect. Commissioner Parsons explained there was a lot of confusion after an article in the paper, which misled a lot of people, stated we were doing the variance and that was what we were asked to do as a Commission. He stated that was not what we were asked to do. He clarified what the Commission was asked to do was to determine whether procedural due process was afforded, whether the CDB applied the correct law, and whether the findings of the CDB are supported by competent substantial evidence. He asked that the press correct that because what was published was wrong. Motion: Approve Order Affirming Decision of Community Development Board, as submitted. Moved by Parsons,Seconded by Daugherty. Votes: Aye: 4—Borno,Daugherty,Fletcher,Parsons Nay: 1—Woods MOTION CARRIED C. Possible Naming of a Park in Honor of Commissioner Dezmond Waters. Mayor Homo stated this was brought up at the time Commissioner Waters passed away with the thought that it was something we might like to consider doing. He stated he met with Commissioner Waters' family and they like the idea. He stated they could either leave the area known as Mandalay Park and put below it, in memory of Commissioner Dezmond Waters, Ill or they could rename the park as the Commissioner Dezmond Waters Memorial Park. PIOQ li • °reefON`°° `/i i -±- z i Ptillit!lill zP 9GAL • INN 20' 0 O z .n < _ � V/ 0 I 10.--------1 i t yam_ 1 it "Iri—aap II&I i I ill s I - 1' I I 7 74 . 4 II illt1/44,1411* / . I it ! ....„7. , i , . . , .. i 1 ,,, I cot(4u+�+�r,,o-ur�ra.op v) Ovwczt 121G1d)tm4 ['d 12W1b2:13.I. ?2.2 -9bg-be, O :VFW 3 8 :1406. tit T:60 0102-2-d35 *._:0.W.4'-,,,' i , s j A . IPP F .«... ` :dr -+'�... �. 1111 ... _jaillialir FLEET SIGN OBSTRUCTING KANGAROO SIGN " ti . z 1�.• 4 .�i 1 r" - 'I`5UI1fir'�' 1 u 4 5 astill AN (rA •FLEET SIGN OBSTRUCTING KANGAROO SIGN 1;01:4;77., 411 Pitt , 14. .%'""•--4..9"4■11g141.,_ 4iTe, VM1 i I\lbliglimk - 11111,, , ,fir,'e` i, `�_+g57++ 4 0�.. , k ( ....- \ , -' , -viiiiiktikb can ■ ' ' 1 ' 1 — -.., - \''.....i A — _ 1/1 t ft v." . ■., . r .. 4:Tr,'kit _ a FLEET SIGN UNDER TRANSMISSION LINES / r .. • :let'401... �Iri: **f• •�.,y .Tie l ;% - • e _ . . .rte 1 _ rgillii FLEET SIGN UNDER TRANSMISSION LINES KANGAROO SIGNAGE BUILDING PERMI.r APPLICATION CITY OF ATi.AtQ7-IC BEACH D 1 �' 800 Seminole Rood,Atli,.stic Beach,.FL 32233 , Office(04)247-5826 'an(904)247-5845 A • doh Address: 2425 4layrnt .ProA Permit Number: Legal Description OR-Zs-dq f z.14 PT(py7(,0T Z Rf[0 0/R/, �Pareei M I G�39R-oe 00 ablation u(Nbrk 1 2.160,00 Pro Arm if Sq Ft. no E Proposed Work henteNr Doled non-heated/cooled Class of%lurk lcirele oriel New Addition( ' Repair Mror Or,m,I too, pool spa n oohrw.door Use ofetistimepropused strudurehl circle oriel: ■ mmermal Residemial If es nMiag structure,I. fire sprinkler system lasnnled.(Circe one). Yes No N,A Florida Prualuct Sppmsal n For multiple pradnets est pridtie7 appros s orm— Dcscribe in detail the type of work to be peKomled, .S t)ts4P-Repktee eyiS't n5 CI1an4 e4bte (ve l rlt:e numerals wltl -curs cm-14lff LeD -(01 f'rwe nurnalS. sign (Ate AiunitS,at • remissly Owner lnforsntbl: 1l r y4 /e+aln 4 ise $405.' Came: -. Address: 141 Chy 0(-4/4 34te zip 3411 Plume v ---- — F-M ai'on Fan n it(aoriWl Centrtor nfora Company Name Den Bell Sgwt s LL!. _WahfyingA t:_ ref II Ulan Ash x,. 3=S C'0$ PPlace City�Op-f hp 3 Z i 21- f)fftce Phone 3{f, 771$ $C�k4_,_Job Site/Contact Number 35,_144-411 t Fax#3;yp 7b S.- bZ State Crnilicalioo'Repistmtiona F„>l.rcoyyt__- Architect Name&Phone• '— ------ — Engineer's Name R Phone* foe Simpk tine Holder Name and Address .-.._-.. Bonding Cantomy Name and Address Mongage Lender Name and Address - IN'N, kis A k "-ma k•do flu aired a,d ia.roaHwnsra,.mtilaaa IOOONS thou per r I. nor ostort,r.Aro tommenrsx yrwr k.l4 r 1 N and lbw!lihn,Mx/nlnuarrFror.�/�A[ �Anl•..ralr b.•nyvANn.a 4`J do rA. lrew,e.tali r �rwll 1. .,rl.•ra fi�•u unrrraGnuAW .�w•r,rnr m.niA.,k nnegxr olu. rWawrnr.,r.»r..rA.,„erne/,"akxr+..Y�ne,1,nr�erg.slier,ilatl:n.ee..n«e,ers:.11auxn, fa4 re/6 f err. WARNING TO OWNER:YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD.4 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. !Av Ar F Aar 1 M mu/a.d ;end «. rd.1. 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CauinisaANllllln farawm Na.OD tm06ti DATE: 1/15/13 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS REPORT PAGE 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOO SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC REACH FL 32233 APPLICATION NSR . 13-00002459 ADDRESS 2425 MAYPORT RD APPLICATION DATE 4/11/13 APPLICATION TYPE . . : SIGN PERMIT OWNEP • ANDREWS ENTERPRISES INC 1741 CLATTER BRIDGE RD OCALA FL 34471 CONTRACTOR • AGENCY NAME: PLANNING 6 ZONING DATE ACTION ACTION BY 4/15/13 DISSAPPROVED- 1ST REVIEW ERIKA HALL PER SECTION 17-51(31: NONCONFORMING SIGNS SHALL BE MADE CONFORMING WITH ALL PROVISIONS Of THIS CHAPTER WHEN THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE MADE: (b) Any change which incr..... illumination; (di Any change which alters the material used for the display area or face area by more than twenty-five (25) percent. f/2 d 2901 f9L'Of a MS C92 .1a0 Bu)p11n9 65.21 Si-10•£102 • City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER , Building SemB DepaRoad rtment (to be assigned by tee Budng Deportment 800 - or Adansc Beach Force 3223-5415 Phone*ea15•..... m 4 4 2n407.-58(N208 r•run ins 247-:A4` Date booted CM web-ane herdilrww mab ry _ APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: L32 11.25/7/17/ /r RI Department roviow required 1 Yes Me Q G 'Su it• 6i Applicant: , ,(,/I 11 S/��l s �_�_-•�.a•&Zonis Tim n tenwuatui Project: a79 1) /L/f C• Public Works_ Public Utilities Fire Sautes __.. .. Review fee$ Dept Signature or Permit Rc u�retl Ruview Ur Relvipl Date Other Agency Reriew 9 of Permit Venried By .^ Florda Dept.ef En Tnnera Protector Fonda Dept.of IrwitpMitot St Joh a rive Waller M eteesnenl Mend Army Corps of acmes DM+Wn Cf P cf Milline end Renames Dineen dAlaahleic Beverages end Tobacco other. APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: LjApprovsd. MMed. Circle one! Comments: BUILDING 9 /� V 8 LANNING ZDJANG Reviewed by.. /4,0, ate: d 1 (5/'0)3 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: I '.Approved as revised ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments' PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by. Date FIRE SERVICES Third Review: OAplawed es revised, ODatied. �.._ Comments: Reviewed by: Date. eeeaea 0747115 3 . ..; City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Blinding Deportment cT:.x o gze by Mc BMldn!g Dopur000nt t .:: BOO Seminole Road /3 ' Mantic ch.c Bea Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5828•Fax(e04)247-5845 Wit/ 3 Emdl t9-dab,Ye Date routed _ "•.•`. City webefla Ittpi www.coab.ua APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: O7 1477 0/%/ � �d Department review required.Yes•No .yam /' uiUin�• .... _ Applleanr. :JGi1 6�// .�vCj/7.`� lam,�� 4z Tree In Project: < -79 h /L if C Public Works —. -- Ptak IA9ties Public- _-- Fite Swim Other Agency Review or Permit Required of Psemk ysdBW By Date floria Dept et Ew l Mo.vrl Pralacson Ronde Dept d Transportation St Johns River Warr Management Demo Army Cape Or ESOOS ee Division el Holds old Restaurants D iwblon or Alcdlolio Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS "yr• Reviewing Department Flret Review: OApproved. Monied' _JDsnied. tCvd one.) Cemme the ! 7 .1( pG 16lawwi4 44; BUILDING /f0 eerieRax./ac tt . ok WV' PLANNING&ZONING Ror,ie, yl,. /N fj rA`)1 Deo 4•/,-13 TREE ADMIN. Second Revive: ❑Approved as revised. QDe vied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBUC UTILITIES PUBUC SAFETY Reviewed by: ----....— Date: FINE SERVICES hued Review: []Approeca 00 rueined. ODenier Comments: Reviewed by: Date: wnrne • ' )(YS 19.13 i 2g$11 �qi!��r� B City dI l Atlantic Beech 11''.. Mv.n be ZION litnI y kty ,, Mu0IdMg Department '^Ny no 0010357 be me&wig• I A,. A Meets 0a 322335N6 • 1r�.. /. -a 5. �7 � Pnorwwe;a50.te7-58:w26.wFax es(9Ce)2* Cie' ee Y 0 C.yal Wme N^t ePiAbeb s ua APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: 02142. , /T Pc/ De• %!bent review •ul 111711:7 itn!IraDMMINIMMIr- Applicant. 7JL n 16 ii LS" h S e '.111111111 Project: 79 r' / / C ' -_ -- -- 1111111- Agency Reels or Pere*Required Reviver er leecdpt DM* Other dPermRVelReih cwraa Dem it Ererarneral rondo% Ponds Oct aura rwgaRNen St goin.R■er wow Menegenee Dom moo Cogs of Enyneis Ovgbn d rook end Rwd,rwu wrier of Noerwo 1e.egM and%bocce Dew . APPLICATION STATUS pa Reviewing Oartm.et Feet Review: ❑Apeored. Devoe teen*one l Csn neerom N fad Revewed by Give/—lam"" Dale 0/1005,r. TREE ADMIN. Second Review ', AaP•evea n vv:sw. COenwd PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Ree.e ed by �4t.4-. /L•, OM 45 26V FIRE SERVICES Third Redden DAPP'ooed es'writes Opened Comments' Reviewed by Dele' w.w.*Mrs f/1 d 29L'f9L 99£ « MS Ly2 •idap BUIpIyne 8521 St-,o-£102 T- SPECIFICATIONS: NOM ATTCSENTT DETAILS TRAM FOR SOTH M0AN 11N�� et 11 10•11/11•MUOMMTRIMANOVELDE DON BELL MOMS TO REMOVE AND D4CARD: ""—-- -"" •�• �•• y NL PINRR0CAMEIRMLND � ONE;I�CRRNET COWAN... ■ INV MI Y.INDAR0O'FACES No ww......• Woe TWO(21'KANGAROO rKPRrsr FACES TWO P',DIVIDER MRS. f ' ONCII:CAR.,CONTAINING TWOIx)IMAM SINGLE PRICE GAS PAU FACES TWO(2)'ATMLOTTO,ACTS it WO(2)SEAN STREET FACES w FOUR Hl 2.Z DNIOFR BARS L +L�aE�B ONE CARNET CORTARO ' ..... 1 j TW0I2)'CIEL 2ONE•SAGES E ..rI FROM EXISTING PYLON SIN. .' ?? on TORAMNe.Ml3NMQU: 4{ 1; ONE SLY'X T T I.A'CABINET CONTAINING It gilt TWOM EY/0 6ED POLYP RBONATI YAfgMgOEXE ESS'FACES: ONE III a-0I E.11N'CABINET COWMEN. I IWO M,PAN FORMED POLYCARSONATE GAS PHI.EAL;ES W.IT LED DIGITAL PRICE UNITS .r+r ! % INSTAL I ALI NECESSARY CONPoMFATS IN PROPER LOCATION ■E l'IL SKYLINE SENCIFK:ATONS. ai INTEGRATE DIGITAL PRICER W+P00 SYSTEM PEN PANTRY C} ,.111 OF'II • INTEGRATION INSTRUCTION GUIDE ' OW TO PR0VIDFAWRIONAL CIRCUIT FOR SCROLLING ,:••---� I�1 111� aA3[DOLTS NOS HEM. N•NMI Yra.M DI'vI"Rrs crotolEYEfXxeilA'd£ . 1,,Fgs,11 .E/EEEY PER PANTRY: r ■ e EE.D+E IM NSW NON N11IN TEEN Ew r./ # I PtI • O ,M ON KANGAROO EXPRESS YELLOW.PM31235C lf7 o sale 0 ~�'yfIBIIRU �YNIIMIWE�• KANGAROO EE0:PALS 2000 } N .EF.. DiE-EBEM ' ■BLACK . q S Ma D. Sal 1--2 ^; �.N. :+L:..I EAi81,NGFA,EY FA/D=PYLON lo go g IOC PLEASE MOTE:/MS D ES NOT DECREASES SAL USED Y MD AREA TAN M%SORT I�••jw ,� IT DOES 10T ALTER ASES THE USED BY MORE THAN 25% ---- SITE PLAN ON SHEET 2 kill �� ICEMl„. TRY Eaa1 O M BVF BM MO TO 080 DISCARD . ONE DI ILANDA CONTACES ONE II)rAwsmo'rACES I EP R.w E ONE III`SWARM txPIN 3.7.ALES j OM DT I InTOIYO N BARS: — Yr.EEPVNVMEIEEANn O K : _. P NNME _j Olt MAMMA.(MOLL HIKE MO PRCrrAOp O }w T EiD GREET. CST DINE III WNNOTTO.FACES 7 T,,,,,•JONIDER EARS TRLA EXISTNDMOG BIN.. K 001110 PAEINCATE EMIM1: 1 nw.or.w...na. ewwlNA.w Eno.. WKr S'_y'.E.T 1H'GARNET CONfAN NO N 1'E TI FDc.a., O,An j `nn zs-'+cEL I 1 3._:)1 f X+R. aNe,,AO- ..ABA 1c:K ANNC. .—_-.. i *WDR:PAN NAILAILD PO.YLARBOMTE GAS 'S Nt PACE FACCS W•C LED DIGITAL PRICE VIES Q ,,,,ALL NELESSARY W1.001 11814 MOP.LOCA11016 pa fl� PER BKYI.AF.BPEC PACER W. A t y INTff.MTf TA PACER W/OS SYSRU RR RAM' .1 INTEGRATION w-TGU:Tau r ! f PDS TO INTEGRATION UNCUT 1ON 9CPOlLNG : �.� yl y i �l• , tt ++, DI OEDRECNICIODM£ -_ •'•�-- ° .• Nan.,....... I i{i N I!I PLRIWN111 • w III PI KANGAROO EXPRESS YELLOW: S 12060 PLEASE NOTE THIS DESIGN DECREASES THE ILLUMINATED AREA BY S2.B SWiT O IT DOES NOT ALTER MATERIALS USED BY MORE THAN n%. ■KANGAROO RED:PINS 2000 (REPLACING EXISTING PYLON USED A MONUMENT SNOT THE FLEES 0 E TO VCORNNER RIGS) CAUSED BY BLOCKAGE FROM THE FLEET _ ■ w• IANOWG CORNER B BUCK I ._�...���w�I it � i ; PN-M fil( 1111111 i... r,b Y M �• REGULAR ..INte ..v...I.N.:.e oe font Reuel.U.2 0DA A'S IE' MM.N..IS DARK W i't l3 1.458 E GE��E NAMRT EAw Mt EW•NT=A■ PERMITTED SIGN DESIGN(JUNE 6,2013) 1p am-, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH p! $00 SEMINOLE ROAD 6 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Vs,'" INSPECTION PHONE LINE 2474814 Application Number 13-00002458 Date 6/06/13 Property Address 2425 MAYPORT RD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . 2960 Application desc NEW SIGN AND ELECTRIC Owner Contractor ANDREWS ENTERPRISES INC DON BELL SIGNS LLC 1741 CLATTER BRIDGE RD 5472 WARD LAKE DR OCALA FL 34471 PORT ORANGE FL 32128 (386) 763-4741 Permit SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . ALTERATIONS 48 SF Permit Fee . . . 75.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . 12/03/13 Other Fees STATE DCA SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE ELEC DCA SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE ELEC DBPR SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 2.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75.00 75.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 8.00 8.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 83.00 83.00 .00 .00 U. o\ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ,,.� 800 SF\I INOLE ROAD Vr hr " ATLANTIC BEACH,FI. 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 Application Number 13-00002458 Date 6/06/13 Property Address 2425 MAYPORT RD App1iratinn type deerriptinn RT(:N PFPMTT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . 2960 Application desc NEW SIGN AND ELECTRIC Owner Contractor ANDREWS ENTERPRISES INC DON BELL SIGNS LLC 1741 CLATTER BRIDGE RD 5472 WARD LAKE DR OCALA FL 34471 PORT ORANGE FL 32128 (386) 763-4741 Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . WIRE SIGN ALTERATION Permit Fee . . . 90.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . 12/03/13 Other Fees STATE DCA SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE ELEC DCA SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE ELEC DBPR SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 2.00 PPP ellmmary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 90.00 90.00 .00 .00 Plan Cheek Tulal .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 8.00 8.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 98.00 98.00 .00 .00 .... .. 1 4' 4 . V . , . . .. •I 41 . 1 I .,, ..,... 1 1 0:„,,,,,,,i•NV. •,,,...".:71:4.,;‘,1 . , ,..i. ,. .71"ilf,,, .. . .,... . ..44,041,1mai .. . , ._,...... 0.. , 111\ r ' ...*-• 'VI* L'i• . i.' ' ',:'*74'■*V.r A x „ ••:: , # , , . , • ..,„......--_j r. ' . . , .. . 1 .. r - 1 • I ' I , .• - -- ..... .... ......... AIIIIINIIIIIIIIINNII"1"a- ---':'----.7 -....7-7_ .. . , . KANGAROO SIGNS ACTUALLY INSTALLED IRECEIreallZak EON EHLOSEIE TO IEYON MO WARM $010.Nll.O.FMT DETAAA TIMM PEW eOM MOW •,••• ORE III CANNES CONTAIN: _ „�`� --1 TNDE 1OMIDN100'FACES 4/^�'��r Y I, ymTS•wrTevN ' TWO RI IMMONK*WREN'FACES .. r. IMOP,EDNUaEANa ...,.......�... 011E ID GENET COM OR O: :.- WA NI MANUAL SINGLE PRICE OAS PRICE FACES 1WO IN TERN STREET PACES IC RNI2 ur MEER SANS - _TET ONE CIBPETCONOINEO' I I *NO FD TAU.TCNE'FACES ■ 1 FROM EXISTING ME OM 1 , EN TO MINUTE ANNUL. ((1.11�{ .- OIE!'aari,M MONEY T I`C.Y ,, �.�, YYITH FLUORESCENT LOOM. 11�i AM E ONE 3.0,r-E TM CANET ,e WON FIYIOPEBCENT LIGHTING i;1 � I EMS TO NICENE.ISMS EROO•T S.NTAl1 1MO ITN PAN FORMED P0.YCARSOMNE C) MINMIIDDESRE881000 FACES. 3 MORI IM4FONME0 P0.YCAMONME .y-r i IMMTl1011 L000 RCM f1 G 1 'MOM FAN-FORN®POLYCHEMUS GAE k f PRXE FACESYP,r LEO DO0AL PRICE WOE: 1 4i. RUNT PYLON PER MNNNON SPECS � �E .1 II NSOLL N.VECESWIY CONPOERNS N PREPERLOCIUMNS ,y^'�'"1 T I s® ( t PER SKYLINE SPEORCANONIA .1iiIiii NIEORATE pINTRUCTION GPOESYSTEM PEN PAIFIRf MI NIEORATOI INSTRUCTION GUM M 'y.mTr.D.P +q •'•^'., E S TO PROVIDE ACOMON.CNCUI FOR SOHOLLPO PYm,.q ONSDIMS S,�. FILE m - OPr gl Fm „ D,•.. ... , MAM1MO11IiE FACES IEYOTHERS p wNn..w F.a•rW. a„F me•,kM' + gNWU.IR a.2y �MCaa PYLON CARNETS: m P iMsri ' f 1 MARATHON EXTRA WRITE I .....................................I . Y(-' � 1FAi 1- COSMO ME YEW Of mDNN , ...24 rte✓ ..... ,..,. . .._... etanartirdaMSF asm�� PLEASE NOTE TIES OIEIOIfTE ILLONNATIp AREA ay ems own R AU ER NOTAL#WTERIALf{NIID.Y MORE THAN EE% -. _1 ~NSW 1401 SIGN DESIGNS ACTUALLY INSTALLED-NO PERMIT iffilicalcAMMIt ENE OWL MRS ONAININ AND O.tlHNO: , / lq,.,iii POE 111 CANETCONMNNfi: i' tttC v.• ONE 1111MNONi00'BCE r-.;7—I , ;.•�^. Ae S�1 • .1••W.01NDn.NN,u aE 1,11MN'KANGAROO EEPREEC FACE 19: ' i ',.Y '� 1 OPE HI E 12 DMOEREAN: +ranANEINvN.evn 06EI11 CAEPET OONTANPO. t 0103441a Nom O )11 LlATAlM SMILE GAS PRICE FACE I HE ti OE(ITRIM-OTTO.FACES �.• - ONE IP'SEAN STREET FACES { - - TWO p1:12 DINNER EARS A FROM EXPSTND PYLON MOH. I; E ■ AMY OM IOMNNCATIANNIML — esr.oaw-wwm-r awola.l..aw wrwa.a [` ONE 1/u•.,\]r 1118'C,r-i1MbT CARNET WRM S Sli■t■i FLUORESCENT UOR110. 1 T 0*00 OEM•- .I-i1MIf CARNET YIRM -.-..._ _.__. _. 9/i ,____ ROONESCONTLIGH N0: - - it i •Tra MOP=TOMMY*MOP NOWT IMiALL: ...•a ONE IN PWNFOrEOP LSCMw E .TE .. g Y MARATHON L000 FIDE M ONE SE PANFOIMRO POLYCARBOASE OAS .-� ss _.. PRICE FACE M,r TED DAMN PRICE UWTE: Q 1 ` e - I --�--- i PANT PYLON NOCAATIONS MATCH L JJ � I� 1 MSTALL AU. Li S ) EE1MLL ALL NECESBARYCOYPOMFNTe N PROPER LOGTONS ,. PER SOME SPECFICRGONS Y 3 P{' INTEGRATE ddTK PROER YWPOS SYSTEM PER PANTRY n. i{l I 1 i ` 1N NTEONTON NSTRUCTON WOE. MA'.- RO(AIA) 116. • -- pr.4}•q.i151 OS STO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CIRCUIT FOR SCRO 1/PO OAS CANTS PLEASE NOTE:THIS OENNNS D 'KITS THE ILLWINMTW AREA SY 62.E SORT I I 1 POE RUNE( R.Oli NOT ALTER MATERIALS USED NY MORE THAN 20%..�r• A GOLOBINCEICRi1�M (REPLACING UMW PYLON WISH A MONUMENT RI NOT PYLON I DUE TO NNINATY ISSUES CAUSED BY BLOCKADE 61101E TIE FLEET LANDING CORNER NON) MARATHON EXTRA WRITE.GLIDES r .rr3SOf I.-1 MARATHON EXTRA WHITE.GLOSS T�{I n FMARATHON PAGES BY OTHERS ..mw Fw NW. KANGAROO EXPRESS FACES: i—rrA�� VII „w R•,.m-,.aw TN,•..-w ti.a.l w.rw Rm 1 'mss Q/'NaQ N NEGULATI ArAMN.006RO WOO•.au Dw_ S AI 13.2F613Yr/ font NUNN NEC 2"03rr0 4,3 ix. ' MO NN:IV HIMITE Y 6•101 p.RN M RIOT NEN T'-I I IM S r0' ®W •NQT 51/4 11111111 „, .....i_JT,......A„..„..... (II ® Ii , , I I L A I Iii _._,, I, i glinfollieitealges-01— i ''— ............ liWa OP.41.ews 1 19,11•V 1.,.11 aor11,94,71,11,01 en.C.311,ED 61.1......“0.71....C.. I i i I VT .....t*cne='.11 WO ,--- 'II t... ■ — ."..—. % .....•...el perms ,. fDEVAL .Si liirrinE5Filr—PI— met Por.S.W.C.,.2 oh...... a..4.arte Foaral ..... ..... 7.... I..0..............• ,...,:topr.....,....,... 6.1.P... . 5 0 ■ O ,/ I i I Cl. •• /3-24-, 55 , fFIV •Ittt . Mr , 1 Iii . \ 1 1.-1 ... Tr r..• ....... 11111111111111111111111v3 IIII 1 ill 1 i I SAP .40,.. I Ili d IMRE I I El M ■ eraC31=111fts at eifflossinam,„,— 0 ....•01.4,:w■SSIDE..7 0..e. 1 is ifiraRreffink 1221datiNcria&Thaa 0 °mart PCLEIR 10.10.411.11ORMNICE.M.001 ii. CMS TOMMY!MARC;MO ARIMILL MUM*ILACM MORS IWO RI I VMARATOR CHARM/aria sea 11.1,54/3 WAX MOBS TEEN OM COLUIANMOUPAED lAIM MARKER MONS MAR STACK 110-ACR MOM OBS TONNA,/AND INSTALL. ALL REGUATORY WARNING OECALRETHANOL CFMINT CARD RAW CANOPY SIGN SORT MI § IIIII NumeRs.cowrsurFun NB DECALS MEMORIAM I KA NMI LOGCR 323 MAT ON TOMER OM PARER 1 It CHANNEL LETTER 8E1 7j$ T EGRTEEN otg Mr,Re Or r ROUND UNDER CANOPY CCUAIMS CARO%SION TOTAL MU SCOT SOITYINVO in SMARM po ecock 32CAMPY I OTHER) EMHT la UNIT POLES. MIMI,1•01 COMM VENT STACK SIORCT 3/4 mammal 1511/TIRSEll 45..x... SIGN DESIGNS ACTUALLY INSTALLED-NO PERMIT ■I ' - -a l' z 11: 14 t , . -q.c Vrtti . -ft - 4.. -----'''-, 1, °. ' u'r. ' • ' '444 ay,4,,,p`,p 3 ,---' "'” ----",, '1,- ■ ,,t0,,,,„ ' • '''',', ' ,,Jyyr'4.1-,A'..'' 1■ ■ .!.; ,5" l' - ' '—' -..-.4'-'-'-'' .,' ..14-,,f''''' • f• ,. 1, 1"'-"..' 1%,*44./ / 1 ' "'IA''''l: ' ■...--,-;"-1- \ ,,14.9 i ,' e., ' 1 ,111 .111k,,e/, "4-e-,% , •• . /A.c%rt,,-/1,f,„.4, -..'-,',,,,,./0,1",/,,, ,,,,,.„--;:r<4.- 1- L„, 'IP ..:,.•"7' ',, ' ' „„ ,,,4,.. -,;.'lfr,,,I,4.fr4",,, ',;,.,..te,,,,,,04,,,,,41.,' ,-^,!.?;.,0 ,f 1 -3 ,-,4,5,11, ,,,;,,,,,:,;-/ (7 . , / • •... ' 0.-.-- • •?' , ' 0,,F, t.,i1 SIsn 4 Z — IT S, t.,../. , .-,,-L,,,, '" ",..1 , • •11 ,44,0, .._ .7 '■ ,,,, er 0,,i 4.5. .,,, / , ' ^'''''K ,..4474'.1.~,4, I I., E1104"3 __-_-- ---- !.... t ,„.. , „ •,,;,::,,,,„-a.•%'• Aili" -_-:. -7 .., ------•--------, „--r-z-.-.,-_ _ gse t,G,-,. , —Aar - ' _ ' t . I ---_ _0501 sok P,* P 14 1 .. l_ -- - M_ --"' ' - • vn 1,h.. a 1 1 - _ _ WW1 IN'5 etiatt PR. A ,F I S P A T F 4,m) , 1-A ' Z.; ■,I I ..aatza har2.... Coq WA..Beach ;?I' pyon..aml SW.0..... '----- arum II.111,gto.1 We.“enplYndivnlIN pagWatle _ -■ I nr«==.7............, 1 1 _ L .e.0.041...1,1....,• 1 — ... -: r- ---y:.-e-Y_ _ ..._ ..,-Eft,Vk.. NM •— ts-vcse rev i A- A— .111.1111111111141141111111114114111.1111.11111111111•111111111114‘