1175 ATLANTIC BLVD - REVISED LANDSCAPE PLANk - LQ L..I 6 FT WOODEN FENCE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT an 10' REAR BUILDING ELECTRIC DROP� RESTRICTION LINE 5" HOLLY 4" HOLLY\\4" HOLLY 4" HOLLY3" HO LY 3" HOLLY 3" HOLLY 3" HOLLY x ZON ING ACG x X X 5' 910E (15' COMBINED) -� BUILDING RESTRICTION LINE x i o" PALM x 14" PALM I START 6 FT WOODEN----'-- FENCE OODEN—�FENCE 20' FRONT BUILD Ir RESTRICTION LINE 15" PALM 24" LIVE OAK 45" LIVE OAK ; —(1) UAF N89 °40'45 "W 142.73' m A r LA ' TIC BOULEVARD (STA RIGHT OF WA Y VARIES PER FD0T R/W TR, ROAD NO. 10) E'R MAP SECTION 72100 4' HIGH 3 RAIL FENCE WITH POSTS ro' O.C. ALONG R/W, WRAP 3 RAIL FENCE TO 20 FT FRONT YARD LIMIT LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS: TOTAL AREAS: ZONING: 1TO 3} 16,599 S.F. x 1,660 SF. LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED: 3,841 S.F. 2596 OF 1096 VUA i;REa SHRUB AREA: 415 SF. SHRUB AREA PROVIDED: 423 SF. SECTION 656.1210 10% OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT TOTAL AREA: :..... .. 1096 AREA REQUIRED 5,540 SF. 1096 AREA PROVIDED 25OW Sr-. PERIMETER AREA REQUIREMENT BREAKDOWN PERIMETER TREES SOUTH SIDE: PERIMETER AREA NORTH SIDE: 168.50 LF. u TREES REQUIRED: AREA REQUIRED: z h (4) WR ~� START 6 FT WOODEN ,., ;3 ...$ 5 (25) VO AREA REQUIRED: FENCE AREA PROVIDED: 2,541 S.F. PERIMETER AREA EAST SIDE: 0 5' S.F. / LF. = 5'x 291.18 LF. w� 1,458.9 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 1,151 SF. PERIMETER AREA WEST SIDE: 289.16 S.F. 5' S.F. / L.F. = 5' x 289.16 L.F. AREA REQUIRED: 1,449 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 2,318 SR S89 tl3' o 36 "w 47.80 z \1'+�`�c�et�JYt�e���'z.��,a 1. } .;`.. A r LA ' TIC BOULEVARD (STA RIGHT OF WA Y VARIES PER FD0T R/W TR, ROAD NO. 10) E'R MAP SECTION 72100 4' HIGH 3 RAIL FENCE WITH POSTS ro' O.C. ALONG R/W, WRAP 3 RAIL FENCE TO 20 FT FRONT YARD LIMIT LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS: TOTAL AREAS: ZONING: COMMERCIAL V.U.A. PUBLIC AREA: 16,599 S.F. 1096 WA REa LANDSCAPE AREA 1,660 SF. LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED: 3,841 S.F. 2596 OF 1096 VUA i;REa SHRUB AREA: 415 SF. SHRUB AREA PROVIDED: 423 SF. SECTION 656.1210 10% OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT TOTAL AREA: 55,440 Sr-. 1096 AREA REQUIRED 5,540 SF. 1096 AREA PROVIDED 25OW Sr-. PERIMETER AREA REQUIREMENT BREAKDOWN PERIMETER TREES SOUTH SIDE: PERIMETER AREA NORTH SIDE: 168.50 LF. 15 S.F. / LF. = 15' x 168.50 L.F. TREES REQUIRED: AREA REQUIRED: 2,512.5 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 3,548 SF. PERIMETER AREA SOUTH SIDE: 121 L.F. 15' S.F. / L.F. = 15' x 121 L.P. AREA REQUIRED: 1015 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 2,541 S.F. PERIMETER AREA EAST SIDE: 291.18 L.F. 5' S.F. / LF. = 5'x 291.18 LF. AREA REQUIRED: 1,458.9 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 1,151 SF. PERIMETER AREA WEST SIDE: 289.16 S.F. 5' S.F. / L.F. = 5' x 289.16 L.F. AREA REQUIRED: 1,449 SF. AREA PROVIDED: 2,318 SR PERIMETER AND INTERIOR TREE REQUIREMENT BREAKDOWN V.U.A. PUBLIC AREA: INTERNAL LANDSCAPE: 1 TREE / 4000 S.F. = 15,603 S.F. / 4000 S.F. TREES REQUIRED: 4 TREES PROVIDED: 5 SITE LANDSCAPE: o 1 TREE / 8000 Sr-. = 55,440 Sr-. / 8000 S.F. TREES REQUIRED: 1 TREES PROVIDED: 30 PERIMETER TREES NORTH SIDE: 168.5 LF. 1 TREE / 50 L.F. TREES REQUIRED: 4 TREES PROVIDED: 4 Existing PERIMETER TREES SOUTH SIDE: 1538 Lr- -I TREE / 50 LF. TREES REQUIRED: 2 TREES PROVIDED: 2 existing PERIMETER TREES EAST SIDE: 1 TREE / 50 LF. TREES REQUIRED: TREES PROVIDED: PERIMETER TREES WEST SIDE: 1 TREE / 50 LF. TREES REQUIRED: TREES PROVIDED: 133 LF. } 3 3 existing 295 LR 6 4 existing, 2 planted - G.4 f� o ISION op# PATE vi v SIGN4 133 LF. } 3 3 existing 295 LR 6 4 existing, 2 planted General Notes and Specifications CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES Store plants in shade and protect from weather. If plants cannot be planted NOTES: immediately upon delivery, properly protect them with soil, wet peat moss, and applying such sprays as necessary to keep free of insects and diseases. The 1. Prior to construction the landscape contractor shall be responsible for locating all underground utilities and shall avoid damage to all utilities during the 1. MULCH ALL PLANTING BEES WITH 3" ORGANIC MULCH. other possible injury. Keep plant ball moist at all times. 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE LANDSCAPED SHALL BE SODDED WITH ZOYSIA SOD. 8. All plants shall be triangular spaced. 3. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TOB PLANT SCHEDULE 9. Obtain agronomic soils test for all planting areas and tree pits prior 4. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WITH UT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. to excavation of tree pits. Tests shall be performed by an approved soils testing 2. 3. 4. course of the work. The landscape contractor is responsible for repairing any and all damage to utilities, structures, site appurtenances, etc., which occurs as a result of the landscape construction. When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions or obstructions, notify owner's representative before planting. All plants must be healthy, vigorous material, free of pests and disease. All trees, palms, and shrubs shall be grade "Florida Fancy" per Grades and Standards For Nursery Plants (parts one and two), available through Florida SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON TREES QV 3 Snumarci UP 3 F WR 4 LLashinpltonia SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER NAME LATIN NAME SPACING SPECIFICATIONS E MET rates for soil preparation, planting backfill mix, and post maintenance fertilization 7. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYALL Oak Quercus shumardii AS SHOWN 3" cal. 10 - 12' ht. , 5' - 6' slocl. orida Elm Ulmus americana 'Floridana' AS SHOWN 2" cal. 10 - 12' ht. , 5' - &'-Spa. Palm Washineltonla robusta AS SHOWN 14" Cali er, 26' over all height, no boots, straight trunk - EVEN NUM BER ADDRESSES OR TI -(OSE ENDING are dead or, as determined by the owner's representative, are in an unhealthy or WITH A -M MAY WATER ON THU S. AND SUNDAY WITH ,d,_M MAY WATER ON SUNDAY 5. 6. Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services. All plant material must be approved by the Landscape Architect before the plant material is installed. Any changes to the plant material (size, type, etc..), irrigation or any other deviations from the plans must be approved by the Landscape Architect VO geed 72 tb.d. iters Viburnum Viburnum obovatum 3' o.c. 24" ht. x 24" s d. minimum full � dense r entine 5ahia Grass OF WATER - APPLY UP TO - INCH OR LESS OF WATER year after installation. The cost of such replacement(s) is at the contractor's expense. EACH CYCLE prior to the change being implemented by the contractor. The contractor ONE TIME PER WEEK 16 All 1 t b' t t 1 b 4L%t t' ' must provide written proof of authorization for any changes. 7. All plants to be field grown or container grown as indicated on plant list. rt CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES Store plants in shade and protect from weather. If plants cannot be planted NOTES: immediately upon delivery, properly protect them with soil, wet peat moss, and applying such sprays as necessary to keep free of insects and diseases. The MARCH -NOVEMBER (DAYLIGHT SA or,in a manner acceptable to owner's rep. Do not remove container grown stock from containers until planting time. Protect roots of plant from drying or 1. MULCH ALL PLANTING BEES WITH 3" ORGANIC MULCH. other possible injury. Keep plant ball moist at all times. 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE LANDSCAPED SHALL BE SODDED WITH ZOYSIA SOD. 8. All plants shall be triangular spaced. 3. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TOB FLORIDA NO. 1 QUALITY OR BETTER. 9. Obtain agronomic soils test for all planting areas and tree pits prior 4. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WITH UT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. to excavation of tree pits. Tests shall be performed by an approved soils testing 5. ALL TREES AND PLANTS SHALL MEET MINIMUM SPECIFIED SIZES IN INCHES AND FEET REGARDLESS OF CONTAINER SIZE laboratory and shall include fertility and suitability analysis with written INDICATED. WHERE DIFFERR ENCES OCCUR, THE LARGER SPECIFICATION SHALL PREVAIL. recommendations for soil amendments, fertilizer and chemical conditioner application 6. ALL CALIPER SIZES MUST E MET rates for soil preparation, planting backfill mix, and post maintenance fertilization 7. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYALL QUANTITIES ro ram Submit a co f '1 t d 1 d ' - EVEN NUM BER ADDRESSES OR TI -(OSE ENDING are dead or, as determined by the owner's representative, are in an unhealthy or p g pyo soi s repo 0 owner s rep. an an scope architect. 10. Add soil amendments as recommended by soil test in quantities necessary to bring soil mixture to pH rating of between 5.5 and 6.0. Minerals used for pH correction shall be commercially produced for this purpose. 11. All plants and planting areas must be completely mulched as specified with three (3) inches of organic mulch. Provide 4" minimum clearance of mulch from all shrub trunks and 6" minimum clearance from all tree trunks. 12. The landscape contractor is responsible for verifying all quantities shown on these plans, before pricing the work. 13. The planting shall be done in accordance with acceptable horticultural practices. This is to include proper planting mix, plant and tree pit preparation, pruning, staking or guying, wrapping, spraying, fertilization, planting, and adequate maintenance throughout the required maintenance period. 14. The landscape contractor is responsible for fully maintaining all planting (including but not limited to: pruning, watering, fertilizing, cultivating, weeding, mowing, mulching, tightening and repairing of guys, resetting plants P' ORDINANCE CHAPTER 366 SCHED LE AND IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS: to proper grade or upright position, restoration of plant saucer, and furnishing and applying such sprays as necessary to keep free of insects and diseases. The MARCH -NOVEMBER (DAYLIGHT SA INGS TIME) NOVEMBER - MARCH (STANDARD TIME) landscape contractors responsibility for maintenance (exclusive of replacement within the guarantee period) shall terminate one year from the date of final - NO WATERiNG FROM LOAM TO x PM - NO WATERiNGc FROM 10 AM TO 4 PM acceptance by owner and landscape architect. - ODE) NUMBER ADDRESSES O THOSE ENDING ODD NUMBER ADDRESSES, OR THOSE ENDING 15. All trees, palms, shrubs and plant material shall be warranted for a period of one WITH N -Z OR NO ADDRESS- MAr WATER ON WITH N -Z OR NO ADDRESS MAY WATER ON year after date of completion and acceptance of the entire project Final acceptance WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY SATURDAY of all landscaping under this contract shall constitute the beginning of the guarantee period. Replace, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, all plants that - EVEN NUi" i5ER ADDRESSES OR THOSE ENDING - EVEN NUM BER ADDRESSES OR TI -(OSE ENDING are dead or, as determined by the owner's representative, are in an unhealthy or WITH A -M MAY WATER ON THU S. AND SUNDAY WITH ,d,_M MAY WATER ON SUNDAY unsightly condition, and have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, or other - NON-RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES MAY WATER - NON-RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES MAY WATER causes due to the contractor's negligence. Furnish and plant replacements which ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ON ONLY ON TUESDAY comply with requirements shown and specified. Warrant all replacement plants for one - APPLY UP TO - INCH OR LESS OF WATER - APPLY UP TO - INCH OR LESS OF WATER year after installation. The cost of such replacement(s) is at the contractor's expense. EACH CYCLE ONE TIME PER WEEK 16 All 1 t b' t t 1 b 4L%t t' ' p an s are su pec o approva er s y e ownres preen a ive. Hot to planting, all trees and palms must be approved by the owner or owner's rep. 17. Standards set forth in "American Standard for Nursery Stock" represent guideline specifications only and shall constitute minimum quality requirements for plant;....�� material. 18. At the conclusion of this planting, if the owner's rep. or owner has reason to believe that the plants are not of the specified grade, he will request a re—grading" f �� or inspection, and such evidence will be the basis for requesting replacement ofGUY WIRE 12 G #d „y..•.�� plants and for legal or other action according to law, should this become necessary. ANNEALED GALV. STEEL 19. All planting beds to be treated with pre—emergent weed control prior to planting. . 20. Contractor is to check the site weekly to insure all plant material is healthy and well watered.TURNBUCKLE (GA) 21. All disturbed areas to be sodded or seeded Argentine Bahia as noted. MULCH (3" MIN. EARTH SAUCER SOIL AND ROOT LAYER LAWN AREA PAVEMENT (TYPICAL) CUL' UNDISTURBED SOIL 1/2" "EDGER" SMOOTH, CLEAN & PARALLEL TO PAVEMENT NOTE: INSTALL SOD SUCH THAT TOP OF SOIL & ROOT LAYER IS LEVEL WITH TOP OF PAVEMENT io GUY WIRE RUBBER HOSE LIMIT OF MULC F,w,�;, 0 it 1/2" RUBBER HOSE ROOT BALL TO BE FLUSH WITH �— EXISTING GRADE. MULCH 6" CLEAR AROUND �- TRUNK AND TAPPERED. 2"X4"X3' STAKE --REMOVE TOP 1/3 BURLAP PREPARE PLANTING MIX PER SPECIFICATION COMPACTED PLANTING MIX PREPARED PLANTING MIX EARTH SAUCER P1 N . _.. w ` _ .. s - _` TURNBUCKLE M,YLCH 3" MIN.) DEPTH 4 CLEA FROM TRUNK —� GRADE DEPTH VARIES WITH PLANT FOUR STAKES SECURED ARO( TRUNK WiTH THREE 5ANDS OF GALVANIZED STEEL WiRE--, FLAGS SAUCER - LOWER THE FINISH GRADE OF SOIL PLANT MiX-, TO HOLD WATER SPACING 1/2 D D wh.+Fr^•�••� y� Ag.+ % NATIVE 5090 native 5090 native Not native 6090 native trees total Native 648 s.f. Tota I s.f. t 648 s.f. Native s.f. 648 s.f. Native % = 10090 PREPARE PLANTING MIX PER SPECIFICATION EXCAVATE AND PREPARE ENTIRE PLANTING BED TRENCH EDGER u n G R 0 U N C 0 V' R N D11 L L I H 1 �j L-) L A I L GUY wig iz GAUGE ANNEALED GALVANIZED STEEL OR 2"X4" LEAN TO - - TOP OF ROOT BALL FLUSH ,,-"WITH PLANTING SOIL AND EXISTING GRADE GUY WIRE 211X411 STAKE% PREPARE PLANTING MIX PER SPECiFI- CATION \_ COMPACTED PLANTING MiX PLANTING MIX A LI iVl L-_ E A N I I N G D E T A I 1L_ N N L r O U �l ci o v y1-4 y N C� NS --- LL � � I i 1 r f r c < V) 0 Ld ReVIS10 p#IV GL DATE DATE Julw 25 2016 PROJECT N0. • 2016.26 DESIGNED BY KSR DRAWN BY KSR CHECKED BY KSR SCALE SHEET TITLE LANDSCAPE DETAILS L_ —2 S H E E T s