544 Atlantic Beach Ct density test report Corporate MA 7064 Davis Creek Road,Jacksonville,FL 32256 P:(904)880-0960 F:(904)980-0970 Ellis&Assoc"Atesk�— orric call on: Geotechnical • Materials Testing • Em¢rual • CEI Services Brunswick: 2D rive,Bmrewk:k,GA 31520 P:(912)279-0095 F:(912)2]9-0086 Integrated Engineers g3atvkaa ellisasso com Scan �6- SF'K-/S'S6 O•('�L6 Work Order#; REPORT OF IN PLA zENSITY RESIDENTIAL Project#: Subdivision: 47,L Rtr,az , l I eporte to: Report#: Unit or Parcel: Location By: < t _ Gauge#: /"y Lot#Block: Contractor: Date Tested: �- Street Address: q r' .L ZI Jc u C-I City: fir- c Method: Course: l' c L Material:. — Specific Requirements: Pass/ Elev/ Base/LR/ Dry Max.Dry % of Max Moist Fab/ Location -Depth Asphalt/ Density Density• Density % Retest Ift— Thickness c EA,, ree S7 '7 '�. u j . *Source of Proctor(Project#and/or Work Order#) Q!--Jest Meets Specification Requirements F-Test Fails To Meet Specification Requirements R-Retest To Be Completed In Field ___________________ - `---' Standby Approval Employee Name Time - , Superintendent Printed Name Stan/Stop Travel Standby Job Superintendent Signature -------------------------------- (Office use) P -10aay.11/14) wtitecopy-96eux yellow copy-permnal use pink and Soldemnd-client use Page I f f � 2 \ ({ \ ( (\ ( ƒ \/ � W { � � � � \ ir - � [ Ij \ c [ & § \ \ / { / \ � \ t2 } ! } /