6-22-15 Workshop MINUTES OF WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 22, 2015 PRESENT: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty(arrived at 5:10 p.m.) Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark ALSO: Nelson Van Liere, City Manager Rich Komando, City Attorney Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary Call to order. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. in the Commission Chamber. 1. Discussion of Strategic Plan. Mayor Woods gave an overview of the Strategic Planning Workshop held on May 4 and 5, 2015. She explained five values were identified and defined: Integrity, Stewardship, Respect, Financial Responsibility, and Professionalism. She stated they developed a mission statement as follows, "The City of Atlantic Beach is responsive in providing the highest levels of service, safety and access while maintaining our infrastructure, vast network of parks, natural and fiscal resources. We are committed to preserving our small beach community way of life for future generations." She stated tonight they will be discussing the priority objectives of each goal and give direction to staff on how to merge these items they believe are important within our budget. She stated there were five strategic issues, the first one being Planned Development/Redevelopment. She stated the priority objectives were to minimize conflict between incompatible uses and create the Mayport Corridor Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) with light industrial and job creation. Discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated we are looking at our Codes to make sure we are reducing the conflicts so when we maintain the light industrial and encourage the residential that there are buffers between non-compatible uses. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he believes the objective to review zoning codes and lot coverage and restrict footprints and to allow for percolation and tree canopy is a major objective they should be looking at, giving the Poinsettia area as an example. Commissioner Hill stated he believes they need to contact the DOT about our pedestrian safety on Mayport Road. Mayor Woods stated the next goal was Infrastructure with the priority objectives being to improve roadways, gateways, and intersections for recognition; safety lighting; aesthetics; plan for pedestrian bike paths throughout the City; develop a master plan for City facilities, repair and expansion; and develop a traffic management plan for increased mobility and safety. Commissioner Hill stated he believes the citizens need to know, related to the bike paths, that they won't build anything that is not going to make their life better and although it may be in their front yard in the City right-of-way, the idea is to make it safer and better for everyone. Discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated the next goal was Protection of Natural Resources with the priority objectives to institute a tree management plan to protect and preserve a healthy canopy; create a Parks Master Plan; and implement acceptable elements of the Marsh Master Plan. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he had a conversation with the City Manager related to underground utilities, which is an astronomical sum of money for the entire City. He stated the City Manager stated we could look at the trees that are being dessimated and determine what value the citizens would place on having the utilities going underneath a tree like that which is on the City's right-of-way. He stated we would pay to have the utilities go underneath those kinds of trees and every year we would do so many of them so over a period of 10-15 years you would then have a tree canopy that would be full instead of cut by JEA. Commissioner Hill stated the City should also adopt a standard over our roadways of height, due to safety. He stated if we are going to attempt to increase the canopy, we should also keep it safe. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Hill stated, related to the Parks Master Plan, that he would like to have the City adopt more of a ranger-style approach as an overall technique of managing our employees. He stated it would benefit the City to have a uniform presence in the parks and even a maintenance-minded person can pick up some of the cross roles of a park ranger. He stated we can give our employees training and increase their roles in what they do in the parks,which would have a secondary effect of increased safety. Mayor Woods stated the next goal was Public Safety and the priority objective was to institute a community-oriented policing approach; to review the lifeguard policy and length of the season, locations, and intergovernmental cooperation; finalize and implement the plan for expansion and renovation of the police department; continued positive working relationships with other law enforcement agencies; institute regular communication with fire service provider; citizen engagement; and review and maintain up-to-date emergency management plan and communicate it to all elected officials, staff and citizens. Mr. Van Liere stated all of these are important and will be handled with our Public Safety Department. Commissioner Daugherty stated the only area not covered under this is Animal Control and asked if there is any area we need to look at. Mr. Van Liere stated we currently have two Animal Control officers which should be plenty for our beach and he believes we have the right level of service in that area. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he has received comments stating that Animal Control could be in a smaller vehicle that would be able to go around during the more populated times, instead of 6:00 a.m. when there is only one person on the beach with a dog. He stated the major concern is when there are a lot of people on the beach and the individuals are not really paying attention to the leash laws. Discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated the next goal is Operational Excellence, with the priority objective being to develop a succession plan for City employees; to assure fiscal responsibility and encourage innovation mechanisms to enhance efficiency and effectiveness; maintain viability of pension plan; remain competitive in pay and benefits for recruitment and retention of staff; explore potential for initiative regularly scheduled intergovernmental jurisdiction summit meetings; and explore use of a performance measurement system in the City. Commissioner Hill stated he is very comfortable with what we are doing right now in that area but doesn't want the City Manager or Human Resources Director to feel like we might be mandating a performance measurement system, because he doesn't believe we are. He stated he has seen marked improvements in employee morale and doesn't believe we need to tie any hands right now. Discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated another goal is Citizen Engagement, with the objectives being to enhance citizen engagement through a variety of methodologies, develop and deliver consistent, concise message -2- regarding City activities and accomplishments; refocus Town Hall meetings, themes and increase notification and marketing; consider establishment of an ombudsman position to assist the public in dealing with the City; and increase and encourage use of volunteers, advisory boards, training recognition and Police Academy graduates. Commissioner Mark stated she believes the Town Hall meetings are a great way for citizens to have a conversation with elected officials but the attendance has been lukewarm lately. She stated they need a primary subject matter that they would be focused on to get citizen input, which may help bring more people out. Discussion ensued about changing the next Town Hall Meeting from July 18 to July 20 at Jordan Park. Mayor Woods asked that the City Clerk's office check the availability of Jordan Park on July 20 from 6:30 — 8:00 p.m. and let the Commission know. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he wants to look at the different methodologies they can use to enhance citizen engagement and suggested bringing this to the next Town Hall meeting. He asked how the website program is working for people who add their email addresses to receive information. He also asked if there are other areas where signage could be put for people in cars other than the one at City Hall. He stated he would like a strategy session with the Commission to discuss how citizens could receive information. Commissioner Daugherty suggested using Twitter. Commissioner Hill stated he believes they should consider reopening a brief rebuttal or end discussion at the end of the meetings for citizens. At the request of Mayor Woods, Mr. Van Liere reported the budget workshops are on August 12 and 19 in the Chamber. Further discussion ensued and the Commission stated they want to have a meeting with the public to discuss various issues including bike paths. It was decided they would schedule a meeting for this after the school year begins. 2. Courtesy of the Floor Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Chris Jorgensen, 92 W. 3rd St., discussed visioning meetings he has attended and stated he would prefer to see the elected City officials prioritize themselves rather than have an expert prioritize for them. No one else spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Adjournment There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m. ATTEST Carolyn Woods ��� ���� Mayor/Presiding Officer ,4 Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk -3-