3-8-16 Handout Gray Robinson I '7 r) --6/9/4/; 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW Relationships. Resources. Results. City of Atlantic Beach City Attorney Presentation Patrick W. Krechowski 904-598-9929 patrick.krechowski @gray-robinson.com BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAYiROBINSN AT (lR\'ElO AT 3 Main Topics for Your Consideration • What can Gray Robinson offer Atlantic Beach? • Who is Patrick Krechowski? • What is a conflict interest? BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 1 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON .ATTORNEYS AT LAW Gray Robinson • The largest Florida only law firm • 300+ lawyers - 21 attorneys in Jacksonville • 13 offices • Over 60 practice areas BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA Locations GRAY ROBINSON \T in kNE S'.S.IT LAW h▪illzner ark Office Tower One Lake Morton Drive 25 N.EPMlzner Blvd. Lakeland,FL 33801 Suite 500 Boca Baton,FL 33432 Melbourne i ' 1795 West NASA Blvd. T Fort Lauderdale Melbourne,FL 32901 • East Las Olas Blvd. Suite 1000 Miami F is ort r jTr r Lauderdale,FL 33301 333 S.E.2nd Avenue Suite 3200 Fort Miami,FL 33131 1409 Dean Street Suite 300 Nsples Fort Myers,FL 33901 13889 Pelican nay Blvd. Suite 400 (±) Gainesville Naples,FL 39108 iL 720 S.W.2ntl Avenue Suite 106 Oda,.do Gainesville,FL 32601 Suite East Pine Street owe Jacksonville Orlandoo,FL 32801 SO North Laura Street Suite 1100 Jacksonville,FL 32202 301a South Bronough Street Suite 600 Key West Tallahassee,FL 32301 221 Simonton Street Key West,FL 33040 Gm, 401 East Jackson Street Suite 2700 Tampa,FL 33602 BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 2 • 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON Practice Areas of Relevance ATTORNEYS AT LA, to Atlantic Beach • Administrative & Regulatory • Land Use • Contracts Law • Litigation • Election Law • Lobbying & • Eminent Domain & Government Relations Condemnation • OSHA • Employment & Labor • Public Finance • Environmental • Real Estate • Franchising & Licensing • Taxation • Government • Transportation • Utilities BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON ATTORNEY%AT LA, Public Law Practice • Over 50 attorneys in this practice group • Throughout all offices in FL • Hundreds of local governments, special districts, and associated divisions & agencies • A true bank of resources available to Atlantic Beach BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST i LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 3 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSN AT (,R.EIO aT Government Relations • Strong year-round presence in Tallahassee • Not only local delegates but House and Senate leadership — And coordination with like-minded cities — Florida League of Cities • Proven relationships and results on behalf of local governments and their divisions • BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON ,TTOR.ETS AT L,,, Local & State Connections • Relationships with the Mayor's office, the Office of General Counsel, the Sheriff's Office, the State Attorney, JEA, etc. • Governor's office, FDOT, FDEP, FLC • Working relationships with the other beach cities BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE ( TAMPA 4 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON ATTORs.EIS AT LAN% Patrick W. Krechowski • 17 years in both public, corporate & private practice —Appellate, environmental & land use, real estate, title insurance, litigation, local gov't • FL Attorney General, FDEP, SJRWMD, Fortune 500 Company, Boutique & Large Firm, City Atty — Law school adjunct professor for 8+ years — Published author, frequent speaker BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON Legal Involvement • Executive Council, Florida Bar Environmental & Land Use Law Section • Attorney Member, FL League of Cities • Committee Member, Urban Land Institute N FL • Committee Member, Florida Brownfields Association • Member, Florida Bar City, County & Local Government Law Section • Member, Florida Bar Administrative Law Section BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 5 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON Ai TORAE,AT LAN' Personal Life • Son of a school teacher and career USAF officer • Married with 2 children • Calling the Beaches home since 2007 — Working at the Beaches as well since 2011 BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON \TTOR\'El S.4! LA, What I Can Offer Atlantic Beach • Focused, deliberate, independent, conscientious, and researched advice • Timely responses to inquiries of Commission and staff — Availability to you and staff • Regular communication, updates and input • Knowledge of the law, parliamentary procedures, issues of concern & a commitment to serving the City BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 6 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON ATTORNEYS AT LA„ Conflict of Interest? • Can appear in an infinite variety of situations and are very fact specific — Can be difficult to identify • A conflict exists if: — "there is a substantial risk that the lawyer's representation of the client would be materially and adversely affected by the lawyer's own interests or by the lawyer's duties to another current client, a former client, or a third person." BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON 17700.NE15.17 L{N The Key • Whether the lawyer's exercise of independent professional judgment is likely to be unduly influenced by other interests. — Lawyer must ask the question: — Due to the presence of an interest, am I likely to do or be tempted to do something different from what a truly independent lawyer would do in the same circumstances? BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 7 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON 17TORNEIf AT LAA1 Focus on Client & Community • Lawyers must consider the "reasonable" client and the appearance of impropriety • The client must be confident that their lawyer is exercising independent professional judgment BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON Representing Neptune Beach • Limited to legal issues within the City — City administration — Council administration — Code enforcement — Land use — Employment matters & policies • Some external issues — City of Jax — FDOT — FDEP/EPA BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 8 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON ALTOR\'EI,AT LA, Atlantic Beach & Neptune Beach • No history of being directly adverse to each other • Common boundaries create common problems • Historically we have seen a collaborative approach to common problems — Far outweighing any potential conflict BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON 0-T(1RNET,Ai L\, If A Conflict Arises with Patrick • VERY fact dependent • Most likely related to a matter beyond day-to-day representation of the City • A separate or special counsel may need to be retained to handle the matter — On which city's behalf? — A suit between cities would result in representation of neither • In some instances a "Chinese Wall" can be created (rare) — This could result in a GR attorney outside of Jacksonville being selected to serve BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 9 3/7/2016 GRAY ROBINSON ATTOR,EIS AT L,\\\ Bottom Line • First, this is my responsibility — I must and will ensure my independent responsibilities and professional judgment are honored and met — I will ensure your interests are fully represented and protected • Second, your comfort level — You must be able to trust in my judgment and professionalism • And your staff must be able to do the same BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I .JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA GRAY ROBINSON ATTOR',15 11- Conclusion • Myself and my firm have the expertise, resources, integrity and dedication that this Commission and the staff of Atlantic Beach deserve and should expect • I am fully confident that I can serve as a dependable and effective City Attorney without disruption, controversy or conflict BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 10 3/7/2016 GRAY;ROBINSON ATTORNEYS AT LAN' Questions? GR Name 000-000-0000 firstname.lastname @gray-robinson.com BOCA RATON I FORT LAUDERDALE I GAINESVILLE I JACKSONVILLE I KEY WEST LAKELAND I MELBOURNE I MIAMI I NAPLES I ORLANDO I TALLAHASSEE I TAMPA 11