7-27-15 Handout- Paul Eakin jf JJ r �
'"\u17 ? City of Atlantic Beach 772 i
s � = j Building and Zoning Department
l 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445
Phone : (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: Building-Dept @coab.us
J. Bradford Davis
Prosser, Inc
13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200
Jacksonville, Fl 32224
Re: Zoning Confiirnation 535 Atlantic Boulevard
Mr. Davis,
This letter serves to confirm that the proposed gas station at 535 Atlantic Boulevard is allowed by right as an
"automobile service station" in the Commercial General (CG) zoning district. The proposed use has been
reviewed by both the City Attorney and I. Additionally, no concurrency certificate will be needed for the
project. According to Section 24-276 (a) of our Land Development Regulations, "permits that do not authorize
an increase in the square feet of the development shall be deemed no impact projects and shall not require a
concurrency certificate". The proposed project is significantly smaller than the existing 20,000+ square foot
The City will require parking to be provided for the proposed retail use at 535 Atlantic Boulevard at one space
per 400 square feet of gross floor area. The city will also require that sufficient parking provided for the
adjacent parcel at 501 Atlantic, which currently houses the "Beach Diner". The city standard for restaurant
parking is one space per every four seats (including outdoor seating). As previously discussed, we will be able
to count some of the immediately adjacent on street parking that is in the city right-of-way in this calculation.
Please feel free to contact me at (904) 247-5817 if you have any additional questions.
Jeremy Hubsch
Building and Zoning Director
Oc ber 7, 2014
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From : Hubsch, Jeremy [ a 2014 4: 30 PM J
Sent: Tuesday, January
To: Duncan Ross
Subject: RE: 535 Atantic Blvd
Duncan ,
I found the answer right after we got off the phone . If look at commercial I . b . 15( t says ,s ,
"Those uses listed as permitted uses and uses- by- exception in CG .
commercial , professional , and office (CPO ) zoning districts" are allowed cl ents wish to gol sale of
gasoline is allowed in CG and a use - by- exception isn t nece Y your
s allowed , we will have to check with our city attorney to see if that is possible .
the 6 fuels n g pump
Just let me know and I can look into it.
Jeremy Hubsch
Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach , FL 32233
(904) 247 -5817
• 11 ! 29) • . • .
Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 6
Sec. 24-110. -Commercial limited district (CL).
(a) Intent. The CL zoning district is intended for low intensity business and commercial uses, which are
suitable within close proximity to residential uses, and which are intended primarily to serve the
immediately surrounding neighborhood. Subject to review as a use-by-exception, and dependent
upon compatibility with existing surrounding residential uses, certain more intense commercial
uses may also be appropriate. Permitted uses in the CL zoning districts shall not include large-
scale discount super-centers or"big-box" retailers or similar commercial uses intended to serve a
regional market. Uses shall also not include establishments for live entertainment, or adult
entertainment establishments, outdoor entertainment such as putt-putt golf and driving ranges,
skateboard facilities, firing ranges, amusement centers, computer game centers or video game
arcades and any type of token or coin-operated video or arcade games, movie theaters, tattoo or
body artists or studios, pawn shops, billiard and pool halls.
(b) Permitted uses. The uses permitted within the CL zoning districts shall be as follows:
(1) Service establishments such as barber or beauty shops, shoe repair, laundry or dry cleaning
pick-up,tailors or dressmakers; low intensity retail sales of items such as wearing apparel,
toys, sundries and notions, books and stationery, luggage and jewelry and similar uses; but
not sale of lumber, hardware or building materials or similar products.
(2) Art galleries, libraries, museums and cultural centers.
(3) Medical and dental offices, but not clinics or hospitals.
(4) Professional offices such as accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, optometrists and
similar uses.
(5) Business offices such as real estate broker, insurance agents, manufacturing agents and
similar uses.
(6) Banks and financial institutions without drive-through facilities.
(7) Convenience food stores without fuel sales, but not supermarkets.
(8) Restaurants without drive-through facilities.
(9) Drug stores and pharmacies.
(10) Government uses, buildings and facilities.
(11) Child care centers in accordance with section 24-152
(12) Residential use not to exceed the medium density category as established by the
comprehensive plan.
(13) Mixed use projects combining the above permitted uses and those approved as a use-by-
exception pursuant to subsection (c) below.
(c) Uses-by-exception. Within the CL zoning district,the following uses may be approved as a use-by-
(1) Medical or dental clinics.
(2) Churches and community centers.
(3) Banks and financial institutions with drive-through facilities.
(4) Convenience food stores with retail sale of gasoline limited to six(6)fueling positions.
(5) Printing shops.
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(6) Spas, gyms, health clubs and schools for the fine or performing arts or martial arts.
(d) Minimum lot size. The minimum size for lots within the CL zoning district shall be:
(1) Lot or site area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet.
(2) Lot width: Fifty(50)feet.
(3) Lot depth: One hundred (100)feet.
(e) Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for the CL zoning district shall be:
(1) Front yard: Twenty(20)feet.
(2) Rear yard:Twenty(20)feet.
(3) Side yard`. Ten (10)feet.
(f) Building restrictions. The building restrictions within the CL zoning districts shall be:
(1) Maximum impervious surface: Seventy(70) per_cent.Where existing impervious surface area
exceeds-seventy(70) percent on previously developed sites, new development shall not
exceed the pre-construction impervious surface area, and required landscaping shall be
provided in accordance with division 8 of this chapter. Stormwater management requirements
shall apply to infill development and to redevelopment projects involving exterior site
(2) Maximum building height: Thirty-five (35)feet.
(Ord. No. 90-10-212, § 2(Exh. A), 3-8-10)
Sec. 24-111. - Commercial general districts (CG).
(a) Intent. Within the City of Atlantic Beach, the CG zoning district is intended for uses, which provide
general retail sales and services for the City of Atlantic Beach and the closely surrounding
neighborhoods. New development and new uses within these districts should have direct access
to arterial or collector streets, and sites should be designed so that increased traffic through
adjacent residential neighborhoods is avoided. The City of Atlantic Beach is a predominantly
residential community, and it is a stated goal within the comprehensive plan that the residential
character of the city should be retained. As such, the appropriate level of intensity for general
commercial uses may be less than other communities with large commercial zones or a more
diverse mixture of uses in close proximity.
(b) Permitted uses. It is not possible to list all potential permitted or prohibited general commercial
uses within this section, but typical uses permitted within the CG zoning district shall include
neighborhood serving uses, which shall mean low intensity commercial uses intended to serve the
daily needs of residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. Such uses shall not include
manufacturing,warehousing, storage or high intensity commercial activities, or commercial uses
of a regional nature, or such uses that have the potential for negative impacts to surrounding
neighborhoods and properties due to excessive traffic, noise, light or extremely late hours of
operation or other factors that may adversely affect existing commercial uses or any nearby
residential uses.
Permitted uses shall also not include adult entertainment establishments, indoor or outdoor firing
ranges, indoor or outdoor flea markets,vendors on public rights-of-way, amusement or game centers,
tattoo or body artists, pawn shops, bingo halls, billiard or pool halls, game arcades, gaming, video
poker establishments, computer game centers, or games played on individual machines or computers,
including any type of card, token or coin-operated video or simulated games or similar activities or
machines which are played for any type of compensation or reward.
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Where a proposed use is not specifically listed in this section, the permissibility of the use will be
determined based upon its similarity to listed uses and the compatibility and potential for adverse
impacts to existing nearby uses. The uses permitted in the CG zoning district shall include the following
subject to the limitations as set forth within following subsection (d). Unless otherwise and specifically
provided for herein, all business activities, products for sale and services must be located within an
enclosed building properly licensed for such use.
(1) Retail outlets for the sale of food and drugs, wearing apparel, toys, books and stationery,
luggage,jewelry, art, florists, photographic supplies, sporting goods, hobby shops and pet
shops (not animal kennel or veterinarian), bakery(but not wholesale bakery), home
furnishings and appliances, office equipment and furniture, hardware, lumber and building
materials, auto, boat and marine related parts, and similar retail uses.
(2) Service establishments such as barber or beauty shop, shoe repair, restaurants with indoor or
outdoor seating areas but without drive-through facilities, health clubs and gyms, laundry or
dry cleaner, funeral home, printing, radio and television and electronics repair, lawn care
service, pest control companies, surf board repair in association with surf shops, but not the
production of surfboards, and similar service uses.
(3) Banks with or without drive-through facilities, loan companies, mortgage brokers,
stockbrokers, and similar financial service institutions.
(4) Child care centers in accordance with section 24-152
(5) Business and professional offices.
(6) Retail plant nursery, landscape and garden supplies. Live plants and nursery stock may be
located outside of the adjacent building licensed for such business, provided no obstruction
to walkways, parking and internal driving aisles is created.
(7) Retail sale of beer and wine only for off-premises consumption.
(8) On-premises consumption of beer and wine only in conjunction with a full service restaurant,
which is a food service use where unpackaged ready-to-consume food is prepared onsite and
served to the customer while seated at tables or counters located in a seating area within or
immediately adjacent to the building.
(9) Automobile service station with minor automotive repair and with accessory car wash.
(Note: Heavy automotive repair not permitted per Ordinance [Number] 90-06-197, adopted 12-
(10) Theaters, but not a multi-screen (exceeding two (2) screens) or regional cineplex.
(11) Hotel, motel, motor lodge, resort rental or tourist court and short-term rentals as defined
within section 24-17
(12) Institutional and government uses, buildings and facilities.
(13) Churches in accordance with section 24-153
(14) A single dwelling unit, where such dwelling is an accessory use to the principal use and
located within the same building as the principal use. Such dwelling unit is intended to be
occupied by the owner or an employee of the principal use.
(15) Those uses listed as permitted uses and uses-by-exception in the commercial limited and
commercial, professional and office zoning districts.
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Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 4 of 6
Residential use, consistent with the comprehensive plan, which permits residential uses not
exceeding the medium density category when in conjunction with, or adjacent to commercial
development and redevelopment, provided that such residential development shall not be
permitted within the coastal high hazard area. Policy A.1.11.1(b).
Single-family residential uses within the CG zoning districts existing as of the initial effective
date of these land development regulations shall be considered as vested development.
(17) Mixed use projects combining the above uses and those approved as a use-by-exception
pursuant to subsection (c) below.
(c) Uses-by-exception. Within the CG zoning district,the following uses may be approved as a use-by-
, exception where such proposed uses are found to be consistent with the uses permitted in the CG
zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing
commercial uses and any nearby residential uses:
(1) Pet kennel and facilities for the boarding of animals.
(2) Veterinary clinic.
(3) On-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in accordance with chapter 3 of this Code.
(4) Restaurants with drive-through service where the site contains lanes dedicated solely to drive-
through business (this shall not be construed to prohibit restaurants with carry-out service,
which are a permitted use).
(5) Limited wholesale pperations, not involving industrial products or processes or the
manufacturing of products of any kind.
(6) Contractors, not requiring outside storage, provided that no manufacture, construction, heavy
assembly involving hoists or lifts, or equipment that makes excessive noise or fumes shall be
permitted. Not more than one (1) contractor related vehicle shall be parked outdoors on a
continuous basis.
(7) Produce and fresh markets with outdoor sale and display of garden produce only.
(8) Cabinet shops, woodworking shops and surfboard production.
(9) Hospitals.
(10) Sale of new and used automobiles, motorcycles and boats, and automotive leasing
establishments, but not temporary car, truck, boat or motorcycle shows or displays.
(11) Businesses offering live entertainment, not including adult entertainment establishments as
defined by Section 847.001(2), Florida Statutes.
(d) Limitations on certain uses. Permitted uses within the CG zoning district shall not include large-scale
retail establishments,which for the purposes of this chapter shall be defined by their size and as
Large-scale retail establishments shall include those businesses, whether in a stand-alone
building or in a multi-tenant building, which occupy a floor area exceeding sixty thousand
(60,000) square feet including any interior courtyards, all areas under roof and also any other
display, sales or storage areas partially or fully enclosed by any means including walls, tarps,
gates or fencing. Large-scale retail establishments are commonly referred to as "big-box"
retailers, discount department stores, super-centers, warehouse clubs or by similar terms.
Such establishments may offer a similar type of products such as electronics or appliances or
office products, but more typically offer a wide variety of general merchandise and
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Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 5 of 6
departments, which may include home improvement, house-wares and home furnishings,
sporting goods, apparel, pharmacy, health and beauty products, automotive parts and
services and may also include grocery items. This definition shall not be construed to limit the
overall size of shopping centers as these are defined within section 24-17, but shall apply to
any building where businesses with separate local business tax receipts may share the same
interior space of a building which is not separated into individual units by structural fire rated
walls or that do not contain separate and distinct exterior entrances.
Intent. The intent of this limitation is to ensure that the city's limited commercial areas are
developed or redeveloped with uses that are compatible with the residential character of the
city and further,to implement related goals, objectives, and policies of the 2015
Comprehensive Plan, restated in part as follows.
Commercial and light industrial development shall be located and designed so as to minimize
adverse effects on residential areas, traffic facilities and the aesthetic character of the city
(Policy A.1.5.7).
(1) The city shall provide for land use, development and redevelopment in an efficient manner,
which supports the land use designations as set forth within the 2015 Future Land Use Map;
which enforces the residential densities and the limitations upon the type and intensity of
uses, and which results in development appropriate to the sensitive coastal location of the
city, particularly with respect to the predominantly residential character and small-town scale
of the city(Objective A.1.11—Appropriate land use patterns).
(2) The city shall encourage future development and redevelopment, which retains the
exceptionally high quality of life and the predominantly residential character of the City of
Atlantic Beach (Objective A.1.3—Maintaining residential character).
(e) Minimum lot size. The minimum size for lots within the commercial general zoning district shall be:
(1) Lot or site area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet.
(2) Lot width: Fifty(50)feet.
(3) Lot depth: One hundred (100)feet.
(f) Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements within the commercial general
zoning district shall be:
(1) Front yard:Twenty(20).feet, except that the front yard may be reduced to ten (10)feet where
required off-street parking is located at the rear or side of the building site, and the primary
business entrance is designed to face the street.
(2) Rear yard:Ten (10)feet.
(3) Side yard:Ten (10)feet where adjacent to existing residential use. Otherwise, a combined
fifteen (15)total feet with a five (5)feet minimum on either side.
(g) Building restrictions. The building restrictions in the commercial general zoning district shall be as
(1) Maximum impervious surface: Seventy(70) percent. Where existing impervious surface area
exceeds seventy(70) percent on previously developed sites, new development shall not
exceed the pre-construction impervious surface area, and required landscaping shall be
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Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 6 of 6
provided in accordance with division 8 of this chapter. Stormwater management requirements
shall apply to infill development and to redevelopment projects involving exterior site
changes .
(2) Maximum building height Thirty-five (35) feet.
(3) Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with section 24- 161 of this chapter.
Where existing uses, which do not provide the required number of off-street parking spaces
as set forth within subsection 24- 161 (g) are replaced with similar uses (such as a restaurant
replacing a restaurant), with no expansion in size or increase in number of seats, additional
parking shall not be required . Any increase in floor area or expansion in building size,
including the addition of seats shall require provision of additional parking for such increase
or expansion .
(Ord . No . 90- 10-212, § 2( Exh . A), 3-8- 10)
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Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 2 of 20
Alley shall mean a public or private way, which affords only a secondary means of access to
property abutting thereto, which is not otherwise designated as a thoroughfare for general traffic.
Alteration shall mean any change in the arrangement of a building; any work affecting the
structural parts of a building; or any change in electrical, plumbing, heating or air conditioning systems.
Animal hospital. See "Veterinary clinic" or"Hospital."
Apartment house. See "Dwelling, multifamily."
Applicant shall mean the title owner of record, or his authorized representative, of lands that are
the subject of a request for a change in zoning classification, a use-by-exception, a variance, an appeal
or any development permit.
Appraised value shall mean the value to an improvement or property as determined by a certified
appraiser. For the purpose of determining the appraised value,the certified appraisal shall have been
performed within the previous twelve (12) months.
Arbor shall mean a landscape element designed solely to support vines, branches or landscape
elements, and which does not contain any type of solid roof.
Assessed value shall mean the value to an improvement or property as determined by the Duval
County Property Appraiser in the manner provided by Florida law.
Automotive service, minor shall mean the limited, minor or routine servicing of motor vehicles or
parts, but shall not include heavy automotive repair. Facilities containing more than two (2)work bays,
and performing any type of automotive service or repair shall be defined as heavy automotive repair.
Automotive repair, heavy shall mean the repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of motor vehicles or
parts thereof, including collision service, painting and steam cleaning of vehicles.
Bar or lounge shall mean any place devoted primarily to the selling or dispensing and drinking of
alcoholic beverages.
Base flood elevation (BEE) [shall mean] the elevation shown on the FEMA flood insurance rate map
for zones AE,AH,A1—A30,AR,AR/A, AR/AE,AR/A1—A30, AR/AO,V1—V30, and VE that indicates the
water surface elevation resulting for a flood that has a one-percent chance of equaling or exceeding
that level in any given year.
Best management practice(BMP) shall mean the methods that have been determined to be the
most effective, practical and sound means to achieve an objective related to water supply, stormwater,
vegetative, conservation or environmental resource management.
Block shall mean an arrangement or combination of lots, the perimeter of which abuts street
rights-of-way or other publicly-owned lands.This may be construed to include approved subdivision
plans with lot arrangements or combinations where only a portion of the perimeter abuts a street
right-of-way or publicly-owned land.
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Atlantic Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Page 16 of 20
Travel trailer shall mean a vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and towed; designed
to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation and vacation uses; permanently
identified as a travel trailer by the manufacturer of the trailer; and when factory equipped for
the road, having a body width not exceeding eight(8)feet and a body length not exceeding
thirty-two (32)feet.
(b) Pickup coach shall mean a structure designed to be mounted on a truck chassis with sufficient
equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation and
vacation uses.
(c) Camping trailer shall mean a collapsible, temporary Dwelling covered with a water-repellent
fabric, mounted on wheels and designed for travel, recreation and vacation uses.
(d) Auto camper shall mean a lightweight, collapsible unit that fits on top of an automobile and
into the trunk with the cover removed, and is designed for travel, recreation and vacation
(e) Vans or similar enclosed vehicles specially equipped for camping.
Restaurant shall mean any establishment where food is prepared or served for consumption on or
off the premises or within an enclosed business or building.
Right-of-way shall mean the area of a highway, road, street, way, parkway, sidewalk, or other such
strip of land reserved for a public use, whether established by prescription, easement, dedication, gift,
purchase, eminent domain or other lawful means.
Salvage yard shall mean a place where discarded or salvaged materials, are bought, sold,
exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled or handled. Salvage yards shall include automobile
wrecking, house wrecking and structural steel materials and equipment yards, but shall not include
places for the purchase or storage of used furniture and household equipment, used cars in operable
condition, or used or salvaged materials from manufacturing operations or for any type of automotive
Screening shall mean the required treatment of land parallel to adjacent lot lines, containing either:
Densely planted trees and shrubs at least four(4)feet in height at the time of installation and of an
evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six
(6)feet at maturity; or an opaque wood, masonry, brick or similarly constructed fence, wall or barrier.
Where a fence,wall or similar type barrier is used, construction materials,finish and colors shall be of
uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition. Where appropriate, a
landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence, wall or trees.
Seat shall mean,for the purpose of determining the number of required off-street parking spaces,
the number of chairs. In the case of benches or pews, each linear twenty-four(24) inches of seating
shall count as one (1) seat. For areas without fixed seating such as standing areas, dance floors or bars,
each seven (7) square feet of floor space shall constitute a required seat.
Service station, automotive shall mean any building, structure or land used for the dispensing, sale
or offering for sale at retail of any automobile fuel, oils or accessories, and in connection with which is
performed minor automotive service, but not heavy automotive repair.
about:blank 7/13/2015
From: Duncan Ross
To Hubsch . Jeremy
Subject: CG Atlantic Blvd Enquiry
Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 12:46: 55 PM
Thanks again for the follow - up . I have several urgent enquiries from the Client for us to discuss .
Please call me at your convenience . They include the following items :
a ) Number of Fueling Stations : The Client needs a minimum of 8 fueling dispensers (which
equates to 16 fueling positions) for a project
a . How does this "fit" with the City' s allowance/definition of "6 fueling stations ." For
example, would our request be considered 2 over or 10 over the requirement ?
b ) Plan Approval : What is the process for attaining Site Plan Approval ( i . e . , Staff and /or Public
with City Council ) and what other LDR requirements are necessary to address for the subject
c) Concurrency : We need to determine if there will be a deficit in concurrency between the
current uses and the proposed use and how the City determines this ?
Thanks and looking forward to speaking with you .
Passer Hal lock
Duncan L. Ross, AICP
Senior Planner
13901 Sutton Park Drive South , Suite 200
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
drnsseprosserhallock . com
p 1 904 . 739 . 3655 x183
c 1 904 . 859 . 3580
f 1 904. 730 . 3413
www . orosserhallock. com
•From Duncan Ross [ DI , . • ' , t • • • ' . •
Sent: Friday, April 25 , 2014 9 : 57 AM
To: Hubsch, Jeremy
Subject: RE: 535 Atlantic Blvd
Good morning . Thanks for your response about the APA Conference Mobile Workshop . I have all I
need for now which was your willingness to participate in the workshop . I ' ll be in touch soon to go
over the program options .
On another note , I am in a bind to find out an answer regarding the number of permissible pumps
for a proposed gas station at 535 Atlantic Blvd which is zoned CG . See our previous email
correspondence . Our Client needs a minimum e that 8clangconfirm these ppmp number today ?
dispensers per fueling station ) . Is it possible you
Please call if you have any questions . Many thanks !
Duncan Ross, AICP
Senior Planner
Prosser, Inc.
13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32224
• • • . . • - r' s on
Office 904.739 . 3655
Direct 904. 899 . 6994
Cell 904. 859 . 3580 .
Fax 904 .730. 3413
• • a . SD
Note : The electronic files contained within this document appear to represent, at the time of preparation by Prosser, Inc., the file record
From : Hubsch, Jeremy [mailto :jhubscr coab . us]
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10 : 32 AM -
To: Duncan Ross
Subject: RE: 535 Atlantic Blvd
Duncan ,
Sounds good about the mobile workshop .
As for the pump question . Your client can build 8 fueling stations ( 16 dispensers ) . Our CG district
does not define an exact number. It only states that what is allowed in CL as a use - by- exception is
allowed by right in CG . Since our CG district does not define the exact number above what is
allowed in CL, I checked COD' s CCG - 1 district, which is most similar to our CG . It does not put a cap
on maximum fueling stations . So I can use that to allow the 8 fueling stations .
Is the above description sufficient for you and your clients?
Jeremy Hubsch
Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach , FL 32233
(904) 247 - 5817
ihiihschna coab. us
From : Hubsch, Jeremy [mailto :jhubsch @coab . us]
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10 : 51 AM
To: Duncan Ross
Subject: RE: 535 Atlantic Blvd
I don ' t necessarily have a strong opinion either way about 10. I can check the pulse of our city
manager and city attorney about the possibility of up to 10 if your client wants to move in that
direction . If/when you let me know you are heading that way, I will run it by them .
Jeremy Hubsch
Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach , FL 32233
(904) 247 -5817
jhubsch @coab . us
From : Duncan Ross [mailto : DRoss(c�prosserinc.com ]
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10 : 48 AM
To: Hubsch, Jeremy
Subject: RE : 535 Atlantic Blvd
I just sent an email that you can ignore and I received your subsequent follow - up email . As an FYI , 8
fueling stations is our Client' s minimum requirement . I understand that there preference is for 10
fueling stations, if the site permits an acceptable layout and design . We can talk about the 8 or 10 if
this project goes forward in the near future . For now, I will pass along to the Client that 8 fueling
station is acceptable to the City. However, if you have a strong opinion on the possibility of 10
fueling station , please let me know . Thanks .
Thanks again and have a great rest of the day.
Duncan Ross, AICP
Senior Planner
Prosser, Inc.
13901 Sutton Park Drive South , Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32224
From : Duncan Ross
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 8 : 58 AM
To: ' Hubsch, Jeremy'
Cc: Brad Davis
Subject RE : 535 Atlantic Blvd Concurrency
Good morning . Our Client' s attorney is handling the final inspection requirements of the
purchase and has asked that we obtain a verification letter from the City indicating the
following :
1 . Zoning : Commercial General ( CG )
2 . Permitted Uses include : Gas Station with Convenience Store and Car Wash
3 . Number of fueling stations : 10
4 . Number of fueling pumps/positions : 20
5 . Concurrency : Credit from existing use to be applied to proposed use _
Let me know if I need to draft the specifics for letter to assist this request .
Please call me if you have any questions .
Duncan Ross, AICP
Senior Planner/Project Manager
Prosser, Inc.
13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32224
drosseprosserinc. com
Office 904. 739 . 3655
Direct 904. 899 . 6994
Cell 904. 859 . 3580
Fax 904. 730. 3413
www. prosserinc. com
Note : The electronic files contained within this document appear to represent, at the time of preparation by Prosser, Inc., the file record
From: Brad Davis
To: Hubsch, Jeremy
Cc: "George Nail (genaileaatepetro.coml"; Mike Junk
Subject: Gate @ Atlantic Beach
Date: Friday, May 29, 2015 2: 22:06 PM
Attachments: Site Man Approval Reauest 5-29- 15.odf
Site Plan 5-29- 15, pdf
Per our meeting last week, please see the attached letter request and site plan . Please feel free to
call me with any questions or concerns .
Thanks so much !
1 . Bradford Davis, PE, LEED AP
Prosser, Inc.
13901 Sutton Park Drive South , Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32224
bdavishorosserinc. com
Office 904 . 739 . 3655
Mobile 904 . 219 . 2617
Fax 904.730. 3413
www . prosserinc.com
NOTE : The electronic files contained within this document
appear to represent, at the time of preparation by
Prosser, Inc. , the file record of Prosser's work
on the project. They are offered solely as a convenience to you
without the warranty of the accuracy or consistency
of the files with the drawings or construction , planned or actual ,
that they may represent.
S. Please consider the environment before printing this email
��;` TM 13901 Sutton Park Drive South , Suite 200
Jacksonville, Honda 32224-0229
May 29 , 2015 p 904 , 739 .3655 f 904 . 730.3413
wwN prosserinc.com
Mr. Jeremy Hubsch
Building and Zoning Director
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach , FL 32233
Re: Gate Petroleum Company
Parcel 170684 0000 and 170678 0000
Dear Mr. Hubsch
Thank you for you and your staffs continuing coordination in regards to the parcels above . As you
are aware , the Gate Petroleum Company (Gate) purchased both parcels last year and has been
working with the Lessee to ensure they continue to have parking to support their business .
Per our meeting last Thursday, May 21 , 2015 , we discussed the needs the Lessee has and
presented a plan (see attached ) which meets their request. Based on our meeting , the City of
Atlantic Beach is agreeable with the plan and will support the project as presented . However
because Gate is entering into an agreement with the Lessee which will reference this plan , we
explored ways we could memorialize the plan and give Gate confidence moving forward that this
plan is acceptable .
Based on your suggestion , we would like to formally request acceptance from the City Attorney,
Public Works Director and yourself for the elements below which may be seen on the plan :
® Parking within City' s ROW. Please note that we have shown both parallel and 90 degree
parking . In the case of the 90 degree parking , the parking will straddle the ROW line and we
will provide wheel stops within the subject property.
® The number of parking stalls for both uses (Gate and Lessee)
• The use of gravel , crushed concrete or other permeable surface as the finished surface
® Alternatively the use of asphalt if the Lessee insist on this surface
® The landscape islands and buffers as depicted
We recognize this plan has other elements not related to the subject matter of this letter that will
require a variance . When Gate is ready to move forward with the convenience store , we will prepare
and file such applications .
With all of this in mind , please respond with a letter signed by the City Attorney, Public Works
Director and yourself confirming that the elements above are acceptable to City of Atlantic Beach .
Thank you for your assistance ,
J . Bradford " avis , PE , LEED AP
Community I Management I Energy I Relationships
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Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 1 of 2
GATE PETROLEUM COMPANY'_I Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile#
P 0 BOX 23627 4123 TOWN CENTER PKWY 16379-02423 8506
JACKSONVILLE,FL 32241 Jacksonville FL 32246
Property Detail Value Summary
RE# 167461-0540 2014 Certified 2015 In Progress
Tax District GS Value Method CAMA CAMA
Property Usg 1494 Store/Convenience Gas Total Building Value $0.00 $992,552.00
#of Buildings 2 _ Extra Feature Value $0.00 $287,154.00
Legal Desc. 06-3S-28E 3.17 Land Value(Market) $2,381,970.00 $2,381,970.00
PT GOVT LOT 20 RECD Land Value(Agric.) $0.00 $0.00
Subdivision 00000 SECTION LAND Just(Market)Value $2,381,970.00 $3,661,676.00
Total Area 138112 Assessed Value $2,381,970.00 $3,661,676.00
The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00
to Save Our Homes and our property Tax Estimator. In Progress'property values, Exemptions $0.00 See below
exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax
roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $2,381,970.00 See below
certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification
Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values property.
Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress,1;'J
If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value
Summary box.
County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value
No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions
Sales History _I
Book/Page I Sale Date Sale Price Deed Instrument Type Code I Qualified/Unqualified I Vacant/Improved
16379-02423 1 5/14/2013 $4,719,800.00 MS-Miscellaneous Unqualified I Vacant
Extra Features' '_+
LN Feature Code Feature Description Bldg. I Length I Width Total Units I Value
1 PVCC1 Paving Concrete 1 10 0 58,131.00 I $251,823.00
2 LPMC1 Light Pole Metal 1 0 0 10.00 $17,967.00
3 LITC1 Lighting Fixtures 1 0 0 13.00 $11,386.00
4 WMCC1 Wall Masonry/Concrt 1 0 0 516.00 $5,105.00
5 FCLC1 Fence Chain Link 1 0 0 51.00 $873.00
Land &Legal
Land Leal
LN I Code Use Description I Zoning I Front I Depth Category I Land Units I Land Type I Land Value LN Legal Description
11 1 1000 COMMERCIAL I CCG-1 1 0.00 1 0.00 Common 1 138,085.20 I Square Footage)$2,381,970.00 1 06-3S-28E 3.17
3 O/R 16379-2423 I
Buildings J
Building 1
Building 1 Site Address Element I Code Detail
Jacksonville FL 32246 Exterior Wall 117 17 C.B.Stucco ..,—
Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Blk 11- II
Building Type 1402-STORE CONVEN Roof Struct 9 9 Rigid Fr/Bar J I I' j'
Year Built 2014 Roofing Cover 4 4 Built Up/T&G �r<�
Building Value $905,238.00 Interior Wall 8 8 Decorative CUr
Int Flooring 11 11 Cer Clay Tile I I
Dm Gross Heated Effective Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric
Area Area Area Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted
Canopy 318 0 80 Air Cond 3 3 Central
Base Area 6697 6697 6697 Comm Htg&AC 1 1 Not Zoned
Canopy 318 0 80 I Comm Frame 3 13 C-Masonry
http://apps.coj.net/PAO PropertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1674610540 7/27/2015
Property Appraiser - Property Details Page 2 of 2
I Canopy 1 330 I 0 182 I I Ceiling Wall Finish 15 15 S Cell Wall Fin
1 Canopy i
Detached 11310 0 3393
r I Element Code I
Total 18973 6697 10332 Stories 1.000
I Baths 1 8.000
Restrooms 2.000
Rooms I Units 5.000
Avg Story Height 14.000
2014 Notice of Proposed Property Taxes Notice (TRIM Notice) _
iTaxing District FA-5;;;;;d-Value Exemptions Taxable Value Last Year Proposed Rolled-back
Gen Govt Ex B & B I $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 I $2,381,970.00 $0.00 $27,254.26 I $26,563.01
Public Schools: By State Law i $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 I $2,381,970.00 $0.00 I $12,045.62 $ 11,826.96
By Local Board $2,381,970.00 $0.00 $2,381,970.00 $0.00 $5,354.67 $5, 172.45
FL Inland Navigation Dist. $2,381,970.00 ( $0.00 $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 $82. 18 $76.94
Water Mgmt Dist. SiRWMD $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 $753.66 I $753.66
I Gen Gov Voted I $2,381,970.00 $0.00 $2,381,970.00 ( $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
School Board Voted $2,381,970.00 $0.00 I $2,381,970.00 $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00
I Totals $0.00 $45,490.39 $44,393.02
Just Value Assessed Value Exemptions Taxable Value
I Last Year $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Current Year $2,381,970.00 $2,381,970.00 I $0.00 - $2,381,970.00 i
2014 TRIM Property Record Card (PRC )
This PRC reflects property details and values at the time of the original mailing of the Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM
Notices) in August.
Property Record Card (PRC)
The PRC accessed below reflects property details and values at the time of Tax Roll Certification in October of the year listed .
• To obtain a historic Property Record Card (PRC) from the Property Appraiser's Office, submit your request here: '- -,.3
More Information .
ontact Us I parcel Tax Record I GIS Mao I Mao this property on Goode Maps I City Fees Record
http ://apps . coj . net/PAO_PropertySearch/Basic/Detail . aspx?RE= 1674610540 7/27/2015
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