Public Works Budget FY16-17_8-5-16FY 17 •PW ADMINISTRATION •WATER •SEWER •STREETS & ROW •FACILITIES •PARKS MAINTENANCE •BEAUTIFICATION •STORMWATER •FLEET - Contract •SANITATION - Contract PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES Water, sewer, streets, right-of-ways, parks, facilities, stormwater, sanitation and fleet maintenance and construction administration Permits: NPDES, MS4, EPA, SJRWMD, Commercial and residential plan review ROW permits Stormwater utility fee calculations ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Administrative Section 5 FTEs and 1 PT City Hall Beautification FACILITIES MAINTAINED 60 Miles paved streets and right of way 54 City buildings (31 sewer lift stations) 5 Treatment plants 6 Stormwater treatment ponds 240 Miles of water, stormwater & sewer pipe 14.4 Miles stormwater ditches and swales 1 Stormwater pump station (shared with NB) 104,000 LF sidewalk & 8’ multi-purpose paths 15 Parks (6 active, 6 passive, 3 preserves) 1.6 Miles of beach Tideviews Park Expansion adjacent to the Bennett Property ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 19 FTEs PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET Fund 16-17 Budget General Fund - Administration $ 451,016 Streets Division 906,278 Building Maintenance 213,765 Gas Tax 550,000 Half Cent Sales Tax 1,265,000 Sanitation Utility 1,838,645 Capital Project Fund 385,000 Stormwater Utility 2,314,473 TOTAL $ 7,924,177 Bull Park Improvements PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL ITEMS Item Budget Request Seminole Road Improvements - Carried forward from prior FY $1,600,000 Stormwater Master Plan Update and Aquatic Gardens Improvements $250,000 Stormwater System Improvements to Saltair neighborhood $250,000 Street Resurfacing $400,000 Aquatic Gardens Area to be cleaned by Menzi Muck Saltair Neighborhood RESURFACING PROGRAM FY 16/17 - $340,000 budget proposed $60,000 for specific problem areas Current year paving completed. Seminole Road Resurfacing 2005 - 2016 Seminole Road Resurfacing Overall Road Condition Roads in Red are on Priority List PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT 2016-2017 Street Starting Point Ending Point OCI Sturdivant Avenue Sherry Drive Seminole Road 51.25 Ocean Walk Dr. N. Oceanwalk Dr. W. Oceanforest Dr. N. 51.67 Hibiscus Street Dead End Levy Road 52.92 Parkside Drive 11th Street Plaza Drive 52.92 Ocean Blvd. 10th Street 13th Street 52.92 Plaza Drive Ocean Blvd. East Coast Drive 53.33 Begonia Street West 1 st street Dead End 53.33 West 14 th Street Orchid Street Mayport Road 53.33 5th Street East Coast Drive Ocean Blvd. 53.75 Brista De Mar Cir. 20th Street 20th Street 54.58 Sea Oats Drive Saturiba 19th Street 55.00 STREETS IN RED PROBABLE 2016-17 PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 23 FTEs Utility Service Area Utilities 2016 Flow Treatment Plant Design Capacity MGD Actual Flow MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant – Annual Ave Daily 3.50 1.91 Water Plant #1 - Max Day 3.17 1.68 Water Plant #2 - Max Day 2.90 1.29 Water Plant #3 - Max Day 1.59 0.87 Water Plant #4 - Max Day 0.25 0.24 Utilities Budget Non-Divisional includes: Transfer to General Fund Internal Service Charges Insurance Debt Fund FY 16 -17 Budget Water Production $ 866,251 Sewer Treatment 2,554,949 Distribution/Collection 2,991,836 Non-Divisional 3,720,100 TOTAL $ 10,133,136 Water Plant Water Capital Items for FY17 Item Budget Request Replace Aging Water Services in Seaspray Subdivision (approx. 44 services) $175,000 Install Automated Metering Infrastructure for Commercial Meters (Cost-share Grant)-Phase 1 $160,000 ($95K Grant) Well Video-Logging and Management Plan $130,000 Water Capital Items for FY17 Item Budget Request Atlantic Blvd Water Main Loop – Aquatic Dr West (Design Only) $100,000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus WTP 1,2 and 3 $6,000 Chlorine Auto Control Valves at WTP 3 $10,000 Aeration Basin Clarifier Sewer Capital Items for FY17 Item Budget Request Phosphorous Removal Improvements at WWTP $225,000 ($63K Grant) Install 2nd Centrifuge Unit at WWTP $275,000 Replace Clarifier Drives at WWTP $225,000 Replace 2 Influent Screens at WWTP $42,000 Replace 1 of 3 Influent Pumps at WWTP $22,000 Sewer Capital Items for FY17 Item Budget Request Control Component Upgrade for 4 Master Lift Stations $100,000 Replace 4 Wetwell Tops With Opening Hatches $24,000 Install New Control Panel at Oceanwalk Lift Station $20,000 Replace Suction Lines at West Camelia and Selva Marina LS’s $20,000 Install Softstarts at Lift Station “E” (2 Motors) $6,500 0 1 2 3 Mi l l i o n s Storm Water Utility Personnel Services Operating Debt Capital Transfers Revenues 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Th o u s a n d s Gas Tax Fund Operating Capital Transfers Revenues 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Th o u s a n d s Sanitation Fund Personnel Services Operating Capital Transfers Revenues Discussion Incorporated Utilities into Public Works in 2015. Additional water, sewer, reuse & sanitation services for homes in ABCC Statewide trend toward stricter requirements for stormwater utility discharge (NPDES & MS4) Emphasis on Customer Service improvements Leadership/Management classes for supervisors Department accreditation: 2 year, Peer-reviewed process 500-600 standard operating procedures Questions?