9-28-15 Petition supporting Cloister south gate opening (VG?qi 5
1) , %,
We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
I L_Ci .-- ,/1-t -9 i( c - )-1---1-37fi -19 -R
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AO13\ .A6-7_ A-A---ea-tAi-vt__ gea-k
We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Nam Address
6(r ' i,,„;,„ 20l Dc e.<4,.- )8tvi 7
t V /(— o v 7 .�1�, f ti✓ eUV� cr +i
ev2. --4-...vtlat Li-- i-r 466(p )
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6._o -c )Q-W t5 W NUS AN E
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
-C-te,/f ar,Ap t I : 6 3-2 2 Cr-ct i s e t 1 okrNe /412 2z231
2, Ati 0 33 C iitAA, ST A 223
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f Velfrl
,, c9( Ism i' 1 _I % /
We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
urlA (AA
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
1:).vg\if 1-12-1-10 q r otivei Biytt A
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( W4 We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street '(2,o)"
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
n (--u4 5,S 1,6- 4 , R-L -
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
MgC45)4, C9f)°-- -*/ eJ 1 L.3.14A, S-4-- 1 A
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
1 O ii/ L- LL 2,E13 /C?- r v 4-4 S-I % /-4/.(1. /e_:
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We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street
beach access by opening their south gate.
Name Address
1-m--"ZA) (\irc: f bi.--7--- ► Q iEuZ" — 7
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