544 Atlantic Beach Ct density report & form board elevation certificate s44 A+kAt , &aa.h e;� Corporate Ellis&Associates 7064 Davis Creek Road,Jacksonville,R.32256 P:(904)880-0960 F:(904)B80-0970 L=mjBranch Location: Geotechnical a Materials Testing • Environmental • CEI services Brurewick: 227 Rose Drive,Bmnsv ick,GA 315M P:(912)2710085 F:(912)279-0086 Internatatl En9areerhp Berviva p'k -l y56 elllsassoc.com PlCtSC SGS hlle- S Work Order#: REPORT OF IN PLACE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Project#: Subdivision: 411( wr : . , r Reported to: Report#: Unit or Parcel: - Location By: .. ;.1 — Gauge#: � - Lot#/Block: Contractor: Date Tested: L Street Address: y '{ l 'v ( "' City: Method: Course: Material: Specific Requirements: 7' �- Pass/ Elev/ Base1LR/ FaiV Location Depth Asphalt/ Density Density Density % *Source of Proctor(Project#and/or Work Order#) `P-Test Meets Specification Requirements F-Test Fails To Meet Specification Requirements R-Retest To Be Completed In Field ,____________________ _ Standby Approval Employee Name Time Superintendent Printed Name Start Stop Travel Standby lob Superintendent Signature ---------------------------------- (Osice use) EA-10(mv.11114) whim coM-fceam r .p Ho�r0py-pecrmmluee piakmn goldemad-cliewu I PaBe_oJ_ 4 R,l-lA,. Q- Qe" C4 P6Je Scam !6 - PP -/ em FORM BOARD ELEVATIONERTIFICATE Duval County / Clay County EDLeft copy on site No box Lot and Subdivision:- DATE: PERMIT - -- - — ------ - - NUMBER: I s F K ADDRESS: REQUIRED SLAB ELEVATION ON CITY APPROVED SITE PLAN: ACTUAL ELEVATION OF FORM BOARD OR GRADE STAKE: i ti 8 SURVEY COMPANY --- — — NAME: Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. 1501 CR 315,Suite-108_ Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 SIGNATURE OF SURVEYOR: (Party Chief)