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r- 1"\iyJ: 0 : - .; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ,, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD j, �i ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247 -5814 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247 -5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16 -ELEC -289 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: TEMP POLE 60 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 2/8/2016 Expiration Date: 8/6/2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 538 ATLANTIC BEACH CT RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: TRI COUNTY ELECTRICAL Address: 11637 E COLUMBIA PRK DR QA KEVIN LEE WEIR Phone: - - FEES: Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Temporary Electrical Service $35.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 Total Payments: $94.00 1 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. w.. Oil ._ U4:211 '4':'hLlybc65 TRICOUNTY' PAGE E12,'O2 ELECTRICAL PERMIT � APPLICATION .� Cr O AT L A ITC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 • P1 (904) 247 -5826 Fax (904) 247- 5845 JOB ADDRESS: i A ' ! e , LOT =1 I B . PtR UT # / 5/ JEA. INFORMATIONREQUIRED ON ALL PER, S 2'C ANIPS . Q VOLTS PHASE --4 :.E OF WORK $ tr b0L• to Q >�'�V SrRVICT 1 'Overhead gruu>ad LJT Underground op Pole :dentt>tal (Ntain) Service C--, L.,d -100 amps 0101- 150amps 1- 200amps ❑ _ amps # of Meters °Commercis l (Main) Service 00 -100 amps 0101- 150amps 0151- 2OOamps 0 amps OCT Service amps Conductor Type Size _ . °Multi - Family (Main) Service T 01,00 amps 0101- 150amps D1.$1- 2b0autps 0 romps # ofUuitMeters emporary Pole 0�_araps SERVICE UPGRADE © amps 0 CT Service amps NEW FEEDER (ADIflTIONS, ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, ETC) 0100 amps 0150amps U200amps 0 amps OCT Service _ amps ADDITIONS, REMODELS, REPAIRS, BUILD -OUTS, ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, ETC. Outlets /Switches: , . ( 0- 30amps 31- 100amps l01- 200axaps Appliances: . 0- 30amps 31.- /00gunps 101- 200amps A/C Circuits: a., 0.60amps _ — 61- 100am,ps Heat Cir'cuit5: ��J, ,. • # circuits Q@ kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: 6,...3 . OTHER ELECTRICALi PROJECTS 0Swimming Pool' 0 Sign OSxnoke Detectors Qty °Transformers ICVA ©Motors hp FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans & Eire Alarm Checklist) Qty . volts /amps VALUE OF WORK $ REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS 0Rcplace Burnt/Damaged Meter Can °Safely Inspection °Panel Change OOT-1 to U'G OOtlzer: Permit becomes void if work ' . . . . . ... ... ..,.., t .. does net commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abnndaned �;�r sic months. I hereby certify fleet r hive " read this application and know the same to be true and oorrect, AU provisions of laws and ordi ces governing this work will be complied with whether speci£ red or not The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation consttvctlon or the performance of construction. �/^� Property Owners Name 4 �_g_f_rti r' _ �y► S' -_ -_ Phone Nrmber - _# 11 Electrical Conpany' - t Le) t eI4 & e....,c -. 4 .__ //G‹.0f6ce :2-___ ' '=9oi l Fax eWeei -fw r Pi ` A. 14... City Sp."( . State -Zip ' - Co. Address: 0 t b 3� +�' f License Holder (Print): .� 1�' L .. „r Sty' r. - rti. cation/Registration # P_,07 /S/ r, l ` ;' „ 2 . ,. :r`d . ' elf A . € f / . A Itir l ,b���� p � ,, f - TA MY PAl !. - Notary Public - State of Ftarlde cud. su b s cribed before me a (o day of _.T) Lim„ 20 15 Mycomm. E xpires Jut 6, 2016 ,, ' .'' , r co mmission a i r y 20200$ i gCla tUr C o -m. ,4 „ P u bli c ', T +; Bonded Through Naonnal Notary APPn, ►u\J'f '`e S l CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247 -5814 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247 -5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16 -ELEC -290 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: NEW ELEC SERVICE 150 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 2/8/2016 Expiration Date: 8/6/2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 538 ATLANTIC BEACH CT RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: TRI COUNTY ELECTRICAL Address: 11637 E COLUMBIA PRK DR QA KEVIN LEE WEIR Phone: - - FEES: Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 New Single Family Electrical $60.00 Total Payments: $119.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. 02/03/2016 04:29 9042609688 TRICOUNTY PAGE 02/02 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Ph (904) 247 -5826 Fax (904) 247 -5845 JOB ADDRESS: w ' ' Be . 4 " . Lea / + . o f 4 8 . . PERMIT # /6 — 5PR - 5 .TEA. INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERIVJ 'S _ AMPS =. O VOLTS 1 _ PHASE UR OF WO.RK $ l,. do4. 0OO U nde r rouiad D. 1Tnde roun up ��NEW SERVICF D - Overhead 'G'g d �' Pole 42esfdentia.l (Main) Service Li0 -100 amps ❑ 101- 150amps X151- 200amps ❑ amps # of Meters °Commercial (Main) Service 00 -100 amps 0101- 150amps 0151- 200amps ❑ . - -- amps OCT Service amps Conductor Type _ Size _ $ FlMulti- Family (Main) Service l0 -100 amps 0 10 ' Wamps ❑ 151- 200amps °_ _ _amps # of Unit Meters - mparary Pole 0_ nps SERVL E UPGRADE 0 amps 0 CT Service , atups NEW FEEDER (ADDITIONS, ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, ETC.) ❑ 100 amps ° 150amps L1200amps I _ amps OCT Service _ amps ADDITIONS, REMODELS, REPAIRS, BUILD-OUTS, ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, ETC. Outlets/Switches: _. ( (.0 0-30amps 31- 100amps _ ,101- 200anaps Appliances: . 0- 30amps 31- I00amps 101- 200amps A/C Circuits: . _ 0- 60a1rups61w Heat Circuits: ___ # circuits @I kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: �p 2 O3.11.k t ELECTRICAL PROTECTS ©Swimming Pool 0 Sign O Smoke Detectors _ Qty °Transformers KVA ©Motors hp FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans & Fire Alarm Checklist) Qty volts /amps , VALUE OF WORK $ REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS °Replace Burnt/Damaged Meter Can °Safely Inspection. °Panel Change OOH to UG °Other: ----- Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned ibr six months. 1 hereby certify that T have read this application and now the same to be true and correct All provisions of laws and ordinances governbng th.is work will be complied with whether specified or not The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the performance of construction. Property Owners Name V , ..1 ri Le _ - - Phone Number - Electrical Conpany - t I 1E'_: c_ . Corr I,CQft ce Phhone . Q. � ;�r F'ax '°9 Co. Address: 1 i b'� — u- . . Pr . City r -,e.-... State Zip 3..2-, License Holder (Print): '' + ` Ask L • ArAlear Stag IP • . cation/Registration # . .©o /SJ',v ir ■ „ ,l�.N�.,,�. TAMMY PALL I c t l ip Notary Public • Slate of Ptorida N worn and subscribed before me J' 's 1 (0 day of 20 1 i My, Camm. Exptrot Jut 6,2018 V , commission WEE 202003 • • i,gnatu re of Not r Public 0 m mad Noon National Notary AeRn.