19-08-19-97 CDB Minutes1fAiAftI~FS~ #IIEEF~NiG-flF-THE
~iugust t8, #987
~:~a fs.M.
PRESENT Don tltfotfson
Robert Frohwern
~F ~litaUcer
-f'at Pitknore
- teal
eEte Sirt~fCins
AND GeoFge Worfey; fi;:CD Director
ABSENT Atarz£sgsrire
Chaictnast {Tort Yttotfs~.oaltedthe meeting: #acrder auuf astcedfor apprnxatsd the
rranutes lrfxn the s~eting t~f ,fury 'fti, 4987 meeting. Un Ration made sad seconded and
atfercarredng aninortypogr~ptuca#ercorth~s.r~re ~ppro~red.
t. AppCcation ~r tlse-~y~piioc}~c~aefiana'f~ ~ea~e a
oontractrr~ business to ttrarehotsse, , edge arp~porisrt is~orted snarbre and granite.at
property located at 1177 Atlantic.
Rort fsaaco introduced hrmseit arnt exptainedtttaf Aetepresented the applicant as
the ~ estate brorcer. He arso irrtrodeued Anttxu>j~ D'Angeto, business associate r dir.
7ohacehs, and vrourd act as ttrteas f,Ar~ Tcf~CS.i'si tmuld scot apeakenglish.
Mr_ isaac~r stated tt~tthe applicant tad beisxgtorting, tricrtrstir~, sandingand.
polishing gsanife and marble:riot whdesale arsdrefatf sale. .
ltttr_ tltlcxtey e~raisted ~at9Te ap{~I~artthe.pracaessing the ~hte artd teourd
no# tse fabricating anytfting Em site. -
Attar discussion, ~e appfuation twos amended tcs ascorporate items 6, 7 arui:l0
tinter fhe Commercial Gesrexat F3istrict:
Mr. Wa[fsort moved ~ teaonasrecicf approvat aftf~e BSe-by-exceptiok as armed
~' atxiue solely ba the appGcs~ and~y &u t11e slated lacahoci:. Ms_ t~tt#enoce sec~ndedlhe
motionarrnf itpassed unanimously.
Et. App~iCation liar Efsg-by-Exception ~Eed bar ~vrr~as Na7sors la operate ~fitrtrited
whatesale operation for vvtiQtesafe of producxs liar Weg teeth at property Fnca~d:at
3T4 Ahern Street. .
Attorney Susan GreenT representing the appflcant, lcstroduced herself to t[ie board
and e~rlained that the appflr,~tnt p a pradact:~edby dentists arrddentat product
distributors for the purpose of whltecur-g teeth. Sbe-slated. that the product wautdbe
deti~rered to the building and repa+dCaged for safe arm distribution.
Thomas Nilsen introduoecF himself to-the board- acrd stated that deliveriesof-3he
prrxluc# vuotr[d_ 6e made tety once a duu>;is and file produr~ vYnuki be packaged
safe at tFie property. hte= also stated drat there mould ~t~ outsidestorage and-aB work
~:be oamplefied inside ttae bvitdiag:
Auer discussion, Mr. Fradiri moue<t to rer~urrertd approval for the ty-
exception solely to .the applicant ~d Doty ~ ~ sperxfied location.. 1Nlr. ttEiat
secorMert the motion arnt Zhe requestmras ttttatis>~t:approved.
11f. Presentation ~t Attantio '~ts;aters debys In ~earnartce arith
requirements re9ardin9 P~9• .
Dien lCterrrent, agent€~ t~t'~ate~;'~ t~nsett'13a fie ttoarrl T~aiso
imrc~duced Jactc t3avis, Jame iCerst. Mike Spivey and E1arr Snrith, afl ~foyees or-8g~trts
of Kent Theares.
Mr. ~erruerrt skated that arere- by fie-t:ode ~ t3oard:3or
roonc~mpfiar~e wc~[i the farids~ping eegrnrements_ He mentioned issues such as v~[ejng
xrdh adjacent property owr~ers.taar3tlleve ~ eflorfs ttr t~andscapinga #ie stated_tEiat
h1s company was ready #s awva tonarard ;rrntiith-ta~Gan~ and ,ass hoping {or
conurnmication and cfarificatiaa:ifa the_tode t3aforr~merrt hard mat t~rnpliance was
fioctlu~rnirtg. l•te gave a time#arne of siidy-days for fiance sod ~aroutd:~~e
nar>aining Cdr. irranedtatefy.
The board rr~mbers used disappointrererrt with lack of Dra~ress regazding
~[etion of the work irnrolved.
After disrxession, ~ ~ ~xe,oonserssus of the troarrt that. the cfrecherx~a a
menwrandum vn behalf of ~ board to the Code-Es-forcecnent Board iafarrrnrtg titerts otthe
preserrtatiox~ by Kent Theaters acid-~u~ude a suggestiorxfor compiiance.muthih days
from tonighYs nieettng and ~ irr~ose ena~amucn s Wr further nonfrance.
I~SCtiSSlt]N iFf~S:
1. Mr. Worley subndttied anierrrozarrdurtraettirng the assessed value-of the
ivementand value of ttve mru~sation adder t~ti~catedthat#he arigutat~u'tdng
area was 2,028 ware fleet arpd theaddition area is BOO~uare feet.
[iltr. Wolfson requested ~t staff obtain froaa the-owner of ~f Attantie Boulevard
ver~iCation-of irne va~uation`.of :fie-oot~vcGoa:in :order. to ascertain a peccer~tage of
irrgxovements and thereby deterenlne-pofer~ial~r~plianee-with ~ Farsdscaerdicsance.
~rtr. Y{fortsy e~gstained ~at~e ~ratuatiotref prapos~ed constructi,or~ ~ ~ by
the. wr-trador or ouimer and.the Buitd~ E)ffidatcatcotatesthe valuation byes fakes
dam tt-e Standard Buitdir~-Code.
Mis Watkersfat~ thatthe board is ac#ir~g: after Q~e- and tip Perasnfa9e of the
assessed valuation artd ir~roverr~ents shoufd-#~cbtain~,tircurs day one.
Mr. Worfey stated he would consult with thefaty's legal c~urssef to detenrdne if fie
sl~Td i+equestan affidavit fro~tt~e- ~verffica5onnl`the vafua5onsand taw
far the City can proceed in his eegard.
tt ~nras the consensus at the board that des be obtained born-.the.Standard
~,--.: Buitdirt~ Code in cafcu(ating ~,e Yatuation of ffie man and ~ 8te rs~6ers be
consistent ~ each case to defercrune whed~r ar acrt the unproven, a~58-O,6 at ~e
assessed value-and thereby lr~gerirsg whether cEanpfiarrce with the landscape code is
it_ lttir_ ft{fartey #i~ishedt~ haarct a rr~un nrgar~ng tt~ 8-foot
rrortc~nforming fence located at 89 West 4th Street. [~ stated that he tae ~ffced to Mr.
.iotx~son, owrr~ vPthe propectitand requested ifitiaaime~a5~ ut 'on the fence
or be Brought before the Code Er~foroernent t+ar t~t~rf'iance.
ill.. The Board. used procedures tor-appeals of ~ iosss ~ the City
MF: Worley e~lained ~akttre f~ity fission r~ld rrot hearanappeak~.the
board's decision wiUwut first having de~rrnic~d that the ward arxed illegally.
The beard requested if~t stattraca~stt R[ait.ters~n mterprekatians regardng
the specific appeals process cartrtairsed- in Gisapters 14 arxt.34.
The Chairman requested that the issue of thenoncanforming berme at 8S West-4th
.Street be placed on the agenda far~aext rr~eefing.
fiArs_ Walker t~xpress~t her,i~acem-,segacding ptacemerd. td air_ cng
equiprnerst and the eyesore:created'the~y.
There Deing na lurther6rosirsess to cors~e t~efore the boar~#-ors mofiars rrsdde3he
rneeting.~+as adjo~arsed.
&iGFtED __