9-10-16 Handout- Reeves Critical Nature of the Relationship What factors make the Commission- City Manager relationship so critical? The most fundamental is that the Commission- City Manager form of government is based on the professional manager ' s effective translation and implementation of policies established by the elected officials . A positive and productive relationship between policy makers and the City Manager greatly increases the odds that these outcomes will occur : • Clear policy direction provided by policymakers • Effective implementation of policy by the City Manager and staff • Shared confidence among the Commission , City Manager, and staff • Respect for varying roles and responsibilities • Effective service delivery to the citizens of Atlantic Beach • Confidence of the public in Atlantic Beach Without an effective relationship , just the opposite is likely to occur . The trust level is likely to be low, policy direction is less likely to be clear, instances of role conflict can increase , and a lack of clarity regarding organizational direction can result, affecting both staff performance and public confidence in the institution Describe the difference between policy making and administration . Explain the di differences between roles (recognizing that there are overlaps ) and why Commission members are best positioned to determine the overall policy direction of the organization while you and your staff, by virtue of your education, training, and experience , are best able to implement their policy directives . Emphasize that elected officials are the ultimate source of organizational authority. While the manager often has very significant responsibilities (many of which the public might incorrectly assume are "owned" by elected officials) , be clear regarding the role of elected officials as the ultimate organizational authority . Make it clear that elected officials , through their authority to determine who will be the manager, have the power to establish organizational goals , approve the budget , adopt laws , and exercise related powers that is , they possess the ultimate authority for determining the direction of the organization and community . Support the elected officials in their role. Do all you can to make sure Commission members feel they are playing a meaningful role in the organization . To whatever extent they feel that they are not having a meaningful impact, they may seek to expand their roles beyond appropriate limits . You can, for example, assist elected officials in identifying and undertaking strategic planning , master planning , and the development of legislative policy guidelines . Such policy activities are much more likely to succeed with the active support and encouragement of the City Manager and staff Demonstrate that working through you is the best way to achieve responsiveness to council members ' constituents . Nothing is more important to elected officials than being able to demonstrate effectiveness (getting something done) to their constituents . Show them that the best way to get things done is by working through you . This will give elected officials the confidence they need and will help them avoid directly involving themselves in the implementation of policies . Promote discussion of mutual needs . It is important to initially and periodically discuss mutual understandings regarding what types of behaviors are needed for both parties to effectively perform their jobs .