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r.; .,* CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 910 9 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NEW MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16-SFR-1456 Job Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Description: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Estimated Value: $550,000.00 Issue Date: 7/26/2016 Expiration Date: 1/22/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 544 ATLANTIC BEACH CT RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: RIVERSIDE HOMES OF N FL Address: 414 OLD HARD RD STE 502 MATTHEW ROBERTS Phone: - - PERMIT INFORMATION: FEES: ENG REV RESIDENTIAL BLD $100.00 PLAN CHECK FEES $890.00 UTIL REV RESIDENTIAL BLDG $50.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $1,780.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE $26.70 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $26.70 ISI"R�tl"Y 1ti A1'MNN cW.1't\ A YY)RDANCE$ 1•RPL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACII ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA M ETERCODI:s. (....--- SITE PLAN LOT 20 AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 67, PAGES 132-137 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FL. GRAPHIC SCALE `�� `� 3D 0 15 30S, r .t tk $`".Hyl ^ .' J CP \y �`Pl ( IN FEET ) tg G 5�1, v 1 inch = 30 ft. f lyo / \�$/� 205e'•/ • �n � .17' 1�� 20.50' N'‘(') 5 \ � .1,S... • tom• Tr 1?> / �'R� 1 • 1. . : 10.17' Q o, , C.• 6 9 0-'S 1,,1 �?.� 6� til 7. ,..-,.. 77,7 \ '-',./0.11 .I.5' A \ SOD BREAKDOWN osW ° j �� TOTAL LOT AREA 9,137 Sq.Ft. f��y\ s'cy `9 7'6 J. R/W TO CURB 945 Sq.Ft. -rr10.16' t1PaV117A •yj' c\', \ by GROSS 300 AREA 10.082 Sq.Ft e0 \ -+�. ' \ C �• DEDUCTIONS �, 9y't FOUNDATION SLAB 3.614 Sq.Ft. \'\ J mei'/1� \ J DRIVEWAY 664 Sq.Ft. r0 LEAD WALK 79 Sq.FL 9.5 $ .. I�,q. J 90EWAU(AREA 0 Sq.Ft. \ /��`o" I4.! A/C PAD(5)k GARAGE 18 Sq.Ft. . *0# C's ,/. SERVICE DOOR SLAB l\a WA1ER/CONSERVATION 0 Sq.Ft. \ 10I./ � 1 J TAI IIFOUCIONS 4,375 Sq.Ft NET SOD AREA 5.707 S4 FL / \', `0 4' / e 9 10.97'�� .043.. `p ��NCE CO04* IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE V IMPERVIOUS Sq.Ftl LOT Sq FL I a I y�,'�,�?' OOy� 4,101 Sq.Ft. 19,137 Sq.Ft. 45% l **SETBACKS*_2o'FEET FROM FACE OF GARAGE TO BACK OF RIGHT OF WAY AND .I 8.7 15 FEET FROM BUILCNG FACE Ott P0RCIH TO BACK OF RIGHT OF WAY; fn OCCEPT CORNER/DOUBLE-FRONTAGE LOTS.FOR 191101 114E NON-ADORES! FRONT IRNIMUM YARD SCALL BE 10 FEET FROM GARAGE DR BUILDINGUNE TABLE FACE TO BACK OF RIGHT OF WAY. ' OD LNE DIRECTION LENGTH L1(P) 14571844'E 70.00 Pii DENOTES PROPOSED PAVERS 12(P) S32'41'1e'E 79.67 Oi!i ,,r( t3(P) S63'20.12-111 728J 'r- DENOTES FUTURE 4" TREE O� 14(0) N5T6'44'E 116.13 ❑cr DENOTES CHEMICAL TOILET CURVE TABLE F7-1 DENOTES PROPOSED CONCRETE I DELTA CURVE(P) 1440 IARC LENGTH ICHORD 46.26 ��2'4! I CHORD LENGTH 6'01'28' r `,��u xo 73. tl 1 1.BEARINGS ARE BASED ON 11E CENIERUNE OF AILANTC BEA01 COURT AS BONG N5718'44'E. 2 MANAGE EtEVATOIS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON NAND 1988 I THE LANDS 910041 HEREON LIE WHIN FLOOD ZONE'K AND 0(SHADED)'AS DEPICTED ON TE FL000 INSURANCE RATE MAP(FARM.)COMMUNITY NUMBER 120077.PANEL NUMBER 040611.DATED.,RINE 3,2013,T11E FLOOD ZONES 9101111 CR MIS 91E PLAN ARE SCALED OFF OF THE F.EM.A.FIRM.MAPS AND ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.THE FIRM.INFORMATION AM)DELNEATOMS ON THIS STE PLAN ARE VALID ONLY FOR DATES UP TO AND INCLUDING THE GATE OF THIS STE PLAN. THERE MAY HAVE BEEN SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS AFTER THIS DATE THAT COAL SUPERSEDE SND INFORYATON.MORES SHOULD BE MADE TO THE COMMUNITY!FLOOD PLANE MANAGEMENT RFPO5TORY.DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS,DUVAL COUNTY. 4.FLOOD MAPS REFERENCED HEREON ARE BASED M NAND 1980. 5.110 UNDERGROUND FOUNDATIONS CR UTUTES h NO MPRO'IDENIS,01104 144111 THOSE 9104111 WERE LOCATED UNDER THE SCOPE CF THIS STE PLAN. 6.ADDITIONS.DELETIONS AND/OR ANY WRITTEN INFORMATION ADDED TO THIS MAP AND/OR REPORT IS PROHIBITED AND IS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE 901NG SURVEYOR. 7.415 MAP 0 MOOED TO BE HEWED AT A SCALE OF 1'-3O'CO DIALLER. 6.ENTRIES&PATIOS DEPICTED AS COMING INTO TME BUILDING RESTRICTION LIMITS MUST REMAIN UNCOVERED L NOT ENCLOSED. 9.UPLAND BUFFERS ADJACENT TO WETLANDS ARE TO REMAIN NATURAL VEGETATIVE.AND UNDISTURBED. 10.DMENSONS ARE N FEET AND CECMAL PARTS THEREOF. 11.THIS STE PLAN IS ONLY FOR THE LANDS AS DESCRIBED.IT IS NOT A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 20MNG,EASEMENTS CR FREEDOM OF ENO/MENA/ICES. 12.1145 STE PUN WAS NOT INTENDED TO DELINEATE CR DEFINE ANY WETLANDS,ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS,MUM HABITATS OR JURISDICTIONAL LANES OF ANY FEDERAL STATE.REGIONAL M LOCAL AGENCY.BOARD.MID COMM15901 OR OTHER ENTITY AND ANY UABRJTY RESULTING 114EREFROM IS NOT 11€RESPONSOUTY Cr THE UNDERSIGNED. 13.UNLESS A COMPARISON IS MADE.MEASURED BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE IDENTICAL 41TH PUT VALUES. 14.THIS STE PUN IS BASED ON INFCRMATON AS FRONDED BY THE OIENT. 15.BUILDING AND IMPROVEMENTS,IF ANY,AS DEPICTED HERECN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PARCEL PROPERTY LINES. ALL BUILDING TES ARE SHOWN TO 111E FOUNOATTON. 18.PLEASE REFER TO THE PLAT FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS THAT NAY AFFECT Tay LOT. 17.TMS IS NOT A BOUNDARY 9NVEY. 18 PUBLIC SIDEWALKS DEPICTED HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CONSTRUCTI N PLANS THEY ARE!MOM FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR CONSTRUCTION. FOR CORRECT LOCATION AND OM 049045 REFER TO THE MOST CURRENT SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS 11104E IS A MAXIMUM 2%SL0'E ON ALL SIDEWALKS.ALL SIDEWALK AND FLATIIDIa:SHALL.AT A MINIMUM.MEET CURRENT DUVAL COUNTY MID ADA STANDARDS.CROSS SLOPES SHALL BE NO MORE NAN SIL THE PORTION Of THE SIDEWALK WHICH TRANSVERSES T9t000H 114E O6VEWAY APRON SNAIL ALSO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT.ALSO.PLEASE NOTE THAT LITOTES(METER BOXES VALVES,ETC)SHALL NOT BE MSTALL0D WITHIN THE SIDEWALK. 19.DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DEPICTED MAY VARY N SZE REFER TO ENCNEERNG PLANS FOR CORRECT DIMENSIONS. 20.A/C PADS MUST MAINTAIN 3'AWAY FROM ANY PROPERTY LINE AND CAN NOT ENCROACH INTO A MANAGE EASE/1W COE TO DRANAGE PURPOSES. PREPARED FOR:RIVERSIDE HOMES CERTIFIED TO:RIVERSIDE HOMES SAL-WOO VP /,� BARTRAM TRAIL SURVEYING, INC. -..= . C� w,==.14,. LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS - LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS t 'IVa 12a�.. .. 1501 COUNTY ROAD 315 SUITE NO. 108 (904 284-2224 �` �I,' GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FL 92049 FAX (904 284-2256 NA-•e�"°'�'� ! CERTIIRCATE OF AUTHORIZATION LB #899441 _,, ...,,erw COPYRIGHT © 2015 'd`...-�S.9="4,.w„,,,,a,„ NOTATION: F.LR.u.FLOOD ZONE X(N/A)a%(SHADED) a.:'''�",. 'I HEREBY CERTIFY,that this survey graphically represents The survey hereon was made without benefit of abstract or W/ELEVATION: =Zs. the results of a field survey made under my responsible search of title,and therefore the undersigned and Bartram PANEL NO.: direction and compiles with the latest Standards of Troll Surveying make no Certifications regarding Information 120077 04081 6/3/13 F�rumir7477,,==,,,,,....,.....,wwww wPractice for Surveys os promulgated by the Florida State shown or not shown hereon pertaining to easements.claims Fru-em.. ver avec epi Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers,Chapter of easements,Rights-of-way,setback lines,overlaps, ED/PG I......101/0 MON www.JI IIIP..R..s"o0"i.NO. 5J-17 F.A.C.; Pursuant to section 472.027.Florida Boundary Line disputes,agreements,reservatlans or other N/A e w �e statues,subject to all notes and notations shown hereon. eimier matters which may appear in the abstract.or search. p DATE: SCALE. et227El N/A N/A This survey is prepared and certified far the exclusive use of 12/28/15 1'w30' E-, '^IFIELD MORK COMPLETED MAP ORICSNALLY BONED the client named hereon and the survey mop and report of E-,-,--,......=ea- -gocous wan the copies thereof are not valid without the signature and PROJECT NO.: I REVISION: -eoe "•`" Fes.. N/A the original raised sea:of a Florida licensed surveyor and 1349-15-073 - _ ,®w L".PMeA'".w,w....o RAYMmapper. OND PAUL SUTHERLAND, P.S.M. 1 -wowu,WOO e. STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NUMBER •_S 6477 DRAWN BY: LAS CHECKED BY: DBG SHEET OF 1 I rAL f ' e? 4• s...w..,r,,, City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER :-.,s # 4 Building Department r `� 800 Seminole Road (To be assigned by the Building Department.) ' ;... 1±w rj Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 —SFR ‘245G). s. Phone(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 J/z4,// lt19 E-mail: building-deptcoab.us Date routed: City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM C;(/ Property Address: -4 4 , :1 - , `S : : _ - r ment review required Ye No : ildin• Applicant: R l v C lf)� 0 (1(1&__-___ _ ening &Zoning j�1 ' _Tree Administrator Project: 1 V ) RCS(OC��CC ( Public Worm P ' Utilities—) illitriVrliw Fire Services Review fee $ Dept Signature A Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified By Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: 1V Approved. ❑Denied. (Circle o . Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: ril Date: 9, 1-16 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ['Approved as revised. ❑Deni . PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ['Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14/09 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: 54J 14�1ayv\ C tach Coo,y Permit Number: I_( SFR-t4, (al-132 Os-lS-21e -21 LegalClub Lt, - Parcel# b9 13 CI5 Description Lot Zo lti►-rtic,Bc Floor A of Sq.Et. l Sq.Ft � / Valuation of Work$ 550, COO Proposed Work heated/cooled ,3t}'as non-heated/cooled �j9 �f Class of Work(circle one): OOP Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (circle one): Commercial C--ResidetatiaJ� If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed? (Circle one): Yes No G/A) Florida Product Approval # For multiple products use product approvalorm Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: N1 In CQN\S±1 a e_ii ON _ S Property Owner Information: ``�--.- _ 1 Name:PiVQf'SIc1Q o(K12fL S OC N. .) (t.re.. Address: 1 7(Q �llv Jl� - kVe1) :_iWO IQ ia City c)acKsotvvtkUQ. Statect_Zip'x3aa3 Phone 0O4. 5O3•-1C)55 E-Mail or Fax#(Optional)_t.:7615-1-‘0 F' ri-i ri v r SkJQhcrrl e .cem Contractor Information: JJ Company Name:\VQXCSt de_ k-\,Ctrs oc- N..VL. INC...Qualifying Agent: 17x44 held()�QLU �Ohr-43 Address:/0Q-7(..9SOWJaw_ /3[ Jaw_ SLLt-i (a) City CJGLC.KSOIvv i I I Q State 1L Zip33 a J3 Office Phone 904.506.1055 Job Site/Contact Number Fax# State Certification/Registration# CJ C. I Qs 4135 Architect Name &Phone# NE. rL t e tlafV,INC. 904-Q(.SZO.331 el Engineer's Name&Phone# 4 W slotp,slotGrlgJJlnee riJ� 0104•_.8$Iv• 211-o 1 Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Address . Bonding Company Name and Address . Mortgage Lender Name and Address Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certy5/that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six(6)months,or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned jor a period of sq_(6)months at any time ager work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for lectrical Work,Plumbing,Signs,Wells,Pools,Furnaces,Boilers,Heaters, Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE ..' '' I. I'ROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSUL,/. T YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I hereby cert that I have rea.and-,.ml • I is eppplii tion and lin,i, he same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governin: this typeofwork will be complied with whether spedie. •rei . not. beg •nting of.a p t does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any o er federal,so •,.or— local law regulating construe ion.4- he.er. ma ce of onstruction. Signature of Owner: � _ `► +N.IL' Signature of Contractor: r Print Name: Ai 3 S• Print Name: M�++heJ) Rnbe �4 Swor t. and sub cribed before me Sworn to and subs ribed before me this • Day of ,20 kr, this „,o." Day of .. 1_ ,. - 20 - -I11 1 .e Mir,.11 , /I q _ 1�- . — �� .& auna - -i NIP ,s:ar0AiPve—11 fc LINDSEY M.BISHOP ,•''aY LINDSEY M.BISHOP Notary Public-State of Florida Commission N FF 948204 ', ,N••c Notary Public-State of Florida • "N�'.'4`oPA�, My Comm.Expires Jan 19,2020 N,•��" o�c Commission I FF 948204 " ;;: ,•s -'%Eof"von' My Comm.Expires Jan 19,2020 s!r�`J; City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER __ 05 r -- „� Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) s'� 800 Seminole Road Jv - -• •" �r Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 16�—. ) 4 • Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5845 /� 1 `•40;119%' E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: z4 [ City web-site: http://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM C Property Address: 4 P1 Tir moment review required Yes No .�ildin. Applicant: RIVE2S(O61 HO (Y 44,..L_ning &Zoning Tree Administrator \1 Project: 1 J G(i0 RCS(o�`ApCC Public Works P.. Utilities 4--a IP.-0- •IN I Fire Services -- Review fee $ Dept Signature . Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date • of Permit Verified By Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: tosef �l 1------- Date: 04-7/1 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by; Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. • Comments: Reviewed by: Date: tevised 05/14/09 i s!..i•1 City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER _ v'r j� Building DepartmentECEIRIEEo be assi ned b the Buildin De artmentr•, : J ' 800 Seminole Roadg yg p )w - Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 JUN 2 7 2016 I (O VSF ` ( 43\ Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-584 J z4 l \ 67 / -1•:i..0109',- E-mail: building-dept@coab.us ate routed: ` Co City web-site: http://www.coab.us BY: APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: 4 P\17 ANyr t C "3epof i nvent review required Yes No 4,,,F_ildin• Applicant: R(\Jst Ho (v/l�S .;ming &Zoning Tree Administrator 1 � C Project: VFS(0C�A.DC_C Work Public Works 0_ P.. • Utilitiell _ _- Fire Services Review fee $ Dept Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date • of Permit Verified By Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: t4pproved. ❑Denied. (Circle one.) Comments: Alee 114411/ 42,016, BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING 7 /> / Reviewed by: .�#�1 _� Date: / /C TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ['Approved as revised. 010enied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. DDenied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: tevised 05/14/09 s >>`i City of Atlantic Beach E C E I V E o' ir APPLICATION NUMBER � Building Department —_-- (To be assigned by the Building Department.) st ' 800 Seminole Road JUN 2 J 2016 V -r Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 S : I Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-.5� /� l �7 otic E-mail: building-dept@coab.us B Date routed: z`"t i City web-site: http:/lwww.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM CT Property Address:544 pi-, A.kyr t C3 1 . - ment review required Yes No 4: ildinu Applicant: RL V Eestoc Ho ,E__.„& - -nning &Zoning ■ V 1 Tree Administrator Project: e)(i0 CS(OCA CC Public Workillillillilll 47P • Utilities iiia,ink.-m my. Fire Services Review fee $ Sa Dept Signature KA Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt of Permit Verified By Date Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: pproved. ['Denied. one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING - ] // f Reviewed by:� /� YJ. 6 te: 4-7C TREE ADMIN. Second Review: nApproved as revised. ['Denied. z:fig..FC WOjtK Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLICSAF Y Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: []Approved as revised. ['Denied. Comments: k Reviewed by: Date: wised 05/14/09 I _ i R.O.W. Permit Attachment of for R.O.W.Permit# issued ,200 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Owner's Name: Property Address: Subdivision: Lot#/Block#: R.E. #: REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT THIS REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, issued on this day of , 200_, by Atlantic Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and RI WrS1C . 4-40D-1Q5 3 of Atlantic Beach, Florida,hereinafter referred to as"USER". WITNESSETH: That the CITY does hereby grant the USER permission on a revocable basis as described herein the right to enter upon the property of the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose as described in the City of Atlantic Beach Right-of-Way/Easement permit numbers noted above(copies attached). This work is generally described as: NQUJ CCN.5-\-ruc \0Kj _ S 12 Any facility maintained, repaired, erected, and/or installed in the exercise of the privilege granted remains subject to relocation or removal on thirty (30) days notice by CITY to the USER, said notice to USER shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following address: 1 a�1U? 1N Jose i3Wuc6 i,�e. lao, Jae ,,vj Ile, Ft- 3a2D3 The depositing of said notice of cancellation in the United States mail shall constitute the notice of cancellation and the burden is upon USER to keep the CITY informed of USER's proper address. The USER shall promptly make any and all necessary repairs to any facility erected or maintained in the exercise of the privilege herein granted and shall at all times maintain said facility in good and safe condition. In the event it is necessary for the CITY or the City's approved representative or other franchised utility to enter upon the above-described property of the CITY, the USER shall replace at the USER's sole expense, any and all material necessarily displaced during the action of maintaining, repairing, operating,replacing,or adding to of the utilities and facilities of the CITY or franchise utility provider. The facilities allowed by the permit shall meet the current requirements of the City Code, Building Codes, Land Development Code, and all other land use and code requirements of the CITY, including City Code Section 19-7 (h) which states "Driveways that cross sidewalks: City sidewalks may not be replaced with other materials, but must be replaced with smooth concrete left natural in color so that it matches the existing and adjoining sidewalks." Page 1 of 2 The USER, prior to making any changes from the approved plans and/or method, must obtain written approval from the City of Atlantic Beach, Public Works Department, for said change. The USER shall, at the discretion of the CITY, be requested to submit as-built drawings showing the change within thirty(30) days after the day of completion. This permit shall insure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the USER and their respective successors and assigns. USER shall meet the terms and conditions of this permit and to all of the applicable State and CITY laws and/or specifications, to include utilities locate requirements and use limitations/requirements of public rights-of-way and other public land. USER further agrees that the CITY and its officers and employees shall be saved harmless by the USER from any of the work herein under the terms of this permit and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the USER. DATE P , NED this pZO day of , 201 By• k- �% ' Pry 2rner • • signed in presence of the Notary) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL On this 94) day of , 2091 personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for said ounty and State, &Ins � �od� the propertyown owner of 54 q I^ kLAisG `C3e _TuLtarcAtlantic Beach, Florida, known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; who acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. "1, wio o; ;•°6�i LINDSEY M.BISHOPN�tary Pub n for sai ty and State 4 Notar Pubt: Y k State of florlde 4Commission•FF 948204 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, a ,- Y Comm.Expires Jan 19,2020 municipal corporation: Approved: Ricky L. Carper,Public Works Director For Permits where city sidewalk is impacted, City Manager approval required: Jim Hanson, City Manager Page 2 of 2 GoP W / Age 63 k /6 . /DO7 •y/ x 24,41 - /3n6 aZ6�1 kz r ? 4112 . >30/y -/ZAne ..“Z - 3X., 544-Ant; z 1. 67 x . Lr = --, 4C 44 filly x 2 % v. yi NtalAws., a1/ k3 z 7� ,e:v4 al X i f 3?? rJ��'s, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J PUBLIC UTILITIES 1200 Sandpiper LaneJStI> ' ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 (904)270-2535 or(904)247-5874 NEW WATER/SEWER TAP REQUEST Date: 6- 27- /<o Project Address: 54 'I4'rJ i z c . b4- 6.-- No. No. of Units: I Commercial Residential V Multi-Family 3 It New Water Tap(s)&Meter(s) Meter Size(s) �`I New Irrigation Meter ✓ Upgrade Existing Meter from to (size) •. New Reclaim Water Meter ' Size 1/ New Connection to City Sewer Name: Applicant Address: City: State: Zip Phone Number: Cell Number: Email Address Fax: Signature: (Applicant) CITY STAFF USE ONLY Application# /6 - 5F - !e-f cs(o Water System Development Charge $ i , U Sewer System Development Charge $ Z. GCS Water Meter Only $ /R S' 00 Reclaim Meter Only $ /c, U0 / 37b Water Meter Tap $ (notes) Sewer Tap $ Cross Connection $ SD,DO ✓ 1 Other $ TOTAL $ S; (.0/0. 0 0 APPROVED: Kavle Moore,PE KLAA (Deputy PW Director or Authorized Signature) ALL TAP REQUEST MUST BE APPROVED BY UTLITIES DEPARTMENT BEFORE FEES CAN BE ASSESSED Atlantic Beach Country Club lot 20 544 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Single Family Detached-Group R3 2014 Florida Building Code Northeast Florida Design Group, Inc. Linda Purvis 904.260.3319 linda@nefloridadesign.com BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION -- • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OM. COPY 1 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 Job Address: %y 1 Ia-\ p 13atch co, >,yt- Permit Number: 16,-3 ER-145C9 (al-132 08-2S-29e -21 Legal Description Lot /il-lerrti C,Bee4ii Cflt&r,t7NClub 1u,, Parcel# f 9 J,3 95 Floor Are /of Sq..Ft. 'q.Ft _ D Valuation of Work$ 56-0/ (")(y) Proposed Work heated/cooled ,3�•aS non-heated/cooled h9 cl Class of Work(circle one): 010 Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s)(circle one): Commercialids If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed? (Circle one): Yes No NC/AD Florida Product Approval # For multiple products use product approval form Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: 1Q L) CO .3 Ll C�(OV _ SC.Q Property Owner Information: Name:P iVQ.YS I c1Q .1--I0MQS CSC N. cL.1 (Ka• Address: /as 70) N JC" .TSL 131Ve, SUS.(IQ I cDo City CLCK 0(\iVtkkQ, StateVuZip'a3)a3 Phone 004. 503•"7055 E-Mail or Fax# (Optional)_1; ►Si•FG L ri-i r1 VPx,sk I QJicme .CCYYI Contractor Information: n Company Name:•k_M CS1 Cie }-\CtrQ.S C N. PL. INC.Qualify'ng Agent: ]�Q44 112/.0 KO�+S Address:/o`?a7C9.SOuv JQSQ- 3(Vd a.64,2_ /0.16 City (--CLC4c OrvVi (IQ State CL Zip300.13 Office Phone 904.503.1055 Job Site/Contact Number Fax# State Certification/Registration# C.6C J Q5-4135 Architect Name&Phone#_Ni . rL De..StcM4,INC. 0. 331 c1 Engineer's Name&Phone#jAlte,k5t✓Y1QIneet'111 04• $$(o• 24-0 1 Fee Simple Title Holder Name and JJ Address Bonding Company Name and Address . Mortgage Lender Name and Address Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction m this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six(6)months,or if construction or work is suspended or abandonedfor a period of six_f6)months at any time after work is commenced I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work,Plumbing,Signs, Wells,Pools,Furnaces,Boilers,beaters,Tanks and Air Conditioners,etc. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE • z ' t I'ROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSUL / T YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT . I hereby certib,that I have rea,and mi is,'pli,.tion and kn, he same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governingthis type of work will be complied with whether spes fie. '-rei . 'not. e g .rating of a p t does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any of er federal,sta _or— local law regulating construc ion Jr he,er: ma ce of onstrucuon. Signature of Owner: . _ `_ •;'' Signature of Contractor: r Print Name: ,� • Print Name: (YlQr-�"-IhP ) P( -t.� Swor t. and sub cribed before me Sworn to and subs ribed before me this i Day of _. ' 0 1� this Wiz" Day of : _. . 20 - p- O T 'us n ' . w116-7w-�oi•r--"I'�- .0. P"A�,,� LINDSEY M.BISHOP ;�aY°oe�;., LINOSEY M.BISHOP =+ �`� t Notary Public.State of Florida -o :: •°�= Notary Public.State of Florida '„ 'E Commission M FF 946204 °'• ',• Commission#�FF 918204 �'.;N d ' My Comm.Expires Jan 19,2020 u�� off: ;fq.-ii My Comm.Expires Jan 19.2020 • , orig.( COPY DO NOT WRITE BELOW- OFFICE USEONLY .Applicable Codes: 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE_____ ______ - -Review Result (circle Approved Disapproved Approved w/ Conditions Review Initials/Date: Development Size Habitable Space 3'/)CS1 F:Non-Habitable /3 7 y s,F. Impervious area Miscellaneous Information Occupancy Group 4- 3 Type of Construction V (j Number of Stories 2 Zoning District a Rce— Max. Occupancy Load Fire Sprinklers Required Flood Zone )c Con ditions/Comments: °FIRM COPY Ttl�Yr' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH -mss 3"� CONSTRUCTION PERMIT WITHIN CITY RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS Jv 800 Seminole Road 904-247-5800 "."1::t.4119''' Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Fax 904-247-5845 PLEASE SUBMIT(3) COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS WITH APPLICATION. Date lY -20 •,Lo PERMIT# t,� n ISSUED BY THE CITY Job Address n q �10.1(b`i-,i C� �0.krr 6 (,QR,(,X /1 Permitee: g'1VQ,Q1(IQ- t-tor o.E- N. ft.1INC• Telephone# cb4' '-1055 Permittee Address: I)-7US? S0.NJOSe_ 13IV6) 4- I00, -iftWk5oNv i 11Q,VL 3.1.1D 3 Requesting Permission to Construct: Nt2-W C ,.*rU..C*1ON- Sof. Location: (Reference to Cross-Street) 1. Applicant declares that prior to filing this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground and the accurate locations are shown on the sketches. A Letter of Notification was mailed to the following Utilities/Municipalities: Jacksonville Electric Authority Yes ( ) No ( ) Date: Bell South Telephone Company Yes ( ) No ( ) Date: Ferrell Gas Yes ( ) No ( ) Date: Comcast Yes ( ) No ( ) Date: 2. Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration or relocation of all, or any portion of said street or easement as determined by the Director of Public Works, any or all of said poles, wires, pipes, cables or other facilities and appurtenances authorized i hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said street or easement or reset or relocated hereon as required by the Director of Public Works, and at the expense of the Permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 3. All work shall meet City of Atlantic Beach • Florida De•a ment of Transportation Standards and be performed under the superv' ion of .I_ J. f A. (Contractor's Project Superintendent) located at 1V f3 e_ eine5 Telephone#: 03•.-1o55 II 4. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. 5. All city property shall be restored to its original condition as far as practical, in keeping with city specifications and the manner satisfactory to the city. 6. A sketch of plans covering details of this installation, as well as, a copy of a recent survey shall be made a 11 part of this permit. Calculations showing any increase in impervious area on owner's lot or in the city Right of Way are to be included with this application. 7. This permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith with 3(7 days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must review the permit with the Director of Public Works to make sure no changes have occurred in the area that would affect the permitted construction. 8. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the City's right, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder, and the Holder will, at all 1 times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from and against any and all loss, damage, and cost of expenses arising in any manner of the exercise or attempted exercises by the holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. 9. The Director of P =tic Works shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours prior to starting work and again immediately u.• o pletio . OWNER I Ok_ , , Signed: ,d1.. - -- Before m is I-1 day of(� in the County of Duv. . State Of Florida,has personally appeared Y' \A1W, y��,�,'s«'P,,, LIH EY M.BISHO' Notary Public at Large,State of Florida,County of Duval. ,ry PYe11c.San of Florida My commission expires: 1 • °�` ,,,•WnCOmmlffbll#�FF 946204 Produced Identific. . '•,•..,,,,'1,', My Comm.Expires Jan 19,2020 OFFICE COPY R.O.W. Permit Attachment of for R.O.W. Permit# issued , 200_ Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Owner's Name: Property Address: Subdivision: Lot#/Block#: R.E. #: REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT THIS REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, issued on this day of , 200_, by Atlantic Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and Riverside_ 4omeks of Atlantic Beach, Florida,hereinafter referred to as"USER". WITNESSETH: That the CITY does hereby grant the USER permission on a revocable basis as described herein the right to enter upon the property of the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose as described in the City of Atlantic Beach Right-of-Way/Easement permit numbers noted above (copies attached). This work is generally described as: N Q.UJ - S� Any facility maintained, repaired, erected, and/or installed in the exercise of the privilege granted remains subject to relocation or removal on thirty (30) days notice by CITY to the USER, said notice to USER shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following address: I QQ--itQ satyr Joie_ Stvci 5ul4e lao, JO cNNI Ile, FLr 3.1.523 The depositing of said notice of cancellation in the United States mail shall constitute the notice of cancellation and the burden is upon USER to keep the CITY informed of USER's proper address. The USER shall promptly make any and all necessary repairs to any facility erected or maintained in the exercise of the privilege herein granted and shall at all times maintain said facility in good and safe condition. In the event it is necessary for the CITY or the City's approved representative or other franchised utility to enter upon the above-described property of the CITY, the USER shall replace at the USER's sole expense, any and all material necessarily displaced during the action of maintaining, repairing, operating, replacing, or adding to of the utilities and facilities of the CITY or franchise utility provider. The facilities allowed by the permit shall meet the current requirements of the City Code, Building Codes,Land Development Code, and all other land use and code requirements of the CITY, including City Code Section 19-7 (h) which states "Driveways that cross sidewalks: City sidewalks may not be replaced with other materials, but must be replaced with smooth concrete left natural in color so that it matches the existing and adjoining sidewalks." Page 1 of 2 OFFICE COPY The USER, prior to making any changes from the approved plans and/or method, must obtain written approval from the City of Atlantic Beach, Public Works Department, for said change. The USER shall, at the discretion of the CITY, be requested to submit as-built drawings showing the change . within thirty(30) days after the day of completion. . This permit shall insure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the USER and their respective successors and assigns. USER shall meet the terms and conditions of this permit and to all of the applicable State and CITY laws and/or specifications, to include utilities locate requirements and use limitations/requirements of public rights-of-way and other public land. USER further agrees that the CITY and its officers and employees shall be saved harmless by the USER from any of the work herein under the terms of this permit and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the USER. DATE P . : f NED this XO day of , 201K2 0 By r . Pr, ,Ir er . . signed in presence of the Notary) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL On this 94) day of , 204, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for said ounty and State, (V.S VAloc c' , the property owner of fit} G ary,AjarcAtlantic Beach, Florida, known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; who acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. , ,�; OFFPCE COPY Atlantic Beach Country Club lot 20 544 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Single Family Detached-Group R3 2014 Florida Building Code Northeast Florida Design Group, Inc. Linda Purvis 904.260.3319 linda@nefloridadesign.com a Doc # 2016092370, OR BK 17538 Page 895, Number Pages: 2, Recorded 04/25/2016 at 02:07 PM, Ronnie Fussell CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $18.50 DIEED DOC ST $4025.70 OFFICE COPY Prepared by and return to: Atlantic Beach Partners,L.1.0 414 Old Hard Road,Suite 502 Fleming Island,Florida 32003 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED made as of the 2.2 day of a_Li 2016, by ATLANTIC BEACH PARTNERS,LLC,a Florida limited liability company,whose address is 414 Old Hard Road, Suite 502, Fleming Island, FL 32003 (hereinafter called "Grantor") and RIVERSIDE HOMES OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC.,a Florida corporation,whose address is 414 Old Hard Road, Suite 502, Fleming Island,Florida 32003 (hereinafter called"Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars($10.00)and other valuable consideration,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto Grantee, its legal representatives and assigns, all that certain real property situate in Duval County, Florida, described as follows: Lots 20& 106,Atlantic Beach Country Club,Unit 2,a subdivision according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 67 pages 132, 133, 134, 135, 136& 137,in public records of Duval County,Florida (the"Property") Parcel Identification Number: Lot#20 RE#169505-1395 Lot#106 RE#169505-1825 TOGETHER WITH all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD,the same in fee simple forever. And Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that except as set forth below at the time of the delivery of this deed,the Property was free from all encumbrances made by Grantor;and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor,but against none other. By acceptance and recording of this deed, Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees to join in and support and to execute all documents and papers necessary to accomplish the annexation of the Property conveyed hereby into the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Grantee acknowledges that the foregoing agreement is a condition of this conveyance by Grantor and shall run with the title to the Property. JAx ACTIVE 34535873 i OR BK 17538 PAGE 896 �q OFFICE COPY This conveyance is subject to covenants, easements and restrictions of record and to ad valorem taxes levied or which may become a lien subsequent to December 31 of the calendar year next preceding the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this deed has been executed as of the date first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered GRANTOR: in�thhof: ye presence /!1L kinOOM GL' �4 ATLANTIC BEACH PARTNERS,LLC, Print Name:—marlaIn e — a Florida limited liability company By: The Wood Development Company of Print Name: Sandra Spencer Jacksonville, its Managing Member By: (21/04---( Name: Susan D. Wood Title: Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA } }SS COUNTY OF DUVAL } The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this.2.2 day of , 2016,by Susan D.Wood as Vice President of The Wood Development Company of Jacksonville, a Florida corporation, the Managing Member of Atlantic Beach Partners, LLC, a Florida limited liability company,on behalf of the company. 1111111111111/// / c ORA SPF ll�ii, 5 oissZ .CF�i�- Sandra Spencer •°° y�cl•'•9 NOTARY PUBLIC S •yc� ��pe 4,?pi 4•• ?*; n'; State of Florida at Large • OFF I19fi ' *• Commission#FF 196567 1s r My Commission Expires: 6-4-19 •;6 mN oma: 4, ;an-Insurgoo•(Y• Personally known XX JAX_ACTIVE 3453587.3 2 Doc # 2016092372, OR BK 17538 Page 901, Number Pages: 2, Recorded 04/25/2016 at 02:07 PM, Ronnie Fussell CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $18.50 !,((r 1 '► #- 16 ~ S't�k'- / / S6 Prepared by and return to: Brent R.Newton,Esquire Newton&Newton,P.A. 10192 San Jose Blvd. OFFICE COPY Jacksonville,FL 32257 File No.15-0240 Permit Number: Tax Folio Number: State of: Florida County of: Duval NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and,in accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes(revised 10-1-96),the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement: 1. Description of Property: Lot 20,Atlantic Beach Country Club Unit Two,according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 67,Pages 132 through 137,of the public records of DuvalCounty,Florida. Street address: 544 Atlantic Beach Court ,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 2. General Description of Improvements: construction of single family dwelling 3. Owner Information: a. Name and Address: Riverside Homes of North Florida,Inc. 12276 San Jose Boulevard,Suite 120 Jacksonville,Florida 32223 b. Interest in property: Fee Simple c. Names and address of fee simple title holder(if other than owner): 4. a. Contractor Riverside Homes of North Florida,Inc. 12276 San Jose Boulevard,Suite 120 Jacksonville,Florida 32223 b. Contractor's phone number: 904-503-7055 Fax number: 5. Surety: a.Name and address: b.Phone number. c.Amount of bond: 6. a. Lender: Fidelity Bank 10611 Deerwood Park Blvd. Jacksonville,Florida 32256 b. Lender's phone number: 904-996-1000 7. a. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)(7).,Florida Statutes. b. Phone numbers of designated persons: 8. a. In addition to himself,Owner designates Tammy Simmons of Fidelity Bank, 10611 Deerwood Park Blvd.,Jacksonville,Florida 32256,to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1 0), Florida Statutes. b. - Phone number of person or entity designated by Owner: 904-996-1024 I II 9. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration date is•1 year from date of recording unless a different date is specified): I 0 4 OR BK 17538 PAGE 902 1 OFFICE CO 'Y WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. 1 •'-i i : r, I a,OF NO 1 FLORIDA,INC. c Zrris ":.Wood i e President POST A COPY OF RECORDED NOTICE AT JOB SITE. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me April 22,2016,by Christopher B.Wood,the Vice President of Riverside Homes of North Florida,Inc.,who is personally known to me. No : Public `� nurASAnolsaN (•; �' ttrcxwrssslor+,I�tnur My Commission Expires: 6l�s/t" IXPIREs:.mrers,zlns 9aAtl Rn Wary IV*UnderRm . 1 ' ■ • ES ICC EVALUATION SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3375 OFFICE COPY Reissued August 2014 This report is subject to renewal August 2016. www.icc-es.orq I (800)423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council° DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE pcf. The insulation's liquid components are supplied in PROTECTION nominally 55-gallon drums, labeled as "A" component or Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation "B" component. The insulation components have a shelf life of six months when stored in unopened containers at REPORT HOLDER: temperatures between 70°F(21°C)and 90°F(32°C). SES FOAM 3.2 Surface-burning Characteristics: 4008 LOUETTA ROAD,#538 At a maximum thickness of 4 inches (102 mm) and a SPRING,TEXAS 77388-4405 nominal density of 0.5 pcf, the insulation has a flame- (713)239-0252 spread index of 25 or less and a smoke-developed index of www.sesfoam.com 450 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. Thicknesses of up to 111/2 inches (292 mm) for wall EVALUATION SUBJECT: cavities and ceiling cavities are recognized based on room corner fire testing in accordance with NFPA 286, when SES FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY: SPRAY-APPLIED the insulation is covered with a minimum 1/2-inch-thick POLYURETHANE FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION (12.7 mm) gypsum board installed in accordance with the applicable code. 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 3.3 Thermal Resistance(R-values): Compliance with the following codes: The insulation has thermal resistance(R-values)at a mean • 2012 and 2009 International Building Code®(IBC) temperature of 75°F(24°C)as shown in Table 1. • 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code®(IRC) 3.4 Air Permeability: • 2012 and 2009 International Energy Conservation The insulation, at a minimum thickness of 3 inches Code®(IECC) (76 mm), is considered air-impermeable in accordance • Other Codes(see Section 8.0) with IRC Section R202, based on testing in accordance with ASTM E283. Properties evaluated: 4.0 INSTALLATION • Surface-burning characteristics 4.1 General: • Physical properties SES Foam 0.5 lb spray insulation must be installed in • Thermal resistance(R-values) accordance with the manufacturer's published installation • Attic and crawl space installation instructions and this report. A copy of the manufacturer's published installation instructions must be available at all • Air permeability times on the jobsite during installation. 2.0 USES 4.2 Application: SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane foam plastic The insulation is spray-applied at the jobsite using a insulation is used as a nonstructural thermal insulating volumetric positive displacement pump as identified in the material in buildings of Type V-B(IBC)construction, and in SES Foam 0.5 lb spray application manual. The insulation dwellings built under the IRC. The insulation is for use in components must be stored at temperatures between wall cavities and floor/ceiling assemblies, and in attics and 70°F (21°C) and 90°F (32°C) for several days before crawl spaces when installed as described in Section 4.4. application. The insulation must not be used in areas Under the IRC, the insulation may be used as air- that have maximum in-service temperatures greater than impermeable insulation when installed as described in 180°F (82°C). The insulation must not be used in Section 3.4. electrical outlet or junction boxes or in contact with water 3.0 DESCRIPTION (e.g., rain, condensation, ice, snow) or soil. The substrate 3.1 General: must be free of moisture, frost or ice, loose scales, rust, oil, grease or other surface contaminants. The insulation can SES Foam 0.5 lb spray foam insulation is a two- be installed in one pass to the maximum thickness. The component, open cell, one-to-one-by-volume spray-applied spray-applied foam insulation must be protected from polyurethane foam system with a nominal density of 0.5 weather during and after installation. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed,nor are they to he construed y=!u as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use.There is no warranty by 1CC Evaluation Service,LLC,express or implied,as : ANSI to any finding or other matter in this report,or as to any product covered by the report. ,a, Copyright®2014 Page 1 of 3 n n 3 O n D - u -Im - m2 ''rO ":1 o'nm�rn<na N ;,-7, T 73(';'.0'c' naw N- m w w� cD -"'::—'-';;;3 ;; v � � v � o n�^v'°'o 3.n <z OFN QN py m o 0u � N o-Ni Omo 0 o mD= ON Anr.A�� o o �D p�1 i I.. e a _ m n '° f n r m f i m m n c o i e H g C :11.2510 o g 501 ° -1 g v °0 3 c o o m o o a.:l ° i' O D 61 D g of n c s=s r l m u— m'_o '-� v 89, 3 v y d 3 n. °c _ n N,o,o .v o 2 n' m =' Z m O y n z o v ,3-a2.;,° ; o m �i oN = d - m N = c 3 � p by nv ,T g c '.. go = N 3s °Op O °n 3 N 1),-,' ° m n H N n s=m.1 _ " °o w m 5 o' -1P<'A 3 N n F m 0 3 N' D N « 3 3 ‘,3. a N n o 5- - 1'0 "' ??a' 3 N OA< m Z m D O n CA '1 w m'O ° ` ° s n v R O ro N Ip '° W ° V O N n 3 "7' ,: g d - n o r o m -� m o 0 1 N O N a N o Im N A N'C n: u , 2 m y o o m Z m r;, o iD.;o m p ON 2 � 4nQ-n N o < N J\n411 . 50Q m 5 N m n p O Z�,,1 `L' m d.D 3 e Ht!;!d ZZ �Z m-�Z Z ZZZZ m-'DD DD -1D u DDD DDDD uN F D DDD3 ?F v o' O- I � - 3 z 3 o aa r. A O A3 r ba ° aA o nov m ; C 'aa mn -a � -4 Nam Nvm -i vm *m g 50 '1 -0E am m 2 avl H n 'm m v d "gm c oa " a_ O A3 733Tm 8 u ang mmn m3 H mn 3nm m N n N zO 21 ,-- 3 d ' 6"C- m ' m ? v3n ' m a1 ° -A3 on e O1 v a3gm a m G O ii9-2-' Ii O ,gA 1gON n3 D m - -ir o °) - 3 Z ' v 5 . 0 5 � v v :192-g oD (3-gt1-702' i _ 1 2' Jn- a n c g0a vdo2 N w c Eo =mvm ° a Non mov m N 3 3 c cn$ o OwOm _ n _ 5 < N y a'm • m g g c e 'o 3 °m f m . • - -a° ^' 5 NH u a ^' 2 0 0 ✓ a 1 . 6. <6.< ',7, ' o w o 2 n n. '' m N Z m ' ' o f C 2 O 0 o d D EFo S-,'; N N dNa Sia Q §. * .7,°- SO.s▪ s 3a 2 a gg,i m t. a° v trdo 0 'g g CD CO m m E n n _ _ 2 n?m o 2 r_ n < _ = 3 a24,11.. A< NN a ii O O c' O a N o < > > 81 a m n " m °• R 2 2 n m am 3 0 o O � = n y m O n v v n 3 m °1 = o n m m o v ° 3 3 3 3 :4R S • § =nF m j p A 13 m °< m N) O N g. ' ( ' Zl N e D 0D N ‘,3 D p > d o N 5"2_1-W ° O O m m g > g g v 8 'O mJm p Q O O w v '1°n ' b m j Z N N o n A o m n a ? D n }D A Q 3 3 9 0 u m V NN N A V ° a —tO N r N • V O V V J N Av -i N A AA iVA gi m ti V R O n D ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3 4.3 Thermal Barrier: 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE SES Foam 0.5 lb spray insulation must be separated from The SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane foam plastic the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier insulation described in this report complies with, or is a of 1/2-inch-thick (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard or an suitable alternative to what is specified in, those codes equivalent 15-minute thermal barrier complying with, and listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following installed in accordance with, IBC Section 2603.4 or IRC conditions: Section R316.4, as applicable. Within an attic or crawl 5.1 The insulation must be installed in accordance with space, installation must be in accordance with Section 4.4. the manufacturer's published installation instructions, 4.4 Attics and Crawl Spaces: this evaluation report and the applicable code. If there are any conflicts between the manufacturer's 4.4.1 Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: published installation instructions and this report, this When SES Foam 0.5 lb spray is installed within attics and report governs. crawl spaces, where entry is made only for service of 5.2 The insulation must be separated from the interior of the utilities, an ignition barrier must be installed in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or IRC Section R316.5.3 or building by an approved 15-minute thermal barrier, as R316.5.4, as applicable. The ignition barrier must be described in Section 4.3. Installation in an attic or consistent with the requirements for the type of crawl space must be as described in Section 4.4. construction required by the applicable code, and must be 5.3 The insulation must not exceed the thicknesses noted installed in a manner so that the foam plastic insulation is in Sections 3.2 and 4.4. not exposed. SES Foam 0.5 lb spray insulation at a 5.4 The insulation must be protected from exposure to the minimum thickness of 3 inches(76 mm)may be installed in weather during and after application. unvented attics in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5(2009 IRC Section R806.4), as applicable. 5.5 The insulation must be applied by contractors certified by SES Foam. 4.4.2 Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: Where the spray-applied insulation is installed in 5.6 Use of the insulation in areas where the probability of accordance with this section (Section 4.4.2) or Section termite infestation is "very heavy" must be in 4.4.3,the following conditions apply: accordance with 2012 IBC Section 2603.9 (2009 IBC Section 2603.8)or IRC Section R318.4, as applicable. a) Entry to the attic or crawl space is to service utilities, 5.7 Jobsite certification and labeling of the insulation must and no storage is permitted. comply with IRC Sections N1101.4 and N1101.4.1 b) There are no interconnected attic or crawl space and IECC Sections R303.1.1 and 303.1.1.1, as areas. applicable. c) Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other 5.8 SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane foam plastic parts of the building. insulation is produced in St. Louis, Missouri, under a quality control program with inspections by ICC-ES. d) Attic ventilation is provided when required by IBC 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Section 1203.2 or IRC Section R806, except when air-impermeable insulation is permitted in unvented 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance attics in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5 or Criteria for Spray-applied Foam Plastic Insulation 2009 IRC Section R806.4. Under-floor (crawl space) (AC377), dated June 2012, including reports of tests ventilation is provided when required by IBC Section in accordance with Appendix X of AC377. 1203.3 or IRC Section R408.1, as applicable. 6.2 Report of room corner fire testing in accordance with e) Combustion air is provided in accordance with NFPA 286. International Mechanical Code®Section 701. 6.3 Report of air permeance testing in accordance with In attics, the insulation may be spray-applied to the ASTM E283. underside of roof sheathing or roof rafters, and/or vertical 7.0 IDENTIFICATION surfaces, and in crawl spaces the insulation may be spray- Components of the SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane applied to the underside of floors and/or vertical surfaces foam plastic insulation are identified with the as described in this section. The thickness of the foam manufacturer's name (SES Foam) and address; the date plastic applied to the underside of the top of the space must not exceed 12 inches(305 mm). The thickness of the of manufacture or the lot number; the product trade name foam plastic applied to vertical surfaces must not exceed (SES Foam 0.5 Ib); the mixing instructions, the density; the 111/2 inches (292 mm). The foam plastic may be installed flame spread and smoke developed indices, and the without a covering or coating. The insulation may be evaluation report number(ESR 3375). installed in unvented attics in accordance with 2012 IRC 8.0 OTHER CODES Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4). The ignition In addition to the codes referenced in Section 1.0, the barrier in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or IRC products in the report were evaluated for compliance with Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. the requirements of the following codes: 4.4.3 Use on Attic Floors: SES Foam 0.5 lb spray • 2006 International Building Code®(2006 IBC) insulation mays be installed exposed at a maximum 2006 International Residential Code®(2006 IBC) thickness of 111/2 inches (292 mm) between joists in attic • floors. The ignition barrier in accordance with IBC Section ■ 2006 and 2003 International Energy Conservation 2603.4.1.6 or IRC Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. The Code®(2006 IECC) insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier. I ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3 The products comply with the above-mentioned codes as provided in accordance with Sections 701 and 703 of described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, with the 2006 IECC. revisions as noted below: • Protection against Termites: See Section 5.6, except • Application with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: See use of the insulation in areas where the probability of Section 4.3, except the approved thermal barrier must termite infestation if"very heavy' must be in accordance be installed in accordance with Section R314.4 of the with Section R320.5 of the 2006 IRC. 2006 IRC. • Jobsite Certification and Labeling: See Section 5.7, • Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See except jobsite certification and labeling must comply with Sections 102.1.1 and, as applicable, of Section 4.4.1, except an ignition barrier must be installed in accordance with Section R314.5.3 or the 2006 IECC. R314.5.4 of the 2006 IRC. • Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See Section 4.4.2, except that combustion air is TABLE 1—THERMAL RESISTANCE(R-VALUES'2) THICKNESS(inches) R-VALUE(°F•ft2•h/Btu) 1 4.0 2 7.6 3 11 3.5 13 4 15 5 19 6 22 7 26 8 30 9 33 10 37 11 41 12 44 For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm,1°F•ft2•h/Btu=0.176 110K•m2/W. 'R-values are calculated based on tested K values at 1-and 3.5-inch thicknesses. 2R-values greater than 10 are rounded to the nearest whole number. EZ ICC EVALUATION � SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES VAR Environmental Report VAR-1030* Reissued July 2013 This report is subject to renewal September 1, 2015. www.icc-es.orq/ep 1800-423-6587 I (562)699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE high-pressure, plural component SPF application PROTECTION equipment. The bio-based content is as set forth in Table 1 Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation of this report. REPORT HOLDER: 4.0 CONDITIONS 4.1 Code Compliance: SES FOAM See ICC-ES report ESR-3375 for compliance of the SES 4008 LOUETTA ROAD,#538 Foam 0.5 lb Foam S Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation SPRING,TEXAS 77388-4405 with code requirements. (713)239-0252 www.sesfoam.com 4.2 Green Codes, Standards and Rating Systems Eligibility: EVALUATION SUBJECT: The information presented in Tables 2 through 5 of this SES FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM report provides a matrix of areas of evaluation and corresponding limitations and/or additional project-specific PLASTIC INSULATION requirements, and offers benefits to individuals who are 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE assessing eligibility for compliance. The final interpretation of the specific requirements of the Compliance with the following environmental criteria: code rests with the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ICC-ES Environmental Criteria for Determination of Compliance for items noted as "Verified Attribute" is Bio-based Material Content(EC102),dated March 1, 2012. subject to any conditions noted in the tables. Decisions on Compliance eligibility with the applicable sections of compliance for those items noted as"Eligible for Points" in the following codes and standards: Tables 2 through 5 rests with the user of this report, and those items are subject to the conditions noted. The user is • 2012 International Green Construction CodeTM (IgCC) advised of the project-specific provisions that may be (see Table 2 for details) contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the • ASHRAE Standard 189.1 – 2009 (see Table 3 for verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this details) report. • National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) (see Due to the variability of costs and volume, the bio-based Table 4 for details) content percentage listed in this report is based upon weight (mass). The use of cost or volume as the method • ANSI/GBI 01-2010, Green Building Assessment for calculation is outside the scope of this report. Protocol for Commercial Buildings (see Table 5 for details) 5.0 BASIS OF EVALUATION 2.0 USES The information in this report, including the "Verified Attributes," is based upon submission of documentation SES Foam 0.5 lb Foam S Polyurethane Foam Plastic demonstrating compliance with the requirements set forth Insulation is used as nonstructural thermal insulating in ICC-ES EC102. (Evaluation applies to IgCC Section material in wall cavities, floor/ceiling assemblies, or in 505.2.4, item 3; ASHRAE 189.1 Section; ICC 700 attics and crawl spaces. See ICC-ES report ESR-3375 for Section 606.1; ANSI/GBI-01 Section more information on uses and applications. 6.0 IDENTIFICATION 3.0 DESCRIPTION Containers of SES Foam 0.5 lb Foam S Polyurethane SES Foam 0.5 lb spray-applied polyurethane foam plastic Foam Plastic Insulation are identified by a label bearing the insulation is a two-component, open-cell, water-blown, SES Foam name and address, product name, spray-applied polyurethane foam (SPF) with a nominal manufacturing date, manufacturing location and the VAR density of 0.5 lb/ft3. The foam is sprayed in place using Environmental Report number(VAR-1030). *Corrected May 2014 .: ICC-ES Verification of Attributes Reports are issued under the ICC-ES VAR Environmental Program.I hese reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other a attributes not specifically addressed,nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation/or its use.There is no warranty by ICC ^\ Evaluation Service.1.I.C,express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report,oras to any product covered by the report. —-'-- *iwwau onara Copyright 0 2014 Page 1 of 2 VAR-1030 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 2 TABLE 1—BIO-BASED MATERIAL CONTENT SUMMARY PRODUCT NAME %MEAN BIO-BASED CONTENT METHOD OF DETERMINATION SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation 17%(+/-3%)' ASTM D6866 Note: 'Based on precision and bias cited in ASTM D6866. TABLES 2 THROUGH 5 Section Possible Number Section Intent Points Conditions Of Use To Qualify For Points Finding TABLE 2—SUMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION CODE Bio-based materials shall be those materials that comply with one or more of the following: 505.2.4 Bio-based content N/A 3.The requirements of USDA 7CFR Part 2902. • Note:USDA 7 CFR Part 2902§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-based content of 7%(10% +/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE 3—SUMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH THE 2009 ASHRAE STANDARD 189.1 A minimum of 5%of building materials used,based on cost,shall be biobased products. Biobased products shall comply with the minimum biobased contents of the USDA's Designation of Biobased Items for Federal Procurement[7 CFR Part 29021,contain the Biobased products N/A "USDA Certified Biobased Product'label,or be composed of solid wood,engineered • wood,bamboo,wool,cotton,cork,agricultural fibers,or other biobased materials with at least 50%biobased content. Note:USDA 7 CFR Part 2902§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-based content of 7%(10% +/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE 4—SUMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH THE 2008 NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD(ICC 700) The following biobased products are used: (h)products with the minimum biobased contents of the USDA 7 CFR Part 2902 606.1 Biobased products 3 (i)other biobased materials with a minimum of 50 percent biobased content(by weight • 8 max or volume) Note:USDA 7 CFR Part 2902§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-based content of 7%(10% +/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE 5—SUMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH THE ANSI/GBI–01 (2010)STANDARD Bio-based products accounted for 1%or more of the materials used in the building. Percentage=100 x A=B,where: A=Total cost or weight of bio-based products B=Total cost or weight of all building products Materials content– 1 Cost or weight must be used consistently • Assemblies 7 max For USDA-designated products,products meeting or exceeding USDA's bio-based content,criteria or qualifying as USDA"BioPreferred"were used. 0 0 Note:USDA 7 CFR Part 2902§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-based content of 7% 10/o +/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. • =Verified attribute I EZ, ICC EVALUATION . SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3375 Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR®Supplement Reissued August 2014 This report is subject to renewal August 2016. www.icc-es.orq I (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council" DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation REPORT HOLDER: SES FOAM 4008 LOUETTA ROAD,#538 SPRING, TEXAS 77388-4405 (713)239-0252 www.sesfoam.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: SES FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY: SPRAY-APPLIED POLYURETHANE FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Conformance to the following: Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR® Program—Definition and Testing Requirements for Residential Insulation, Version 1.0 Properties evaluated: • Thermal resistance • Surface-burning characteristics 2.0 PURPOSE OF THIS SUPPLEMENT This supplement is issued to certify that the insulation products described in Sections 2.0 through 8.0 of the master report ESR-3375 have been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR® Program, as set forth in the document Definitions and Testing Requirements for Residential Insulation, Version 1.0. The insulation product covered by this supplement is defined as"Spray or Pour Foam Insulation." The requirements for testing laboratory qualification and product sampling, as well as the specific material and test standards and editions used in this evaluation, are as set forth in the applicable documentation noted in Section 6.0 of the master evaluation report. 3.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions are from Definitions and Testing Requirements for Residential Insulation, Version 1.0, and are applicable to the subject of this report. 3.1 General Definitions: Insulation: Any material mainly used to slow down heat flow. It may be mineral or organic, fibrous, cellular, or reflective (aluminum foil). It may be in rigid, semi-rigid,flexible,or loose-fill form. 3.2 Insulation Product Definitions: Spray or Pour Foam Insulation: A thermal insulating material that is sprayed or poured (as a gel or foamy liquid) into place, and expands or sets into a cellular foam and cures at the point of installation through a chemical reaction. Foamed materials include, but are not limited to polyurethane, polyisocyanurate, phenolic,and cementitious insulation. 3.3 Insulation Performance Definitions: R-value: The inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit area. For the purposes of the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR®program, Imperial units will only be accepted((h•ft2•°F)lBtu]. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed,nor are they to be construed 1Y IvQNS>I as an endorsement of the subject of the report ora recommendation for its use.There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service.LLC.express or implied,as to any finding or other matter in this report.or as to any product covered by the report. f;, icon; Copyright®2014 Page 1 of 6 ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 6 Smoke-Development Index: The characteristic of a material to emit smoke when exposed to flame or fire compared to red oak and inorganic cement. Flame-Spread Index: The characteristic of a material to resist the spreading of flames when exposed to flame or fire compared to red oak and inorganic cement. 3.4 Thermal Resistance: The insulation has the thermal resistance R-values as noted in Table 1 of ESR-3375, based upon testing. 3.5 Installation: 3.5.1 General: The installation of the insulation must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sections 4.0 and 5.0(as applicable)of ESR-3375. The insulation is manufactured on-site by spray polyurethane foam applicators meeting the qualification requirements of SES Foam. The following information on personal protective equipment and ventilation requirements is reprinted from the SES Foam published installation instructions: "F. SAFETY 3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT(PPE): a. Skin: Wear gloves, coveralls, apron and boots as necessary to prevent contact of liquid components or partially-cured SPF with skin.When handling liquid components,gloves should be made of nitrile, neoprene, butyl or PVC. b. Eyes: Protect eyes while handling liquid components or spraying with safety goggles or safety goggles and a face shield. During spray application,eye protection may be provided by a full-face or hood respirator. c. Respiration: Firms engaged in the application of SES Foam systems must have a written respiratory protection program for employees engaged in handling or applying SES Foam materials. Depending on the situation, respiratory protection may include dust masks, air-purifying respirators (APR), powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR), or supplied- air respirators(SAR). 4. VENTILATION: Provide ventilation and other engineering controls to exhaust vapors from work areas and to protect building occupants and other trades." 3.5.2 Occupancy Time after Installation: The re-entry or re-occupancy time shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions,which state the following: "E. RE-ENTRY SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray reacts and cures within seconds of application. Re-entry times will vary depending on factors including ventilation. Typically, ventilation is continued for 24 hours following the conclusion of spray application and re-entry may occur at that time." 3.5.3 Figures:The figures shown represent general installations of the insulation in the following applications: above-grade wall, below-grade wall, vented and unvented crawl space, unvented cathedral ceiling, and vented and unvented attic. These figures are for illustration purposes and are not to be construed or used as construction documents. This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued August 2014. ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 6 •Qoo °gacTt moo 00000000Qopooa0008M.0 000000°000%00 0000000a °a0 °000000 0 0, ° 00 0 ° 0000 ° 00° 00°° p°° 0° .000000 ° 0 °00 �n ^0 nO0 °000 °° 0° p . 0.°010°°0ooo 00 000„ .00 00° 0°oo0q nOOnO OOnO° °°n°°oG ><- .0°p•oo°o O '0°00000. o°°°° 0o Interior Partition 0 .o°ao 0°� o.000q°00 '0000oa° Interior Finished Surface °o0°0000 (1/2-inch Sheetrock) •00°000 0 0 •00000000 .00000.0. ••00000000, SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray 00000°°0 'Zn0°"'n0 a00 000:00.o:° Exterior Sheathing .o 0°°00°°• .0°•ono° SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY ABOVE GRADE WALL INSULATION SES 05-1 071812 ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 6 DO>rc00 .�.:.� O �• Masonry Block 000•.r+x`� / (Typical)�� 1/ • � ,/ ♦�/ Interior Finish Surface 1if - (1/2 Inch Sheetrock) .� • :: 2"x 4"Studs ♦1\�IISES Foam 0.5 lb Spray ip. ::.:,::.:::.. .:....:::/r !♦ ell \�I /: SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY I BELOW GRADE WALL INSULATION (Insulation on Interior Side of Wall) I SES 05-2 I 071812 Baffle to provide �(- nlsulation and roof //ce between /�///// Thermal deck. /� Barrier' ///�� (as required //// by local code) /�� SIOSIMIONNOW216021222726MMBIrolitil �/ iggg:43:OiOi:kogo:0:•:0:0:0:0g.:0:0:...g...g.•° / 00o00°000:r °°°°°°°°°°°° 0 000000 o SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray iii//ilii//ii//ilii,// *00000000 o°o°o°o° og000gog 00000000 00°0°0°0° o°0°0°0° 0 0 0 0 o° °°o° ° o°o°o°o° Vented Soffit ogggaogg °°°°°°°° °°°°°° gog000gg 'Where attic entry is for the SES Foam 0.5 Ib Spray g000000g service of utilities only,thermal og°°ogo and igniton barrier on the attic :02/;•(.? side of the spray foam surface may be omitted. SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY VENTED ATTIC:FLOOR/SOFFIT SES 05-3 071812 ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 6 A — °Y. Subfloor iiii go SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray ° 0000 °O O O°00 O 000 O O < OO 00C 00 °QOpOOoO 0000°.0 Header 1l go°>o , , , 8g°8°e . :oog° Sill-- i•-•- - *iiJoist Floor Cross Section ►�i�i�i�i�i o^ ►��• � 4 Thermal Barrier* �4-•��-' (as required by Exterior Grade �i�i�i7i7 local code) ►�.�.�.�.4 6"Min 44 Footer ►Oi�ii Vapor Barrier ,` !n!M, 4.• \ /% 'Where crawlspace entry is for the \ \ service of utilities only,thermal / /// /// /A and igniton barrier on the crawispace side of the spray foam surface may be omitted. SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY CRAWLSPACE:VENTED SES 05-4 071812 o.'l. 3.0 Subfloor gggg S°gggg°eo° 11 °°° Header �°44: °g%e:g°°°°°. °°8g° Sill °o � 4°°O°° Joist ►���� i ggggg ►�•�����I o°:°: Thermal Barrier' ►•. 4: (as required by Exterior Grade j��������°:ggg local code) SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray II• g° 0.4.x.*4g,. ........ • Footer ►...� 6"Min Vapor B.rrier // 'Where crawlspace entry is for the service of utilities only,thermal and igniton barrier on the crawispace side of the spray foam surface may be omitted. SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY CRAWLSPACE:UNVENTED 1 SES 05-5 071812 ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 6 Note:In cold climates,embed metal connector plates in spray foam to prevent winter-time condensation. • ifc dlii SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray Roof Sheathing �aoTruss Top Cord/ nnnnnn 47aMnnnnnn 11 I�A Thermal Barrier' (as required by local code) Note:Local building code may A require the use of a vapor retarder 'n cold climate zones. Ceiling/Thermal Barrier 'Where attic entry is for the as required by local building code. service of utilities only,thermal and igniton barrier on the attic side of the spray foam surface may be omitted. SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY UNVENTED ATTIC/INSULATED ROOF DECK SES 05-6 071812 11 X/000°,,°°°° � SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray O O •°O° ° 1 to specified thickness. ♦ OOi A•�\O � ° ° •• Roof Sheathing • OO ° ° OO ♦ O ° O ' Thermal Barrier as /1:O O O O required by code. Rafter O • / ote:The local ding code / a maya requireor the installation tof o a vapor barrier in cold climate zones. illI 111 SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY I CATHEDRAL CEILING SES 05-7 071912 ......... c,.,,� International Fireproof Technology, Inc.F ° 17528 Von Karman Ave.Irvine,CA 92614 OFFICE COPYPaint To Protect`"' b. '4Nf.oN949-975-8588 DC 315 applied over Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF), If a coating has not passed a full scale test on a manufacturer's foam it is an Alternative Barrier System in "Section 2603.9 cannot be used on that foam;there are no exceptions in the IBC Code! Special Approval" as a thermal barrier. To be approved as an Alternative Barrier System, DC 315 is applied over Building Code Fire Performance Requirements for SPF: The International Building Code (IBC) mandates that SPF be separated ): a manufacturer's SPF and tested to the criteria of an DC315 from the interior of the building by a 15 minute thermal barrier,or other NFPA 286, UL 1715, UL 1040, or FM 4880 for duration i. f of 15 minutes by an accredited fire testing facility. approved covering. DC 315 passed certified NFPA 286 and UL 1715 test over a variety of open and closed cell spray applied urethane foams that Products that pass an ignition barrier tested under AC were conducted by ISA certified testing facilities. All tests performed 377 Appendix X are not appropriate alternative thermal barriers comply with the requirements of 2006 IBC Section 803.2.1 & 2009 IBC and cannot be used. Depending on your particular application, Section 803.1.2,and Section 2603.9;2012 IBC Section 803.1.2 and Section either ignition or thermal barriers are required by the International Building Code (IBC). 2603.10 under "Special Approvals for Thermal Barriers over Foam Plastics". DC315 is WHI marked and certified via 3rd party inspection for Properties Value quality assurance and consistency. Finish Flat Alternative 15 min Thermal Barrier Assemblies(e.g.Exposed SPF or SPF Color Ice Grey with a Thermal Barrier Protective Covering) The assembly must remain in place for 15 minutes during specified large- V.O.C. 47g/L scale fire tests,such as NFPA 286,UL 1715,UL 1040,or FM 4880. Solids By Volume 67% Alternative Ignition Barrier Assemblies DC 315 meets the requirements for ignition barrier per AC 377,Appendix X Specific Gravity 1.30+/-0.05 g/cc Application Equipment Drying Time @77°F & 50% R.H.—To touch 1—2 hours, to DC 315 can be applied by brush,roller or airless sprayer. recoat if required 2 to 4 hours For maximum yield and coverage spray application is recommended. Flash Point None Sprayers: Reducing or Cleaning Water Pump: (Graco)UltraMax 695 or equivalent Shelf Life 1 year from date of manufacture in unopened PSI: 3000 containers and stored at 1 0'C to 27°C(50°F to GPM: 1.00 80`F) Tip: 517-521 or equivalent. S Gal.Container Weight 58 lbs. Filter: 30 mesh, removal of filter is recommend from gun and machine — Advantages of Using DC315 SPF Hose: 3/8"diameter airless spray line for the first 100'from pump and'''A"x 3'whip • DC 315 is the only 3rd party inspected fire protective coating for SPF Pump: (Graco)TexSpray Mark 5 or equivalent • Marked and Listed by Warnock Heresy lntertek W/N 20947 PSI: 3300 • Single coat coverage reducing labor and material costs equaling GPM: 1.35 higher profits • Industry leading spread rate Tip: 517-523 or equivalent. • Passed CAL 1350-safe for use in schools and high occupancy Filter: 30 mesh, removal of filter is recommend from gun and buildings machine • Passed strict EPA—V.O.C.and AQMD air emission requirements(for Hose: 3/8"diameter airless spray line for the first 100'from pump all 50 states) and'%"x 3'whip • Approved for Incidental Food Contact complies with NSF/ANSI-51 requirements of USDA Pump: (Graco)GMAX 7900 or equivalent • Easily applied with a sprayer,roller,or brush with no complicated PSI: 3300 mixing GPM: 2.2 ■ 1 year shelf life Tip: 517-529 or equivalent. • Fast and easy clean-up,with no waste and fast turnaround time Filter: 30 mesh, removal of filter is recommend from gun and • Compatible with any paintable construction material machine • Meets S LifeSafety Code 101 • Meets Life point requirements Hose: 3/8"diameter airless spray line for the first 100'300' from • No formaldehyde pump and'A"x 3'whip Pump: (Graco)GH 833 or equivalent DC 315 is the most tested and approved product in the world for use as PSI: 4000 an,"Alternative Thermal Barrier Coating System"over Spray Polyurethane Foam(SPF). GPM: 4.0 Tip: 517-529 or equivalent. Visit us at our website www.painttoprotect.com to obtain a current matrix Filter: 30 mesh, removal of filter is recommend from gun and of all the manufacturer's foams DC 315 has been tested and approved as machine Thermal or Ignition barriers in compliance with current IBC codes. Hose: 3/8"diameter airless spray line for the first 100'-300' from pump and'''A"x 3'whip • 11111M1/4 Prior to Applying DC 315 to Ensure Proper Adhesion:Surfaces must General Safety,Toxicity,Health Data be clean,dry and free of all foreign matter.Adhesion of a coating to SPF Material Safety Data Sheets are available on this coating material. Any requires the foam surface to have a slight profile or texture similar to an individual who may come in contact with these products should read and orange peel. Smooth or glossy foam surfaces must be flash coated with a understand the M.S.D.S. In case of emergency contact CHEMTREC light 3-4 mils Wet Film Thickness(WFT)of DC 315 and allowed to dry EMERGENCY NUMBER at 800-424-9300. before applying the full application. Flash coating is a quick burst of a primer or DC 315,via airless sprayer over an area needing treatment. We WARNING:Do not allow product to freeze.Store above 10°C(50°F)at all also recommend flash coating around all pipes and air ducts. times. Product Application WARNING: Avoid eye contact with the liquid or spray mist. Applicators In order to validate warranty and confirm the installation complies with should wear protective clothes,gloves and use protective cream on face, IFTI's best practices, installer must obtain all current installation hands and other exposed areas. documents and complete a daily work record for each and every job and for each sequential day a project is underway. Daily work records must EYE PROTECTION: be sent to IFTI within 10 days of project completion. Installation Safety glasses,goggles,or a face shield are recommended. documents include Application Guide,Ventilation Guide and Daily Work SKIN PROTECTION: Report. These documents can be downloaded at Chemical resistant gloves are recommended, cover as much of the www.painttoprotect.com or by calling IFTI at 949.975.8588 exposed skin area as possible with appropriate clothing. Material Preparation RESPIRATORY PROTECTION is MANDATORY! DC315 must be thoroughly mixed prior to application. Failure to do so will Respiratory protective equipment,impervious foot wear and protective compromise the materials performance and may create issues with clothing are required at all times during spray application. equipment used for the application of the product. Mechanical stirring with a high speed drill and a paddle appropriate for the container size is INGESTION:Do not take internally. recommended. Material should be stirred from the bottom up making sure the bottom and sides are scraped with a paint stick during the mixing Consider the application and environmental concentrations in deciding if process to ensure all materials are completely mixed prior to the additional protective measures are necessary. application. Material should be mixed to a creamy consistency with no lumps. Thinning is not usually needed, but if the material has been Limited Warranty exposed to prolonged periods of high temperatures during storage, This product will perform as tested if applied and maintained according to evaporation of the water based material may have taken place.Typically our directions, instructions and techniques. If this product is found to be the liquid level should be about 3 inches from the top of the 5 gallon pail. defective upon inspection by its representative, the seller will, at its If the level of material is lower,water may be added during the mixing to option,either furnish an equivalent amount of new product or refund the address this issue. purchase price to the original purchaser of this product.Seller will not be liable for any representations made by any retail seller or applicator of the Temperature and Humidity product. THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES (1) LABOR OR COST OF LABOR FOR Ensure temperature and humidity are within specified limits for THE APPLICATION OR REMOVAL OF THIS PRODUCT OR ANY OTHER application. Failure to monitor and compensate for increased humidity PRODUCT,THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY SUBSTRATE TO WHICH may lead to blistering and/or delamination and will void warranty.Obtain THE PRODUCT IS APPLIED OR THE APPLICATION OF REPLACEMENT a ventilation guide prior to commencing installation. Ideal conditions are PRODUCT, (2) ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. OTHER 16°C-32°C(62°F to 90°F)and a maximum of 65%Relative Humidity. LIMITATIONS APPLY.For the complete terms of the limited warranty,go to www.painttoprotect.com. Some states/provinces do not allow the Ventilation exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the When spraying in enclosed spaces,regardless of size,adequate ventilation above limitations may not apply to you.To make a warranty claim,write is required to remove excess moisture from the application area.The use to Technical Service, International Fireproof Technology, Inc., 17528 Von of fans may be required in some cases to ensure a minimum of 0.3 air Karman Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614 or email Customer Service at changes per hour. Prior to starting a job please be sure to download a ptpPpainttoprotect.com complete current ventilation guide at www.painttoprotect.com OFFICE COPY Rev:11/16/2014 12:43 PM Current application documents must be on the job site at all times product is being applied.This includes application guide,ventilation guide and daily work report.Documents can be downloaded at http://www.painttoprotect.com or call IFTI at 949.975.8588 R, Builder: Job Information Riverside Homes Job#: J160226 12276 San Jose Blvd.,Ste 120 Jacksonville, FL 32233 (904)503-7055 MITSIII File#: Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: James Bratcher Manning Building Supplies PAGE 1 Job: Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs-corp.com Hughes Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 * Fax: (904) 260-2981 Report and Delivery Date DATE 05/23/16 - 631 Beach Avenue Del. Date: / / Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Cover Sheet Truss Level: OFFICE COPY PROFILE CITY PITCH BASE 0/A LUMBER OVERHANG CANTILEVER STUB 0/A HEIGHT PLY TOP BOT ID SPAN SPAN TOP I BOT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT I RIGHT 1 ® 2 Ply 4.50 0.00 A01 44-04-00 44-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 IAN. 1 4.50 0.00 A02 44-04-00 44-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 06-01-13 n® 1 4.50 0.00 A03 44-04-00 44-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 07-05-13 . Y 1 4.50 0.00 A04 44-04-00 44-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-09-13 1 4.50 0.00 A05 44-07-00 44-07-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 10-01-13 4(1it .. 4 4.50 0.00 A06 44-07-00 44-07-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 11-03-02 4 4.50 4.50 A07 45-07-00 45-07-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 11-07-10 1Sl7l 2 4.50 0.00 A08 29-05-08 29-05-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 11-03-02 ® 6 4.50 0.00 B01 02-06-08 02-06-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 01-10-02 ® 6 4.50 0.00 B02 02-08-00 02-08-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 01-11-02 ® 1 2 Ply 4.50 0.00 C01 24-08-00 24-08-00 2 X 4 2 X 8 04-09-13 /® 1 4.50 0.00 CO2 20-04-00 20-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 d.IC-.S1 1 4.50, 0.00 CO3 20-04-00 20-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 06-01-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 C04 20-04-00 20-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 07-05-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 CO5 20-04-00 20-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 07-11-08 ® 5 4.50 0.00 CO6 20-04-00 20-04-00 2 X 4 2 X 6 07-08-02 1 4.50 0.00 D01 15-00-00 15-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-09-13 1 2 Ply 4.50 0.00 D02 15-00-00 15-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 6 03-07-13 1. 1 4.50 0.00 E01 22-05-08 22-05-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 2 Illy 4.50 0.00 E02 22-05-08 22-05-08 2 X 4 2 X 6 06-01-13 1 2 Ply 0.00 0.00 FG01 14-10-08 14-10-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 00-05-04 01-08-00 1 3 Ply 0.00 0.00 FG02 13-04-08 13-04-08 2 X 4 2 X 8 01-08-00 466151' 4 Ply 4.50 0.00 FG03 29-07-00 29-07-00 2 X 4 2 X 8 02-10-12 11-03-02 Builder: Job Information Riverside Homes Job#: J160226 12276 San Jose Blvd.,Ste 120 Jacksonville, FL 32233frriS1 File#: (904)503-7055 Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: James Bratcher Manning Building Supplies PAGE 2 Job: Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs corp.com Hughes Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 * Fax: (904) 260-2981 Report and Delivery Date DATE 05/23/16 631 Beach Avenue Del. Date: / / Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Cover Sheet Truss Level: PROFILE QTY PITCH BASE 0/A LUMBER OVERHANG CANTILEVER STUB 0/A HEIGHT PLY TOP I HOT ID SPAN SPAN TOP I BOT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT I RIGHT ® 1 4.50 0.00 G01 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G02 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 _ 06-01-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G03 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 07-05-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G04 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-03-02 ® 6 4.50 0.00 G05 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-08-05 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G06 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-08-05 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G07 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-08-05 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G08 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 08-01-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G09 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 06-09-13 ® 1 4.50 0.00 G10 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 4 2 X 4 05-05-13 `Mil\lea 1 0.00 0.00 G11 25-07-08 25-07-08 2 X 6 2 X 6 04-01-13 4 3.18 0.00 J01 09-10-01 09-10-01 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-07 Q® 2 3.18 0.00 J02 09-07-13 09-07-13 2 X 4 2 X 4 0408-06 J 8 4.50 0.00 J03 01-00-00 01-00-00 2 X 6 2 X 6 01-01-05 Ige 8 4.50 0.00 J04 03-00-00 03-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-01-13 Z 8 4.50 0.00 J05 05-00-00 05-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 03-05-13 L 19 4.50 0.00 J06 07-00-00 07-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 1 3.18 0.00 J07 09-05-13 09-05-13 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-07 ® 1 3.18 0.00 J08 09-03-09 09-03-09 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-08-06 2 4.50 0.00 J09 00-09-00 00-09-00 2 X 6 2 X 6 01-01-05 II 2 4.50 0.00 J10 02-09-00 02-09-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-01-13 eZ 2 4.50 0.00 J11 04-09-00 04-09-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 03-05-13 • 11 4.50 0.00 J12 06-09-00 06-09-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 Builder: Job Information Riverside Homes Job#: J160226 12276 San Jose Blvd.,Ste 120 Jacksonville, FL 32233 File#: (904)503-7055 ira Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: James Bratcher Manning Building Supplies PAGE 3 Job: Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs-corp.com Hughes Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 * Fax: (904) 260-2981 Report and Delivery Date DATE 05/23/16 631 Beach Avenue ' Del. Date: / / Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Cover Sheet Truss Level: PROFILE QTY PITCH BASE 0/A LUMBER OVERHANG CANTILEVER STUB 0/A HEIGHT PLY TOP 80T ID SPAN SPAN TOP I BOT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT I RIGHT 2 3.18 0.00 J13 09-07-13 09-07-13 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-08-06 _ j 2 3.18 0.00 J14 05-07-02 05-07-02 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-09-07 2 3.18 0.00 J15 05-04-02 05-04-02 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-08-01 12 4.50 0.00 J16 01-00-00 01-00-00 2 X 6 2 X 6 01-01-05 1 4 4.50 0.00 J17 03-00-00 03-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-01-13 i 3 4.50 0.00 J18 04-00-00 04-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-09-13 e/ 1 4.50 0.00 J19 04-00-00 04-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-09-13 L 13 4.50 0.00 J21 06-00-00 06-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-01-13 4 3.18 0.00 J22 09-10-01 09-10-01 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-07 I 2 3.18 0.00 J23 09-07-01 09-07-01 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-08-01 8 4.50 0.00 J24 03-00-00 03-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-01-13 Z 8 4.50 0.00 J25 05-00-00 05-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 03-05-13 L 12 4.50 0.00 J26 07-00-00 07-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-09-13 der 1 3.18 0.00 J27 09-07-13 09-07-13 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-08-06 1 3.18 0.00 J28 09-07-13 09-07-13 2 X 4 2 X 4 04-08-06 Q 1 8.00 0.00 P01 10-09-12 10-09-12 2 X4 2 X 4 01-02-08 Q O 1 8.00 0.00 P02 10-09-12 10-09-12 2 X 4 2 X 4 02-02-08 1 8.00 0.00 P03 10-09-12 10-09-12 2 X 4 2 X 4 03-06-08 7 8.00 0.00 PO4 10-09-12 10-09-12 2 X 4 2 X 4 03-07-08 FLOOR I QTY DEPTH BASE 0/A END TYP1 INT BEARING CANTILEVER STUB I PROFILE PLY ID SPAN SPAN LEFT (RIGHT SIZE I LOCATION LEFT I RIGHT LEFT RIGHT ® 01-03-00 1 F01 22-04-00 22-04-00 C 01-08-00 8 F02 22-04-12 22-04-12 Builder: Job Information Riverside Homes Job#: J160226 12276 San Jose Blvd.,Ste 120 iliffilill Jacksonville, FL 32233ifFile#: (904)503-7055 Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: James Bratcher Manning Building Supplies PAGE 4 Job: Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs-corp.com Hughes Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 * Fax: (904) 260-2981 Report and Delivery Date DATE 05/23/16 631 Beach Avenue Del. Date: / / Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Cover Sheet Truss Level: FLOOR QTY DEPTH BASE 0/A END TYP= INT BEARING CANTILEVER STUB PROFILE PLY ID SPAN SPAN LEFT RIGHT SIZE LOCATION LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT 01-08-00 2 F03 22-04-12 22-04-12 ® 01-08-00 r 3 4 F04 16-05-04 16-05-04 ® 01-08-00 2 F05 14-06-00 14-06-00 ® 01-08-00 2 F06 14-10-08 14-10-08 r 3 00-05-04 ® 01-08-00 I F07 12-04-00 12-04-00 ® 01-08-00 4 F08 18-01-08 18-01-08 E 3 ® 01-08-00 r 3 I km 6 F09 18-05-00 18-05-00 - 3 01-08-F1100 r a 07-04-00 07-04-00 01-08-00 ca 1 F12 02-05-00 02-05-00 01-08-00 0.011 F13 06-03-00 06-03-00 VA"MW 01-08-00 1 F14 07-10-08 07-10-08 m■imil 010800 4 F26 07-02-12 07-02-12 ,-■gii 01-08-00 1 F27 07-02-12 07-02-12 -'-_, 01-08-00 2 F28 07-06-04 07-06-04 01-05-00 r 3 `1 rte" 1 F29 03-10-08 03-10-08 ITEMS QTY PLY ITEM TYPE SIZE LENGTH NOTES FT-IN-16 1 3 SS-LMATL BM3-onCENTER®LVL 2.0E 1 3/4"x 20"- _ 06-00-00 1 Hanger HGU7.00 00-00-00 14 Hanger HHUS48 36 Hanger HTU26 2 Hanger THA422 6 Hanger THA426 5 Hanger THAC426 00-00-00 dm wpm MANNING TRUSS James Bratcher 5/23/2016 12:18 PM IMMIPM.4.23 11155 Philips Parkway Drive East Jacksonville FL 32256 904-268-8225 """0A 0O1 Doma Sizerw©2011-2015 BlueLinx Corporation Version: Project: J160226-Riverside Homes-Lot 20 Atlantic Beach Country Club MemberlD: BM1 Usage: BEAM Repetitive Incr: Yes Max Deflection: LL=L1480 TL=U360 _13 1/2" 31/2" 565psi -565psi I 3'10" LOADS Project Design Loads:Floor:Live=40.0 psf,Dead=15.0 psf Applied Live+Dead Ld(T) Live Ld(L) Location' # Shape To: @Start @End @Start @End LDF Span# Starts Ends Additional Info 1 Span Carried(psf) FP 55.0 40.0 100% 0 0' 3 10" 14'6's.c.-F05 2 Concentrated(lbs) BP 12128.0 8820.4 100% 0 1'5 1/2' FG03 3 Partial(plf) 125.0 0.0 90% 0 0' 2'3" WALL 4 Concentrated(lbs) 1000.0 540.5 125% 0 0'4 1/4" D01 5 Concentrated(lbs) 1651.0 892.4 125% 0 1'8" D02 Uniform(plf) 27.72 0 0' 3'10" Self Weight FP=Front Ply(side or top),BP=Back Ply(side or top);if blank,all plies are assumed to be loaded equally. *Dimensions measured from left end when span#is 0,otherwise,from left end of the specified span. SUPPORTS (lbs) 1 2 Max Reaction 10371 6324 Max 100% 6021 3911 Max 125% 995 438 Min Reaction 3355 1975 Min 100% 6021 3911 Min 125% 995 438 DL Reaction 3355 1975 Min Bearing 3.16' 1.98" [Based on bearing stress below] Brg Stress(psi) 565 565 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio V(lbs) 6579 1 0'1 3/4" 21 19950 100% 0.33 M(ft-lbs) 12580 1 1'5 1/2" 21 84900 100% 0.15 LtRn(lbs) 9376 0 0' 21 10382 0.90 See Note 5 RtRn(lbs) 5886 0 3'10' 21 10382 0.57 See Note 5 LLDefl(") 0.00 1 1'11' 21 0.10 U18006 TLDefl(") 0.00 1 1'11' 21 0.13 U11985 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 3/4"x 20" 3 Plies onCENTER® LVL by BlueLinx Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user Connect plies together with 4 rows of 0.162"x 3 1/2"nails @ 12"o.c.(one row 2"from top,one row 2"from bottom,two more rows equidistant between top and bottom rows).Specified attachment is from each side. Add a cluster of(44)0.162"x 31/2"nails at concentrated load located at 1'51/2".Cluster to be 2 columns of 8 nails and 1 column of 6 nails on each side of concentrated load starting 2"away from hanger flange.Columns with fewer nails should be farthest from hanger.Space columns 2"apart.Space nails equally and not within 2"of beam edges.Specified attachment is from each side. NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with continuous lateral support. 3.Analysis valid for dry-use only(less than 16%moisture content). 4.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. 5.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction from'Supports'section above. 6.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 7.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input loads and product application. 8.This member has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check,per the building code,must be performed for commercial uses. 9.Design assumes a 4%increase in bending stress for repetitive member use. 10.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 11.Load Combinations:10=D,20=D+100%,30=D+115%,40=D+125%,50=D+160%,60=D+0.75(100%+115%),70=D+0.75(100%+125%),80=D+ 0.75(100%+115%+160%),90=D+0.75(100%+125%+160%),100=0.6D+160%,110=D+Commercial(100%),120=D+0.75(100%+160%) 12.Group=Load Combination Number+Load Pattern number.(For simple span,Load pattern=1 for LL,0 for DL).