Handout- Public Works Budget FY15-16-Final- Layton 8-12-151 FY 16 •PW ADMINISTRATION •WATER PUBLIC WORKS •WATER •SEWER •STREETS & ROW •FACILITIES •PARKS BEAUTIFICATION•BEAUTIFICATION •STORMWATER •FLEET -Contract •SANITATION -Contract 2 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART PublicWorksDirector Deputy Director Conveyance Streets/Stormwater &  Beautification Parks & Building  Maintenance Inspector Contracts, Permits  & Admin. Admin. Clerk Dispatcher PT Clerk Deputy Director GIS/Cross Connection Plants One New Distribution Trainee Added Distribution/Collection Operators (5) Meter Readers (2) Heavy Equipment  Operators (2) General Maintenance  Workers (5) Park Rangers (6)   Building Maint. Tech.  Painter Water/Wastewater  Superintendents (2) W/WW Treatment Plant  Operators (7) Heavy Equip. Operator LiftStation Mechanic PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES Water, sewer, streets, rights of way, kfilitittittiparks, facilities, stormwater, sanitation and fleet maintenance, construction administration Permits: NPDES, MS4, EPA, SJWMD, CildidilliCommercial and residential plan review ROW permits Stormwaterutility fee calculations 3 FACILITIES MAINTAINED 57 Miles paved streets and right of way 54Citybuildings(30sewerliftstations)54 City buildings (30 sewer lift stations) 5 Treatment plants 6 Stormwatertreatment ponds 232 Miles of water, stormwater& sewer pipe 14.4 Miles stormwaterditches and swales 1 Stormwater pump station (shared with NB) 104,000 LF sidewalk & 8’ multi-purpose paths 15 Parks (6 active, 6 passive, 3 preserves) 1.6 Miles of beach UtilityUtility Service  Area 4 Utilities 2015 Flow Treatment Plant Design CapacityMGD ActualFlow MGDCapacity MGD MGD WastewaterTreatment Plant –Annual Ave Daily 3.501.90 Water Plant #1 -Max Day3.171.52 WaterPlant #2 -Max Day2.901.20 Water Plant #3 -Max Day1.591.89 Water Plant #4 -Max Day0.250.24 PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET Fund15-16 Budget GlFd $1632707GeneralFund$1,632,707 Gas Tax$450,000 Half Cent Sales Tax$825,800 SanitationUtility$1,833,498 CapitalProjectFund $855000Capital Project Fund $855,000 Stormwater Utility$1,512,122 TOTAL $7,109,127 5 Utilities Budget FundFY 15-16 Budget WaterProdction $937182Water Production $ 937,182 Sewer Treatment$2,009,519 Distribution/Collection$3,093,013 Non-Divisional$3,632,466 TOTAL $9,672,180 Non-Divisional includes: Transfer to General Fund Internal Service Charges Insurance Debt $,, Water  Capital Items ItemBudget Request Water  Main on Atlantic Blvd  Phase I  (Design only) $100,000 Replace Water  Services in  Seaspray Subdivision $100,000 Video‐Loggingof  8 Production  Wells $130,000 Wells InstallSoft Starts on High Service  Pumps at WTP 1 & 2 $48,000 6 Water  Capital Items ItemBudget Request InstallBubbler Control System on  Ground Storage Tank  at WTP 2 $15,000 Chlorine Auto Control Valves  at  WTP 1,2&3 $31,000 North Fence Replacement WTP 2$10,000 Sewer Capital Items ItemBudget Request Replace 2 Influent Screensat WWTP$20,000 Replacement Discs for Kruger Discfilter $6,000 New Control Panel WonderwoodLift Station $19,000 Station Replace InfluentPump WWTP$22,000 GravitySewer Outfall Repairs$30,000 7 Sewer Capital Items ItemBudget Request Phosphorous Removal Improvements WWTP -$63Koffsetting grant obtained $225,000 Replace 1 Effluent Pump WWTP$50,000 Sewer Rehabilitation (Sea Oats)$200,000() -Additional $200K grant application $, Replace 1 RAS Pump$50,000 Soft Starts at 4 Primary Lift Stations (8 motors) $55,000 OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS ItemBudget Request Russell Park Phase II$160,000 Frances Street (100% CDBG Grant Budgeted) $675,000 Seminole Road Improvements$1,600,000 Street Resurfacing$340,000 Dutton Island Multipurpose Path (50% FIND Grant budgeted) $540,000 $3,315,0000 ($945,000 from grants) 8 Marsh Master Plan Project 2016 RESURFACING PROGRAM FY15/16 $340000bdtdFY 15/16 -$340,000 budget proposed Citywide Overall Condition Index 73.6 -2013 score -very good Current year paving completed. 9 Resurfacing 2005 -2015 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT 2015‐2016 Street Starting Point Ending Point OCI  Seminole Road18th StreetTurn Around51.67 Seminole Road 5 Points18th Street52.08 SturdivantAvenueSherry DriveSeminole Road51.25 Ocean Walk Dr. N.OceanwalkDr. W.OceanforestDr. N.51.67 Hibiscus StreetDead EndLevy Road52.92 Parkside Drive11th StreetPlaza Drive52.92 Ocean Blvd.10th Street 13th Street52.92 Plaza Drive Ocean Blvd.East Coast Drive53.33 Begonia Street West 1st streetDead End 53.33g5333 West  14th StreetOrchid Street MayportRoad53.33 5th StreetEast Coast DriveOcean Blvd.53.75 BristaDe Mar Cir.20th Street20th Street54.58 Sea Oats DriveSaturiba19th Street55.00 STREETS IN RED PROBABLE 2015-16 PROGRAM 10 Seminole Bike Lanes SegmentCost Estimate 1. Plazato 17th$210,000 2. 17th to 18th$2,772,000 3. 18th to OceanforestDriveN $518,000 Total$3,500,000 Discussion IncorporatedutilitiesintoPublicWorksin2015Incorporated utilities into Public Works in 2015. Additional water, sewer, reuse, & sanitation services for homes in ABCC Statewide trend toward stricter requirements for stormwaterutility discharge (NPDES & MS4) Department accreditation:p 2 year process 500-600 standard operating procedures Peer reviewed 11 2 3 Mi l l i o n s Storm Water Utility 0 1 0 Personnel Services Operating Debt Capital Transfers Revenues 400 500 600 Th o u s a n d s Gas Tax Fund 100 200 300 0 Operating Capital Transfers Revenues 12 2,000 2,500 3,000 Th o u s a n d s Sanitation Fund 500 1,000 1,500 0 Personnel Services Operating Capital Transfers Revenues FY 16 13 FY 15/16 ‐Potential Russell Park   Improvements: Remodel Bathrooms $ 40,000Remodel Bathrooms $ 40,000 Irrigation outer field$ 20,000* Sod outer field$ 20,000* Swing replacement$ 10,000 RacketballRepairs$ 45,000 Basketball lights $ 10000*Basketball lights $ 10,000 Contingency$ 15,000* $160,000 *   Grant applied for