1175 Atlantic Blvd fence permitCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 FENCE PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16-FNCE-2689 Job Type: FENCE PERMIT Description: Install six foot wood fence on Building Plans. Estimated Value: $2,000.00 Issue Date: 12/30/2016 Expiration Date: 6/28/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD RE Number: 170709-0000 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: ROBBINS NEST FARMS LLC, Address: 1560 SELVA MARINA DR GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: CISSEL & COMPANY CISSEL & COMPANY, CGCO10763 Address: 2554 Philips HWY Phone: 904-759-4312 PERMIT INFORMATION: Fence/ROW $35.00 Total Payments: $35.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES c r City of Atlantic Beach r :routed: ICATION NUMBER Building Department�i�kl w[Date ed by the Building Department.) 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 DEC 0 2 201n- FNG6 -o`(w 9 Phone (904) 247-5826 - Fax (904) 247-5845 E-mail: buildingdept@wab.us BY:_,_,_ _ Z O( IZ61G Cityweb-site: hftp:/Avww.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address:—1 17R (v A. Applicant: _�35sp O M P,,� ( Project: 9:nLe. on R anS Review fee $ /E9 Dept Signature 5f- - Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Flonda Dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco O her: STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: l vpproved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING 8, ZONING Reviewed by: 1 TREE ADMAN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. r.oul oAru x Reviewed by: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed Revised 05/14/09 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL 32233 r 0� Office: (904)247-5826 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 Job Address: /,/7 c Z;/lr,o Permit Number: rl-/{Ir2 Legal Description RE# r Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) $ 9'• OJJ _ Heated/Cooled SF Non- Heated/Cooled • Class of Work (Circle one): New Addition Alteration R ' Move Demo Pool Window/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (Circle one): mmemial Residential • If an existing structure, is a fire spriolder system installed? (Circle one): Yes No • Submit a Tme Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: j/LfS71q // s11 r1 -o r ave'04 IC4,.r4 i),jB e_/3/..i( Florida Product Approval # Property Owner Information )gln"J Owneror Agent Pr Aseer,Powa,*fAtomeyor Aaencr Law Contractor Information: Name of Comnanv: C15S,' r office Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Worker's Compensation fon. 9A4 Cis-iiC s State Zip f c 3 7-oor I# cr,-L oi�b7 E -Mail S ve �v ,iso sj�a�dc✓ p.,...1 xemptInsurer se mp oyues xptmaan to SignelureofProperly Ot er:D Sigoaltw of Con r.h-Ykefar- Defo e this ey of I Atrfr� Before me thisf Dy f V (701 Notary Public: - Notary Public' I herehv crrli( dm!/hmeread and ernarined lhisn ficni r -nan•,he snmelabelrtreandronecl. A/lprm•isions eflaws and ard/nnnces gorernlnlg lhls nE-1 her sp¢cr/r'e0 herein or nol. 77re granting of a permr/ does nol presume to gin mrr mrin mIM81 P. arm olher(aern[ sralG ru lornl hnr re rdalrnr co tq r the p¢rfornrnc¢njrnnanrrriinn.OM Sldlt FF924991 f�lPIRES: October 8,2019�E8txN wun Pwkum.m _?'"" nXPIRES S'h�t ''p� EXPIflES:Ocicber 8, 2019 *+suh. &ndNTw MhnPWG[UNembn ysa�r„ City of Atlantic Beach APPLICA:theBuilding UMBER 800 Sem n Department C (To be assigned bDepartment.) 800 Seminole Road C�'°� �/�/ GAtlantic Beach, Florida 322335445I tp- I Phone (904) 247-5826 � Fax (904)247-5 DEC 0 2 2016 'E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: Cityweb-site: http:/1w ,coab.us By. APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Addresss�: I 17f i11 Applicant: (35seU r'0rnPaL*/ Project: 7ZIACf6a (1 is I U)QCd fe nio nn 119 �S &ia P(cenS J Review fee Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of St. Johns River Water ManageTransportation ment District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other. Reviewing Department First Review: LYIApproved. ❑ Den led. (Cir Comments: L/ BUILDING PLANNING & ZONING Reviewed by: Date: ��/2 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: pproved as revised. ❑D ed. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: C��]r.�r7�44 �1 CcO fir=— •� PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed Revised 0914/09 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Etesch Fl, 52233 Office: (904)247-5826 a I=: (904) 247-5845 Job Address: 117S- yl -la 1.4ec E / Uo Permit Number: v^/ ;rr q . Legal Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) Non- Rested/Cooled • Class of Work (Circle one): New Addition Alteration Re ir Move Demo Pool Window/Dom • Use of existing/proposed stmcture(s) (Circle one):mmemial Residential • If an existing structure, is a fire spriokler system installed? (Circle one): Yes No • Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if soy trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: //tJslet // SAX %<'.OT Zxddi,� G¢—!q &V B✓r( /14 74 Florida Product Approval # Property Owner Information (/iza-.J Owner or Agent tuAseo, 6 ✓O loon WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY EORESULT PAYING TICE FOR IOVEMENTS TO UPROPERTY. OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITHYOUR LENDER OR ANAORNEYBEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Contractor Information: Name of Company: Qualifying Agent: 9A54 eisJi(- Address: 62QT /S 2J" City Pa'�n rls arta State Zip Fc 3 2uo OfficePhone WY- Job Site/Contact Number State Certification/Registration# er,-L of -7 1..? E -Mail S vz (? ,is>< s1w�d-e✓ Ewe Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Worker's Compensation oe, yrs xemin I inso,er I 1,eose Employees I Expinetion one ., yu.ne yrcr wvrer nrew. nmaersanrt mor sepnrnre pernrrtr mull bel redfor Breebreri Work, Numbing, Dols, Purnaees,B Bale;T rho and Air Conditioners, ac of Property Ow er: _.. Sieuum of Con r. C.rw i'Ya G� -.0111thesameroberareandoonerr. Allprovisionsof/mssand �( her spec#//r''ed herein or nor. The granrine o/n reermu does nor 24991 e. otherfederml, .cram, or local tau• reerdat rnna r the 2019 onno. r . WTWM�N Pf5tt951 _ EXPIRES. Ocmber 6,2019 - Nf..��� 9anyrtllHU Mlsr Mbk Urhmirsrs City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road _ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32239-5445 Phone (904) 2475826 - Fax (904) 247-5845 g y E-mail: buildingdept@coab.us City web -site: http:Uwww.coab.us APPLICATION NUMBER (To be assigned by the Building Department.) Date routed: � 2 Ol�2ol6 APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: 11 7. f Ma Applicant: 65"e�t � rnro-.Dor 'Review fee Dept Signature won gency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified Bept. of Environmental Protectionept. of Transportation River Water Management Districtrps of Engineersf Hotels and Restaurantsf Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Reviewing Department First Review: approved. Denied. (Circle one.) Comments _ BUILDING Veri.rntC 5 PLANNING & ZONIN y // Reviewed by. �iyr/ TREE ADMIN. Second Review: �A roved as revised. Pp ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES / PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by:y FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed Revised ee/14109 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION " CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Adaptic Beach FL 32233 Office: (904)247-5826 a Far: (904)247-5845 Job Address: �I7 S i}��G ../fir c 1` 440 Permit Number: Legal Description RE# r Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) $ 21ED , Heated/Cooled SF Non-Heated/Cooled • Class of Work (Circle one): New Addition Alteration Rrr Move Demo Pool Window/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (Circle one): mmeroial Residential • If an existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system installed? (Circle oft): Yes No • Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: //U S /q // _</X k'O T WOOQ 1�f—l4 !TN✓ Florida Product Approval # Property Owner Information c✓O City Imm Owneror Agent (nArm4 PowerorAnaceyorAge•ey lacer ltequuan -SYE <s CgKtFI ew H L WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Contractor Information: NameofCompany: CGSSEL OfficePhone VOY- 75'4 State Certification/Re- stratii Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Worker's Compensation ExemptInsurer se Employ. I Exprahon Irate Y3/i Job Site/Contact Number # E -Mail e� Signatom off'ropeny 0a er: Signature of Refo this `�` y of i7 Before me this Notary Public: Notary Public to be true and correct. All provisions oflaws and iemin or not. The granting ofa permit does not state, or local law re olaM1rGGM1��m33a,�p cyyop�py'n.fPPppt�tthe ew TONI r�Y+f��:p� '? YCOLIS:October (Al Date: 12/7/16 ZONING REVIEW COMMENTS City of Atlantic Beach Community Development Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: dreeves@coab.us Permit: 16-FNCE-2689 Applicant: Cissel and Company Review: Pt Address: PO Box 1875, Ponte Vedm, FL 32004 Site Address: 1175 Atlantic Blvd Phone: (904) 7594312 RE#: Email: steve@firststardev.com Correction Comments 1. Fence Location: Plans call for the fence to cross several feet of the neighbor's property to connect to an existing fence. This portion of the fence cannot be permitted under this permit. Please have the neighboring property submit a fence permit for this portion or revise plans accordingly. Derek W. Reeves Planner dreeves@coab.us American Legion Post 316 Dewitt B. Tilden Memorial American Legion Post 1127 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 December 13, 2016 Mr. Derek Reeves, Planning & Zoning City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: 1175 Atlantic Blvd Fence Exception To Whom It May Concern: Please allow this to serve as our "PERMISSION" for the Atlantic Beach Urban Farms (ABUF), located at 1175 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach to install six foot wood fence across our property located in the utility easement on the West Boundary to connect to the existing word fence. This new fence will be at the expense of ABUF and will be maintained by ABUF. If you have any questions, please call me at 904-249-0202 Sincerely, Clarence Hill National Commander Pei; 3j 1. 11J V"4 w......A.b.tR CC: Tracey Westbrook IV DEC 1 9 2016 �IfmS2 t¢ +(, -it, qs- kkUl'i J pt -s to -..re ,j 6e`G-J Pbt-yc-r Plan �U Dam✓ 1175 Atlantic Blvd From Architectural Site Plan 9/22/16 li i