538 Atlantic Beach Ct Early Power request 09/20/2016 23:23 9042609688 TRICOUNTY PAGE 01/01 Odd D � c' C�SNI G o SEP 2 1 2016 DSF E Y P LEASE Y OF Electric power is requested now under the conditions and term,of this tally executed Agreement&Reldmc Job Address: FC Permit No. - O �T- 6 Service Type(circle One): Overhead UndorgrouaA We,the undersigned General Comrector and Electrician,understand and agree: I- "Early Power',Is lately far our m er uctim, .=vcnim--, it is r required by Codesv end does >Q subshluta for Final Ingpemionsar the G,p(Certificate of Oceupancyj 5ffi must be issued before aeupancy, and m such is atthediscretion ofthe Builsdpingg OfficiaL 2. insP�onsfmust h"w Beachprim will make lout C11119 dW bno! imrmeutlers.ctiort prim to the early power energizing. All rough 3. Occuuppancy or use of the ngw construction before a formal C/O mnsdmtea fraudulent use of the early electric service. Such action is e resaly prohibited. :rad penalized by The City of Atlantic Beet. Ordinances, vi Iwio'sof this Ajeem�l result m a request far prompt removal of electric service e. 4. `Early Power"release authority is the Elecutcimi and/or Contractor and must net occur before: a Equnpmeait;devices end fixnres are installed or blanked off)safely. b. Panel is complete wdh breaks and cover,and(labeling required at final inspection). c. Service egnneetion and grounding is complete. eMematm am a a��tema has satiety pmedhthrough electrical check f Temporary da3 cess nu M'displayed(Permanent numbers are required for C/O). 5. This fully completed farm is to be submitted to the Building Deportment by band,mail or fez 6. Future such Agreemmta will mot be accepted from those who violate any one of the above Items. CONTRACTOR / G� DATE PRINTNAen3 .'-s•l (z t, GAJ ELECPRICWN O /i' DATE PRINT NMA e Vl ✓l L: 800 Somimole Road,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Phone:(904)247-5826 Fm:(904)247.5845 htlpl/uww.coah.m revised 0130 09