532 Atlantic Beach Ct pool elec permit % 11Jr��,. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH V 800 SEA'HNOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16-ELEC-2833 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: swimming pool electrical project Estimated Value: Issue Date: 12/19/2016 Expiration Date: 6/17/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT RE Number: None PROPERTY OWNER: Name: Vriga, Ryant Address: 532 Atlantic Beach CT GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: DAVID PRUETTES ELECTRICAL SVC. David Thomas Pruette,EC0002923 Address: 331 -8 P PARKRIDGE AVE QA DAVID THOMAS PRUETTE Phone: - FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Swimming Pools $40.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $99.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800-Seminole Rd,Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 - -- - ---- — - -_ Ph (904)247-5826 Fax (904)247-5845 r u '" .TOB ADDRESS: 532 lT l la"c LraCh CAr+ PERMTT# JEN INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS- AMPS VOLTS PHASE VALUE OF WORKS NEW SERVICE ❑ Overhead ❑ Underground ❑I Underground up Pole ❑Residential(Main)Service 00-100 amps 0101-150amps D151-200amps ❑ amps #of Meters OCommercial(Main)Service 00-]00 amps 0101-150amps 0151-200amps ❑ amps ❑CTService amps Conductor Type Size ❑Multi-Family(Main)Service 00-100 amps 0101-150amps 0151-200amps ❑ amps #of Unit Meters ❑Temporary Pole O amps SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ amps ❑ CT Service_amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC.) ❑100 amps 0150amps 0200amps ❑ amps OCT Service_amps 4DDITIONS,REMODELS,REPAIRS,BUILD-OUTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC. Outlets/Switch": 0-30amps 31-100amps 101-200amps Appliances: 0-30amps 31-100amps 101-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-100amps Heat Circuits: # circuits Qa kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: 3THERWCTRICAL PROJECTS 96Mmming Pool OSign ❑Smoke Detecmrs_Qty ❑Transformers KVA OMotors hp ?IRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) Qty volts/amps VALUE OF WORK S IEPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS OReplace Burnt/Damaged Meter Can ❑Safety Inspection ❑Panel Change ❑OH to UG OOther: ermit becomes void if work docs not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned for sixmonais. I hereby certify that I have :ad this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this work will be complied with whether Mi5ed or not. The pemdt does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other skate or local law regulation construction or the perforo unce of mswction. roperty Owners Name Phone Number I lectrical Compan Office Phone Z9 �'S �F-aa, o.Address:' d I IV'P� City Statet=��V ttZZryip�^^ yy� iceW nse Bolder(Print): a late 'Scation/Registration# WVLA-?R3 solarized Signature ojLicease Holder CHO ROBERTS fore me this qW day of Imft MYCOMM69UNI1. xx.ixEx:nuawar,m,mia ignatureofNotary Public_- C 0�S ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT RECEIPT ..pf )� December 19, 2016 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: swimming pool electrical project PERMIT NUMBER: 16-ELEC-2833 ADDRESS:532 ATLANTIC BEACH Ci CITY OFATLANTIC BEACH No SEMINOLE RD OWNER: ATLANTIC BEAC,FL 32233 1219-7016 11:73:05 State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 CREDIT CARD VISA SALE State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 CARD fi )xX1LYAY,%U%XII9505 INVOICE 0002 SEQ n: 0002 Swimming Pools $40,00 Batch n: 000461 Approval Cade: 0@309 Icty Mo rod: Marual Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Mode: O ine TB Arad: $000 Card Cade: M Totals: $99.00 SALE AMOUNT 0A CUSTOMER COPY pp,\G zk� 19 20\6 cN S\GOEP G\�OF PS\AN