1051 Atlantic Blvd elec permit S �S IyLyr rI CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 � rrvi3 U� ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-SS14 ]OB INFORMATION: lob ID: 17-ELEC-2966 lob Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: repair overhead service mast pulled off wall Estimated Value: $1,895.41 Issue Date: 1/10/2017 Expiration Date: 7/9/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1051 ATLANTIC BLVD RE Number: 177411-0010 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Address: P O BOX 2710 GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Advanced Power Technologies, LLC Archie Cullen Blackmon,Jr.,EC13004643 Address: 1500 North Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: - FEES: Electrical Repairs $35.00 State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $94.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 1 -6L&-C— 39 (c JOBADDRESS: IOSL 1"I TLJFIJTIC &Yb PERMIT# T L/dAync_ KE-Aott f=L SzPz 5 JEA INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS AMPS VOLTS PHASE VALUE OF WORKS NEW SERVICE ❑ Overhead ❑ Underground D Underground up Pole ❑Residentlal(Main)Service 00-100 arias D101-150amps ❑151-200amps []_amps #of Meters ❑Commercial(Main)Service 110-100 amps U101-150amps LJ 151-200amps O amps OCT Service_amps Conductor Type Size []Multi-Family(Main)Service []0-100amps 11101-150amps LJ 151-200amps (l amps #of Unit Meters ❑Temporary Pole []_amps SERVICE UPGRADE [] amps O CT Service mpg NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC.) O 100 amps 0150ampa 0200amps n amps OCT Service_amps ADDITIONS,REMODELS,REPAIRS,BUILD-OUTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC. Outlets/Switches; 0-30amps 31-100amps 101-200=ps Appliances: 0-30amps 31-100amps 101-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-100amps Heat Circuits: #circuits B kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS []Swimming Pool 0 Sign []Smoke Detectors_Qty OTransfonners KVA []Motors hp FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) Qty_volts/amps VALUE OF WO/K$ REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS []Replace Bumt/Damaagrte�d Meter Can ( []Safety Inspection []Panel Change FIOH to UG L AIOdter: IRC-.4 (J 1R. VMXbEAb JIYtO6_ Alobt AL41;h OAC &24tGe- permit becomes void if wok does not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned fm six months. I hereby cetify that I haus read this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinsom governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of my other state or local low regulation construction or the performance of conshuctim w n n Property Owners Na(m�e h1-5d0 ,V^JT AILTO PA-72TS Sh/C Phone Number Electrical Company lthJ//A-OQeb Pm,"c /EWAICIOGtGS kt-0 Offi Phone 9,6 - P/ax Co.Address: /SLb N/,y 9tO6;P2p1A10— /EOr9� City 1 D Statel y- Zip -43 License Holder(Print): taA.Ll-L—N p[✓ICKMOt/ Stat gCertifi n/Registmtion# «' 13Q0q-6M Noo razed Si natureo ice older 9-9= --' BANBAMBDIg COPDILL Sworn and subscribed before m rides �/ y o a 20MY COM I � SION'4neY FJ(PIRES Auausl 10,2016 Signature of Notary aar,'ABOIM' FWnOBaole rervlw.wm . _.. _ _ �._.�._ .. _.. . _..__.er...._..,� } .. �- �, �, V . � � i �u 3. `A t f a .:, ,... . Y; ��, ``¢ gj IC�& OF ATW1il@]0 SEMMOIANTIC BEAC, 3u330CRE01T LW NSASAIE �q W7586 3 211 3006338ode,mim M CUSTOMER COVI CITY OF ATLWIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5B26 Cashier Id: atlbcl Aatlbbda Receipt Date: 1/10/2017 10:40:20 AM Receipt Number: OS-72139 Job ID: 17-ELEC-2966 - repair overhead sery ice mast pulled off wall ELIB - Electrical Repairs $35.00 Job ID: 17-ELEC-2966 - repair overhead sere ice mast pulled off wall EDBPR - State Elec OBPR Surcharge $2.00 Job ID: 17{LEC-2966 - repair overhead sery ice mast pulled off wall EOCA - State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Job ID: 17-ELEC-2%6 - repair overhead sery ice mast pulled off wall TP - Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Amount Due: $94.00 Tender Information: Cash $94.00 Tender Type: CC Tender Mount: $94.00 Charge Due: $0.00