ABCC - AS BUILT REPORT FOR THE TIMBER BRIDGE .':1 --r ........,.. ...--- ' -li ii-----
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Zeyn B. Uzman, PE, SE, PEng, F.NSPE
Structural Engineer
June 17, 2014
York Bridge Concepts
, 20724 State Road 54
Lutz, Florida 33558
Re: Atlantic Beach Country Club
As-Built Report
Dear Brian:
I have reviewed the construction photos you provided. After reviewing these. I can certify that the timber
bridge was constructed in accordance to the contract plans. The bridge is structurally adequate to support
the required design loads.
If you have any questions. please feel free to contact me.
0. \_RHAN ',,
Sincerely: ;���• '• r,�
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No 5887.
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-yn B. U • _n, PE. SE, PEng '-,IFS OH�U,N��;
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305 Charleston Greene
Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355
(610)407-7085 fax
zeynu @aol corn
Zeyn B. Uzman, PE, SE, PEng, F.NSPE
305 Charleston Greene
Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355
(217) 652-6737
(610) 407-7085 fax
April 24, 2014
York Bridge Concepts TM'
2420 Brunello Trace
Lutz, Florida 33558
Re: Atlantic Beach Country Club
Fire Truck
Dear James;
I am writing to certify that the vehicular bridges are designed in accordance to the
AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications. The design loading used is an HS20-44 truck
that has a total weight of 72,000 pounds. This bridge will be structurally adequate to
support an occasional 84,000 pound fire truck
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely; \0`yRHAN v
.4J • -\c EN'S4 ?1,.9Z,
No 58874 •.
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Z- n B. Uzman, PE, SE, P- g, F.NSPE -. STATF OF .:4f,". .:
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Zeyn B. Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Project Data:
Atlantic Beach Country Club
Vehicular/Pedestrian Bridge
Jacksonville, Florida
York Bridge Concepts
Tam pr Florida
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No 58874
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Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Design Loads
Vehicular: Design Load: 72 kip
Wheel Load: 16 kip
Pedestrian: Uniform Loading: 85 psf
Geometry and Loads:
Pedestrian Vehicular
Decking: 3 x 8 in. RS 1 Decking: 4 x 12 in. RS 1 0=S4S
Wood: Southern Pine Grade No.1 Wood: Southern Pine Grade No.1 1=RS
Fb: 1500 psi Fb: 1350 psi
Stringer: 3 x 8 inch S4S 0
Wood: Southern Pine Grade No.1
Fb: 1500 psi
Fv: 175 psi
Spacing: 1.333 ft
Span: 6 ft
Load Beam: 4 x 12 inch RS 1 0=S4S
Wood: Southern Pine Grade No.1 1=RS
Fb: 1350 psi
Fv: 165 psi
Spacing 6 ft
Span: 8 ft
Glulam: 6.75x37 in. Glulam: 6.75x34.5 in.
Width: 6.75 in. Width: 6.75 in.
Depth: 37 in. Depth: 34.5 in.
Wood: Southern Pine Grade 24F-V4 Wood: Southern Pine Grade 24F-V4
Fb: 2400 psi Fb: 2400 psi
Fv: 190 psi Fv: 190 psi
Trib.Area: 4.00 ft Trib.Area: 2.25 ft
Span: 53 ft Span: 53 ft
Size: 12 x 12 inch RS 1 Pile Spacing: 4.96 ft 0=S4S
Fb: 850 psi #of Piles: 5 1=RS
Fv: 165 psi #of Stringers: 10
Total Dead Load: 25.546 kips Total Live Load: 119.200 kips
Pile Size: 14 in dia. Hgt of pile above ground: 2 ft
Skin Friction: 400 psf F,: 1200 psi
Post Spacing: 5.00 foot Rail Size: 2 x 8 in
Height: 42 inch Post Size: 8 x 8 in
Rail 50 lb/ft Size: 2 x 8
Loading: 200 lbs. Fb: 1,350 psi
Fv: 165 psi
Bolt Load: 1125 lbs/bolt
Bolt Allowable: 6100 lbs/bolt
Post Spacing: 5 foot Rail Size: 6 x 10 in
Height: 22.5 inch Post Size: 10 x 10 in
Rail 0 lb/ft Fb: 1,350 psi
Loading: 10000 lbs. Fv: 165 psi
Rail Shear: 10000 lbs.
Post Top Force: 10000 lbs. Bolt Load: 11338 lbs/bolt
Post Shear: 10000 lbs. Bolt Allowable: 24500 lbs/bolt
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern.PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Compactor Model: C8B Soil Coef: 0.0025
Factor of Safety: 3 Insertion Rate: 6 in/min
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 3 x 8 inch Stringer Spacing: 1.333 foot
Fb: 1,500 psi
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade No.1 RS
Design Load: 0 kips
F'5=FbC,,,COCFCVCLCf„Cr Wheel Load: 0 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
Cm 0.85 Actual Member Properties:
Co 1 Thickness: 3 in S= 12.00 in'
CF 1 Width: 8 in A= 24.00 in`
Cv 1
CL 1
Cr 1.15
F'b: 1,686 psi
Area: 0.00 in2
Length: 8.75 in
Width: 21.88 in
Loading: 0.00 k/k
Dead Load Moment: 0.001 k-ft
Truck Moment: 0.000 k-ft
Uniform Moment: 0.013 k-ft
fb= 14 psi OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 3 x 8 inch
Fb: 1,500 psi Stringer Spacing: 1.333 foot
F,,: 175 psi Span: 6 foot
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade No.1 S4S
F,,=FbC„,CDCrCvCLCf„C, Design Load: 0 kips
F'0=F,,C,„Co Wheel Load: 0 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
Cm 0.85 0.97
CD 1.15 Actual Member Properties:
CF 1 Thickness: 2.5 in S= 21.90 in
Cv 1 Width: 7.25 in A= 18.13 in`
CL 1 I= 79.39 in°
Cw 1
C, 1.15 Distribution:
rb: 1,686 psi DF= 0.33325
F',,: 195 psi
Wheel Load= 0.00 kips
Bending: Shear:
Dead Load Moment: 0.09 k-ft w12/8 Dead Load Shear: 0.06 kips
Truck Moment: 0.00 k-ft PL/4 Truck Shear: 0.00 kips
Uniform Moment: 0.51 k-ft w12/8 Uniform Shear: 0.34 kips
fb= 330 psi OK fv= 33 psi OK
Dead Load 0.00 in
Truck Live Load 0.00 in
Unif.Live Load 0.03 in
L/240= 0.30 in OK
L/360= 0.20 in OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 4 x 12 inch
Fb: 1,350 psi Beam Spacing: 6 foot
F 165 psi Span: 8 foot
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade No.1 RS
Dead Load: 0.105 kip/ft
F'b=FbC,,CDCFCvCLCI„C, Design Load: 0 kips
F',,=F„C,,,CD Wheel Load: 0 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
C,, 0.85 0.97
CD 1.15 Actual Member Properties:
CF 1 Thickness: 4 in S= 96.00 in”
Cv 1 Width: 12 in A= 48.00 in`
CL 1 I= 576.00 in°
Cn, 1
C, 1
Fb: 1,320 psi
F',,: 184 psi
Bending: Shear:
Dead Load Moment: 0.84 k-ft w1218 Dead Load Shear: 0.42 kips
Truck Moment: 0.00 k-ft P(L-6) Truck Shear: 0.00 kips
Uniform Moment: 4.08 k-ft w12/8 Uniform Shear: 2.04 kips
fb= 615 psi OK tv= 77 psi OK
Dead Load 0.01 in
Truck Live Load 0.00 in
Unif.Live Load 0.05 in
L/240= 0.40 in OK
L/360= 0.27 in OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 6.75x37 inch
Fb: 2,400 psi Tributary Area: 4.00 foot
Fv: 190 psi Span: 53 foot
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade 24F-V4
Dead Load: 0.138 kip/ft
F'b=FbC,,,CoCFCvCLCf C, Design Load: 0 kips
F'„=F„C,DC0 Wheel Load: 0 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
C,„ 0.8 0.875
Co 1.15 Actual Member Properties:
CF 1 Thickness: 6.75 in S= 1540.13 in'
Cv 0.89 Width: 37 in A= 249.75 in
CL 1 I= 28492.31 in
C,,, 1
C, 1 Distribution:
F'b: 1,965 psi DF= 1
F',,: 191 psi
Wheel Load= 0.00 kips
Bending: Shear:
Dead Load Moment: 48.47 k-ft w12/8 Dead Load Shear: 3.66 kips
Truck Moment: 0.00 k-ft PL/4 Truck Shear: 0.00 kips
Uniform Moment: 119.38 k-ft w12/8 Uniform Shear. 9.01 kips
fb= 1,308 psi OK Iv= 76 psi OK
Dead Load 0.54 in
Truck Live Load 0.00 in
Unif.Live Load 1.32 in
L/240= 2.65 in OK
L/360= 1.77 in OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 4 x 12 inch Stringer Spacing: 2.25 foot
Fb: 1,350 psi
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade No.1 RS
Design Load: 72 kips
F'b=FbC,,CDCFC,CLC,„C, Wheel Load: 16 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
C,,, 0.85 Actual Member Properties:
CD 1 Thickness: 4 in S= 32.00 in'
CF 1 Width: 12 in A= 48.00 in`
Cv 1
CL 1
C,„ 1.15
C, 1.15
Fb: 1,518 psi
Area: 160.00 in2
Length: 12.75 in
Width: 31.88 in
Loading: 6.02 kilt
Dead Load Moment: 0.008 k-ft
Truck Moment: 3.049 k-ft
Uniform Moment: 0.054 k-ft
fb= 1146 psi OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 6.75x34.5 inch
Fb: 2,400 psi Tributary Area: 2.25 foot
F,,: 190 psi Span: 53 foot
Wood Grade: Southern Pine Grade 24F-V4
Dead Load: 0.097 kip/ft
F'b=FbC,,,CDCFCVCLCI„C, Design Load: 72 kips
F',=F,C,CD Wheel Load: 16 kips
Uniform Loading: 85 psf
C,, 0.8 0.875
CD 1.15 Actual Member Properties:
CF 1 Thickness: 6.75 in S= 1339.03 in'
0.89 Width: 34.5 in A= 232.88 in`
C1 1 I= 23098.29 in°
C, 1 Distribution:
Fe: 1,972 psi DF= 0.5625
191 psi
Wheel Load= 9.00 kips
Bending: Shear:
Dead Load Moment: 34.00 k-ft w12/8 Dead Load Shear: 2.57 kips
Truck Moment: 185.91 k-ft PU4 Truck Shear: 15.62 kips
Uniform Moment: 67.15 k-ft w12/8 Uniform Shear: 5.07 kips
fb= 1,971 psi OK fv= 117 psi OK
Dead Load 0.51 in
Truck Live Load 1.31 in
Unif.Live Load 0.92 in
L/240= 2.65 in OK
U360= 1.77 in OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvem,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Allowable Stresses: Design Data:
Size: 12 x 12 inch
Fb: 850 psi Pile Spacing: 4.96 ft
F,,: 165 psi Number of Piles: 5
Number of Stringers: 10
F'„=F„C,,CO Total Dead Load: 25.55 kips
C,,, 1 1 Total Live Load: 119.20 kips
CO 1.15
CF 1 Load/pile: 28.95 kips
Cv 1
CL 1 Actual Member Properties:
Cf„ 1 Thickness: 12 in S= 288.00 in3
C, 1.15 Width: 12 in A= 144.00 in2
F'b: 1,124 psi
F',,: 190 psi
Bending: Shear:
Dead Load Moment 3.17 k-ft Dead Load Shear: 4.26 kips
Live Load Moment: 14.78 k-ft Live Load Shear: 19.87 kips
fb= 748 psi OK f„= 251 psi NG
Pile Size: 14 in dia. Area: 153.94 in2
Surface area: 3.67 in2 f,= 188.06 psi
Pile Load: 29 kips F,,: 1200 psi
Skin Friction: 400 psf F',,=F,COC,C„C,,C,C,,
Hgt of pile above ground: 2 ft CO= 0.9
C,= 1
Embedment length: 20.00 ft C,,= 1.18
C,o= 0.8
Total Length: 24.00 ft C,,,= 1
Ke= 0.8
Drive pile to: 22 ft or to 14 Tons l/d= 4.8 OK
C= 0.85
KcE= 0.3
FcE = 19531 psi
F',,= 1020 psi
Cp= 0.99
F'c= 1,011 psi OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Post Spacing: 5.00 foot Allowable Stresses:
Height: 42 inch Size: 8 x 8
Fb: 1,350 psi
Use Pedestrian Loading Fv: / 165 psi
Top Rail: 2 x 8 Top Rail F',=F„C,,,CD
Loading: 50 lb/ft C,,, 1 1
200 lbs. Co 1.15
Moment: 250 lb-ft CF 1
fb= 228 psi OK Cv 1
CL 1
Shear. 125 lbs. Ch, 1
fv= 17 psi OK C, 1.15
Post: 8 x 8 Post
Top Force: 250 lbs. Pb: 1,785 psi
FY: 190 psi
Moment: 10500 lb-in
fb= 149 psi OK
Shear. 250 lbs.
fv= 7 psi OK
Anchor Bolts:
Load on Bolt: 1125.00 lbs./bolt
Allowable: 6100 lbs./bolt OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvem,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Post Spacing: 5 foot Allowable Stresses:
Height: 22.5 inch Size: 6 x 10 & 10 x 10
Fb: 1,350 psi
Use 10,000 pound Concentrated Load Fv: 165 psi
Rail: 6 x 10 in.Top Rail F'b=FbC,,,CoCFCVCLCr„C,
Loading: 0 lb/ft
10000 lbs. C,, 1 1
Moment: 12500 lb-ft Co 2
fb= 3132 psi OK Cr 1
Cv 1
Shear: 10000 lbs. C1 1
fv= 287 psi OK 1
C, 1.15
Post: 10 x 10 in.Posts
Top Force: 10000 lbs. F'b: 3,260 psi
F'v: 330 psi
Moment: 225000 lb-in
fb= 2526 psi OK
Shear: 10000 lbs.
fv= 211 psi OK
Anchor Bolts:
Load on Bolt: 11338 lbs./bolt
Allowable: 24500 lbs./bolt 1-1/4 Bolts OK
Zeyn B.Uzman,P.E. Project Atlantic Beach Country Club
305 Charleston Greene Project# FL-0575
Malvern,PA 19355 Designer zbu Date 27-Feb-14
(217)652-6737 Checked Date
Compactor Model C8B
Weight: 2170 pounds Factor of Safety: 3
Oper.Pressure: 2250 psi
Hydraulic Flow: 38 GPM
Cycles: 2000(cyc/min)
Soil Coef: 0.0025 (0.0025 Sand/0.0008 Clay)
Insertion Rate 6 in/min
Power: 25714 I bs.-ft./sec
Pu= 140457
Allowable Pile Capacity: 23 tons
LOADING-HS 20-44(MS18)
Spans in feet; moments in thousands of foot-pounds; shears and reactions in thousands
of pounds.
These values are subject to specification reduction for loading of multiple lanes.
Impact not included.
End shear End shear
and end and end
Span Moment reaction(a) Span Moment reaction(a)
1 8.0(b) 32.0(b) 42 485.3(b) 56.0(b)
2 16.0(b) 32.0(b) 44 520.9(b) 56.7(b)
3 24.0(b) 32.0(b) 46 556.5(b) 57.3(b)
4 32.0(b) 32.0(b) 48 592.1(b) 58.0(b)
5 40.0(b) 32.0(b) 50 627.9(b) 58.5(b)
6 48.0(b) 32.0(6) 52 663.6(b) 59.1(b)
7 56,0(b) 32.0(b) 54 699.3(b) 59.6(b)
8 64.0(b) 32.0(b) 56 735.1(b) 60.0(b)
9 72.0(b) 32.0(b) 58 770.8(b) 60.4(b)
10 80.0(b) 32.0(b) 60 806.5(b) 60.8(b)
11 88.0(b) 32.0(b) 62 842.4(b) 61.2(b)
12 96.0(b) 32.0(b) 64 878.1(b) 61.5(b)
13 104.0(b) 32.0(b) 66 914.0(b) 61.9(b)
14 112.0(b) 32.0(b) 68 949.7(b) 62.1(b)
15 120.0(b) 34.1(b) 70 985.6(6) 62.4(b)
16 128.0(b) 36.0(b) 75 1,075.1(b) 63.1(b)
17 136.0(b) 37.7(b) 80 1,164.9(b) 63.6(b)
18 144.0(b) 39.1(b) 85 1,254.7(b) 64.1(b)
19 152.0(b) 40.4(b) 90 1,344.4(b) 64.5(b)
20 160.0(b) 41.6(b) 95 1,434.1(b) 64.9(b)
21 168.0(b) 42.7(b) 100 1,524.0(6) 65.3(b)
22 176.0(b) 43.6(b) 110 I,703.6(b) 65.9(b)
23 184.0(b) 44.5(b) 120 1,883.3(b) 66.4(b)
24 192.7(b) 45.3(b) 130 2,063.1(b) 67.6
25 207.4(b) 46.1(b) 140 2,242.8(b) 70.8
26 222.2(b) 46.8(b) 150 2,475.1 74.0
27 237.0(b) 47.4(b) 160 2,768.0 77.2
28 252.0(b) 48.0(b) 170 3,077.1 80.4
29 267.0(b) 48.8(b) 180 3,402.1 83.6
30 282.1(b) 49.6(b) 190 3,743.1 86.8
31 297.3(b) 50.3(b) 200 4,100.0 90.0
32 312.5(b) 51.0(b) 220 4,862.0 96.4
33 327.8(b) 51.6(b) 240 5,688.0 102.8
34 343.5(b) 52.2(b) 260 6,578.0 109.2
35 361.2(b) 52.8(b) 280 7,532.0 115.6
36 378.9(b) 53.3(b) 300 8,550.0 122.0
37 396.6(b) 53.8(b)
38 414.3(b) 54.3(b)
39 432.1(b) 54.8(b)
40 449.8(b) 55.2(b)
(a)Concentrated load is considered placed at the support.Loads used are those stipulated for shear.
(b)Maximum value determined by Standard Truck Loading.Otherwise the Standard Lane Loading governs.
Table 1B Section Properties of Standard Dressed (S4S) Sawn Lumber
Standard Area Moment Moment Apprnxile in ponds per hear foot(bMt)
Nominal Dressed of Section of Section d
Size Size(S4S) Section Modulus Inertia Modulus Inertia of piece when density of wood equals:
bxd bxd A S,,, 1. Syr 1yy
Inches x Inches in2 in3 in4 Ina 1114 25 IMO 30 lb/t13 35113/f13 40 b/f13 45 bAt3 501b/t13
1 x 3 3/4 x 2-1/2 1.875 0.781 0.977 0.234 0.088 0.326 0.391 0.456 0.521 0.586 0.651
1 x 4 3/4 x 3-1/2 2.625 1.531 2.680 0.328 0.123 0.456 0.547 0.638 0.729 0.820 0.911
1 x 6 3/4 x 5-1/2 4.125 3.781 10.40 0.516 0.193 0.716 0.859 1.003 1.148 1.289 1.432
1 x 8 3/4 x 7-1/4 5.438 6.570 23.82 0.680 0.255 0.944 1.133 1.322 1.510 1.699 1.888
1 x 10 3/4 x 9-1/4 6.938 10.70 49.47 0.867 0.325 1.204 1.445 1.866 1.927 2.168 2.409
1 x 12 3/4 x 11-1/4 8.438 15.82 88.99 1.055 0.396 1.465 1.758 2.051 2.344 2.637 2.930
2x 3 1-1/2x 2-1/2 3.750 1.583 1.953 0.938 0.703 0.851 0.781 0.911 1.042 1.172 1.302
2 x 4 1-1/2 x 3-1/2 5.250 3.063 5.359 1.313 0.984 0.911 1.094 1.276 1.458 1.641 1.823
2x 5 1-1/2x 4-1/2 6.750 5.063 11.39 1.688 1.268 1.172 1.406 1.641 1.875 2.109 2.344
2 x 6 1.1/2 x 5.1/2 8.250 7.583 20.80 2.063 1.547 1.432 1.719 2.005 2.292 2.578 2.865
2 x 8 1.1/2 x 7.1/4 10.88 13.14 47.83 2.719 2.039 1.888 2.266 2.643 3.021 3.398 3.778
2 x 10 1-1/2 x 9-1/4 13.88 21.39 98.93 3.489 2.602 2.409 2.891 3.372 3.854 4.336 4.818
2 x 12 1-1/2 x 11-1/4 18.88 31.64 178.0 4.219 3.164 2.930 3.516 4.102 4.688 5273 5.859
2 x 14 1.1/2 x 13-1/4 19.88 43.89 1 290.8 4.989 i 3.727 3.451 4.141 4.831 5.521 6.211 8.901
3 x 4 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 8.750 5.104 8.932 3.646 4.557 1.519 1.823 2.127 2.431 2.734 3.038
3 x 5 2-1/2 x 4-1/2 11.25 8.438 18.98 4.688 5.859 1.953 2.344 2.734 3.125 3.516 3.906
3 x 6 2.1/2 x 5-1/2' 13.75 12.80 34.66 5.729 7.161 2.387 2.865 3.342 3.819 4.297 4.774
3 x 8 2-1/2 x 7-1/4 18.13 21.90 7929 7.552 9.440 3.147 3.778 4.405 5.035 5.684 6.293
3 x 10 2-1/2 x 9.1/4 23.13 35.65 164.9 9.635 12.04 4.015 4.818 5.621 6.424 7.227 8.030
3 x 12 2-1/2 x 11-1/4 28.13 52.73 296.6 11.72 14.65 4.883 5.859 6.836 7.813 8.789 9.766
3 x 14 2-1/2 x 13-1/4 33.13 73.15 484.6 13.80 17.25 5.751 6.901 8.051 9.201 10.35 11.50
3 x 16 2-1/2x15-1/4 38.13 96.90 738.9 15.89 19.88 8.619 7.943 9.266 10.59 11.91 13.24
4 x 4 3.1/2 x 3-1/2 12.25 7.146 12.51 7.146 12.51 2.127 2.552 2.977 3.403 3.828 4.253
4 x 5 3.1/2 x 4-1/2 15.75 11.81 26.58 9.188 16.08 2.734 3.281 3.828 4.375 4.922 5.469
4 x 6 - 3.1/2 x 5-1/2 19.25 17.65 48.53 11.23 19.65 3.342 4.010 4.679 5.347 6.016 6.884 -)
4 x 8 3-1/2 x 7-1/4 25.38 30.66 111.1 14.80 25.90 4.405 5.288 8.168 7.049 7.930 8.811
4 x 10 3-1/2 x 9-1/4 32.38 49.91 230.8 18.89 33.05 5.621 6.745 7.869 8.993 10.12 1124
4x12 3.1/2x11-1/4 39.38 73.83 415.3 22.97 40.20 6.836 8.203 9.570 10.94 12.30 13.87
4 x 14 3.1/2 x 13-1/4 46.38 102.4 678.5 27.05 47.34 8.051 9.661 11.27 12.66 14.49 16.10
4 x 16 3.1/2 x 15.1/4 53.38 135.7 1034 31.14 54.49 9.266 11.12 12.97 14.83 16.68 18.53
5 x 5 4.1/2 x 4-1/2 20.25 15.19 34.17 15.19 34.17 3.516 4219 4.922 5.625 6.328 7.031
6 x 6 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 30.25 27.73 76.26 27.73 78.26 5.252 6.302 7.352 8.403 9.453 10.50
6 x 8 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 41.25 51.56 193.4 37.81 104.0 7.161 8.594 10.03 11.46 12.89 14.32
6 x 10 5.1/2 x 9-1/2 52.25 82.73 393.0 47.90 131.7 9.071 10.89 12.70 14.51 16.33 18.14
6 x 12 5.1/2 x 11-1/2 63.25 121.2 697.1 57.98 159.4 10.98 13.18 15.37 17.57 19.77 21.96
6 x 14 5.1/2 x 13-1/2 74.25 167.1 1128 68.06 187.2 12.89 15.47 18.05 20.63 23.20 25.78
6 x 16 5-1/2 x 15-1/2 85.25 220.2 1707 78.15 214.9 14.80 17.76 20.72 23.68 26.64 29.60
6 x 18 5-1/2 x 17-1/2 96.25 280.7 2458 88.23 242.6 16.71 20.05 23.39 28.74 30.08 33.42
6 x 20 5.1/2 x 19-1/2 107.3 348.8 3398 98.31 270.4 18.62 22.34 26.07 29.79 33.52 37.24
6 x 22 5-1/2 x 21-1/2 118.3 423.7 4555 108.4 298.1 20.53 24.64 28.74 32.85 36.95 41.06
6 x 24 5-1/2 x 23-1/2 129.3 506.2 5946 118.5 325.8 22.44 26.93 31.41 35.90 40.39 44.88
8 x 8 7-1/2 x 7-1/2 56.25 70.31 263.7 70.31 263.7 9.766 11.72 13.67 15.63 17.58 19.53
8 x 10 7-1/2 x 9-1/2 71.25 112.8 535.9 89.06 334.0 12.37 14.84 17.32 19.79 22.27 24.74
8x12 7-1/2x11-1/2 86.25 165.3 950.5 107.8 404.3 14.97 17.97 20.96 23.96 26.95 29.95
8 x 14 7-1/2 x 13-1/2 101.3 227.8 1538 126.8 474.6 17.58 21.09 24.61 28.13 31.64 35.16
8 x 16 7-1/2 x 15.1/2 116.3 300.3 2327 145.3 544.9 20.18 24.22 28.26 32.29 36.33 40.36
8 x 18 7-1/2 x 17-1/2 131.3 382.8 3350 164.1 815.2 22.79 27.34 31.90 36.46 41.02 45.57
8 x 20 7-1/2 x 19-1/2 146.3 475.3 4634 182.8 685.5 25.39 30.47 35.55 40.63 45.70 50.78
8x22 7-1/2 x 21.1/2 161.3 577.8 6211 201.6 755.9 27.99 33.59 39.19 44.79 50.39 55.99
8 x 24 7-1/2 x 23-1/2 176.3 690.3 8111 220.3 826.2 30.60 36.72 42.84 48.96 55.08 61.20
10 x10 9.1/2 x 9-1/2 90.25 142.9 678.8 142.9 678.8 15.67 18.80 21.94 25.07 28.20 31.34
10 x 12 9-1/2 x 11-1/2 109.3 209.4 1204 173.0 821.7 18.97 22.76 26.55 30.35 34.14 3723
10 x 14 9-1/2 x 13-1/2 128.3 288.6 1948 203.1 964.5 22.27 26.72 31.17 35.63 40.08 44.53
10 x 16 9-1/2 x 15-1/2 147.3 380.4 2948 233.1 1107 25.56 30.68 35.79 40.90 46.02 51.13
10 x 18 9.1/2 x 17-1/2 166.3 484.9 4243 283.2 1250 28.86 34.64 40.41 46.18 51.95 57.73
10 x 20 9.112 x 19-1/2 185.3 602.1 5870 293.3 1393 32.16 38.59 45.03 51.46 57.89 64.32
10 x 22 9.112 x 21.1/2 204.3 731.9 7868 323.4 1536 35.46 42.55 49.64 56.74 63.83 70.92
10 x 24 9.1/2 x 23.1/2 223.3 874.4 10270 353.5 1679 38.76 46.51 5426 62.01 69.77 77.52-
Table 1B Section Properties of Standard Dressed (S4S) Sawn Lumber (Cont.)
X-X Axis Y-Y Axis
Standard Area Moment Moment pounds per meat toot Obit)
Nominal Dressed of Section of Section of Approximate n Do
Size Size(S4S) Section Modulus Inertia Modulus Inertia d piece when density of wood equals:
bxd bxd A S. I, Sy ly
inches x inches in? in In.4 In.3 in.' 25 Ib/ft.s 30 bllt.s 35 blft.3 40 Iblft.3 45 Iblft 9 50 bll3
12x 12 11-112x 11-1/2 132.3 253.5 1458 253.5 1458 22.96 27.55 32.14 36.74 41.33 45.92
12 x 14 1 1-1/2 x 13-1/2 155.3 349.3 2358 297.6 1711 26.95 32.34 37.73 43.13 48.52 53.91
12x 16 11-1/2x 15-1!2 178.3 460.5 3569 341.6 1964 30.95 37.14 43.32 49.51 55.70 61.89
12 x 18 11-1/2 x 17-112 201.3 587.0 5136 385.7 2218 34.94 41.93 48.91 55.90 62.89 69.88
12x20 1 1-1/2 x 19-1/2 224.3 728.8 7106 429.8 2471 38.93 46.72 54.51 62.29 70.08 77.86 m
12x22 11-1/2 x 21-1/2 247.3 886.0 9524 473.9 2725 42.93 51.51 60.10 88.68 77.27 85.85 to
12 x 24 11-1/2 x 23-1/2 270.3 1058 12440 518.0 2978 48.92 56.30 65.69 75.07 84.45 93.84 ...I
14x 14 13-1/2 x 13.1/2 182.3 410.1 2768 410.1 2768 31.64 37.97 44.30 50.63 56.95 63.28 O
14 x 16 13-1/2x 15-1/2 209.3 540.6 4189 470.8 3178 36.33 43.59 50.86 58.13 65.39 72.66 2
14 x 18 13-112 x 17.1/2 236.3 689.1 6029 531.6 3588 41.02 49.22 57.42 65.63 73.83 82.03
14x20 13-1/2 x 19-1/2 263.3 855.6 8342 592.3 3998 45.70 54.84 63.98 73.13 82.27 91.41 .O
14x22 13-1/2x 21-1/2 290.3 1040 11180 653.1 4408 50.39 60.47 70.55 80.63 90.70 100.8 0
14 x 24 13-1/2x 23-1/2 317.3 1243 14600 . 713.8 4818 55.08 66.09 77.11 88.13 99.14 110.2 m
16x 16 1 5-1/2 x 15-1/2 240.3 620.6 4810 620.6 4810 41.71 50.05 58.39 66.74 75.08 83.42 XI
16 x 18 15-1/2 x 17-1/2 271.3 791.1 6923 700.7 5431 47.09 58.51 65.93 75.35 84.77 94.18 -I
16x20 15-1/2x19-1/2 302.3 982.3 9578 780.8 6051 52.47 62.97 73.46 83.96 94.45 104.9 r111
16x22 15-1/2x 15-1/2x21•1/2 333.3 1194 12840 880.9 6672 57.86 89.43 81.00 92.57 104.1 115.7 Cl)
16 x 24 15-1/2 x 23-1/2 364.3 1427 16760 941.0 7293 63.24 75.89 88.53 101.2 113.8 126.5
18 x 18 17-1/2 x 17-1/2 306.3 893.2 7816 893.2 7816 53.17 63.80 74.44 85.07 95.70 108.3
18 x 20 17-1/2 x 19-1/2 341.3 1109 10810 995.3 8709 59.24 71.09 82.94 94.79 106.6 118.5
18x22 17-1/2x 17-1/2x21-1/2 376.3 1348 14490 1097 9602 65.32 78.39 91.45 104.5 117.8 130.6
18 x 24 17-1/2 x 23-1/2 411.3 1611 18930 1199 10500 71.40 85.68 99.96 114.2 , 128.5 142.8
20 x 20 19.1/2 x 19-112 380.3 1236 12050 1236 12050 86.02 79.22 92.42 105.6 118.8 132.0
20 x 22 19-1/2x 21-1/2 419.3 1502 16150 1383 13280 72.79 87.34 101.9 116.5 131.0 145.6
20 x 24 1 9-1 19-1/2x23-1/2 458.3 1795 21090 1489 14520 79.56 95.47 111.4 127.3 143.2 159.1
22 x 22 21.1/2 x 21.1/2 462.3 1656 17810 1656 17810 80.25 96.30 112.4 128.4 144.5 160.5
22x24 21-1/2x23-1/2 505.3 1979 23250 1810 19460 87.72 105.3 122.8 140.3 157.9 175.4
24 x 24 23.1/2 x 23-1/2 552.3 2163 25420 2163• 25420 95.88 115.1 134.2 153.4 172.6 , 191.8
Table 4B Design Values for Visually Graded Southern Pine Dimension' Lumber
4 (2"-4" thick)''r2,3,4
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions,unless specified
otherwise.See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Design values in pounds per square inch(psi)
Tension Shear Compression Compression Modulus
parallel parallel perpendicular parallel of Grading
Species and Size Bending to grain to grain to grain to grain Elasticity Rules
I commercial grade class fication F5 Fr F, F,1 F, E Agency
Dense Select Structural 3050 1650 175 660 2250 1,900,000
Select Structural 2850 1600 175 565 2100 1,800,000
Non-Dense Select Structural 2650 1350 175 480 1950 1,700,000
No.1 Dense 2000 1100 175 660 2000 1,800,000 0
No.1 1850 1050 175 565 1850 1,700,000 1111
No.1 Non-Dense 1700 900 175 480 1700 1,600,000 U)
No.2 Dense 2'-4'wide 1700 875 175 660 1850 1,700,000
No.2 1500 825 175 565 1650 1,600,000 2
No.2Non-Dense 1350 775 175 480 1600 1,400,000 C
No.3 and Stud 850 475 175 565 975 1,400.000 a
1100 625 175 565 1800 1,500,000 C
Standard 4'wide 625 350 175 565 1500 1,300,000 ni
Utility 300 175 175 565 975 1,300,000 t1A
Dense Select Structural 2700 1500 175 660 2150 1,900,000
Select Structural 2550 1400 175 565 2000 1,800.000
Non-Dense Select Structural 2350 1200 175 480 1850 1,700,000
No.1 Dense 1750 950 175 660 1900 1,800,000
No.1 1650 900 175 565 1750 1,700,000
No.1 Non-Dense 1500 800 175 480 1600 1,600,000
No.2 Dense 5'-6'wide 1450 775 175 660 1750 1,700,000
No.2 1250 725 175 565 1600 1,600,000
1, No.2 Non-Dense 1150 675 175 480 1500 1,400,000
No.3 and Stud 750 425 175 565 925 1,400,000 SPIB
Dense Select Structural 2450 1350 175 660 2050 1,900,000
Select Structural 2300 1300 175 585 1900 1.800,000
Non-Dense Select Structural 2100 1100 175 480 1750 1,700,000
No.1 Dense 1650 875 175 660 1800 1,800,000
No.1 1500 825 175 565 1650 1,700,000
No.1 Non-Dense 8'wide 1350 725 175 480 1550 1,600,000
No.2 Dense 1400 675 175 660 1700 1,700,000
No.2 1200 650 175 565 1550 1,600,000
No.2Non-Dense 1100 600 175 480 1450 1,400.000
No.3 and Stud 700 400 175 565 875 1,400,000
Dense Select Structural 2150 1200 175 660 2000 1,900,000
Select Structural 2050 1100 175 565 1850 1,800,000
Non-Dense Select Structural 1850 950 175 480 1750 1,700,000
No.1 Dense 1450 775 175 660 1750 1,800,000
No.1 1300 725 175 565 1600 1,700,000
No.1 Non-Dense 10'wide 1200 650 175 480 1500 1,600,000
No.2 Dense 1200 625 175 660 1650 1,700,000
No.2 1050 575 175 565 1500 1,600,000
No.2 Non-Dense 950 550 175 480 1400 1,400,000
No.3 and Stud 600 325 175 565 850 1,400,000
Dense Select Structural 2050 1100 175 660 1950 1,900,000
Select Structural 1900 1050 175 565 1800 1,800,000
Non-Dense Select Structural 1750 900 175 480 1700 1,700,000
No.1 Dense 1350 725 175 660 1700 1,800,000
No.1 1250 675 175 565 1600 ,1,700,000
No.1 Non-Dense 12'wide' 1150 600 175 480 1500 1,600,000
No.2 Dense 1150 575 175 660 1600 1,700,000
No 2 975 550 175 565 1450 1,600,000
No.2 Non-Dense 900 525 175 480 1350 1,400,000
No.3 and Stud 575 325 175 565 825 1,400,000
Table 4D Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1
0 (Cont.) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions,unless specified
otherwise.See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Design values in pounds per square Inch(psi) •
Tension Shear Compression Compression Modulus
parallel parallel perpendicular parallel of Grading
Species and Size Bending to grain to grain to grain to grain Elasticity Rules
commercial grade classification Fe F, F„ F,i F, E Agency
Select Structural Beams and 1350 800 155 820 825 1,200,000 4
No.1 Stringers 1150 550 155 820 700 1,200,000
No.2 725 375 155 820 450 1,000,000 NELMA
Select Structural Posts and 1250 850 155 820 875 1,200,000
No.1 Timbers 1000 675 155 820 775 1,200,000 0
No.2 575 400 155 820 350 _ 1,000,000 m
Select Structural Beams and 1050 625 130 440 725 1,100,000 5
No.1 Stringers 875 450 130 440 600 1,100,000 Z
No.2 575 300 130 4.40 375 900,000 NLGA <
Select Structural Posts and 1000 675 130 440 775 1,100,000 C
No.1 Timbers 84x) 550 130 440 675 1,100,000
No.2 475 325 130 440 475 _ 900,000 m
Clear Heart Structural or
Clear Structural 1850 1250 145 650 1650 1,300,000
Select Structural 5'x 5' 1400 950 145 650 1200 1,300,000
SelectStructuralOG 1100 750 145 420 900 1,000,000
No.1 &larger 1200 800 145 650 1050 1,300,000 RIS
No.1 03 950 650 145 420 800 1,000,000
No.2 975 650 145 850 900 1,100,000
No2 O6 750 400 145 420 650 900,000
Select Structural Beams and 1200 675 140 435 825 1,300,000
No.1 Stringers 1000 500 140 435 675 1,300,000
No.2 650 325 140 435 450 1,000,000 WCLIB
Select Structural Poets and 1150 750 140 435 875 1,300.000
No.1 Timbers 925 600 140 435 750 1,300,000
No.2 550 350 140 435 525 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1200 675 140 435 825 1,300,000
No.1 Stringers 1000 500 140 435 675 1,300,000
No.2 650 325 140 435 450 1,100,000 WWPA
Select Structural Posts and 1150 750 140 435 875 1,300,000
No.1 Timbers 925 600 140 435 750 1,300,000
No.2 550 350 140 _ 436 525 _ 1,100,000
SOUTHERN PINE (Wet Service Conditions)
Dense Select Structural 1750 1200 165 440 1100 1,600,000
Select Structural 1500 1000 165 375 950 1,500,000
No.1 Dense 1550 1050 165 440 975 1,600,000
No.1 5"x 5' 1350 900 185 375 825 1,500,000
No.2 Dense &larger 975 650 165 440 625 1,300,000 SPIB
No.2 850 550 185 375 525 1,200,000
Dense Structural B6 2100 1400 165 440 1300 1,600,000
Dense Structural 72 1750 1200 165 440 1 100 1,600,000
Dense Structural 65 1640 _ 1050 165 440 _ 1000 1,¢041)00 .-
Select Structural Beams and 1100 850 125 425 775 1,300,000
No.1 Stringers 900 450 125 425 625 1,300,000
No.2 600 300 125 425 425 1,000,000 NLGA
Select Structural Posts and 1050 700 125 425 800 1,300,000
No.1 Timbers 850 550 125 425 700 1,300,000
No.2 500 325 125 425 500 1,000,000
Table 4.1 Design Values for Poles Graded in Accordance with
'r'o ASTM D3200
Design values in pounds per square inch (psi)
Compression Compression
perpendicular parallel Modulus of
Bendin• Shear to •rain to •rain Bearin. Elastici
Species Fb FY Fci Fe Fg E
Pacific CoaslDouglas-Fir 1850 MILIIIIIIIMMIll 1000 1200 1,500 00
004,141. r r rr » ,p rs y y lZib 01 4^, s.'o4 A ,•
Jack Pine ! ,,,,iCW ;....,,`�+J'.�?.,1, ..,,„`•�f a . 11.'t,..:VI 9 ljlr7,'y`1"2-• + .Gaa>.1 S<ixith .';r ., ., ..-�` . 4
Lodgepole Pine 1350 85 240 700 875 1,080,000
"}�.''4 Y4 a. - ,F1 i . r:St FYy.r ;y,.,%f. h? 2t i ..;::;... .r,„;;;:"..--;:-t.r "��1r �,
Northern Whte Cedar ,'fd '1'--(,,,.. ;-". I',, • 1.r `" r.4.-R`...:,f.''''.'"'.1''" CnJ rv. .._r 440E x<" r
Ponderosa Pine 1300 90 320 650 825 1,000,000 0
Red Pine .%- .,,:4;'`+ .:;,.> .. '.K in: .:.rT,F:.w:.ti -I L;,, rr.:"7 '" - N
Southern Pine 1700 105 320 900 1125 1,400,000 Z
Western Hemlock �.': �.. --:,"'-‘a.•� J .� ,,, t
Western Larch 2050,w 120 1. Y 1075 1125 1,460,000 c
Western Red Cedar ...,� � u .j ;�. Y �:,.. _.. .. , .... ~�__ . - m
Table 4.2 Design Values for Treated Round Timber Piles Graded in Accordance
with ASTM D2S
' Design values in pounds per square inch (psi)
Species Fe Fb F„ Fel E
Pacific Coast Douglas Fir' 1250 2450 115 230 1,500,000
Red Oak � ,. ...r...� a;;,.f., ,.�.. . ;.:..:
Red Pine3 900 1900 85 Mali 1,280,000
Southern Pine ,X... rd. °,.•.an•,w,_, .w.•. A x.-+H.u. .v.. .i:.,._ r ._ , 'a.,_. N._ .«,-. . ..
I. Pacific Coast Douglas Fir design values apply to this species as defined in ASTM Standard P1760-86. For connection design use Douglas Fir-Larch design l
values. I
2. Red Oak design values apply to Northern and Southern Red Oak. 1
3. Red Pine design values apply to Red Pine grown in the United States. For connection design use Northern Pine design values.
4. Southern Pine design values apply to Loblolly,Longleaf,Shortleaf,and Slash Pines.