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Petition Handout - Lorelle Weil
5 641,90 \fir.vi vin We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address i1 1. :A A L'1 .1 'i ii, " / "■ 1- -2--'" IMILA__, A.4. 3 (.9 5 I b - St, A-,5 3 .ilk:. I mil_' 4. 1 ■ SS L. L; • y Amp----mk. -A a '",e44,-, -._.; , , ite4,1„,c4---, Lk/ ' ''. ktfreu ,;, 7.i. 'r i . f?P' AUtYlk er)1 �'7� Pipe. W� �4 k0bt 4(-�C11 e Ijoi...,c.i cetery / 63,51„3- j-3_ec.c/t 141,- ,AI `C ; - � drp 4"4R . v T o / .2 'Z 7 I/ , ,- is n /76 9 Z . Z, _ / A.. 13 - 737 7.%1.1 I,a t tl,t,km OK /‘ 77s, - rein 0� (afrk -t-2 r 4o- *41.. rs I ' 'Ryan ANimy v yin'--) Sectcyn53 benr,in dvvd 16 -,1/9-Y r-ei 6, T LLkJavn f n A r24/ •m2 (,of o cac".. Biv) V cane" �, /a 6 2 0 -erg-.v !B/ b 1/1' - /a 5S /G Cfr-i- ip, t , „), , 171 3 i- 0 Li V4 , V g-P T- ZzC' --r--,K,L-v.e9-0 04 t)' &e- Ak /C 7:�z #-60 We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. ha Name Address ri .. . (j P P b - V e _S , , n / ' 5.9PAc /\ diiflhi „ ,___________--- 4 Atid,s_. .._____________--- .. 0 % ....-.... 1 k • 1 - ,, 161 a9eAt. % • 4 S. , r 6/-)32ZZ? ..t_Osloop,opiA(” ' s '; . 0. . Lf 2'"D ,' \—. ° /-1—' t , /9( s, ..-s-D 72233 / , J- 5edlOYaa(`-, c(a� Cl 6I' 1�_*I/ .1��.. CY f 52A 4f,-;, 11/ -.......ib Ail— A z5cR,--VAIP-- 6 '` .... . ! 1 j ') ale__ - --)--- , 401131,8 I "31 egV (361;_/. ' . - i 'It tiALL '' i • r _____, .(PZ-TdglaLdsede_______,Az ANWARS ' __Z_G2_____ _q.,--r L--- +.--.-e_1--" i 4101 dart.rk Alvd. ttn;+-5 0, PLd (1 CI A 4 itii20( _ ' Ocuk 4 63 ft- .,' ,/ °l6 t OCiot 4r G3L\]Lh LiMv; C ) Sc eat4,_ 6k. wA _ l95° alIe L0 C-( ,w3 rc p e-�.t: 9r 76( ` ®- --J- 03 /.__ FL 1)' 44 , . 86 _ --=— Gay--- 71k I 20' eltirat , ' ___ .. --____&40A, ___ 4 ,1 , r4. , e. ci...„.._ ___ iyg, wo4______,____y-,___,___i_,,,o_t r__ , rome_veAr,es,J, FL_ 320 •2 v ga) S ' 4 , pc.24,(-,;,,D szik -L‘ -741 ,- s„,--- G cc0 rs motyv„..c., 7+6 y3,4. 14 P Li--vi,,,,, IW eiLetvi,koeivi ts—tit ?2edievi-i"- 1 ' Itill- U4441144 14-Al O cd t A- (10-If egy 1 6 23 lay234.- 144/ 1 lx=-fir II 1--O I occAu Wills / L GG yi /L qOI O44 n 01./( 4`q• 2e r 9 d Jess braddo 'n1q 3-1n Gt. q o 1+- lo14-1 ! Karlin MevthS 319 4.+/h &Y. ,, 1 , ' EL. / i J 'A I .p/ 1 11_ \`S'A `7- Si- 11 ) \ 1' L,-e-< 01 G -9.4-c 5 )'.Q3 1 -2 )AelAty\ tk \ "ti11D s ks 13 <014, cokes-2. a An, - As )"1 C hot FIGS Wae0212 9d cvl Vif s A 0 i - N iiccilVe jt.ut-0 D& IN, Mitt\--D1( iptit e6i) vz ,e R t '04.7611--1.4a4 lc( 44- 0 L.,/ 110 11 <-1--flAkt f_S Cc,..e--- 2,0 t ct,i v2, Hetx\ is GL t l o v (--►r )Cs ti d Q . A, ` id V\k.\4_ CA\N)uste c;0' (N-v*. se1/4 -23 ci, We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Nam Address 13(r I - ?di ‘icezv, te,..ff*# 7,/ ev-2. (it, Pre' 3 Y , fig✓ Z.0 c Grxi, •), • ,, tsceta- Qc v� t t et of 4v � 5 �mot, �' ��,� 3�val. /k..! Nkctsa "SGQ Cc �r l-N, Pit ■_\( ie i -k-e >c 15 2 Qtr Blvd . ASS g grrol ' &4 12eD 1' w rIcy -;rvi IOti'1 e.u A'.*` t Q co C 6`ika ,e. z? lv R0,14),- )orLe ) 3'2 10t4 5f / / h - &€ J / )223.3 s `re/ 7Vii /l/ ii i-7.c'5i.bg" 2rit AS (2 4Pia,4-tt A3 L3 Nom` Hdi(7-(1-- / to u 11 1113 ict 6 ( <iv %v. -C+ . A18 - � y l 61 � i ov, ,✓,c.,- , v fv a 0670 'ig(4t 64TS JA fd S-1.0 6c. tqi ' x,14-. " A' �� - Lr / - ti Z 2" C S Pd �rQ,►� �-e o� e L a cP/1-/ 1 seka...rc lc-p w FiLizt.ious pky JQW w s E 4 -1j($'1/0 t\/ We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address 1 S# j i 1?)m ii ii 6 S-22 Cru /IC 3 ikv,,e AR 3z231 z -?-o Iv\ toe.Jy_i' S3 C lUt‘1011,v A6 3-223. 3 "-T- 33 ` A' &-la- Al 3213_2 ' s 7 k< it fr,c, '7 ,4=s-- # -.N_b. S.c, 48 52233 y g?.1 .41 1 30 ev=k (KA AA 34.1.33 i&c ile 32233 7 , - _ 5' �t4 -tcAtt 4 AA 32W & I t ce" Su c i 3 ' ea qt) 6 ,,a 522 g 9-,/ (loccreg- tr.-2 o 11--Kcr-7 6./6-- IC :- .t. c c_ IllilMf ; a i /0 ..;14. _ 13 / 1' ) 6P6 a i v,f Al 1 " ' , A._. .. C it /2 Zi.Z 3,t /4- v I roc 94 Dom= - /4 v- 5 flA9 c,a- , Jo ,s k c a Avt4t3 A cf 9.133 fq / t< rW\cdtp 3ti (1)t^ - Sf- - 4.8 &22Se /" 4- e 11 h im e, J o l t-4 UVrl' 0414 za 77/1'S. CoLnit, Svc, E&dear 32Z 2 / &eel./ pAnku-/- af.5 4 („D'ILtaq j P n50 23 aghtialk■L_____ a he di I .i._(/— „ - , rvl P'\ IC-1\1s We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address 1 Mc 5/-1�1x �� �vl� s Li , c _ x• a r 6 N;IhlCl cot,t.c, /0/ OCeAr elv-d 63 -3 ) in,rAA13 13n a`'t's. S 4-- I 1 ( 1. lM `7-- '-atm 5 to �tds6 . -- k 6920 Rau 4-7053.- 1ba De- 10 pi S o.4 ,$)0 \la1r `, IV 1757 �..n y�v� /24(1 13 )Sc 4 . r� l !� � 1 �1 a?>rd1 �.-t- � 1, y ;‹.14..�t �ro 000 yootae,e3 Av e ` Ag l �4v ii,/ 35g ty,l f !ws or, Ag y-- i ?5-0 Ay // / /-r / ‹ /J / 7 ° Le.,-N-� (3 , co ). ( g 2, o c5 EU/ail 1S CIO to/ ji p ' 1 A ■C6ri .73 glY" 71Y( 9A N . C / '9 k4 net "li dim( ipp.....-: fel Orel 4 gictil., *0-0 46 Pill':_. ,,,,lit, ,,,,, We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address VIA/ u2-4(Q4- 'SQ Q' ic BlvL '6 -7- W taw U)F,6i\EN\140 s'EtAs 04 P\k, Ark C,` cv S -( lot ©recta a Iva y pits 4i .-Lp..,� c'1P e- I,?�. !6ILA s. . 3 r-14-4`wts 4,01.1,‘ 44,1fLil Ct J 5 rE k, P3 -Z, V Liq ' S ■ C. L 0 iv 'FE :,_ r irri a trb l VAcLue 11c 324 : Ll '70 13 cl -ite ) 2I /0 /1 //Prig - icit 67/ ' i ., 4„.., :, A A _.2...„53 !; _.,L/ d !:, )7- Arieltr6- _ ceet A, Al R$C4 4) (.7';2-3T A )3 pi 1 , _ 1 /4.,? ?at\ 9� zo 6 #4,00. o 4► , LS-I-) ) -2-(CO f fOr71--7g-o 41,L..., . 2f, �j 2-id iv -sh ,,00. 12 g226. 'o r 5 A // Or r6 i-eivc i tr---J-- ,6 ' I/10 f. _ _ q 6103 ,>,,,,e --ii 1,,,,,,i, .1.Z a. 1:i.. .t A L .a- ,.5 ..4.:7_ _ sdi thiffrigianiglir - / 1 4 ill t 41 ,Alb° t ���,,,� 60,s, We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street 'c , � beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address 1 - L. __ ,1,9 ---fiaL 4116 '�. .h S 4 . _--kvve , ,� A�,,-1 A 4. D • iIi, I!w 6 _ Aiii itinitnikk .... .INNIN I ....„-At ... n-"-io ay �) j /. /J�l► ‘ (,J `-16- .. 2-) - A t i / . .1 ,,,,.._i,e-i___,0 .1,,1 . 0 I(-Y L':4' j i I0. " '9i" C it j eti, `5q RS Ii 1.�L L A r G . I >7 S . *S- Iv wax r i'0 lb . , , 1. 4, 1 lig /3 . ( S`'I M 9 cenA .l 1• 4 C '1 e fJ7 1 3/4,4 8traG w x 77e. S "lpk.� �zz 01 6\j1)-) A,f(C1)1 We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address . A A 0 ..., 4). 5 * lb' aj- , , k , • •i_eA/ ry ic2$ 4 P zo -/.4-, ' ''' (t9, iiior /(7,00s‘?-/ ceky,., , 4,0_,,,ap-Orok._ i ,?, (ON 41-- 746 , , As jle260. e&A A A ct p v 32,B 1 ol,-• Kvatty, 1330 1 54. y1B . -e- s 15 33 ( pm si A, 7 . rn Sk t s 06 . • 41(\' Mk tuI l :31.1/ Jr* 31-_ J. f/21010 . Z1-'1k7d q $C 6 ri-s7 &&5c7 x762, lt'eutAakoi9;■ I- r 1.r, re,,A,-S, critt.,26 . A5 Ki ., 4. lb u 5 , : lj AS • , 1` ` ID j o' sI- -45 A i - - , J.9: e1ZILI> ) 0 4. t. ' ---c(4- -- Y1 AZ • I 0 LJ t 4'k ci- _,e ‘L -1 A L-(-)-,...` /6 -&,.... '4 - A;, _., l,Ala._ .." ) i i i g -"- a, — _ JO 10 <Col-- o21 kR i,mi . hJAP l b \ b J---*4 L/ 0 riltp-\ /� / 1N !/ L We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the � W 10tth Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address ,A r 1 -p 14 ) /b /a'� gi- d- 116,42. 1-Z, ' i - #. - 363 2/0'4 57— .-, Z --x. 0)0 / I _Le, 7�5 l I au --, i friver 9 / o 1/ qq4c _04. ---70.N) C ut-k., / -E2 A 0 iPt- 16. - - I .4fi 1?1 lic° , ' l PA, 4 )1h i 0 ch/1,--Vel (1.4- . 544'yv Ho . ,l , s.� /(0 10' 4- 1w 414,\, \ -- \b \C A -X---))-) -en e--- .) .9,,,,. . .- 44_Lc_,./,ii / , i- / if 2,6 it3‘v k-fu -2ALV C ‘,,,..,-,-,. . \it) _.)-e-,i/ A-- --im-- 1,4 PrP b . s,-\- ' -- -2 Ap . ' 94-\Irr/i. , / D /o 4-1 S.-4= 1-4 I' lla,: )y a at.-/i.L.: x11 '/,i 7t > ISIP (") 6)010 0 U.L.L.J-4 i 0 it)I _Cci— -t'l -' 4 P A. e4 I ' v n , V L ... A k— ;l' ' _ 1 .1 , (9 ) Sk a k ,pa idz,14.-L , /6 /0-k, 0--- - 9 A- /97441 ?kGs 375706'1 - _ ,r-4 r, KIS-(-o P sot 3/V'14 3r. A 4( 6U'uls (\MI' ;'); / '''i\j Di\ We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Nt — Addre 31i si► At 3Z'23-3 /r „ - A 55 / Ar �ti, / / _4414 : ►- a `1,5 /Z)4' • .r. 3 4'2-Li\ --0 . /LP-.5-751- 3 -----iii.nallit,c,}A Zili,a4,-, 0 1 6•--•."--Ir-L„. I lc: ►.., -I- _ nth---2___---- 0 g� ,, &-- z I AD .UAief' 0 Aar,, -6 4. b immium , i 1 b )(,))4_ g____z_S_ 'A.. R /(fr a 41--c30-47— ,� . `. AB f4ii /`�/ , t .- .. r v , - 0- 42 1' ` / . a ,(04ke.0 ,, i it , /0 ,11:7_,bh4,1A— 0'6 " -5 ----A-Ah A 7 AO .2-,64...., __, ..._1 b i6-- ate- k y/ lie , ,...e.c.,..) At-v-1;v.,‘ 0-, 1 n ,-I-6-„}pt_ scfr 17) 2 2_ Ag Alrit. , - , &..,, 4 A S x444- Ca-- 4fr A , ilk ' i .. ._ " ALA, _ _ I. ' ' -4 LS)- - , -ABC GHRIIML . ..., 0 ,„ g4i__ - - cc-b.R We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address 1Y'\ 9L ( Ls 1 (3.14.., 94-- / •' JAAAA1 ,d ,f 3l 7) 0s iffiz r 0 r im 1,ANINVIPM:ZIA 17P IP A .Y.---- - ..ir- / ■i /_/ 76 1, ‘„144: �. ..5 4 e 87 49/ s . 41„. 1. 5- ' Teiv7e-eV), 1 WO 1 2.-g4 &nom. bake e ; r all Oce-sf-,,, ti V2,, ,l f),NA r a y )° ! - - /4 A: o 44_ 1D A-eL *- iS pQ ,,. 1 0g. Jo /y . - 1/I) AR____ 41/.... fi,),70.i.„46/A) • 1 2 )--6, 1,..i-uw„,y), / 0 _ 4/ ,-A- 4- If At 1 (11,1 ', u 44 - n-\A-,- 4,0 . - _ / 0 .44, 41-- SI-- 4" Y1- L L .4 ', F r J- (‘,./\ A - Y 94- J\---s& ..L% a. A We support the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10th Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address Ja * ' LL aeltS /0- lb ` -ti 5-I 4/-/cam.eie. / ,. ..4_, )/76 e k YT) ; -)1.(-1 a),) 23 d /O el 4N?/ &J J `w c a-a-cr /oacj Oci S J.Qa066747'i*--'46 ii/LJeedgaJ,N__ -,:3-- ------2-Cuzie-hga-Le, S - C/2151 3 Cob✓l-(atom( 9 ( vd,4 H la Wp T9�:`VI:I 1 D ` �. b P , & LL,. r I & 1n . - g am): 6Q o■ G.../ )2-,.,4'Z j,— '4 Z-tr jb L M1 L 1.1.4- — 91),(- _,.______A) 01-t-,,41---cl-- -41311 AB A (' b' �.� h & Lc. - AIL Ag . Lsr /b )p -* 1 /10 sc....9),4) 5-e..,44_. / iZ 1-.- 2 ) PP Z.,,.A/ 1n/ v JR 4 j I ,- 4-- 14,py.4 (A\ --6,„1-, / D 7,,,t,i- J:2____ A-4 . / , Al :_> / l0 / o - S - 0 Ji t v4 - Vise 7 i/f/ac:_, _/9_d � z prz ivt•-a-v-N01,-/A , We support 10th �V pport the Cloister's efforts improve the safety of the 10 Street beach access by opening their south gate. Name Address ---- A1 Mo 4c ,ribi `Q Tu, �'Z= *EL.,z7% N-k) 56-- e-----) • A.IV 4, A/17hRidte---- 1 0---re-Arri, .. 1, a -.2-7 .` ii/110.1._41 , AL'A.Atm4d ALA.,015W _ I N/ 4 1.'• 10( ‘ 1 le' 5fr ,i, ,L !, hP' 32i 019� .c t, 46 f- Pion S l Q`V~ mot. Pa CeRA,A--e. Ve_e,t /73 .-1--n,,t-L Lr3 1- 6 AP 4'� /() ,S4- -41/ A , ,A,,e,A,-i2_..-1 ‹c,t,di 4/ 0 4-€--„9,0_, -," 4---2 ,IsZ ... S• / 0 - (Kv 4- Nfar4_W, ' 0 .-..ata A 0-) A-a FAMPIIIMW- 1IMPI_ MIR 4- 41J1 ,Z IPIAIM _... 41-i , b 4_,L9--- A' 2 4'147 / 6 --)-(-A,6— &J- 'id .7. -. (4 EP . _ (= 10 '-- Ltcl- Z P.43 , lo 1 o'e- NA- I Vr7a? -__:„„............ . ___... ......, , , OkAr.o-r- - , /6 cLt45.1 at- -k-s-v Ail '! t 4VIRIMMIIIMININV' ; - 0 . 4 - ` t i/ at ,To % / - -.Qi-4. ( • 1 /