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.10,,,,,ttt,,,, s%•` p,R D T . Mi ', Richard T. Smith P.E. Q�•'�• � E SF' �'S 510 Lee Road 281 No 4354 * Salem, AL 36874 - Ph-706-888-4874 -n• cr e-mail- rtsmith @smitheng.net : y. TATE o F cu, Date: 10/19/15 / �4• 0 ��: 1"111111110-'`‘‘‘ N A REVIEWED Project: Atlantic storage g By Richard T Smith at 11:21 am,Nov 05,2015 Location: Atlantic Beach,FL Building size: 110' wide x 242' long x 35' tall,three levels, 15' top floor, 10' second and first floor Objective: check lateral load capacity and deflection for shear wall diaphragms Attachments: excerpts from ASCE-7 10, load charts from MBCI for R and U panels Loads: using ASCE-7 10 wind loads envelope method(conservative), 160 mph ultimate wind,exposure C with edge zone= 10' Longitudinal direction(north/south)total load to second floor slab-(26.9x1.45x30x90)+ (40.0xI.45x20x30)= 140,113 lbs or 140.1 kips ultimate wind or 140.1x0.6=84.0 kips design wind. Lateral direction(east/west)total load to second floor slab=(26.9x1.45x222x30) +(40.0x1.45x20x30)=382,334 lbs or 382.3 kips ultimate wind or 382.3x0.6=229.4 kips design wind north/south direction(longitudinal) first floor second floor slab is rigid diaphragm , sidewalls are stud walls with studs spaced 2'0 oc interior walls have supports at 5'0 oc therefore side walls are assumed to take most of the load.Note that the block stairwells are not being used but will provide additional support. Load to east and west walls is 84/2=42 kips. Based on test data from MBCI 29 gage U panel with supports 2'0 oc with 30' or more continuous panel length the allowable shear capacity is 232 plf. uninterrupted panel length on west wall is 154 feet so uniform load is 42000/154= 272 plf,too much . use 26 gage panel with 340 plf capacity. East wall uninterrupted length is 188', load per foot is 42000/188=223 plf ok Second floor Third floor slab is rigid diaphragm and side walls are same as level one so most of load will go to side walls.Total load to second floor shear walls is 84x 20/30=56 kips. Load per side is 28 kips with same or more uninterrupted panel length so 29 gage panel ok by inspection. 1of31 ti; Third floor Roof is flexible diaphragm so load will distribute equally to all interior shear walls and exterior shear walls. Total load to third floor shear walls = 84x10/30=28 kips. There are 76 interior 10' long shear walls with 5' support spacing and 154' on west wall and 188' on east wall with 2' support spacing so total length of shear walls=1102 feet, load per foot of wall is 28000/1102=25 plf. minimum capacity of 29 gage u panel with supports 5'0 oc and 10' long wall is 103 plf ok Deflection Using formula from MBCI tables, PxA/GxB and using G factor for 26 gage pbu 20' long 0 section, the approximate deflection at the west wall first floor is (42x10)/(154x7.5)=0.37 inches, deflection of second floor will be 28/42x0.37=0.25inches, deflection of third floor will be negligible so total will be less than 1/2 inch. The east wall is longer with 29 gage panel G=5.7 so deflection will be about equal to west wall. East/west direction (lateral) First floor Second floor slab is rigid diaphragm and the interior and exterior walls ar 29 pbu with studs at 2' or 2'6 oc so load will be equally distributed to 23 walls so the load per wall is 229/26=9.9 kip per wall or approximately 125 lb per foot using 80' total length of cross walls . load capacity for 29 gage pbu with studs at 2'6 oc is 202 plf ok. Second floor Third floor slab is rigid diaphragm so loads will distribute same as fist floor so load to each cross wall is appr 125 x 20x30= 84 plf. Walls ok by inspection since framing is basically same as first floor. Third floor The third floor roof is a flexible diaphragm so the load per wall is 229x 1 0/30=76 kips/ 23=3.3 kips per wall or 3300/80=41 plf. For 29 gage panel with supports at 5'0 oc the allowable shear load is 109 plf using 15'0 long section ok Deflection First floor deflection is(9.9x 10)/(5.4x80)=0.23 inches, second floor deflection is 84/125x0.23=0.15 inches , third floor deflection is(3.3x10)/( 1.8x80)=0.23 inches. Total deflection at roof is less than 3/4 inch ok Note! Vertical uplift loads and overturning loads are negligible due to dead weights for second and third floor slabs 2 of 31 CHAPTER 28 WIND LOADS ON BUILDINGS-MWFRS(ENVELOPE PROCEDURE) multiplied by the wall area of the building and 8 lb/ft2 28.6 WIND LOADS-MAIN WIND-FORCE (0.38 kN/m2)multiplied by the roof area of the RESISTING SYSTEM building projected onto a vertical plane normal to the assumed wind direction. 28.6.1 Scope A building whose design wind loads are deter- mined in accordance with this section shall meet all PART 2: ENCLOSED SIMPLE DIAPHRAGM the conditions of Section 28.6.2.If a building does LOW-RISE BUILDINGS not meet all of the conditions of Section 28.6.2,then its MWFRS wind loads shall be determined by Part 1 28.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS of this chapter,by the Directional Procedure of Chapter 27,or by the Wind Tunnel Procedure of The steps required for the determination of MWFRS Chapter 31. wind loads on enclosed simple diaphragm buildings are shown in Table 28.5-1. 28.6.2 Conditions User Note:Part 2 of Chapter 28 is a simplified method For the design of MWFRS the building shall to determine the wind pressure on the MWFRS of comply with all of the following conditions: enclosed simple diaphragm low-rise buildings having a 1. The building is a simple diaphragm building as flat,gable or hip roof.The wind pressures are obtained defined in Section 26.2. directly from a table and applied on horizontal and 2. The building is a low-rise building as defined in vertical projected surfaces of the building.This method Section 26.2. is a simplification of the Envelope Procedure contained in Part 1 of Chapter 28. 3. The building is enclosed as defined in Section 26.2 and conforms to the wind-borne debris provisions of Section 26.10.3. 28.5.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in 4. The building is a regular-shaped building or Chapter 26 structure as defined in Section 26.2. The following wind load parameters are specified 5. The building is not classified as a flexible building in Chapter 26: as defined in Section 26.2. -Basic Wind Speed V(Section 26.5) 6. The building does not have response -Exposure category(Section 26.7) characteristics making it subject to across -Topographic factor K,(Section 26.8) wind loading,vortex shedding, instability due to -Enclosure classification(Section 26.10) galloping or flutter;and it does not have a site location for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions warrant special Table 28.5-1 Steps to Determine Wind Loads on consideration. MWFRS Simple Diaphragm Low-Rise Buildings 7. The building has an approximately symmetrical cross-section in each direction with either a flat Step 1:Determine risk category of building or other roof or a gable or hip roof with 0 5 45°. structure,see Table 1.5-1 8. The building is exempted from torsional load cases Step 2:Determine the basic wind speed,V,for applicable as indicated in Note 5 of Fig. 28.4-1,or the risk category,see Fig.26.5-1A,B or C torsional load cases defined in Note 5 do not control the design of any of the MWFRS of the Step 3:Determine wind load parameters: building. ➢ Exposure category B,C or D,see Section 26.7 Topographic factor,K,,see Section 26.8 and Fig.26.8-1 28.6.3 Design Wind Loads Step 4:Enter figure to determine wind pressures for Simplified design wind pressures,p„for the h=30 ft(9.1 m).,pso,see Fig.28.6-1 MWFRS of low-rise simple diaphragm buildings Step 5:Enter figure to determine adjustment for represent the net pressures(sum of internal and building height and exposure,7l,see Fig.28.6-1 external)to be applied to the horizontal and vertical Step 6:Determine adjusted wind pressures,p„see projections of building surfaces as shown in Fig. Eq.28.6-1 28.6-1.For the horizontal pressures(Zones A,B,C, D),ps is the combination of the windward and 302 3of31 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS Main Wind Force Resisting System—Method 2 h 5 60 ft. Figure 28.6-1 I Design Wind Pressures Enclosed Buildings Walls & Roofs 0 © 0°$° 44 lb D‘44411161114 0 pion4 0 © 000 iii- ® �0�� ..o1011 411' I' 11111 ..-"... 0 ' Alp,41411Pr011i, /► 1 • IIII0 CD _Ald//✓iii% cane. / Case A %i tia �r ;1 j Vv. Windward Caner rr Case B Notes: I. Pressures shown are applied to the horizontal and vertical projections,for exposure B,at h=30 ft(9.1m). Adjust to other exposures and heights with adjustment factor A. 2. The load pattems shown shall be applied to each corner of the building in turn as the reference corner.(See Figure 28.4-1) 3. For Case B use B=0°. 4. Load cases I and 2 must be checked for 25°<B 5 45°. Load case 2 at 25°is provided only for interpolation between 25°and 30°. 5. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the projected surfaces,respectively. 6. For roof slopes other than those shown,linear interpolation is permitted. 7. The total horizontal load shall not be less than that determined by assuming ps=0 in zones B&D. 8. Where zone E or G falls on a roof overhang on the windward side of the building,use Eori and Go„for the pressure on the horizontal projection of the overhang. Overhangs on the leeward and side edges shall have the basic zone pressure applied. 9. Notation: a: 10 percent of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h,whichever is smaller,but not less than either 4%of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft(0.9 m). !r: Mean roof height,in feet(meters),except that cave height shall be used for roof angles<10°. 9. Angle of plane of roof from horizontal,in degrees. 303 4 of 31 CHAPTER 28 WIND LOADS ON BUILDINGS-MWFRS(ENVELOPE PROCEDURE) Main Wind Force Resisting System-Method 2 h 5 60 ft. Figure 28.6-1 (cont'd) j Design Wind Pressures Enclosed Buildings 'Walls & Roofs Simplified Design Wind Pressure , PSS0 (pSf) (Exposure Bath=30 ft.with 1= 1.0) N Zones 1 Basic Wind Roof Speed Angle Horizontal Pressures Vertical Pressures Overhangs (mph) (degrees) J A B C D E F G H Eori Gor+ 0 to 5° 1 19.2 -10.0 12.7 -5.9 -23.1 -13.1 -16.0 -10.1 -32.3 -25.3 10° 1 21.6 -9.0 14.4 -5.2 -23.1 -14.1 -16.0 -10.8 -32.3 -25.3 15° 1 24.1 -8.0 16.0 -4.6 -23.1 -15.1 -16.0 -11.5 -32.3 -25.3 110 20° 1 26.6 -7.0 17.7 -3.9 -23.1 -16.0 -16.0 -12.2 -32.3 -25.3 25' 1 24.1 3.9 17.4 4.0 -10.7 -14.6 -7.7 -11.7 -19.9 -17.0 2 ----- ---- -4.1 -7.9 -1.1 -5.1 30 to 45 1 21.6 14.8 17.2 11.8 1.7 -13.1 0.6 -11.3 -7.6 -8.7 2 21.6 14.8 17.2 11.8 8.3 -6.5 7.2 -4.6 -7.6 -8.7 0 to 5° 1 21.0 -10.9 13.9 -6.5 -25.2 -14.3 -17.5 -11.1 -35.3 -27.6 10° 1 23.7 -9.8 15.7 -5.7 -25.2 -15.4 -17.5 -11.8 -35.3 -27.6 15° 1 26.3 -8.7 17.5 -5.0 -25.2 -16.5 -17.5 -12.6 -35.3 -27.6 115 20° 1 29.0 -7.7 19.4 -4.2 -25.2 -17.5 -17.5 -13.3 -35.3 -27.6 25° 1 26.3 4.2 19.1 4.3 -11.7 -15.9 -8.5 -12.8 -21.8 -18.5 2 - --- --- 4.4 -8.7 -12 -5.5 30 to 45 1 23.6 16.1 18.8 12.9 1.8 -14.3 0.6 -12.3 -8.3 -9.5 2 23.6 16.1 18.8 12.9 9.1 -7.1 7.9 -5.0 -8.3 -9.5 0 to 5° 1 22.8 -11.9 15.1 -7.0 -27.4 -15.6 -19.1 -12.1 -38.4 -30.1 10° 1 25.8 -10.7 17.1 -6.2 -27.4 -16.8 -19.1 -12.9 -38.4 -30.1 15° 1 28.7 -9.5 19.1 -5.4 -27.4 -17.9 -19.1 -13.7 -38.4 -30.1 20' 1 31.6 -8.3 21.1 -4.6 -27.4 -19.1 -19.1 -14.5 -38.4 -30.1 120 25° 1 28.6 4.6 20.7 4.7 -12.7 -17.3 -92 -13.9 -23.7 -202 2 ----- -4.8 -9.4 -1.3 -6.0 ----- 30 to 45 1 25.7 17.6 20.4 14.0 2.0 -15.6 0.7 -13.4 -9.0 -10.3 2 25.7 17.6 20.4 14.0 9.9 -7.7 8.6 -5.5 -9.0 -10.3 0 to 5° 1 26.8 -13.9• 17.8 -8.2 -32.2 -18.3 -22.4 -14.2 -45.1 -35.3 10° 1 30.2 -12.5 20.1 -7.3 -32.2 -19.7 -22.4 -15.1 -45.1 -35.3 15° 1 33.7 -11.2 22.4 -6.4 -32.2 -21.0 -22.4 -16.1 -45.1 -35.3 20° 1 37.1 -9.8 24.7 -5.4 -32.2 -22.4 -22.4 -17.0 -45.1 -35.3 130 25° 1 33.6 5.4 24.3 5.5 -14.9 -20.4 -10.8 -16.4 -27.8 -23.7 2 - - - -- -5.7 -11.1 -1.5 30 to 45 1 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 2.3 -18.3 0.8 -15.7 -10.6 -12.1 2 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 11.6 -9.0 10.0 -6.4 -10.6 -12.1 0 to 5° 1 31.1 -16.1 20.6 -9.6 -37.3 -21.2 -26.0 -16.4 -52.3 -40.9 10° 1 35.1 -14.5 23.3 -8.5 -37.3 -22.8 -26.0 -17.5 -52.3 -40.9 15° 1 39.0 -12.9 26.0 -7.4 -37.3 -24.4 -26.0 -18.6 -52.3 -40.9 140 20° 1 43.0 -11.4 28.7 -6.3 -37.3 -26.0 -26.0 -19.7 -52.3 -40.9 25° 1 39.0 6.3 28.2 6.4 -17.3 -23.6 -12.5 -19.0 -32.3 -27.5 2 ---- ------ -6.6 -12.8 -1.8 8.2 30 to 45 1 35.0 23.9 27.8 19.1 2.7 -21.2 0.9 -18.2 -12.3 -14.0 2 35.0 23.9 27.8 19.1 13.4 -10.5 11.7 -7.5 -12.3 -14.0 0 to 5° 1 35.7 -18.5 23.7 -11.0 -42.9 -24.4 -29.8 -18.9 -60.0 -47.0 10° 1 40.2 -16.7 26.8 -9.7 -42.9 -26.2 -29.8 -20.1 -60.0 -47.0 15° 1 44.8 -14.9 29.8 -8.5 -42.9 -28.0 -29.8 -21.4 -60.0 -47.0 1 20° 1 49.4 -13.0 32.9 -7.2 -42.9 -29.8 -29.8 -22.6 -60.0 -47.0 25° 1 44.8 7.2 32.4 7.4 -19.9 -27.1 -14.4 -21.8 -37.0 -31.6 30 to 45 1 40.1 27.4 31.9 22.0 3.1 -24.4 1.0 -20.9 -14.1 -16.1 2 40.1 27.4 31.9 22.0 15.4 -12.0 13.4 -8.6 -14.1 -16.1 Unit Conversions-1.0 ft=0.3048 m; 1.0 psf =0.0479 kN/m2 304 5 of 31 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS Main Wind Force Resisting System-Method 2 h<60 ft. Figure 28.6-1 (cont'd) J Design Wind Pressures Enclosed Buildings Walls & Roofs Simplified Design Wind Pressure, ps3o (psf)(Exposure B at h =30 ft.) Basic Wind Roof 8' Zones Speed Angle Horizontal Pressures Vertical Pressures Overhangs (mph) (degrees) A B C D E F G H Eos Ga-i 0 to 5° 1 40.6 -21.1 26.9 -12.5 -48.8 -27.7 -34.0 -21.5 -68.3 -53.5 10° 1 45.8 -19.0 30.4 -11.1 -48.8 -29.8 -34.0 -22.9 -68.3 -53.5 15° 1 51.0 -16.9 34.0 -9.6 -48.8 -31.9 -34.0 -24.3 -68.3 -53.5 20° 1 56.2 -14.8 37.5 -8.2 -48.8 -34.0 -34.0 -25.8 -68.3 -53.5 160 25° 1 50.9 82 36.9 8.4 -22.6 -30.8 -16.4 -24.8 -42.1 -35.9 2 ------ -8.6 -16.8 -2.3 -10.7 ----- 30 to 45 1 45.7 31.2 36.3 25.0 3.5 -27.7 1.2 -23.8 -16.0 -18.3 2 45.7 31.2 36.3 25.0 17.6 -13.7 152 -9.8 -16.0 -18.3 0 to 5° 1 51.4 -26.7 34.1 -15.8 -61.7 -35.1 -43.0 -27.2 -86.4 -67.7 10° 1 58.0 -24.0 38.5 -14.0 -61.7 -37.7 -43.0 -29.0 -86.4 -67.7 15° 1 64.5 -21.4 43.0 -12.2 -61.7 -40.3 -43.0 -30.8 -86.4 -67.7 20° 1 71.1 -18.8 47.4 -10.4 -61.7 -43.0 -43.0 -32.6 -86.4 -67.7 180 25° 1 64.5 10.4 46.7 10.6 -28.6 -39.0 -20.7 -31.4 -53.3 -45.4 2 - ------ -10.9 -21.2 -3.0 -13.6 30 to 45 1 57.8 39.5 45.9 31.6 4.4 -35.1 1.5 -30.1 -20.3 -23.2 2 57.8 39.5 45.9 31.6 22.2 -17.3 19.3 -12.3 -20.3 -232 0 to 5° 1 63.4 -32.9 42.1 -19.5 -76.2 -43.3 -53.1 -33.5 -106.7 -83.5 10° 1 71.5 -29.7 47.6 -17.3 -76.2 -46.5 -53.1 -35.8 -106.7 -83.5 15° 1 79.7 -26.4 53.1 -15.0 -76.2 -49.8 -53.1 -38.0 -106.7 -83.5 20° 1 87.8 -232 58.5 -12.8 -76.2 -53.1 -53.1 -40.2 -106.7 -83.5 200 25° 1 79.6 12.8 57.6 13.1 -35.4 -48.2 -25.6 -38.7 -65.9 -56.1 2 ------ ------ -13.4 -26.2 -3.7 -16.8 30 to 45 1 71.3 48.8 56.7 39.0 5.5 -43.3 1.8 -37.2 -25.0 -28.7 2 71.3 48.8 56.7 39.0 27.4 -21.3 23.8 -15.2 -25.0 -28.7 Adjustment Factor for Building Height and Exposure, Mean roof Exposure height(ft) B C D 15 1.00 1.21 1.47 20 1.00 1.29 1.55 25 1.00 1.35 1.61 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 35 1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 1.74 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 1.22 1.62 1.87 Unit Conversions-1.0 ft=0.3048 m; 1.0 psf =0.0479 kN/m2 305 6 of 31 CHAPTER 28 WIND LOADS ON BUILDINGS—MWFRS(ENVELOPE PROCEDURE) leeward net pressures.p,shall be determined by the ps30=simplified design wind pressure for Exposure B, following equation: at h=30 ft(9.1 m)from Fig.28.6-1 Ps= Ku Ps3o (28.6-1) 28.6.4 Minimum Design Wind Loads where The load effects of the design wind pressures from Section 28.6.3 shall not be less than a minimum =adjustment factor for building height and load defined by assuming the pressures,p,,for zones exposure from Fig.28.6-1 A and C equal to+16 psf,Zones B and D equal to+8 Kz,=topographic factor as defined in Section 26.8 psf, while assuming p,for Zones E,F, G,and H are evaluated at mean roof height,h equal to 0 psf. 306 7 of 31 ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS I 8 of 31 TABLE 7--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 8'-10' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° Not VALUE?'" VALUEL" STIFFNESS° Panel Type Gauge Inch (foot) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per Inch) 29 0.0133 4 @2'-0" 12 5 293 311 2.862 29 0.0133 2 @4'-0" 12 3 176 187 2.024 "R"Panel 29 0.0133 3 @3'-0" 12 4 208 221 2.629 29 0.0133 5 @2'-0" 12 6 281 299 3.578 29 0.0133 2 @5'-0" 12 3 140 149 2.263 29 0.0133 4 @2'-0" 20 5 276 293 2.862 29 0.0133 2 @4'-0" 20 3 165 176 2.024 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 3 @3'-0" 20 4 196 208 2.629 29 0.0133 5 @2'-0" 20 6 265 281 3.578 29 0.0133 2 @5'-0" 20 3 132 141 2.263 26 0.0176 4 @2'-0" 12 5 404 430 3.788 26 0.0176 2 @4'-0" 12 3 243 258 2.678 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 3 @3'-0" 12 4 288 306 3.479 26 0.0176 5 @2'-0" 12 6 388 413 4.734 26 0.0176 2 @5'-0" 12 3 194 206 2.994 26 0.0176 4 @2'-0" 20 5 381 405 3.788 26 0.0176 2 @4'-0" 20 3 228 243 2.678 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 3 @3'-0" 20 4 271 288 3.479 26 0.0176 5 @2'-0" 20 6 365 389 4.734 26 0.0176 2 @5'-0" 20 3 183 194 2.994 TABLE 8--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 15'-16' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° Not VALUE?" VALUE" STIFFNESS° Panel Type Gauge Inch (foot) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 5 @3'-0" 12 6 187 199 4.382 29 0.0133 3 @5'-0" 12 4 125 133 3.394 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @2'-0" 12 9 263 280 5.724 29 0.0133 4 @4'-0" 12 5 146 156 4.048 29 0.0133 5 @3'-0" 20 6 176 188 4.382 29 0.0133 3 @5'-0" 20 4 118 125 3.394 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @2'-0" 20 9 248 264 5.724 29 0.0133 4 @4'-0" 20 5 138 147 4.048 26 0.0176 5 @3'-0" 12 6 259 275 5.799 26 0.0176 3 @5'-0" 12 4 173 183 4.492 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @2'-0" 12 9 364 387 7.575 26 0.0176 4 @4'-0" 12 5 202 215 5.356 26 0.0176 5 @3'-0" 20 6 244 259 5.799 26 0.0176 3 @5'-0" 20 4 162 173 4.492 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @2'-0" 20 9 343 365 7.575 26 0.0176 4 @4'-0" 20 5 190 203 5.356 1 9of31 • TABLE 9--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHE 20'-21' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER° Na' VALUE"' VALUE"' STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 10 02'-0" 12 11 257 274 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 03'-0" 12 8 178 190 6.135 29 0.0133 5 04'-0" 12 6 140 149 5.060 29 0.0133 4 05'-0" 12 5 117 125 4.526 29 0.0133 10 02'-0" 20 11 243 258 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 03'-0" 20 8 168 179 6.135 29 0.0133 5 04'-0" 20 6 132 141 5.060 29 0.0133 4 05'-0" 20 5 110 117 4.526 26 0.0176 10 02'-0" 12 11 356 378 9.469 26 0.0176 7 03'-0" 12 8 246 262 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 194 206 6.696 Q F tj t S CO 26 0.0176 4 05'-0" 12 5 162 172 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 12 3 132 141 3.457 )'-6- ' 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0" 12 4 118 125 5.099 26 0.0176 10 02'-0" 20 11 335 356 9.469 26 0.0176 7 03'-0" 20 8 232 247 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 04'-0" 20 6 183 194 6.696 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 152 162 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 20 3 125 133 3.457 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0"-6-0" 20 4 111 118 5.099 TABLE 10--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SH 24'-25' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN6 FASTENER° Ne' VALUE" VALUE"'' STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 12 02'-0" 12 13 254 270 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 03'-0" 12 9 176 187 7.011 29 0.0133 6 04'-0" 12 7 137 145 6.072 29 0.0133 5 05'-0" 12 6 112 120 5.657 29 0.0133 12 02'-0" 20 13 239 254 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 03'-0" 20 9 165 176 7.011 29 0.0133 6 04'-0" 20 7 129 137 6.072 29 0.0133 5 05'-0" 20 6 106 113 5.657 26 0.0176 12 02'-0" 12 13 350 373 11.363 26 0.0176 8 03'-0" 12 9 243 258 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 04'-0" 12 7 189 201 8.035 26 0.0176 5 05-0" 12 6 155 165 7.486 26 0.0176 4 06'-0" 12 5 135 143 6.560 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-5-0"-6'-0" 12 5 110 117 6.740 26 0.0176 12 02'-0" 20 13 330 351 11.363 26 0.0176 8 03'-0" 20 9 228 243 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 04'-0" 20 7 178 189 8.035 26 0.0176 5 05'-0" 20 6 146 156 7.486 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 127 135 6.560 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0"-6-0" 20 5 104 110 6.740 10 of 31 • i TABLE 9--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 20'-21' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° No' VALUE'" VALUE'•'" STIFFNESS' Panel Typo Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 12 11 257 274 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 12 8 178 190 6.135 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 12 6 140 149 5.060 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 12 5 117 125 4.526 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 20 11 243 258 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 20 8 168 179 6.135 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 20 6 132 141 5.060 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 20 5 110 117 _ 4.526 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 12 11 356 378 9.469 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 12 8 246 262 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 194 206 6.696 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 162 172 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 12 2 146 155 3.458 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 20 11 335 356 9.469 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 20 8 232 247 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 20 6 183 194 6.696 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 152 162 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 20 2 137 146 3.458 I TABLE 10--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 24'-25' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPANS FASTENER° No' VALUE'''' VALUE"' STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 12 13 254 270 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 12 9 176 187 7.011 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 12 7 137 145 6.072 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 12 6 112 120 5.657 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 20 13 239 254 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 20 9 165 176 7.011 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 20 7 129 137 6.072 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 20 6 106 113 5.657 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 12 13 350 373 11.363 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 12 9 243 258 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 12 7 189 201 8.035 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 12 6 155 165 7.486 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 135 143 6.560 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 20 13 330 351 11.363 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 20 9 228 243 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 20 7 178 189 8.035 26 0.0176 5 @5-0" 20 6 146 156 7.486 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 127 135 6.560 11 of 31 TABLE 11--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 30'-32' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° Ne' VALUE2" VALUEZ'4 STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 12 16 250 266 10.733 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 12 11 172 183 8.764 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 12 9 132 140 8.096 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 12 7 109 116 6.788 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 20 16 235 250 10.733 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 20 11 162 172 8.764 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 20 9 124 132 8.096 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 103 109 6.788 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 12 16 345 367 14.203 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 12 11 237 252 11.597 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 12 9 182 194 10.713 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 12 7 151 161 8.983 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 12 6 129 138 8.200 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 20 16 325 346 14.203 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 20 11 223 238 11.597 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 20 9 171 182 10.713 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 20 7 142 151 8.983 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 20 6 122 130 8.200 For St: 1 inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. 'See Figure 3 for end-support and Intermediate-support fastening patterns. 2The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 3For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. "See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. 'The following equation was developed from test data: G' =[CtU D1/2]/1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(k/in.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 'A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 7 Ne is the number of screws along the panel edge at the vertical support. No continuous members,top or bottom,are required to use this table. °Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". General Note: Interpolations between deck spans are allowed. 12 of 31 TABLE 12--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 8'-10' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER' No' VALUE?" VALUE" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (fool) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per Inch) 29 0.0133 4 @2'-0" 12 5 256 272 2.292 29 0.0133 2 @4'-0" 12 3 153 163 1.621 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 3 @3'-0" 12 4 182 193 2.106 29 0.0133 5 @2'-0" 12 6 245 261 2.865 29 0.0133 2 @5'-0" 12 3 123 131 1.812 29 0.0133 4 @2'-0" 20 5 241 256 2.292 29 0.0133 2 @4'-0" 20 3 144 154 1.621 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 3 @3'-0" 20 4 171 182 2.106 29 0.0133 5 @2'-0" 20 6 231 246 2.865 29 0.0133 2 @5'-0" 20 3 116 123 1.812 26 0.0176 4 @2'-0" 12 5 375 399 3.033 26 0.0176 2 @4'-0" 12 3 225 239 2.145 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 3 @3'-0" 12 4 267 284 2.786 26 0.0176 5 @2'-0" 12 6 360 383 3.792 26 0.0176 2 @5'-0" 12 3 180 191 2.398 26 0.0176 4 @2'-0" 20 5 353 376 3.033 26 0.0176 2 @4'-0" 20 3 212 225 2.145 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 3 @3'-0" 20 4 251 267 2.786 26 0.0176 5 @2'-0" 20 6 339 361 3.792 26 0.0176 2 @5'-0" 20 3 170 180 2.398 TABLE 13--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS 15'-16' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS D[CKSPAN a FASTENER e No' VALUE?" VALUE t" STIFFNESS' Panel Typo Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 5 @3'-0" 12 6 164 174 3.509 29 0.0133 3 @5'-0" 12 4 109 116 2.718 • "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @2'-0" 12 9 230 245 4.584 29 0.0133 4 @4'-0" 12 5 128 136 3.242 29 0.0133 5 @3'-0" 20 6 154 164 3.509 29 0.0133 3 @5'-0" 20 4 103 109 2.718 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @2'-0" 20 9 217 231 4.584 29 0.0133 4 @4'-0" 20 5 120 128 3.242 26 0.0176 5 @3'-0" 12 6 240 255 4.644 26 0.0176 3 @5'-0" 12 4 160 170 3.597 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @2'-0" 12 9 338 359 6.067 26 0.0176 4 @4'-0" 12 5 188 199 4.290 26 0.0176 5 @3'-0" 20 6 226 240 4.644 26 0.0176 3 @5'-0" 20 4 151 160 3.597 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @2'-0" 20 9 318 338 6.067 26 0.0176 4 @4'-0" 20 5 177 188 4.290 13 of 31 TABLE 14--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS1 20'-21' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER° Ne' VALUE'3' VALUE3J' STIFFNESS' Panel Typo Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per Inch) 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 12 11 225 239 5.731 U"Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 12 8 156 166 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 12 6 123 131 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 12 5 102 109 3.624 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 20 11 212 226 5.731 "U"Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 20 8 147 156 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 20 6 116 123 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 20 5 96 103 3.624 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 12 11 330 351 7,583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 12 8 229 243 6.501 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 180 191 5.362 tr7UI s0 "U"Panel 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 150 160 4.796 7-7-- . Ql 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 12 3 123 131 2.769 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0" 12 4 109 116 4.084 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 20 11 311 331 7.583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 20 8 215 229 6.501 U"Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 20 6 170 180 5.362 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 141 150 4.796 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 20 3 116 123 2.769 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0" 20 4 103 109 4.084 TABLE 15--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS1 24'-25' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° No' VALUE''''' VALUE" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gaugo Inca (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips por inch) 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 12 13 222 236 6.877 "U"Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 12 9 153 163 5.615 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 12 7 119 127 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 12 6 98 104 4.530 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 20 13 209 222 6.877 "U"Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 20 9 144 154 5.615 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 20 7 112 120 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 20 6 92 98 4.530 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 12 13 325 346 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 12 9 225 239 7.430 "U"Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 12 7 175 186 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 12 6 144 153 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 125 133 5.254 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0"-6'-0" 12 5 102 109 5.398 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 20 13 306 326 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 20 9 212 225 7.430 U"Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 20 7 165 175 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 136 144 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 118 125 5.254 26 0 0176 7'-4"-6'-0"-6'-0"-6'-0" 20 5 96 102 5.398 14 of 31 1 TABLE 14--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 20'-21' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° Ne' VALUE2J4 VALUE?" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gaugo Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 12 11 225 239 5.731 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 12 8 156 166 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 12 6 123 131 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" _ 12 5 102 109 3.624 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 20 11 212 226 5.731 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 20 8 147 156 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 20 6 116 123 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 20 5 96 103 3.624 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 12 11 330 351 7.583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 12 8 229 243 6.501 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 180 191 5.362 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 150 160 4.796 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 12 2 135 144 1.769 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 20 11 311 331 7.583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 20 8 215 229 6.501 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 20 6 170 180 5.362 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 141 150 4.796 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 20 2 127 135 2.769 TABLE 15--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS'' 24'-25' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER° No' VALUE" VALUE?" STIFFNESS' Panol Type Gauge Inch (test) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 12 13 222 236 6.877 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 12 9 153 163 5.615 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 12 7 119 127 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 12 6 98 104 4.530 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 20 13 209 222 6.877 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 20 9 144 154 5.615 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 20 7 112 120 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 20 6 92 98 4.530 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 12 13 325 346 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 12 9 225 239 7.430 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 12 7 175 186 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 12 6 144 153 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 125 133 5.254 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 20 13 306 326 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 20 9 212 225 7.430 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 20 7 165 175 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 136 144 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 118 125 5.254 15 of 31 TABLE 16--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 30'-32' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN6 FASTENER6 Ne7 VALUE"' VALUEz" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(klps per inch) 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 12 16 218 232 8.596 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 12 11 150 160 7.018 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 12 9 115 122 6.463 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 12 7 95 102 5.436 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 20 16 205 219 8.596 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 20 11 141 150 7.018 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 20 9 108 115 6.483 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 90 96 5.436 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 12 16 320 340 11.375 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 12 11 220 234 9.288 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 12 9 169 179 8.580 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 12 7 140 149 7.194 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 12 6 120 128 6.567 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 20 16 301 321 11.375 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 20 11 207 220 9.288 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 20 9 159 169 8.580 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 20 7 132 140 7.194 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 20 6 113 120 6.567 For SI: 1 Inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. 1See Figure 3 for end-support and intermediate-support fastening patterns. 2The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind,A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 3For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. 4See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. °The following equation was developed from test data: G'= [CtL/D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(Win.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 6A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 7 Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. No continuous members,top or bottom,are required to use this table. Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:114-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". General note: Interpolations between deck spans are allowed. 16 of 31 TABLE 7--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER° Re' VALUE2•34 VALUE4"4 STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (tees) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 4@ 5'-0" 12 5 117 125 4.526 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 103 109 6.788 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 162 172 5.989 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 135 143 6.56 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 12 2 146 155 3.458 • 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 146 156 7.486 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 127 135 6.56 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 20 2 137 146 3.458 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 12 5 102 109 3.624 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 90 96 5.436 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 150 160 4.796 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 125 133 5.254 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 12 2 135 144 2.769 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 136 144 5.995 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 118 125 5.254 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 20 2 127 135 2.769 For SI: 1 inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 Ib/ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. 'See Figure 3 for end-support and Intermediate-support fastening patterns. 2The one-third Increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. 'The following equation was developed from test data: G'= [CtL/D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(kiln.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) eA minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 'Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. 8 Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". 17 of 31 20-21 ' "R" PANEL 18 of 31 TABLE 1--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 20'-21' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° No' VALUE2°'4 VALUE•• STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 12 11 257 274 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 12 8 178 190 6.135 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 12 6 140 149 5.060 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 12 5 117 125 4.526 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 20 11 243 258 7.156 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 20 8 168 179 6.135 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 20 6 132 141 5.060 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 20 5 110 117 4.526 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 12 11 356 378 9.469 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 12 8 246 262 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 194 206 6.696 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 162 172 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 12 2 146 155 3.458 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 20 11 335 356 9.469 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 20 8 232 247 8.118 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 20 6 183 194 6.696 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 152 162 5.989 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6'-0" 20 2 137 146 3.458 For SI: 1 Inch•=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. tSee Figure 3 for end-support and intermediate-support fastening patterns. 'The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind,A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. &The following equation was developed from test data: G' = [CtL/D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(k/in.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) eA minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 7 Ne Is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. °Sldelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x718";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". 19 of 31 24-25' "R" PANEL 20 of 31 TABLE 2--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS'' 24'-25' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN FASTENER' Re' VALUEz•4 VALUE'*' STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feel) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 12 13 254 270 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 12 9 176 187 7.011 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 12 7 137 145 6.072 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 12 6 112 120 5.657 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 20 13 239 254 8.587 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 20 9 165 176 7.011 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 20. 7 129 137 6.072 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 20 6 106 113 5.657 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 12 13 350 373 11.363 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 12 9 243 258 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 12 7 189 201 8.035 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 12 6 155 165 7.486 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 135 143 6.560 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 20 13 330 351 11.363 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 20 9 228 243 9.278 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 20 7 178 189 8.035 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 146 156 7.486 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 127 135 6.560 I For SI: 1 inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 Ibift.=14.59/NIm,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. 1See Figure 3 for end-support and intermediate-support fastening patterns. 2The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. °See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. 'The following equation was developed from test data: G1 .= [CtL/D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(k/in.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 6A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. r Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. 6 Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". 21 of 31 c 30-32' "R" PANEL 22 of 31 TABLE 3--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 30'-32' "R" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° No' VALUE2s'4 VALUE"' STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 15 @2-0" 12 16 250 266 10.733 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 12 11 172 183 8.764 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 12 9 132 140 8.096 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 12 7 109 116 6.788 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 20 16 235 250 10.733 "R" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 20 11 162 172 8.764 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 20 9 124 132 8.096 29 0,0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 103 109 6.788 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 12 16 345 367 14.203 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 12 11 237 252 11.597 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 12 9 182 194 10.713 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 12 7 151 161 8.983 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 12 6 129 138 8.200 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 20 16 325 346 14.203 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 20 11 223 238 11.597 "R" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 20 9 171 182 10.713 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 20 7 142 151 8.983 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 20 6 122 130 8.200 For SI: 1 Inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. 'See Figure 3 for end-support and Intermediate-support fastening patterns. 2The one-third Increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 3For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. `See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. $The following equation was developed from test data: G' =[CtU D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(kfin.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30487//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 6A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 'Ne Is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. °Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". • 23 of 31 20-21 ' "U" PANEL 24 of 31 TABLE 1--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 20'-21' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER' No' VALUEz7 VALUE43•4 STIFFNESS' Panol Type Gougo Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(klps per inch) 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 12 11 225 239 5.731 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 12 8 156 166 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 12 6 123 131 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 12 5 102 109 3.624 29 0.0133 10 @2'-0" 20 11 212 226 5.731 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 7 @3'-0" 20 8 147 156 4.913 29 0.0133 5 @4'-0" 20 6 116 123 4.052 29 0.0133 4 @5'-0" 20 5 96 103 3.624 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 12 11 330 351 7.583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 12 8 229 243 6.501 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 12 6 180 191 5.362 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 12 5 150 160 4.796 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 12 2 135 144 1.769 26 0.0176 10 @2'-0" 20 11 311 331 7.583 26 0.0176 7 @3'-0" 20 8 215 229 6.501 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 5 @4'-0" 20 6 170 180 5.362 26 0.0176 4 @5'-0" 20 5 141 150 4.796 26 0.0176 7'-4"-6-0" 20 2 127 135 2.769 For SI: 1 inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 Ib./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 kip/inch=175104/m. 'See Figure 3 for end-support and intermediate-support fastening patterns. 'The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. 'See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations, 'The following equation was developed from test data: G'_[CtU D1/2]/1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(k/in.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 6A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. r Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. 8 Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". 25 of 31 24-25' "U" PANEL • 26 of 31 TABLE 2--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS'' 24'-25' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN' FASTENER' No' VALUEz'•' VALUE'" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gaugo Inch (feel) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 12 13 222 236 6.877 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 12 9 153 163 5.615 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 12 7 119 127 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 12 6 98 104 4.530 29 0.0133 12 @2'-0" 20 13 209 222 6.877 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 8 @3'-0" 20 9 144 154 5.615 . 29 0.0133 6 @4'-0" 20 7 112 120 4.863 29 0.0133 5 @5'-0" 20 6 92 98 4.530 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 12 13 325 346 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 12 9 225 239 7.430 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 12 7 175 186 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 12 6 144 153 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 12 5 125 133 5.254 26 0.0176 12 @2'-0" 20 13 306 326 9.100 26 0.0176 8 @3'-0" 20 9 212 225 7.430 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 6 @4'-0" 20 7 165 175 6.435 26 0.0176 5 @5'-0" 20 6 136 144 5.995 26 0.0176 4 @6'-0" 20 5 118 125 5.254 For SI: 1 Inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/N/m,1 klp/inch=175 kN/m. 'See Figure 3 for end-support and intermediate-support fastening patterns. 'The one-third Increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. I 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. `See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. SThe following equation was developed from test data: . G' _ [CtU D1/21/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(kin.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467 I/"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft) D = average panel span(ft.) 'IA minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. 'Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:1/4-14x7/8";"U"Panel:#12-14x7/8". 27 of 31 30-32' "U" PANEL 28 of 31 TABLE 3--ALLOWABLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM SHEAR AND SHEAR STIFFNESS' 30'-32' "U" PANEL BASE TYPICAL SIDELAP SHEAR SHEAR SHEAR STEEL THICKNESS DECK SPAN° FASTENER° Ne' VALUE?" VALUE2•" STIFFNESS' Panel Type Gauge Inch (feet) SPACING(INCHES) SEISMIC(PLF) WIND(PLF) G(kips per inch) 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 12 16 218 232 8.596 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 12 11 150 160 7.018 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 12 9 115 122 6.483 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 12 7 95 102 5.436 29 0.0133 15 @2'-0" 20 16 205 219 8.596 "U" Panel 29 0.0133 10 @3'-0" 20 11 141 150 7.018 29 0.0133 8 @4'-0" 20 9 108 115 6.483 29 0.0133 6 @5'-0" 20 7 90 96 5.436 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 12 16 320 340 11.375 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 12 11 220 234 9.288 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 12 9 169 179 8.580 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 12 7 140 149 7.194 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 12 6 120 128 6.567 26 0.0176 15 @2'-0" 20 16 301 321 11.375 26 0.0176 10 @3'-0" 20 11 207 220 9.288 "U" Panel 26 0.0176 8 @4'-0" 20 9 159 169 8.580 26 0.0176 6 @5'-0" 20 7 132 140 7.194 26 0.0176 5 @6'-0" 20 6 113 120 6.567 For SI: 1 inch-=25.4 mm,1 foot-304.8 mm,1 lb./ft.=14.59/14/m,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. tSee Figure 3 for end-support and Intermediate-support fastening patterns. 'The one-third increase normally allowed for allowable stress shall not be used for resistance to horizontal forces due to earthquake or wind.A safety factor of 2.5 was used for seismic loads. 'For resistance to horizontal forces due to wind,a safety factor of 2.35 was used. See Table 4 for diaphragm deflection computations. 'The following equation was developed from test data: G'= [CtU D1/2]/ 1000 where: G' = diaphragm shear stiffness(Win.) C = emprical constant("U"Panel:30467//"R"Panel:38043) t = panel steel thickness(in.) L = diaphragm length(ft.) D = average panel span(ft.) 6A minimum of a two span condition is required to stay within the parameters of the test data. r Ne is the number of screws along the longitudinal perimeter support. °Sidelap fastener sizes:"R"panel:114-14x7/8";"U"Panel.#12-14x718". 29 of 31 • • TABLE 17—DEFLECTION OF SHEAR DIAPHRAGMS TYPE OF DIAPHRAGM LOADING CONDITION BENDING DEFLECTION,As, SHEAR DEFLECTION,ab Simple beam(at center) Uniform load 51tLs(12)3 wL2 384E/ 8G'b Simple beam(at center) Load P applied at center PV(12)3 PL 48E/ 4G'b Simple beam(at center) Load P applied I/3 points of span 23PL3(12)2 PL 648E/ 3G'b Cantilever beam(at fret end) Uniform load mmxr1(12)3 ua2 8E/ 2G'b Cantilever beam(at free end) Load P applied at free end Pa3(12)5 Pa 3E/ G'b For SI:1 inch–25.4 nun,I ksi-6.89 MPa,I kip/in.=175 kN/m,1 foot=304.8 mm,I kip..4.448 kN,1 kip/foot=1.1.59 kN/m. where: a = Span length of cantilever beam(feet). b = Depth of analogous beam(feet). E_ . Modulus of elasticity of steel,29,500 ksi. G= Shear stiffness of the diaphragm obtained front Tables 7 through 16(k/inch). / = Moment of inertia of flange perimeter members about the centroidal axis of the diaphragm(inch4). L = Span length of a simple beam(feet). P= Concentrated load(kip). my= Uniform load(kip/feet). NOTE:The total deflection of shear diaphragms consists of both the bending and shear deflection: Atotal = Ab + A, • where: Atotal = Total deflection of shear diaphragm(inch). A6= Bending deflection(inch). As= Shear deflection including the deflection due to seam slip and profile distortion(inch). • TABLE 18—DIAPHRAGM STIFFNESS LIMITATIONS MAXIMUM SPAN SPAN DEPTH LIMITATION SHEAR IN FEET FOR STIFFNESS MASONRY OR .Rotation Not Considered In Diaphragm Design Rotation Considered in Diaphragm Design S STIFFNESS G CONCRETE CATEGORY (k i _ p/i ES ) WALLS Masonry or Concnts Walls Flexible watts' Masonry or Concrete Wails Flexible Walk1 Very flexible >7 Not used Not used 2:1 Not used 11/2:1 Flexible 7-14 200 2:1 or as required for deflection 3:1 Not used 2:1 Semi-flexible 14-100 400 21/2:1 or as required for deflection 4:1 As required for deflection 21/2:1 Semi-stiff 100-1,000 No limitation 3:1 or as required for deflection 5:1 As required for deflection 3:1 Stiff > 1,000 No limitation As required for deflection No limitation As required for deflection 31/2:1 For SI:1 foot=304.8 mm,1 kip/inch=175 kN/m. . 'When applying these limitations to cantilever diaphragms,the span depth-ratio will be one-half that shown. 3'-0'COVERAGE 1.TYR I ti MOTH f EXTERIOR SURFACE • 3 1/fl'iYP. 1 a FIGURE 1—"R"PANEL PROFILE • 3'-0'COVERAGE [6.1YP. 1 1' 1YA. SURFACE \ • �xlERSOR H 2 5/16. 1113. I (- FIGURE 2—"U"PANEL PROFILE • 30 of 31 • • 3'-0' 1_3", 6' I a 6' I 6' I 6' 6' 3' v Pm_PPOei, oo WORT 3'-0' V mot Mar • NIFRfQ6VE WPM 2 1/2' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' - 2 1/2' 1 I v fwitjffinr DO SUFVORT 3'-0' 2 1/2' I'_0' 1._0' 9 1/2' V_A13 Pi IE KITRIJfDWE SUPPORT FIGURE 3—END SUPPORT AND INTERIOR SUPPORT FASTENER PATTERNS 31 of 31