8-24-16 Handout- Van Liere - Budget Additional Topic .' Li 2p ' -
City of Atlantic Beach
Budget Additional Topics
1 . Millage Rate of 3 .3285 to 3 .2285. Reduction in revenues of $ 143,285
2. Additional Police Officers $238,000
3. Additional Pension costs $200,000
4 . Additional Maintenance Worker $45,000
5. Media Specialist and Citizen Liaison salary and benefits of $31 ,200 $ 11,600 = $42,800
6. Wi-Fi for all three Community Centers - $5,100 @ $ 1,700 per location
7 . Sea Turtle Signage for education and awareness and standardization of all beach end
signs. $ 10,000
8. Parking Study - $35,000 to $50,000
9 . Lifeguard Station add $50,000
10 . Shade Structure at Sunset Pier $30,000
it Digital Lighting at pedestrian crossing $ 11 ,000
12 . Sign on Mayport Road $3,000
13 . Website Enhancements $ 15,500 — $25,000
14 . East / West Sidewalks $ 100,000 included
15. Low Speed Vehicle $ unknown
16. Post event Clean-up $2,000
17. LDR code revisions, map updates and allowable uses.
a. In- House
b . RFP
c. Combination
18. Advance Disposal Additional cost for recycling — issue