532 Atlantic Beach Ct new SFR permit CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NEW MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NE)1T DAY INSPECrION: 247-5814 306 INFORMATI)N: Job ID: 16-SFR-2105 Job Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Description: CLOSE OUT PERMIT 15-SFR-881 Estimated Value: $175,000.00 Issue Date: 9/21/2016 Expiration Date: 3/20/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: KEN SARBU CONSTRUCTION CO INC. ,CGC 037675 Address: 3264 County RD Phone: 904-699-8697 PERMIT INFORMATION: Ftts: BUILDING PERMIT FEE $705.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE $10.58 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $10.58 Total Payments: $726.16 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC REAM ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIOA BUILDING CODES, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Office:(904)247-5826 - Fax:(904)247-5845 1G -SF9-Z( c)5 Job Address: 6 141-4*-72C 6&w*, &7,A- Permit Number: Legal Description RE# Valu,ks�%f-�k-rkowl-cateft)ez"ot "Y'/31yeaaCooled SF Non-Heated/Cooled F7—5,0 c7 0 — • Class of Work(Circle one): New Addition Alteration Repair Move Demo Pool Window/Dror • Use of existing/proposed stracture(s)(Circle one): Commercial • If an existing structure,is a fue,sprinMer system installed?(Circle one): Yes 4:fD N/A • Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any ftees we to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: I S-SFR- e�8 I -11A,150 LLf7,W�&t,, 0r- AaL-' 2k^_ EIZXV1 __L Florida Product Approval# mulfiple pmducts use pmduct approval form Property Owner Information Name, �M) 4 eoLo-d f44� ess: _S3Z_4.0k-&Mr A14_ &We* Stat �-4ZP 3ZZ�a City _Phone E-Mail OwnerorAgent (IfAgen�FowerofAunmnyorAgency� WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOT0E OF COMMENCEMENT. Contractor Infornuttion: NameofCornpany: ASV5W A afif�qn jzeA rhl<4 L/ t: - I ' Address: f�Z&4 C F- 7-1 It City g1jt&-d�/!SiialcZ13p R- 32046j- Office Pim—ne - 17 Job Site/Contact Rn=ber 4 4 >t*-9-7 State Cortificidtion/Registration# if4e!f 032475—-E-Mail "Ar7-0- Ae-llcd-ZA!�J, A Architect Name&Phone# Engineer's Name&Phone# Worker's Compensation sm i i :i;!:i ii! j;g; i 1::: it on ate is 1. bW ened diefins� ned ur. A . .91 I hereby certify th ation and know the same to'be true a t. up ordinances governing this t-roe of work wit be complied with whether spe ad he in a R a &s pr7me 101give authority to viny.se'orr cancel theprovisions of any otherfeleral le, a 1�(;/7�-w�r�juKonjc�on's-tm-c`tin­n or t'h-e P, 0. e0foonstruction. Rev.3/14/16 711; 1 NE ONLY Kevisw Result (circle one): Approved Disapproved Approved w/ Conditions Review Initials/Date: D loument Size Habitable Space N(M-Habitable Impervious area AfisceHaneous Information Occupancy Group Type of Construction Number of Stories Zoning District Max. Occupancy Load_ Fire Spriniclers Required_ Flood Zone Conditions/Comments: 800 Seminole Road it Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 -5800 Telephone(904)247 FAX(904)247-5805 Construction Site Management Plan Compliance A construction site management plan conforming to Atlantic Beach City Code See 6-18 has been approved as a part of this building permit. The Construction site management plan was approved based upon the following information. I. Puking plan—puking plan showing bow site will be accessed and all omite and abutting street puking areas. 2. Location of construction trailers, loadinglunloading area and material storage area. 3. Location of chemical toilet area.(chemical toilets must be kept out of City right-of-way and not further than 15 feet from structure under construction) 4. Location of dunipster. Dumpister must be from an approved waste company (in accordance with Chapter 16 City Code)as of 2009 the permitted durapsters are Advanced Disposal,Reallco Recycling, Republic Services, Sunshine Recycling and Shappells. Dumpsters will have tarp covers or rigid covers on windy days. Dumpsters must be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 5. Traffic control plan, showing access with dimensions,area to be stabilized, narrative on phasing of construction with adequate puking and delivery of materials. 6. Site cleanliness. Contractor must have the entire construction site cleaned by Friday of each week. This means removal of scrap lumber,concrete remnants and other such construction debris including cans,metal,plastic and paper. 7. Erosion and Sediment Control. Contractor must maintain all elernents of the approved Erosion&Sediment Control Plan(silt fence, catch basin filters,etc.) until sod or other stabilization has been placed and approved by Public Works. 8. Other activities,where special conditions are identified by the Building Official. Failure to comply with the Construction Site Management Ordinance may result in a Stop Work Order being issued in accordance with City Code See. 6-17 (3) Revised 3/2016 800 Seminole Road each,�Fl on&32233 Telephone(904) 247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 Construction Site Management Plan Compliance A construction site management plan conforming to Atlantic Beach Ci Code S 6-18 has been approved a a part tY e, of this building permit. The Construction site management plan was approved based upon the following information. 1. Puking plan—parking plan showing how site will be accessed and all nit, and abutting street Puking areas. 2. Location of construction trailers, loading/unloading ama and material storage area. I Location of chemical toilet area.(chemical toilets must be kept out of City r'ght-Of-waY and not further than 15 feet from structure under construction) 4. Location of dumpster. Dumpster must be from an approved waste company (in accordance with Chapter 16 City Code)as of 2009 the perinifted durripsters are Advanced Disposal,Realco Recycling, Republic Services, Sunshine Recycling and Shappells.Dumpsters will have tarp covers or rigid coven I on windy days.Dumpsters must be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 5. Traffic control Plan, showing access with dimensions,area to be stabilized, narrative on phasing Of construction with adequate parking and delivery of materials- 6. Site cleanliness. Contractor must have the entire construction site cleaned by Friday of each week. Thi.s means removal of scrap lumber, concrete remnants and other such construction debris including cans, metal,plastic and paper. 7. Erosion and Sediment Control. Contractor must maintain all elements of the approved Erosion& Sediment Control Plan (silt fence,catch basin filters etc.) until sod or other stabilization has been placed and approved by Public �WOZ. 8. Other activities,where special conditions are identified by the Building Official. Failure to COMMY With the Construction Site Management Ordinance may result in a Stop Work Order being issued in accordance with City Code Sec. 6-17 (3) Revised 3/2016 (Jmbmp,m x I Ioopinillw)-!illllini dam:i�e/j�g;�e�,/9j/4AAQSWRgAMQ�B�w NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT T.linlxnnftift�.: ne�P,,!hM,,,ln� ,n ,,j will U nWc in miuln ml�,ind in an,�—..Ih lialkep 713 r in,MM&�,,l,,,f.U—n,inf.—�Is si�In fill NOTICE OF CQMMENCEMIENT� u'd�,i.di��n 67 pt luoft,�M..& Afl..t,-. V,.�4 e.�& AH..bk U.A FL 3ZZSA IF Alan Yn)s 71 IWL Cf. Alq,-ff,&�4 EIL 11131 ��-3x6q CA 118 MW:— N.- ANde, ",gst 8..k A�l PO S.. (XV4, Wlj,1,A GA Strt Alf. ffiALI�� M SLZII In iddiliori W hl�lr.�J=W�IM WiNvilill lilnili�W wn�lw 8 ci�Of"U�s ll�Ill 713,"%F�Wt— N— T*�No:_ F.ft_ X - U 69 AF �F�iWUERKCIRCUIT�WDW4 OO,JNW RECORI)INGSIOM 91W0164:47M Ryan Vriga& Brenm-McLaughhn 72 17'l Strect-Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-Phone:9D4.710.7153 Septernber 14,2016 City ofAdwtic Beach Afin:Building Department $00 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Re: BiWng Pernait Application Property Location 532 Atlantic Beach Court,Atlantic Beach.Florida 32233 H,,wmm:Ryan Vriga and Buenas McLaughlin TO V1111 It May Concern: on behalf of Brenna McLaughlin,-Y wife,and myself,I ans notifying the City Of Atlantic Beach that we have Oraunawd our previous conStrOction contract for the construction Of the menu,on the above Pl-PCnY location nil ,mimhon includes any and all contracts with a,associawd with all associated subcontractors,vendors and suppliers both knowrn and -PmY,Inc.who will unknown. '11. pi,,,.cnt contractor-ill be Kea Sarbu Construction CO won be applying for a new but ding pennit and I will be providing a new Notice Of Contruencernent. Please let me know if You need my additional information by connecting my arturney. Kevin Schmppel at 904.652.2600. 1 appreciate your anticipated cooperation- S.mccr-ly- -7--y*-U, — RyiAVriga cr: Kevin A.Schmpp-1,Esquire Kea Sadou Construction Company,Inc (Replaccruent Contractor)