2-25-16 Special Called Meeting MINUTES
February 25, 2016
6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor Mitchell E. Reeva _
Mayor Pro Tern Jimmy Hill
Commissioner Mitch Harding
Commissioner John Stinson
Commissioner Blythe Waters(arrived at 6:08 p.m.)
ALSO: Cathy Berry, Human Resources Director
Nelson Van Liere, City Manager
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
Mayor Mitch Reeves called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., which was held in the Commission
Chamber for the purpose of hearing the initial presentations from the candidates for the City Attorney
position. He explained the procedures for the meeting. Human Resources Director Cathy Berry
answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued.
1. Introductory Presentation by each of the Qualified Responders to RFP 16-02.
Ms. Berry introduced the candidates (as listed below) and each gave an introductory presentation to
the Commission.
A. DiFranza Law,P.A. -Lisa A. DiFranza, Esq.
B. Douglas,Hedstrom, Cossey,P.A. -Joshua A. Cossey
C. GrayRobinson P.A. -Patrick W. Krechowski
D. Lewis,Longman & Walker, P.A. - Wayne Flowers—representing firm for Brenna M.
E. Winter Law Firm - W. Alan Winter
Mayor Reeves thanked each of the applicants for coming.
Ms. Berry answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued.
2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors
Mayor Reeves opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and explained
the process for public comments.
Chris Jorgensen,92 W. 3'd Street, expressed concern about what he would want in an attorney,
including getting a commitment of 5 years, asked that they be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order,
know about issues concerning Atlantic Beach, and stay with the legal facts.
No one else from the audience spoke, so Mayor Reeves closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
3. Discussion and selection of top candidates by the Commission.
At the request of Mayor Reeves, it was the consensus of the Commission to suspend Roberts Rules.
Discussion ensued.
Motion: Advance all five candidates to the final interview on March 8,2016.
Moved by Hill, Seconded by Harding
Further discussion ensued.
Commissioner Stinson called the question. Mayor Reeves called for a vote on the question.
Aye: -5—Harding,Hill, Stinson,Waters,Reeves
Nay: -0
Mayor Reeves called for a vote on the Motion.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: -2—Harding,Hill
Nay: -3 -Stinson,Waters,Reeves
Commissioner Stinson asked that they allow each Commissioner to ask one question of one candidate.
Discussion ensued and the consensus was to allow each Commissioner to ask one question to each
candidate and rotate the order of the speakers going alphabetically by starting with the first, for the
first Commissioner,then second with the second Commissioner, etc.
The Commission asked one question of each of the candidates and the candidates responded.
Discussion ensued. Mayor Reeves asked for a motion to consider who they will bring back.
Commissioner Hill asked if they should rank the candidates. Commissioner Stinson stated he would
like the Commission to vote, up or down, for each candidate individually.
Motion: Consider each firm by name and that three Yea votes advance them to the next round.
Moved by Waters, Seconded by Harding
Discussion ensued.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: -5—Waters,Harding,Hill, Stinson,Reeves
Nay: -0
Roll Call Votes were taken on each of the firms with the results as follows:
A. DiFranza Law,P.A.,Lisa A. DiFranza, Esq.
B. Douglas,Hedstrom, Cossey,P.A.,Joshua A. Cossey
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C. GrayRobinson P.A.,Patrick W. Krechowski
D. Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A., Wayne Flowers — representing firm for Brenna
Aye-Waters,Hill, Stinson,Reeves
E. Winter Law Firm, W. Alan Winter
Nay—Harding, Stinson,Waters,Reeves
Following the question and answer period and the voting, the Commission determined they would
advance the firms of GrayRobinson P.A. and Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. to return on March
Ms. Berry asked for clarification, as discussed earlier in the meeting, if the Commission, individually,
submits questions to her for the candidates, what is the expectation? She asked, do they want her to
get the answers and compile them and send them out to them or compile the questions to be asked at
the March 8 meeting. Mayor Reeves stated he believes if any Commissioner asks questions, it is
between her and the Commissioner and if the Commissioner decides to ask that question on March 8
or ask any other question, then that is when they will find out as a group. He asked if he has a
consensus on that. Commissioner Waters asked Ms. Berry what is a reasonable workload expectation
for her. Ms. Berry stated she would prefer to compile the questions, get the answers and get them all
back to the Commission so they are ready on March 8. She stated the questions that have already been
asked and answered may prompt more questions. Mayor Reeves stated, if they are agreeable, Ms.
Berry will take all the questions that are asked and provide them to everybody before the meeting as
part of the staff report.
The Commissioners thanked the applicants for coming this evening.
City Manager Van Liere stated he appreciates all the comments from the applicants and looks forward
to the next meeting to find out who he will be working with.
Mayor Reeves adjourned the meeting at 8:52 pm.
v aasalt Mit chell E. ' - - •es
O�N/YL� Mayor
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk
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