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CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _3 1, _,.„_, ; 800 SEMINOLE ROAD . , ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 \J131>I' COMMERCIAL NEW MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-CNEW-2810 Job Type: COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION Description: FARMHOUSE Estimated Value: $150,000.00 Issue Date: 1/28/2016 Expiration Date: 7/26/2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD RE Number: 170709-0000 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: ROBBINS NEST FARMS LLC, * Address: 1560 SELVA MARINA DR GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: CISSEL & COMPANY Address: 2554 Philips HWY Phone: 904-759-4312 PERMIT INFORMATION: FEES: ENG REV COMMERCIAL BLDG $150.00 PLAN CHECK FEES $315.00 UTIL REV COMMERCIAL BLDG $75.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $630.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE $9.45 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $9.45 Total Payments: $1,188.90 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. rc ;, City of Atlantic Beach•�/. - �� Building Department �' APPLICATION NUMBER ',,;ii, (l800 Seminole Road C 1 v E '. To be assigned by the Building Department.) iii,:7' :, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 DEC A 4 Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5.45 �O�5 /� �' �'//O ,--,•p.>>. E-mail: building-dept @coab.us Date City web site: http://www.coab.us BY: a routed: APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: //75-/7ahViC 4/I'd De_ .artment review required Yes No �r ' cll. _ Applicant: 1,.5.5t f i�0 /1'l a n --�.._ a (/ r•lanning &Zoni . J •ministrator _____— Project: FP-v"m_ ._ ,.-ALS/ Public Safety -- _ Review fee $ ?S- Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt __— of Permit Verified By Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection — Florida Dept. of Transportation — St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers -- Division of Hotels and Restaurants — — -- — Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco MilOther: — --- -- _ - _--- APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: 141proved. (Circle one.) C U p enied. Comments: BUILDING As W-T" PLANNING &ZONING by: %."").---Reviewey: TREE ADMIN. — —_ Date: l a Second Review: LJApproved as revised. ['Denied. P.'`c IC R Comments: ``ora IC T ITI __1 PUBLIC S FETY Reviewed by: — — — — Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: (Approved as revised. LJDenied. Comments: ---- — — - -- — Reviewed by: Date: evised 07/27/90 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: //7S. 477-A../774 BL-Vo• 4,74.41,./-7n- $seitc.44 Permit Number: Legal Description BO< //, /1 1.3 4.Eo71O' "p6' ' Pa /9 P4 39 Parcel # /70 7" -'2000 Valuation of Work$ ISO.400 Floor Proposed Work heated/cooled ted/cooled 25.60 non- .� P non-heated/cooled Class of Work(circle one): 41210 Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (circle one): Comme- Residentia If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system insta e . ircle one): Yes QUO N/A Florida Product Approval # For multiple products use product approval orm Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: .S"mot/ 0C/'4 Av-e, •1-e•14/ 1'144'4 5,Ar6-'4 .cy9,.7 — fic_c-rcx l-4 0 L &_ Property Owner Information: Name:go I/Aft 474.s/ c-4 refs _ Address: /�60 -te/vy 014,e/A/4 PY L City .47 4-J�"- a3A� State,GZip 32'v3.3 Phone 90 54 - 6??- 7573 - E-Mail or Fax# (Optional) ,, I Contractor Information: CONTRACTOR EMAIL ADDRESS: S><e✓e• & 7'oo T lrs S Av'd-e,v. ev-f Company Name: C./SSA i f 6°'v/ 4i.1y Qualifying Agent: <StPIQ.-1 /A'".f,bo 6 s.c / Address: 2554 "A.4") /24' City kJ...4'41o,.,.4dt. State ,GC Zip r v�o7 Office Phone jib Y.7.5f-93/Y / Job Site/Contact Number 9°y•7S"y- '/3/a- Fax#1oy.315.-f/4-1 State Certification/Registration# C6-4 010/ 743 Architect Name &Phone# Se-e,74.1 fy4.I.e.v 9°V- S7/. y373 Engineer's Name &Phone# G/tee,,o/J S. 154✓'-b-e/q( 27.9- 896 - 7S6 y Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Addres§ Al/4 Bonding Company Name and Address n/ hi. Mortgage Lender Name and Address Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that �.1 j f. i 4 • or to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating constr ` � n this jurisdiction. This per ' . mes null and void if work is not commenced within six(6)months, or if construction or work is suspended or aban • r a period of six(6)months 1' S �me after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical IFork,Phtmbin• • i W f iPools� igpptes, � Heaters, s, Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. CUU 11,, WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RE • 1 '1: • • ■ •S . J COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TW CE FOR IMPROV i ME TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN. ' - • -, - : • _ _ • i H YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. • I hereby certify that I have read and examined thisplication and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal,state, or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. —N► d OP Signature of/owner 'A . Signature of Contract. ��44.■_., Print Name 'S-+-, ti 6. • 1 �,� ( �-{$ - t Print Name P h&—i ti)-, ..• ! 3efo e n Befo'- his _lie =y of .,_.,..1.4r. 20 IS this .30' of "` 1N#EE 962 �� � r �i/,`. t Y COMMlSS 0 1 48 d•ary ;Ili.lic •: `'' MY COMMISSION ota y ublic :�� EXPIRES May 07 Mfg- • ��f� MISSION#EE19624e X407)398 0159 FlorideNOtays� .�++ %?1;s,; EXPIRES May 07 2016 ise i!11171QOa Meo .. ,;0,.=_i,,; City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER 'f- ""�, , Building Department (To be assigned by the Building :"'q k j 800 Seminole Road ,:'�� - � g Department.) Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 / , I` Z///D Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904) 247-5845 Ay „, E-mail: building-dept @coab.us Date routed: Z City web site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: /��� frolic ad De_ •artment review required Yes No Applicant: Ciis t C ,f 6 At 19 Q—h y 4�'lanning &Zonir. J `inistrator aFro'ect: [ �� f Public Safety _- ammo Review fee $ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt —_— of Permit Verified By Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection ----� Florida Dept. of Transportation ---- -- St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: — — APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: nApproved. ,Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: .fee At BUILDING PLANNING & ZONING —— — Reviewed by: C/ Date: f TREE ADMIN. Second Review: A- ew: pproved as revised. nDenied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by.:/.4v Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: nApproved as revised. nDenied. Comments: -- — --- - Reviewed by: Date: evised 07/27/10 . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: //7S. 477-0)"1774 23"/°. ?t q,.17/c 2304<-4-/ Permit Number: Legal Description 8 I' 1/, /'+; [.3 ,rE47'01 "y" Pa /9 P4 3y Parcel # /7°Toy -boon o a o o Floor Area of Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft /S Valuation of Work$ Proposed Work heated/cooled 2 S6 o non-heated/cooled -14" Class of Work(circle one): MP Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (circle one): Commer ' Residentia If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system insta e . ircle one): Yes N/A Florida Product Approval# For multiple products use product approval orm Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: -5/44/ t/'4">-e/ "1-el-4/ 8‘1,/4/d^/4 s,4 J 6-z-E .5.7194 y '_ Far M ��O t� Property Owner Informatiion: Name: 6/+�s i(/-2ST i r«iS Address: /S-60 -S.e/v, /la✓, J4 Dvi✓..t. City A71/44/14 $to r� State (..Zip 3'iv3 3 Phone 90 54 - 6 99- 7c 73 _ E-Mail or Fax#(Optional) ,,00 / Contractor Information: CONTRACTOR EMAIL ADDRESS: ..S-71e tJ�¢. 7-�•/S 7 7/�i✓'d. V. Cox./ Company Name: C✓SSE L. 1 /.o yP.4"iy Qualifying Agent: � .Q*-/ /PRM10 65.1-el Address:2SS4 1),4,/,70.i #14 j City t/,4e tcjo".64//t State ,c-f... Zip V vi-07 Office Phone Ivy.7.5f-93/y / Job Site/Contact Number 9oV.7S"y- y3/2- Fax# Joy-339-1/J'ft State Certification/Registration# C6-6 0/0/763 Architect Name&Phone# Sea it 1 ,r--e4 JIe,v. 90 y. .0 7/• >373 Engineer's Name& Phone# G✓..eio/r S. 3'' -c,e/c( 14.9. 0 yb - 756 `J Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Addres§ Ai/4 Bonding Company Name and Address �/ a Mortgage Lender Name and Address _ - �� .. L � Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I cert fy that i� or to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating constr , n this jurisdiction. This per ( ,nes null and void f work is not commenced within six(6)months, or if construction or work is suspended or aban p r•a eriod of six_(6)months '' f. 'me after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical-Work,Phrn:bin; .•i ,, { �tjPoolssFinses, l Heaters, Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. [ 1, WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RE• • 'A. • " f . a L') COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TW CE FOR IMPROV + E TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN A ' - • : - : ' _ - _ • ' H YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I hereby cert that I have read and examined this placation and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type o1 work will be complied with whether speci red herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to gyve authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal,state, or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of�wner . Signature of Contrac . fl∎�- 01111P ��i _ Print Name ' .+a 6 ei S92, t Print Name C si 3ef• e ;- Befo- .. _ his - ray of _. �!o' `._ ... 20 L_ thiss- j. 'of / .�&J.' dYY+rq.•.�ir�•_ 4'IrP. / ` '. .1 -.a.4/, -i.cc■ _ - ., _ //' ,� ���'�li "'`��``- ,Y COMMISSION 1*EE196248 o ary 'u•lic �•:. ,�, ota 'ubltc .�� EXPIRES May MY COMMISSION#EE198248 y O•, Asit-.P-4: •': �e07)995-0153 FkaidaNalaryBe,viEe.cam A os. EXPIRES May 07 2016 i e I,an7,ate.,,,... — .. o..AIF; City of Atlantic Beach ' APPLICATION NUMBER j j• 44 Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) 800 Seminole Road av �� Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 / Civf/, ) ro Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5845 `� 011 �% E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: City web-site: http://www.coab.us /2/4/ J APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: //7,$ (1117afV4 ! ad De•artment review required Yes No Fini Applicant: /,5.5t C t 6 A.--A _ r•-lanning &Zoni•. r- ministrator Project: / ni hi£t_5 r �_w ' _mo �� Public Safety darenall Review fee $ Dept Signature • Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified By_ Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation — - St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers - - Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: - — APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: ❑Approved. Fa enied. (Circle one.) Comments: 5�� L.o Nc•-4_•E .4r5 BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: Date: U t 10 4 ( c 6 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: roved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: ' Date: 41 Zt t FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ['Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 07/27/10 CETVE .51•JA`i;;r, City of Atlantic Beach D ,Fn` Building Department DEC PPLICATION NUMBER .•, p 800 Seminole Road b C 0 4 2015 (To be assigned by the Building Department.) �.i r! Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-'445 : / - ` C. 7 0 i/D Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904) , -• • G G %r; )iii E-mail: building-dept @coab.us Date routed: Z Ail City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: //7�in7an'A-C 4'/v,d De•artment review required Yes No Applicant: eis.s1 l + 6 Av. a- ��Ianning &Zonis. hL5F �ministrator Project: ifirm_ - MIREEIM Public Safety _- anammiu Review fee $ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified By Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection -- Florida Dept. of Transportation -- St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: It4Approved. nDenied. (Circle one.) Comments: / �J' j®�,� /� BUILDING Jez '7�'+'i�fL""• 4/s w"'^',' PLANNING &ZONING /� Reviewed by: �I Date:/L i/r---- TREE ADMIN. ,' Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. `Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: — - --- Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: nApproved as revised. nDenied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date; evised 07/27/10 --- _� i . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: 117 S 477.-p,✓rye B4- '0 4744W716. a s,¢cc-/ Permit Number: Legal Description 8A( //, /a., /..3 4(4 4714 P4 "y" Pa 19 1.4" 3,1 Parcel # /7°761 -10°°° / o Floor Area of Sq.Ft. q. t ISO/Valuation of Work$ S a o Proposed Work heated/cooled 2 CD° non-heated/cooled Class of Work(circle one): MO Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (circle one): Comme• ' Residentia If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system insta e . -ircle one): Yes N/A Florida Product Approval# For multiple products use product app/Wm Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: .-1./-g e/ 0Cr4"", "1-e1-4/ 84/44.14 ,5",A(6 44 S72,27 — t Q_f-(Y1 --i 0 t e Property Owner Information: Name:Rdi+rs //.¢.s, I-4"-Au Address: /S-6° -42-/1/4 /'1u✓,./4 D✓i✓. . City ,471/44744. B44c4 State/e-GZip 37'3,33 Phone 90' - 6 y9- 7S-73 E-Mail or Fax#(Optional) _ _ Contractor Information: CONTRACTOR EMAIL ADDRESS: S7/e%e- & +°15 I S 7'V.de Ve Co,y Company Name: C' $ 140 Aria 4i/y Qualifying Agent: „s fa.e../ Ai`"fbo &.f•f--/ Address:2 .4 "hi 1 h4'/ 7 City%./4.44s 01-.41///-4- State ,C(. Zip 3'34-'07 Office Phone yb Y.•75f•93/L / Job Site/Contact Number 9oy•7S, - y3/s- Fax# foy.3g5.-y/S"¢ State Certification/Registration# C6-4 OA)/743 Architect Name&Phone# Set.741 /e4.1-4.4" 995/- 57/- 3-373 Engineer's Name& Phone# Gr.,e3 o/y S. a pr-Fo-e/c( 24,9. 094 - 7 S 6 7 Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Address N/4 Bonding Company Name and Address n/ 1 Mortgage Lender Name and Address N//I _,�_ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that "11 4 r . a or to the issuance ofa permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating constr• � 'n this jurisdiction. This per � . f mes null and void if work is not commenced within six(6)months, or if construction or work is suspended or aban , : ; ,r a period of six(6)months . j �'me after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work,Plumbin. • i ., WytscPools� tgR,s, , ; Heaters, Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. CC 1 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RE• • 'V ' • _ • • COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TW CE FOR IMPROV +ME 'TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN ` - ' :-, " . • _ - _ • ' H YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal,state, or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of'6wner i,ti ■ Signature of Contract. • ■.A.,L__, Ra-t›,1 /'I f Print Name S+. 6 ssia, t Print Name phtr...i • :ti.ti •:, k;,.SJ.e. 3efo e t - Befo•- _ his _ ( y of �� 20 IS.- this '/- of J ��:�.y��.•.���_ Amer. .N (---- %'L I''� FAA 1. y, Jean.•I`_ Y COMMISSION It EE196248 o aiy 'u,lie �;. • ota y ublic .�� EXPIRES May 6 . MY COMMISSION#EE196248 s,'• te orm 998.0153 Florr2 it te.00fn a.-• EXPIRES May 07 2016 eC r felf171.101a IN.Cft _• • , r ZONING REVIEW COMMENTS sS2 City of Atlantic Beach U ° I, Building and Zoning Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 0 J� �r Phone: (904) 270-1605 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: dreeves @coab.us Date: 12/18/15 Permit: 15-CENW-2810 Applicant: Cissel and Company Review: 1st Address: 2554 Philips Hwy,Jacksonville,FL 32207 Site Address: 1175 Atlantic Blvd Phone: (904) 759-4312 RE#: 170709-0000 Email: steve @firststardev.com Correction Comments 1. Plan Irregularities: Pages 3, 9 and ASF-1 all differ from each other in relation to the farmhouse building. Please make corrections as necessary. 2. Height: Height must be measured from grade. The plans show height as measured from finished floor. Please revise. Informational Comments 3. Tree Removal: Changes to the plans over time since approval of the Tree Removal Permit will require the Tree Removal Permit to be updated. This must be done prior to completion of the project. Derek W. Reeves Planner dreeves @coab.us la) I ‘ 7, 2 • ,-, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: //7 S 474.6017-14 Bi-". 1P74,41-177 4- B 4.0¢c*/ Permit Number: Legal Description 3'K /�, /1 /.1 dEL7d.pi "fi/" . /8 p4 351 Parcel # /7°7oq -b000 Floor Area of Sq.Ft. t Valuation of Work$ /50,400 Proposed Work heated/cooled 2 Co 0 non-heated/cooled Class of Work(circle one): (New) Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (circle one): Comme• • Residentia If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system insta e . 'ircle one): Yes V) N/A Florida Product Approval # For multiple products use product approval-form Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: J/4c/ Fro"s-e/ w1-C.A/ Pal/Q #.f4 S,M'6-C,E S>a/L y — too--M 1-1 O txs Property Owner Information: Name:lb1/AC g 1./. .S f4' i$ Address: /S'60 - ' Q t74d( /q City 44/41,11/14 B4A 4 State ice-Zip 3 yY3 3 Phone 90 y - 6 9?- 7s-73 E-Mail or Fax#(Optional) Contractor Information: CONTRACTOR EMAIL ADDRESS: %Ve✓4- & E' .s T/d"lei it dLcV. (!oiy Company Name: 6/.$S E L I Go Asp Ar✓ / Qualifying Agent: �i�P��� Ie?M,bo el 51-11 Address: Z 4 /'4s/1/1.1 /}is�j City sMe/4j 01.a✓ii/.� State ,GC. Zip 3'Y�e.7 Office Phone to y. ? .93/s— / Job Site/Contact Number fa Si.7S f- y3/e- Fax# State Certification/Registration# C6-4 0/0/76 3 o y 339-f/4-1 Architect Name&Phone# .t''e 7t, ice4•Jt e 99 y. •5.7/• >1 73 Engineer's Name&Phone# 64e,u/ .. 8 i -F'1/c' yy9. 896 • 7S 6 y Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Addresg Al/4 Bonding Company Name and Address n/ /4 Mortgage Lender Name and Address /4/4-Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that i `4 F l issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating constr , n this jurisdiction. This per esonull and void if work is not commenced within six(6)months, or if construction or work is suspended or aban', . 1 ,r a period of six(6)months , me after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work,Plumbin, ,r W eP J�F Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. i LL oo/s tKK�es, eaters, • WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RE• {1• , " * a . COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TW CE FOR IMPR I '.- E 'TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN, ' - :-., - : • _ H YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this plication and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type ofYwork will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal,state, or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. --' .. , Signature owner l _ -� Signature of Contract,. Print Name �t: • 13D /t. �-1..5•x- t Print Name ' P .42,.1 ,. ,•■ • e SS-a, 3efoe ; - Befo-- n: i / his ►.;y of ._ .!I /,._..• 20 1.5— this • - ,..' of ,__„.•dr--A%•..4!�AI�11�lrA1_1WIR eN .,. �� • _/ r___/` AIM L . _�rn*A1 1.1 /•`. +Y COMMISSION It EE196248 ary a'1ic ' '•:_ ota y ub is sue;::. • EXPIRES May 07 2018-— _ MY COMMISSION#EE196248 w EXPIRES May 07 2016 i(ao»398-0753 F .2t.I enice.00m '""' Revised U I.zb.I U (4o7)3984153 Fb,MaN.•. - - • .corn DO NOT WRITE BELOW- OFFICE USE ONLY Applicable Codes: 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE Review Result (circle one): ( Io ) Disapproved Approved w/ Conditions Review Initials/Date: -1-- -1}‘ c) �c t Development Size b `x, Habitable Space 2-5-6 6 Non-Habitable Impervious area Miscellaneous Information Occupancy Group U / - Z. Type of Construction ST Number of Stories Zoning District Max. Occupancy Load Fire Sprinklers Required rl o Flood Zone t%1 V Conditions/Comments: O •-%e- fe Se�,/A•-Rts.I, 4-m. c-rt (704 S• A • x11111%1 416,11A-P,\n • OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT S-fePI A. eISs-a/ is hereby authorized to act on behalf of c.�C. 44 ,tZeack ()rice./ GLc /4e44,,,„F ils,rL 4f the owner(s) of thosc lands described within the attached application .t as described in the attached deed or other such proof of ownership as may • be required, in applying to the ity of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for an application related to a Development Permit or other action pursuan'. ❑ Zoning V:, +ncc ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment Use-by-E; option ❑ Zoning Map Amendment t70. Building P ,mit ❑ Plat.Replat or Lot Division ❑ Sign Pen ❑ Tree Permit ❑ Other_ r BY Signal e of Owner 5 LA.)-64 Print Name Signature of Own^r Print Name .-93 Telephone Nuni State of FLortAct_ County of 11,, Signed and sworn before IT:- a this a7 day of,20Iq. Notary Public State of Florida t` — Kimberly A Billingsley By I� l,m��.�\�r My Commission EE 191120 orao Expires 04/302016 Identification verified:____ Oath sworn: Yes X No ' !1 -- 11 —. Notary Signature My Commission expires: .0.1-1 1_3Q f_ L)L • i f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OWNER / BUILDER AFFIDAVIT I. FLORIDA STATUTES; CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART 1 "CONSTRUCTI• CONTRACTING"REQUIRES OWNER/BUILDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR SECTION 489.103(7),FLORIDA STATUTES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION TO BE DONE BY LIC''SED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION T: THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU,AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY,T a ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. OU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR 1MPROV A ONE—OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY A •O BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF S25,000.00 OR LES THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR USE AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT F ' SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSEL VITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE,THE LAW WILL PRES 1E THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE,WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF THIS EXE TION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR. YO ' CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE BUILDING CODES AND ZO NG REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE 'MPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REOUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COON ' OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. II. INJURY LIABILITY; SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABL OR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WOER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE PURCHASED. III. IRS WITHHOLDING; OWNERS HIRING WO' ERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AND SHOULD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AND/OR F.'M 1099 REQUIREMENTS ON THE WORKERS THEY EMPLOY ON THEIR IMPROVEMENT TRADE IV. PENALTY; UNLICENSED CONTACTORS CANNOT BE EMPLOYED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNERS BEING S :JECT TO S5,000 PENALTY UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE NO. 455-228(1). AN"OCCUPATIONAL LIC 'SE"IS NOT ADEQUATE. THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE COUNTY "CERTIFICAT' OF COMPETENCY" OR THE FLORIDA "CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE" TO ASCERTAIN IF/A PERSON IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. TELEPHONE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT(247-5: 6)IF IN DOUBT. V.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT;I REBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND THAT I 'OMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWNER-BUILDER PERMI //7S A7 ••�•J7; C 3LVO . l°V- c.9— V3/v ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER S76ei • r./ e t_- PRINT NAGt./ar --- �` t2/3 1zb1 y SIGN DATE Bator. . day of Q ecothee•2014 in the county of Duval, . . . lorida,has personally appeared herin by himself!herself and affirms that all st ements and declarations are true and accurate. N ary Public at Large.State of Fl- .County of b V..VPd.— ' Personally Known ❑Produced ldenhfication- n■EXI•` . Notary Pudic State of Florida Alek A Albach .,c ` My Commission EE 877614 Notary Signature: _ .. en_ for n Expires 02/24f2017 F.IIIDG.Owner•BuilderARadavir,REVISED:4.t6 uu9 Pc. IT NUMBER: I J NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, NI- da Statutes,the following intbrmation is provided in this Notice of Commencement. SCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description of the property&street address,if available)TAX FOLIO NO.: 170709-0000 (J M IVISION Atlantic Beach BLOCK 11,12,13 TRACT section 'H:LOT BLDG UNIT rding to the Plat thereof,as recorded in Plat Book 18,Page 34 of the current public records of Duval County J NERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: Uv truction of 8,.QQQsquare foot greenhoiis_e attstas�ociated suRport_facility, �S NER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: 13 3. e and address: Robins Nest Farm LLC, 1560 Selva Marina Drive, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 ry rest in property: fee simple __ i e and addresa of fee simple titleholder(if different from Oµner listed above): Tracey Westbrook,1560 Selva Marina Dr.,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ONTRACTOR'S NAME: Atlantic Beach Urban Farm LLC �^ Contractor's address: 850 6th Ave. South,Jacksonville Beach,FL 32250 b.Phone number: 904-868-6957 `v(II h — 5. SURETY Of applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attached): ,-{ i a.Name and address: N/A _ _ V 'a.Phone numbtt: _ _ _ e.Amount of bond:S —_--_--. -__-- t ,. i 6.a.LENDER'S NAME: N/A t Lender's address: b. number:_ 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by 1 Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: a.Name and address: SR Cissel, POB 1875, PVB.,FL 32004 7 b.Phone numbers of designated persons: 904-759-4312 el a cn 8.a.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates Susan King of Atlantic Beach Urban Farms LLC a O to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(I)(b),Florida Statutes. z F 904-868-6957 0o 2— b.Phone number of person or entity designated by Owner: :P- <U c0 cL 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is a ro Y specified):June 1 ,20 15 O vtY °a Qs to 5 J O WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT °' • co U ., ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CI IAPTER 713,PART I.SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN co iv"- °/ O' RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BF. `r a 0 }Fr RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT ° d a WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. x n `o'c,0 8 = 85ow / ozwce V a �i . 'c. Tracey Westbrook Pci,)t, ,it�}/,) „.-,,Acr- (Signa a of Owner or Lessee,or Owner's or Lessee's (Print Name and Provide Signatory's' ie/O�fffce) Aut 'rued Officer/Director/Partner/Manager) • state of Florida County of Duval S4- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I day of . ( ,20 14 by 1 Vta.c.ii y t 4 f S i 3446 I� -- ,as M A+.+A.rrr� r1 t ut tK,e• (name of person) (type of authority,...e.g.officer,trustee,attorney in fact) for R•436.,-&.s 1J4 s4- FA/+1 (..1.4 • (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known X or Produced Identification__ Type of identification Produced .. .,4 Notary Public State of Florida -_ �`/ _ 617 . Kimberly A Billingsley _.___L - _ =� 49 o�A Epees Oa13020E6 194720 (Signature of Notary• .1ic (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) A 4 ra " r�_ � --.Tr yr DATE: JANUARY 18, 2016 J TO: DAN ARLINGTON, DEREK REEVES Jt ^ ;6 FROM: STEVE CISSEL ■% 11 JAN 1 9 2016 RE: ABUF 1175 ATLANTIC B V`►- J PER YOUR REQUEST AND COMMEN Derek Reeves comments dated 12/29/16: 1 . Sheet Nine and Three of Civil Engineering sheets don't match. (Please find enclosed five replacement sets signed and sealed) 2. Sheet ASF-1 of Architectural Plans don't match Civil Engineering. (Please find enclosed five replacement sets signed and sealed) Dan Arlington comments dated 1/4/16: . (l.) "I he stated Occupancy Classification is F-3, Special Purpose. Group F-3 is no longer included in the current FBC. This building appears to be a mixed use,per FBC-B, Section 508. This occupancy includes some combination of Business; Mercantile;Factory,F-1; Storage, S-2; and/or Utility. Please review and revise. (Please see enclosed five sets of Architectural Plans with updated information. 4. (2.)Q `South room is labeled"Storage"and"Indoor growing room"on different pages;north-west room is not labeled. Floor drains from these and other rooms are connected to storm-water retention pond.' "Please clarify". CLARIFICATION: The rooms labeled"Storage"verses"Indoor growing"are one and the same as designed as large multipurpose room to store additional growing equipment that is in research and development. The floor drain in this room is connected to the storm-water retention pond because all was supplied to this room are from the well system that supplies treated"Reverse Osmosis"and "Mineral Infused"water for the exclusive use in the"growing operation"and is better suitable for discharge into the storm-water retention pond wh additional research in"Aqua-growing"will be studied. 5. (3.) Metal building engineering pages 1-11 are copies of sealed plans. 0 Please submit original signed/sealed/dated plans,per FAC 61G15-23.002. 0 Design Criteria states Wind Exposure B; actual wind exposure is C. Please iclarify/revise and verify structural calculations. (Please see enclosed revised metal building engineering pages 1-11 with updated for Wind Exposure C with all structural calculations verified. 6. (4.) Please provide details for cable brace terminations and cable grip installation. (Please see enclosed detail for your review this is also on the plans) 7. (5.) Florida Product Approval pages and specifications include multiple products. Please indicate the specific wall and roof panels to be used. CLARIFICATION: a. Steel Exterior Doors: 10294-R5 b. PBR roof and wall panels: 11868-R2 c. Battenlok roof panels: 11819-R2 8. (6.) Minimum side clearance for water closets is 60 inches. Please revise or note. (Please note this has been corrected on the Architectural Plans.) 9. (7.) Please provide additional details for electric service, including panel layouts and generator equipment and location details. Please clarify electric systems in farm-house and green-house. CLARIFICATION: a. Please see Details for electric service, showing the panel layouts along with the generator equipment location on the plans b. Electric System in Farmhouse: 100 AMP on plans c. Electric System in Greenhouse: 150 AMP on plans d. Generator Equipment Specifications: attached 10. Fire flow test results attached. 1 J v or i' August 27, 2014 Mr. Gary Abbey Abbey Civil Engineering RE: Fire Flow Test W. 1st St. and Camelia St. Dear Mr. Abbey: Per your request, the City flow tested a fire hydrant with the following results: Location: W. 1S` St. and Camelia St. Tested by: Chris Walker, Division Director Test Date: 8/27/14 Test Time: 11:11 AM Port Diameter: 2.5-inch port Static Pressure: 50 psi Residual Pressure: 35 psi Test Flow Rate: 1,000 gpm The following computational results based on the above variables and NFPA section 291 (2002 edition)are as follows: Estimated flow at 20 psi: 1,454 gpm Should you need additional information, please call me at(904) 270-2535 or email me at dkaluzniak@coab.us. Sincerely, -• li / Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director cc: Chris Walker, Division Director Public Utilities Department 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5834 FILE GENERAC® C/3 LTS LTS Load Shedding Automatic Transfer Switch 1of< 200 Amp Service Rated ceN`=c JAN 2 1 2016 • 0 4), DESCRIPTION The LTS is designed to allow the most efficient use of the generator by monitoring and managing the backed up selected and non- selected circuits. If the generator approaches overload condition,the non-selected circuits are cycled off, allowing the selected circuits to remain powered.This switch is designed to operate with air-cooled and liquid-cooled generators from 8 kW through 43 kW. STANDARD FEATURES The LTS is housed in an aluminum NEMA/UL 3R enclosure. It is service entrance rated at 200 amps and also has a built-in 16 circuit priority load center. The main contactor protects the selected priority circuits while the secondary contactor protects the remaining, non-selected circuits located in the existing electrical panel. The cover is side hinged for easy access. The controller at the generator handles all the timing, sensing, exercising functions and transfer commands (not load shed commands). CONTACTOR RATING The transfer switch contactor is rated at 250 VAC and is available in single phase configuration only. GENERAC So _ 00,. 4 0 0000 �'c i FILE COPY GENERAC' en i 200 Amps LTS Load Shedding Automatic Transfer Switch Functions Al timing and sensing functions originate in the generator controller Utility voltage drop-out ...., Timer to generator start 10 second factory set,adjustable between 2-1500 seconds by a qualified dea'.er• Engine warm up delay .. 5 seconds Standby voltage sensor 60%for 5 seconds 2 of 2 Utility voltage pickup AO% Re-transfer hire delay 15 seconds Engine cool-down timer 60 seconds Exerciser 12 minutes every 1 days All Load Shed and Automatic load return timing and sensing functions originate in the LTS load shed controller Load shed activation 58 Hz for>3 seconds or below 50 Ht to>112 second Automatic load return Adjustable The transfer switch can be operated manually without power applied When used in conjunction with units utilizing Evolution controls 1 Specifications • P • Model RTSJ200A3 No of Po:es 2 Current Rating(amps) 200 Voltage 120/24010 UL Listed Standard Total of Pre-wired Circuits in Priority Load Center 16 No 15A 120V 5 I C No.20A 120V 5 No 20A 240V 1 No.40A 240V I No 50A240`! 1 Circuit Breaker Protected Available RMS Symmetrical Fault Current @ 250 Volts 10.000 Enclosure Type NEMA'UL 3R Load Transition Type Open Transition j Lug Rance 250 MCM-06 Features •Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,positive connections. •Dual coil design •Rated for all classes of toad,100%equipment rated.both inductive and resisti•,e •Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking •2-pole.250 VAC contactors •NEMAIUL 3R(indoor/outdoor rated)aluminum enclosure is standard. • 160 millisecond transfer time. •Limited 2 Year Warranty Dimensions and Wire Ranges I Mechanical Dimensions in Inches) K i Height(in/mm) 1 Width(in/mm) Depth Weight 1 HI I H2 I W1 W2 (inlmm) (lbsAdost 39.3/998.2 142.3/1074_41 17.9/454 7 20.1/510.5 7.9/180.1 80/36.29 N, Terminal Wire Ran es ATS Rated Amps CB Terminal Neutral tug Assy I Ground Assy 200A2-Pole UL 2x300MCM-#1 4x350MCM-#6j 5x#4-#14 3 J 1 t_--w, /� Mounting Holes 4 x.25 Diameter w: �✓ GENERAL Generac Power Systems.Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY.59. Waukesha,WI 53189 •generac.com x2014 Gene:ac Pcreer Sys:ems.tic A7 rgrs reset . :a sreatct.«,s are sublect b cv a •_:na:t roe::. Set 015,.25JS8Y D t'rael n USA ":"3'.i'4 FILE COPY Specifications • SPECIFICATIONS Engine Lubrication System Type of Oil Pump Gear STATIONARY EMERGENCY GENERATOR Oil Filter Full Flow Spin on, Cartridge Type Synchronous Crankcase Oil Capacity 6 U.S. qts. Rotor Insulation Class F COOLING SYSTEM Stator Insulation Class H Telephone Interference Factor(TIF) < 50 Type Pressurized Closed Recovery Alternator Output Leads 1-phase 4-wire Water Pump Belt Driven Alternator Output Leads 3-phase 6-wire Fan Speed 1954 rpm Sealed Ball Fan Diameter 22 inches Bearings Fan Mode Puller Coupling Flexible Disc Air Flow (inlet air including alternator and Load Capacity (Standby Rating) 48 kW* combustion air) 4350 tt3/min. •?ATE Generator rating and performance in accordance wrh 1508528.5,8S5514.SAE Coolant Capacity 11.4 L (3.0 U.S. gal.) J1349.1S03046 and DIN 6271 Standards.1W1 rating is based on LPG fuel and may derate Heat Rejection to Coolant 186,000 Btu/11:t natural Qr. Direct Maximum Operating Air Temp. on Radiator 60°C (150°F) Generator System Maximum Ambient Temperature 50°C (140°F) Generator Output Voltage/kW-60 Hz 1i1N Amt1 CB Siz@ 120/240 V, 1-phase, 1.0 pf 48 200 200 FUEL SYSTEM 120/208 V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 48 166 175 120/240 V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 48 144 150 Type of Fuel Natural Gas, Propane Vapor 277/480 V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 48 72 80 Carburetor Down Draft Generator Locked Rotor kVA Available @ Voltage Dip of 35% Secondary Fuel Regulator Standard Single-phase or 208 V, 3-phase 86 kVA Fuel Shut-off Solenoid Standard 480 V, 3-phase 95 kVA Operating Fuel Pressure 5 in. - 14 in.Water Column I t ENGINE Fuel Consumption-fe1/1tr (Natural Gas/LPV) Exercise 25% 50% 75% 100% Make Generac Cycle LQaU Load load Wad Cylinders and Arrangement 8,V-type 95/38 204/82 392/151 547/220 756/302 Displacement 5.4 Liter Bore 90.2 mm (3.55 in.) fLECTRICAL SYSTEM Stroke 105.9 mm (4.17 in.) Battery Charge Alternator 12 V, 30 Amp Compression Ratio 9-to-1 Static Battery Charger 2 Amp Air Intake System Naturally Aspirated Recommended Battery Group 24F, 525CCA Valve Seats Precision Ground, Hardened System Voltage 12 Volts Lifter Type Hydraulic NOTE: Spar Plug Gap 1.29-1.45 mm (0.051-0.057 inch) Battery dimensions (L x W x H) for the Group 24 battery should not exceed 10 3/4" x 6 13/16" x 9" (273 mm x 173 mm x 229 Engine Parameters mm). Rated Synchronous rpm 60 Hz, 1800 Voltage Regulator Exhaust System Type Electronic Exhaust Flow at Rated Output 60 Hz 414 cfm Sensing Single-phase Exhaust Temp. at Rated Output '` 1025 F Regulation 1% Features Adjustable Voltage and Gain Combustion Air Requirements (Natural Gas) Flow at rated power, 60 Hz 163 cfm Power Adjustment for Ambient Conditions Temperature Deration Governor 3%for every 10°C above°C 25 Type Electronic 1.65%for every 10°F above°F 77 Frequency Regulation Isochronous Altitude Deration Steady State Regulation ± 0.25% 1%for every 100 m above m 183 3%for every 1000 ft above ft. 600 Controller Nexus 6-1 :::-Et L rd' ';C';--VjJ L> FILE COPY Specifications WEATHER AND MAINTENANCE KITS 8. Install the previously removed NG jet into the jet keeper port To keep the generator running at its peak, the following kits are on the side of the regulator housing. offered: 9. Install the previously removed black pipe onto the outlet port of the demand regulator. Use pipe sealant on the pipe • Cold Weather Kit threads. - Recommended for climates with temperatures below 32°F. 10. Reverse steps 1-4 in this procedure to reactivate the demand • Extreme Cold Weather Kit regulator. — Recommended Block Heater Kit for protection in tempera- 11. Follow the instructions in the Control Panel section. tures below 32°F • Scheduled Maintenance Kit a DANGER! -- Kit includes the recommended parts to maintain the genera- ©Serious injury, including death, or damage may tor. Refer to the Service Schedule for regular maintenance occur if not configured properly. Please consult intervals. an Authorized Dealer with any questions. For additional information, or to order any of these kits, please contact an Authorized Service Dealer or Customer Service Figure 6.1—Reconfigure the Fuel System Representative. CARBURETOR SOLENOID RECONFIGURING THE FUEL FUEL HOSE BODY FUEL SOLENOID SYSTEM f WIRE CONNECTOR NOTE: BL IPE •=!'ptpt; SCREW All models are configured to run on natural gas from the lac ASSEMBLY ��,�+ SPRING tort. FUEL ��1 • CLAMP JET rli� Before the generator can be operated using a LP fuel source. the '' 'r r� 1 4110 fuel system and control panel (refer to the installation drawing for , 17'fil OUTLET �� � ll location) must be reconfigured. The steps to reconfigure the gen- PORT erator from a natural gas (NG) to a liquidified petroleum (LP) fuel JET 7•4'•1 r �, t, FUEL source are as follows: KEEPER r ENRICHMENT LINE PORT FUEL SYSTEM at ' - 1. Turn the main gas supply off and disconnect the battery. 2. Remove the carburetor fuel hose from the outlet port of the CONTROL PANEL demand regulator(see Figure 6.1). The FUEL TYPE must be reconfigured in the control panel to final- 3. Disconnect the power wires from the fuel solenoid located ize the conversion process. This generator is configured at the on top of the regulator assembly by removing the screw on factory to operate on natural gas. If conversion to LP is required, the front of the connector and pulling the connector forward, please complete the mechanical conversion process and then call away from the solenoid body. 888-9ACTIVATE for the control panel password.This fuel selection 4. Loosen the spring clamp on the small fuel enrichment line and conversion is required to be password protected by Environmental remove the hose from the hose barb. Protection Agency [EPA] regulations. 5. Remove the black pipe assembly from the outlet port of the demand regulator. The solenoid assembly may need to be a CAUTION! removed before performing this operation (Figure 6.1). 6. Remove the NG fuel jet (loosen counter clockwise) from the A Whenever the Generator's Fuel Regulator is outlet port. converted from one Fuel type to the other, 7. Remove the LP fuel jet(loosen counter clockwise)from the jet the Control Panel must be reconfigured for keeper port on the side of the regulator housing. Install this jet the correct fuel type. Failure to convert both the Regulator and Control Panel will result in into the outlet port in the regulator casting. decreased performance and an increase in NOTE: emissions, and is a violation of EPA regula- The jet sizes are stamped on the individual jets. The larger jet lions. size is used for running on NG. y Bt,Z1 f1 `?H °o0aadSua0 b` C bm .ZSQ C7 �=D° FILE COPY N ,,,.-4- z ,o3 rNc r t3Z -,A d.. ZO M rlw ZE1 171 JO C S W N • 23 �=!I 23 rt �1 1:183 1L1178 ® U) / / 1 t Nc ?Nil i.I�` N2 Oz m o T1-- i NEU/LINE z Pi(j) nm c ' ' —_ 0 5 z �' 0 111 © m n) - © Zz m Fim (- m irc A 0 O°o• ©o®' 1� 0 O V v 2.3 c z 0 zn C z Cvci (T1 _1 m r A DO n n � w Ac p C 1 O r m A el g c� o ,,,2 t1d 0 z m 0 5 c =g mot MI F, C1 L3 ' Milli ME 'a� Z�]0 •('I 'tom I i \ 194 4'��,A: I ?fir ° 'i"� '� I. ` • 1:Z] z I 23 .1.1".f.'".14. iv j Will D v. m p r •(-75 c X C `- f� m r0 Co ���- filt� n 0— rri z,..., r_ -00, m o •• c�C > D J o tTj z ° 61 1 O .o ZC 1 co G w p.. A I 5 m b ti C A 1. / 7 r V1I P S S 1 l `7 S FILE COPY TECEOVED JAN 2 1 2016 r 1 , 440 iiir 00 SLUI IN VEB TU INSER -FLFI-LUC GRIP HILLSIDE WASHER CABLE i -COLUMN UR AND EYEBOLT ��� • knf"TER WEB NUT HILLSIDE EYE BOLT wASF:�R fASH r� � NUT 0 •I un�ItEF? The EYE.BOL1 . 1 CABI_ p - / IJILLSIEF WASHER i SLOT IN VL➢ TO FLAT - _r COLUMN UR INSERT HILLSIDE" WASHER / RAF TER VEB wASHF:R R EYEBOLT \.__ILO-LOC GRIP llIAGUNAL CABLE DIAGFINAL CABLE, EYEBOLT END n‘,E- EYEB[ILT END C • 4 a 0 I F- r- v m rn CD D O O (1) T M D O rn 3 ::<": rn r D D rn c p°• z ; m � n D O Cl r I> rn rn I4.11w m D tiLE CI rn o m D F � rn i CD iv i 0 C % 73 n � D ' -n O m co m 3 -< m Xi z W o III x II n Ar e DATE: JANUARY 18, 2016 1© 1 G V 1 TO: DAN ARLINGTON, DEREK REEVj S ' FROM: STEVE CISSEL '4 JAN 1 9 RE: ABUF 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD 2016 PER YOUR REQUEST AND COMMENTS: Derek Reeves comments dated 12/29/16: 1. Sheet Nine and Three of Civil Engineering sheets don't match. (Please find enclosed five replacement sets signed and sealed) 2. Sheet ASF-1 of Architectural Plans don't match Civil Engineering. (Please find enclosed five replacement sets signed and sealed) Dan Arlington comments dated 1/4/16: 3. (1.) The stated Occupancy Classification is F-3, Special Purpose. Group F-3 is no longer included in the current FBC. This building appears to be a mixed use, per FBC-B, Section 508. This occupancy includes some combination of Business; Mercantile; Factory, F-1; Storage, S-2; and/or Utility. Please review and revise. (Please see enclosed five sets of Architectural Plans with updated information. 4. (2.)Q `South room is labeled"Storage" and"Indoor growing room"on different pages; north-west room is not labeled. Floor drains from these and other rooms are connected to storm-water retention pond.' "Please clarify". CLARIFICATION: The rooms labeled"Storage" verses"Indoor growing" are one and the same as designed as large multipurpose room to store additional growing equipment that is in research and development. The floor drain in this room is connected to the storm-water retention pond because all was supplied to this room are from the well system that supplies treated"Reverse Osmosis"and "Mineral Infused" water for the exclusive use in the"growing operation" and is better suitable for discharge into the storm-water retention pond where additional research in"Aqua-growing" will be studied. 5. (3.) Metal building engineering pages 1-11 are copies of sealed plans. Please submit original signed/sealed/dated plans, per FAC 61G15-23.002. Design Criteria states Wind Exposure B; actual wind exposure is C. Please clarify/revise and verify structural calculations. (Please see enclosed revised metal building engineering pages 1-11 with updated for Wind Exposure C with all structural calculations verified. 6. (4.) Please provide details for cable brace terminations and cable grip installation. (Please see enclosed detail for your review this is also on the plans) • 7. (5.) Florida Product Approval pages and specifications include multiple products. Please indicate the specific wall and roof panels to be used. CLARIFICATION: a. Steel Exterior Doors: 10294-R5 b. PBR roof and wall panels: 11868-R2 c. Battenlok roof panels: 11819-R2 8. (6.) Minimum side clearance for water closets is 60 inches. Please revise or note. (Please note this has been corrected on the Architectural Plans.) 9. (7.) Please provide additional details for electric service, including panel layouts and generator equipment and location details. Please clarify electric systems in farm-house and green-house. CLARIFICATION: a. Please see Details for electric service, showing the panel layouts along with the generator equipment location on the plans b. Electric System in Farmhouse: 100 AMP on plans c. Electric System in Greenhouse: 150 AMP on plans d. Generator Equipment Specifications: attached 10. Fire flow test results attached. ti • , i'S `1 3 ,+j /�. M` r) !, August 27, 2014 Mr. Gary Abbey Abbey Civil Engineering RE: Fire Flow Test W. 1st St. and Camelia St. Dear Mr. Abbey: Per your request, the City flow tested a fire hydrant with the following results: Location: W. 1s` St. and Camelia St. Tested by: Chris Walker, Division Director Test Date: 8/27/14 Test Time: 11:11 AM Port Diameter: 2.5-inch port Static Pressure: 50 psi Residual Pressure: 35 psi Test Flow Rate: 1,000 gpm The following computational results based on the above variables and NFPA section 291 (2002 edition) are as follows: Estimated flow at 20 psi: 1,454 gpm Should you need additional information, please call me at (904) 270-2535 or email me at dkaluzniaka.coab.us. Sincerely, • Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director cc: Chris Walker, Division Director Public Utilities Department 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5834