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1021 Atlantic Bvd 16-SIGN-1183 Pet Supplies Plus sign permit
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ' ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 SIGN PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 IOBINFORMATION: ]Ob ID: 16-SIGN-1183 Job Type: SIGN PERMIT Description: NEW SIGN - UNIT 977 Estimated Value: $275.00 Issue Date: 6/15/2016 Expiration Date: 12/12/2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD MAIN RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. Address: 4162 ST AUGUSTINE RD CIA RANDALL ALAN TAYLOR Phone: - - PERMIT INFORMATION: FEES: STATE DCA SURCHARGE $2.00 Sign Erection $65.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $2.00 Total Payments: $69.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (Ta be assigned by the Building Department) 860 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(964)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: Cityweb-site: hffp://w ..mab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: 102 1 PITL&O t o p�WT ent review re uired Yes No `- c�Applicant: �t4Ylo2J(CA 0.l a � EG &ZoninginistratorProject: N�t w�(g5; rkslesfetyces Review fee$ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt oIf Permit Verified B Date Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other. APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: pproved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed by: Date: Ce. TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 07/27/10 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION OFFICE COPY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH /c 8Road,V n tic Bench,FL 32233 O27 , Ofice(904)247-5826 1.(904)247-5845 Job Address: + Permit Number. Legal Description Prcel# d✓ GNQ I I a 3 Valuation of Works7_ProposM Work heuted/cooled non-healed cooled Class of Work(circle one): New Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pon,, window/door Dseofeiognctpro ooaed e[rudure(e)Uccle one) Commectel RsidentialRnmddUccle one): Yes No N/A Florida Product Apppp oval# For mulfiple produdsuse pr ve approve orm rrp^t__ y, (' / Describe in deV the pe of work to be perfonmed:I N x'"f7A � �r jI n/I u�4 Ie-M-t�S ped Pl� u�nlirr Piyr 'I �,Nn P t 1,m INormeti C1 1 V)CJ yQW l v �sM( I n/ t�I lr Neme:_ '1r rV ' rAdd fI7OQn 1\�L tlVt�QIIrI �� ��JJ/A //. f/Y Cit Y 5t �/!il ph r an �.zn_� &Marl or Fax#(Opuone0 Contractor Wormnnation• 66 Company Name: la\ I Q Qualifying A n0 I N I r office Phone Job SitsContact Numbs Fax# slam comiricawNReginriimis AAll, Architect Name&Phone# Engineer's Name&Phone# Fee Simple'fill,Halder Name and Address Bonding Company Name and Address Mortgage lamder Name and Address Appsiowdm ottercm 6yam dr—soain a prrrt to do eke—A ondourarbstoo.,Wecoss, /nni/y rMrrro work orivurlrmMn pv rommouedynnr ro Me aouvna ap mir vnd Nwrall wrk willlepe�{rn¢dromrn de nanMrAj lolllawa mgubtlnx conarrraf mMie/unWirdan. IDunnir benxnemall dmld xrtir noemmmenrM ins.rir(6)mvndr:r or rjmnnmreinn ur wvr4un.�nq earaeaneaaM�/ra dW of Ul6)aw lummvrime njrrr hnbWAv Ca ne���tnnAdrm reynmrn permv mvf be xrurcdfor SreMim/Wark p(amA'nL Slgni iia,PnMi.Farnvrrt,floi4m,Heorm, WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING Y611R NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Iuerta /y lwrlaave rem anduamfytl thi:a rFreoaaMaRnawrx.xamr raWrmravemrrccr. an mwu laxxrrM nMuw rr xvwmin no- ,.Pr f.ax win eAe n mi he n a. r. ]M1e Sravln8 a/^ krnaeprt ro8� badr a vioiarc ar Mr pmwrmne/wywi sNnnsmaEmnion arMSignamreofOwSig emeefContractor L O R H Ze_� Print Name �.q .-F yov" Sworn dsclnee Sw man subs t nafore 7 this Day of 20IL this c M : r 20 Notary�lrc�- ' fell,— � �!/ Revised 1.26.10 WENDIMILL lam a hW 0"SSIONIFit IM97 � ai SHEILq CENIZpL q7�! EXPIRES-NNgrnbK20,201A 2 1 MY COMMISSION#FFOfig1g3 rrn:MPnsuAadaakry9lnin "ewrvd6f (am)annd153 FbritleNotaryService.cpm Irl IUZ ( �� (LF�N71C 97� OFFICE COPY EOUITVONE 10601 Snn Joie Blvd. 1 k3 Jackronville,Ft 32257 904.2922222 www.equilYone.com April 22, 2016 Owner: Equity One(Florida Portfolio), INC.,a Florida corporation 1600 NE Miami Gardens Drive N. Miami Beach, FL 33179 RE: Northeast Florida Pet Nutrition, LLC (dba Pet Supplies Plus) 977 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves as confirmation that Equity One (Florida Portfolio), INC., a Florida corporation hereby authorizes: Taylor Sign & Design, Inc.&their authorized agents to secure permits for installation of a facade sign/Interior build-out, provided said work meets all building code requirements. Please be advised the property owner(s)approve sign offset. Should you have any questions, please contact Property Manager, Kevin Hollenbeck, of our Jacksonville office at: (904)292-2222. Thank you. X Ken Choquette, Yrs President of Construction As Authorized Agent for: Equity One (Florida Portfolio) Inc., a Florida corporation STATE OF COUNTY OF Individual Before me, this day of April 2016, Ken Choquette, personally appeared and executed the foregoing instru ent,and acknowledged before me the same was executed for the purposes therein expressed. Sigf Nota NOTARY STAMP: nawre(5� `� My commission expires: 21 �c {I Ib Print Notary Name W Identification Method: personally known _Produced I.D.-Type: useE17Ee,Ekm f: I�VIIREO,111Cery 24, 1 ENPI0 MF0111i , U1 ..� ' eeklaiAm R4r WMCYnE„M City of Atlantic Beach MBER Building Department n; 12CE] Building Department.) 600 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,7-5826 322335445 l l 83Phone(96q)247-5826 � Fax(9g4)247-5845 ,.,mt �' E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Cityweb-site: http://ww wab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM 9 Property Address: 102 1 A'RJyuT(e 4 Qj L) Fpel2artment review required Yes No uildin Applicant: (QEC(6n7 anning&Zorn Tree Adminis rator Project: tQ E1 ADS(6 w Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Review fee $ Dept Signature ftOther gency Review or Permit Required MorDate By ept. of Environmental Protection ept.of Transportation River Water Managenent District rps of Engineers of Hotels and Restaurants f Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING --// PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed by:yw.w� V i(/Date: .S 1 TREEADMIN. Second Review: pp ❑A roved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 07/27110 i R ; I p . , \ ^ ` a/ 0 / { ` �( n ~ t § « §k� § c if Q k ' w / \ 2 : � ® � b { - R Z } ' & � � ! . a \ [ , �\ & } l ) :V,. _ . ^ _\} _9 1 m Ilie `` ROYAL FALM DRIVE o 5 1-HH+I-1H J 4 -- 14rfi0 - IIII - -- 6 _ --- 6. g w - a � . . .. ; . I . !...—I o a° AQUALC DRIVE l EasySeals oQ� easyseaKoom V CI, O DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PET SUPPLIES PLUS WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS Atlantic Beach, FL GENERAL NOTES; 1. Design is in accordance with the Florida Building Code 5th Edition(2014)for use within and outside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). 2. Wind loads have been calculated per the requirements of ASCE 7-10 as shown herein. 3. These engineering calculations pertain only to the structural Integrity of those systems,components,and/or other construction explicitly specified herein and/or in accompanying engineering drawings. The existing host Index: structure(if any)must be capable of supporting the loaded system as pgi Cover verified by building department or architect/engineer of record. No warranty,either expressed or implied,is contained herein. Pg2 Wind Loads 4. System components shall be as noted herein. All references to named Pg3 Anchor Design components and installation shall conform to manufacturer's or industry specifications as summarized herein. S. Where site conditions deviate from those noted herein,revisions may be required or a separate site-specific engineering evaluation performed. Engineer's signature and seal valid 6. Aluminum components in contact with steel or embedded in concrete shall for pages 1 through_ be protected as prescribed in the 2010 Aluminum Design Manual,Part 1. Steel components In contact with,but not encased in,concrete shall be coated,painted,or otherwise protected against corrosion. 7. Engineer seal affixed hereto validates structural design as shown only. Use of this specification by contractor,et AI,Indemnifies and saves harmless Jun 09 2016 this engineer for all costs 8,damages including legal fees&apellate fees Christian Langley PE#67382 resulting from deviation from this design. Easy Seals Cert Auth#31124 12M Weral Hwy,x200 80ra aateM R 33432 Easy Sears.ocm Page 1 Eas Seals CALCULATIONS FOR WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS ASCE 7-10 Design Wind Loads WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS A Building Specs GQ� V= 130mph ..,,.,r wlaAq,red ASD Load Combo Coeff: 0.6 (v Exposure D `G Calculations a= 11.5 3ser 9,wspeedpower low exponent Kd= 0.85 Obechannlily/ortnr zs= 700' Nominol hf.of atmos.boondory layer Kxt= 1.0 R,poproph,;nrin, Gcpi= 0 Internal Pressure ..It A= 10 sgft tributory nrea 130 mph - Exp"D" WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS ASD WIND PRESSURES SIGN CENTER CORNER HEIGHT (lane 4) (tone 5) 4 35 ftFpsf62.1 .0 psf 31.8 psf 37.9 20 It .3 psf 33.5 psf 39.8 25 ft .3 psf 34.8 psf 41.4 30ft .2 psf 35.9 psf 42,7 35 ft .0 psf 36.9 psf 43.9 40 ft .7 psf 37.7 psf 44,9 45 k .3 psf 38.5 psf . . 45.9 soft .8 psf 39.2 psf 46.7 55 ft .3 psf 39.9 psf 47.5 60k .8 psf 40.5 psf '.. ?i 48,2 70 ft .7 psf 53.5 psf 49.5 80ft4 Psf 54.7 Psf - 50.7 , . 9011 .9 psf 55.9 psf 1 51.7 100 ft5 psf 56.9 Psf a 52,7 110 ft9 psf 57.9psf 53.6 1 -, 120 ft4 psf 58.7 psf 1,�. 54.4 ... 130 ft8 psf 59.6 psf 55.2 140 ft 2 psf 60.3 psf 55.9 150 ft 5 psf 61.1 psf 56.5 175 ft Psf 62.7 Psf 58.1 200 ft 32.1 psf 64.2 psf 59.4 250ft 11 33.4 psf 1 66.7 Psf 61.9 : r Page 2 EQ Seas CALCULATIONS FOR WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS Wall Sign Anchor Design d7� Structure Dimensions & Loading Design wind pressure: P= 35.9 psf c^i+\ Sign type: Channel Letter V Sign size: A= 5.3 sqft (per letter,critical) (20%Open,aggr) Wall material: Wood fi ... d- ihle4.nessio malrn Mln Embed Anchor type/size: 3/8"Toggle Bolt(r) Rel: Powers Toggle Bolt,catalog Min Embedment: 0.5" Min edge dist: 3" Min Spacing: 1.5" Anchor tensile capacity: Tcap= 65.0 Ib (per anchor) Check Anchors for Pullout Total Reaction: Rt= 192 Ib No.of anchors req d: n= 2.9 anchors per letter - , Total anchors required: 3 anchors per letter Ok,use min(3)anchors per letter. Page 3 aZLLf4 WntlW YaJ EI IE-ILENW9 )ad6'fEi.S+vvE• 9'Os4aoJPe^IOStl• am1�m15 LAmW1eJ Nsltl• �¢�pp��� � CB[LW 3tlePPali LFYfFb'v^INawB •d $9 ®9W N. � � dal0ueluepANJ OOZ•NnH lalaYf NdOZI :6uippeVRs vmeuosdwo�FM �vw UOEo 6pryvfi d.a.motiv3.40wpEl-d. � Q� ,3f N O� � f T rz n' 8€ ww _ sy [L mdg 'NHU 6 gy� ('�,F� J11-v I 4 WWW w t L� 35 U g n n n "`t�JJ7Y'' CCCJJJ o z u oAW C.� n l "=-I o 3 0 u (Q rJ o w zl ` 43g W W 3F b N� J R� • W ti J H IE 0ZRM a �nk " � a I I «� F 3 moW � s` 0 oLln E�yz e n w F �yye=E F¢ S� • I gpe e. B� A ftwers a; Toggle Bolt PRODUCT IMFORMATION F A 5 T E N E R S Qi 35 a^ Toggle BOIL Hollow Wall Anchor G ' ' ' ' ' • SECTION CONTENTS Pa L,—ra The Toggle Bolt is a spring wing type hollow wall anchor designed for use in block wallboard r and other hollow base materials.The Toggle Bolt is a twofbart assembly consisting of a General Information........yk 1 machine screw and a spring wing toggle.Sizes range from 1/8' diameter x 2' length to 1/2' Material Specification••��••y��L........1 # diameter x 6' length with combo round,flat mushroom,tie-wire or slotted hex head styles. Installation Specificatiaah!...........1 ^'• Performance Data..........................2 ac • c ordering Information............. 8 +Adjustable to accommodate various wall thickness up to 2 1/2' a s +Easy to use and works in a vadely of base materials zoa� q> Anchor Component Component Material 3' Wing AISI 1010 Toggle Bolt a 1/8"-318"Trusion NO ASI 1010 112"human Not Zama-Allay ANCHOR ABATEBUILS a Bolt Carbon Steel—ANSI 818.6.3 Zinc P acing AAM B633,SC1,Type III.Tai 5 Carbon Steel ANCHOR SIZE RANGE(M..) 1°B r • 1/8'diameter x 2'length to :1 drill$ 112'diameter x 6'length IThTZ Anchor Diameter,of SUITABLE BASE MATERIALS Ba Dimension 1/8' 1 3116" 1 1/4' 5/16" 3/8' 1/2' 3 Minimum ANSI Drill Wall Boa" 318 112 SB 7R 7/8 1-1/4 Wallboard 3 eit Size dao(in.) Hdbw CMU 1/2 W76 314 T 1 1.1/4 Plaster of Wing Clearance(in) 11/16 13/8 1 a 21/8 21A 3 1-11 Concrete Masonry(CMU) n Thread Size TNQ 6-32 10-24 1 1/4-20 1 5/161(1 -To In-13 S� Installation Guidelines 2qU Drill the required hole Insert the Pull bad an gm through the base I bolt through assembly to amaterial.The toleanees IgL.F'' the fizmre to hold the wings 8 of the drill bed be fastened,0lttinside the wall zn should meet the thread Oa to prevent the Iequiremems of ANSI wings then wings from a Standard 8212.14. fold the wings `\ spinning while ll 3 In denser materials completely tightening bolt, g' such as high strength back.and Turn the bolt with & Concrete,drill the hole insert through the screammem 1116"large. the hole unit until firmly g wings spring tightened. 3 2s s a 6� 5 y 1 rvrnrw4rowers.wtrt Canmk:(905)6737295 or(514)6314216 Powers USA(800)5213244 or(914)2356300 34 A1097-10WNUILgAmi .s9nikyM-molmex Walliannmmousaabtnp: 13OJNFetleral Hwy,ran [IUNHar igter m fE2 V=130mF6'fapof0rt'V •rX-1.amd 95.0095 Zone4:ilaigl BCU PntOn,FL33933 %onEa PE r6)3all mile Calegoryl9N[IUR •ASDLOdtl Ca!%=Ob •ZOMS'.S399Wt t$-371-3113 comaemion. °' G a "lowers OQ� a� F A S T E N E R S PRODUCT IMFORMATION Toggle Bolt G eg 4 9 EUltimate Load Capacities for Toggle Bok in Wallboard' �C`G s's Anchor 3/8"Wallboard 1/2"Wallboard 5/8"Wallboard 3/4"Wallboard p Diameter d Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear in. lbs. lbs. Ibs. lbs, lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) x 1!8 115 120 150 135 190 180 110 210 g (3.1) 10.5) (0.5 10.7) (0.6) (0.9) (0.8) (110) (0.9) 3/16 130 140 185 190 135 235 290 280 (4.8) (0.61 (0.6) (0.8) (0.9) (1.11 11.0 (1.3) 11.3) 4 s 215 110 235 235 265 260 315 300 6.4) 11.01 (0.9) Ilii (1.1) 0.21 11.21 11.41 11.41 5/126 240 140 250 280 (7.9) 11.0 (L1) 11.11 0.31 (111 11W IIA) 1340 d3 318 245 250 255 295 2% 315 340 d� (9.5) (1J) 011 11.1) 0.3) (L3) (le35s l (L51 11,6) 'a 112 255 275 315 315 390 375 415 Alpo s_ (12.]1 11.11 (1.2) ILS) (1.41 (1.81 11.71 11.91 11.81 �R°r I.Ilce rdMAWI N 114-1111, ba]o Mien NwWEGmMnA Laiwapgeswdre l:a'Tpslrz Amusllcpi�e Mamlamums 4lvlxm ula.oa pealer to aelnriine tAesluuaple aykyy lord. 2- ?; P Allowable Load Capacities for Toggle Bolt in Wallboard' e q.^a Anchor 3/8"Wallboard 1/Y Wallboard Diameter 5/8•Wallboard 3/4"Wallboard zi d Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear in. lbs(kN) (kfJ) (kN) (kN) . lbs. lbs. (kN) lbN) (mm) (k N) (M) 7/8 30 30 40 35 13.2) ta.0 tp.t) (0.2) m.2) (021 roil (012) (0a 3/16 35 35 45 50 60 fi0 75 70 o ('8) 10.21 f0.2) 10.2) (0.2) 10.3) (0.3) (0.3) 10.31 55 55 60 60 65 65 80 75 28 (6A) (p.21 (0.71 (0.3) (0.3) 10.3) (0.3) (0.4) (0.3) 5/16 60 60 65 70 70 75 BO 85 60 65 7.9) ( ( (0.3) (0.3) (0.3) (OA) (0.4) > 3/8 60 65 65 75 75W -a (9.5) (0.3) (03) (0.3) (p.3) 10.3) BS 90 (0.41 0.4) (0.4) gg� 112 65 70 go 100 95 100 83 (12.7) (0.3) 10.31 (0.4) MAI (0.5) (041 (105 $^- t.NkwdkbatlraPadlXs liskd ae Wadarci u'V an 4R wkly f.o.PlM As.a vas Ire l:4'Ti w..4em IloVtle. 8.d s Ultimate and Allowable Load Capa6ities for Toggle Bolt in Rollow ContrMe Masonry" g Anchor Diameter fm z 1,500 psi(10.4 MPa) y-z Ultimate Load d Allowable Load ea in Te�tiSan Shear Tension Shear Fz (Mrn (kNl (kN) lbs. lbs (M) (M) z� (3.21 (0.91 1 1535 in 40 35 a4 (0.81 (0.2) (p_I) 3` 3116 2s0 355 so 7a e (4.81 (t.p (1.6) (0.21 (0.31 r�8 1/4 3% 595 7It 110 3 (6.4) 11.6) (2.7) (0.31 10.5'1 .9 S/16 430 680 BS 135 G 13.1) (0.4) 10.6) 8a 9!5) (3�� (3021 140 140 e, 112 1,160 800 (0.61 (0.6) (12.7) 130 160 iF (3.21 (3.6) (0.61 t0J) 1.1ffidalN lord wlueryseaMe b:an[Aws wsnAN In mnvmum6rrcA xik,Wa*N,irye A,meGun W iwma4vnrfl wn[Me mamryunpy Mvw Y i.mRpMkgbyaiebse0m au+ IAmme Milu 11 y 5ggo5f 3.Aiwa awJr 1N'ICN4e Afou824 I..,. Ja3dM ImayM 5.0. 32 3 g f Powers USA(800)5243244 01(914 235630 Canada:ty05)673-7295 or(514)6314216 www.powers.com 2 Z iy asCE7-tp{ymp ^e .. .y9n IIe19M�3dRmaH WaAPmipmenn4tlatldln 5 :V=130mp6'b"ure'ry .Rl=14Nd=U85.G-.M 'Z W,1:±20.r Fd 9. ' Boo Rahn il33g31� CM1Xubnlanel y ,a v Aln Cne,wytA pme -ASpl.wdC ff'oh -IDnas.sss 1 Fbdd44E y67383 -8r q 188&371-3113 f OFAUMY311A ^' G ��1 I Q, G� (J •. IMM IMIF mom 1-91pm 30' 0-3/8" ]7.58 Boxed Sq.Ft. 3M 383P26 Green Vinyl,Flnt Surlam 'over 4249)White Pigmented Acrylic 3;a SUPPLIES Pius Flat Pigmented Acrylic faces with 3/4"Gmen Trim Caps&5"Dark Bronze Aluminum Retums w r�rwlar' Av4vablAYtlnghysb mpacmneemmEm, rewimemama�r w+xa WINDDESIGNGRnERIA RdeNtlhUL xmr ' .LWWEk1., nd wV WnW Fmn LED swE ixcmFfgwcm[Tay 3re'wu,esawn wnaexw"oe;;'o EEcx�wT -1/2"12V do .vexawm ToccLeTvs •.3/8"Penetration .ovum IMIAaTM�T"io°esr7M-X3ica"`V`"'eornscu Ws�Weslo n^^'Oe_ ca Pluc Dscrlpfin. 31"LED Cha111.fLU S, 1o1l—IrADPFOVW:G11ph o _ n 'llc aI tl-11apaTeaby S-1. NTS X PI a 'ng I II,By p "W yo g o9rapMca as Data:_31OW16 Pp - srroun ab e,anamlo�wn arsNx as anown.Plaaae N sgnea wpy becbw Evamnm uafomer.PS Pel Su Irs Pro'eq No: 342]02) M___ iDrawn9y: KW Oon:KIGa de leach,FL Site N. PSST]ADR ReNaetl:3I1In6,3/1]/18 cus a e —DA '..ReWsed:SM1/18 Lµa sN o. Q� GO G� kk� O WIND DESIGN CRITERIA WIND VELOCITY 132 MPH RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE CATEGORY(MMRF) C INiM%PMMCOEFFICIENT +0 -0 OoWpONET d CUID W pRI:&4tl O 36.8 PSF FORCE COEFFICIENT 1.7 1 . DESIGN WIND PRESSURE IN CONFORMANCE W/ FBC-2014 ED REFERENCING ASCE 7. SEE CHART FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PER ASCE 7-10. 2. BOLTS: ASTM A307 3/8" X 3" HILT[ TOGGLERS FASTENING INTO STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD FASCIA. TOP AND BOTTOM PER DETAIL ° <LU G ) 0 10 < � 03: (/c ( » \ 7\ § j � \ «- \ \\ �) ©* § , z { eeD\ ) \ § ) ) ( \ w � ) om / 2 » _ I » K § § ; ) ) § \ } 2 - 2 ° 2 . ! 0 , EE ƒ 0 / ) 77 ` 2 / � 2 g \ k \ � ` % \ \ \ 7 / ® / ® w | 22 • o w _ 2 = _y \ /\ — \� � LLI - — J £ LLI � y / � � g � ... ................................ .. ... ..... .... ..... 0 2 � k / � . o � g 3 (of § & 2 E 2 < \ /