11-23-15 Handout-Betsy Cosgrove 11/23/15 City of Atlantic Beach Commissioners Meeting November 23,2015 B.Cosgrove Atlantic Beach Charter Key Points • Charter calls for development that encourages and maintains a healthy and aesthetically pleasing built environment(Goal A.I) • The Charter calls for development which retains the high quality of life and residential character of the City(Objective A.1.3) ■ The Charter requires that development has no adverse impact to surrounding neighborhoods(Policy A.1.3) • The Charter specifically states that land use categories shall not include"uses that have the potential for negative impact due to excessive noise,light or extremely late hours of operation(Policy A. 1.11.1 General Commercial) 1 11/23/15 Land Development Regulations Key Points ■ To help accomplish the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan.(Sec 24-2) • Encourages the most appropriate use of land (Sec 24-2) • To protect and conserve the value of property(Sec 24-2) • To promote,protect and improve the health,safety,comfort....and general welfare of the public(Sec 24-2) • It is the responsibility of the city commission to enforce(Sec 24-46) ■ The intent of the the commercial corridor development standards is to create an environment that is visually appealing and safe for pedestrians,bicycles and vehicular traffic.(Sec 24-171) Land Development Regulations Sec 24-111 Commercial General District (CG) ■ Uses permitted: (a)(9)Automobile service station with minor automotive repair and with accessory car wash • Sec 24-111 (b)Permitted Uses • ...Such uses shall not include uses that have the potential for negative impacts to surrounding neighborhoods and properties due to excessive traffic,noise,Iight or extremely late hours of operation or other factors that may adversely affect existing commercial uses or any nearby residential uses. 2 11/23/15 What is a negative impact? ■ Excessive traffic ■ Excessive noise ■ Excessive light • Extremely late hours of operation Florida Department of Transportation Average Daily Traffic Rate (AADT) for Atlantic BIvd is 25,000 Measured from 175'west of 3rd Street Site Information Site 725091 Description SR 10 175 W.OF 3RD ST. Section 72100000 Miiepoint 15.493 AADT Site Type Portable Class Data do K Factor 9 0 Factor 55.5 T Factor 2.1 TRAFFIC REPORTS(provde0=o -_ format; 3 11/23/15 Florida Department of Transportation Trip Generation ■ New study in October 2014 focused on'fl`Trip Generation for Large Gas Stations. Suggests using blended formula which results in lower numbers than 1'1'E estimates • As the size of convenience stores have increased,traffic to that location has increased(more services) ■ More fueling positions mean more traffic • Blended formula suggests 2700 cars DAILY will visit a 6400 square foot gas station with 14 fueling positions(average 250 visits per fueling position). 111 formulae go as high as 5000 cars daily. What is a negative impact? ■ Excessive traffic-2700 cars DAILY into a 200'x400`lot??? • Excessive noise • Excessive light ■ Extremely late hours of operation-Does 24x7 qualify? • Or other factors 4 11/23/15 Final Comments ■ The City Commission has the obligation to enforce land use regulations in concert with the Comprehensive Plan • The Land Use Regulations in Sec 24-111(b)specifically states that commercial uses ... Shall not include...Such uses that have the potential for negative impact to surrounding neighborhoods and properties due to excessive traffic,noise,light or extremely late hours of operation • An influx of 2700 cars daily and 24x7 operational hours have the potential to negatively impact surrounding neighborhoods and properties. • An automotive gas station/convenience store is not an appropriate land use at 535 Atlantic Blvd. 5