mreeves@coab.us - Today's meetingPlease call me to discuss today's meeting got a little weird. It's all coming to you. Mayor Mitch Reeves 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 mreeves@coab.us <mailto:mreeves@coab.us> Cell: 904-955-0101 MReeves@coab.us <mailto:MReeves@coab.us> Begin forwarded message: From: "DeCandis, Drew" <adecandis@coab.us <mailto:adecandis@coab.us> > Date: December 16, 2016 at 4:19:15 PM EST To: "bruce.andres@comcast.net <mailto:bruce.andres@comcast.net> " <bruce.andres@comcast.net <mailto:bruce.andres@comcast.net> >, "Chris@elitehomesfl.com <mailto:Chris@elitehomesfl.com> " <Chris@elitehomesfl.com <mailto:Chris@elitehomesfl.com> > Cc: "Van Liere, Nelson" <nvanliere@coab.us <mailto:nvanliere@coab.us> >, "Reeves, Mitch" <mreeves@coab.us <mailto:mreeves@coab.us> > Subject: Today's meeting Gentleman I wanted to drop you a note on our meeting today. I am sorry I left the meeting abruptly, but frankly I felt that we had each stated our positions on the matters at hand and that further debating interpretations of the Land Development Code was not getting us anywhere. I do think however we each got our positions out on the table for each of us to understand. To clarify, you stated in the meeting that you thought the setback variance should go the Community Development Board and should not be under the purview of the Development Director regardless of how small the variance might be in terms of inches or regardless of the authority granted to me in the code. It is also my understanding from the meeting that you plan to exercise that right to appeal, even if I move the matter to the CD Board and they approve the variances. I did hear your concerns as you communicated them to me and I am now reviewing my positon on the matter based on what you stated and what I believe is appropriate. I will remind you that under Section 24-48, the code gives the Community Development Director the Authority to grant minor dimensional variances. Based on my review up till now, I believe I should grant the variances in question under the authority given me in the code. Remember that the LCD also gives citizens like yourself recourse by giving you the ability to appeal my decisions or the decisions of the Community Development Board. Once I have fully reviewed and fully considered you concerns, reviewed my positon on the matter, I will make a final decision on the variance request and how it should be handled, I will get back to you and brief you on the final actions I will take on the matter. Keep in mind, as I stated in the meeting, that I am concerned for the neighbors and would like to insure that whatever the outcome of this issue that we disrupt their peaceful enjoyment of their properties as little as possible. Thanks for meeting with me today. I will speak with you soon. Drew DeCandis, AICP Planning and Development Director City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Email: Adecandis@coab.us <mailto:Adecandis@coab.us> Phone: 904-247-5817 Web: www.coab.us <http://www.coab.us> Fax: 904-247-5845