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-S\--,I-Vii---- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J i, ,`is\ 800 Seminole Road �► Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 t '_ ', Telephone(904)247-5800 7, 'r' FAX 904 247-5845 REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: ////6 / / (o Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / <- ',i.1 e Iy —icR •) Original Plans Examiner: (j,Z ( /xj ; Project Name:_ ,4,(/7tc/4 A/.2) Project Address: p f4 /.7/., /c LY/v1 Contractor: 7/-• /3/,c-Pe"S Contact Name: 7-0 Contact Phone : (94 V) 6-3 ) - /7?c/ Contact e-mail: A-a di.-, th L P,e /t s e,/,.• , e_o,'> Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fcc(s) Due: $ ( !p0 . 00 -1-' lap . d0 _ Zoa . vp Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: r!Ftf/SCD .4,)a o / la-i /, O / /24/, o /'I / . r I• _ 7 re. ..2(', / 0. 2, tc)..3 _ L /, h/. 2, L"L' 3. V-1//.rep C -/UtJ rC //U ( <' / Jv / C - J 3J C - / 3 (.• e - /4/o lZEti/ Sz/) / - / d- Ix -- / Additional Increase in Building Value: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: ? Public W/U Approval: By signing below. I(print name)_, OD OF S C/71- _—_ affirm that the above revision is inclusive ie propos : hanges. / . _Ai / // /6 / / 6, Signature of Contractor I gent(contractor must sign it increase in valuation) Date (>Ricc Ilse Only Date: Approved:?1k447'nk�Rejected: Notified h> :_ Plan Review Comments: hi\e-c-44 4- E--c-c,c, -K???-4,__. rd-D__ °- 6,A 1...-•( . o OTA Yi%(—E. S �� it&•- .1-.� kt—c— ' ( 4 5 •r4) Department review required Yes No , 011:7 _ Building Planning&Zoning Tree Administrator Plans Examiner Public Works V2.--! 51( ----- Public Utilities — • • Public Safety - Date CrviI J 4'13/I6 Rev 7 Fire Services 1 Q tc. .( c..d up 1 z 71 b I, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r , 800 Seminole Road 1'4 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Telephone(904)247-5800 ii‘ 4 '` FAX(904)247-5845 REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: ////6 / / 6 Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / <- v e w -i�ll9 Original Plans Examiner: /7-/ ( /kg,7--4,<J Project Name: 4S/ft/ �� Project Address: deo ,47/,“1. -/c 5/v c/ Contractor: /-11) /3/./J,Pc-,s Contact Name: %D.� Contact Phone : (90 h 3 ) - /7?x/ Contact e-mail: I'4 t.y-. Lii G v,c/l S e(/. rot) Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s) Due: $ ( 00 - 00 --t-, 1 a O . 4:10 = ZOO . o c) Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: /C,Et// 2? A'? 0, o / r) /, 0 1 /24/. OoZ Ai 1 . O. �,.�. • (,, / / e °. 2, " 0..3 �'i i, c=/, a 614, 3. //f1//sfD C -/00 , C - //0 , r / a / r - 3L7 C - / 34/ e - /4/o it 6(/, sLi/) 1 - / 1`/e - i Additional Increase in Building Value: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: ? Public W/U Approval: ' By signing below. I (print name) T) /)f S C/7 affirm that the above revision is inclusive of le propo hanges. jt,l..,y, / /7/ / / / Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) Date Office Use Only Date: Approved:'k''ri.L.. Rejected: Notified by: __ Plan Review Comments: eNt\4-4.-44. 4- e-c...4.t., .k???-4,..rdro - 4.,et 1._..." o1nstI Department review required Yes No Building ----------- - Planning&Zoning Plans Examiner Tree Administrator Public Works V2.--(t S f f A Public Utilities Public Safety Date Created 4/13!16 Rev.) Fire Services `_ ca p ,CQC( u p tall 41 & 1 Al CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH - \ At1 800 Seminole Road 0)'� r — Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 J �) 1 Telephone(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5845 r.-.JiilS� REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR / CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: // /i 4 / / Received by: Permit Number: / ,c– , _A/I w Resubmitted: Original Plans Examiner: �� /� ( / �'id Project Name: / J7t'a A/2) Project Address: 1 7 ',!y7r ikvel Contractor: f 4.•L /31//3t/,& `-i?s Contact Name: Contact Phone : (90V) 3 )- /7?c Contact /0.D/ e-mail: �o�/ 1 i3 / LPr,2 S C_G 6.2/,.I Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s)Due: $__ ,( 00 . 0022 Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: _jeEIP.Sc/, ,i 0. a/ /, a / 4/1/. 0o2 Al / _ e/L3 , �213 y f`'D ,- C `-� O C - / a O r -- 3 i7 c — /Z E t/i s /.) L. - / v< Zx / Additional Increase in Building Value: $ Q Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: ? Public W/U Approval: By signing below. l (print name) OL /�i S C/71- is inclusive of ie propos hangcs. — — affirm that the above revision Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sign it increase in valuation) D ato / 62_,/ /� ORice Use Only t. Dale: Approved: �'S�-"t e - r r Plan Review Comments: r . !DEC 1 6 2016 e 101MVI 1. 7.- o NCa-D U a_ . -ate S b a--TD Department review required Yes No ll Building % ._ Planning&Zoning Tree Administrator Plans Examiner Public Works Public Utilities l"2.--It rj- f / Public Safety —— Fire Services Date Created 4/13/16 Rev.3 A C . PiES . �S rL�f! �u, pa CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH NJ .:4-1, 0,'`,`IA 800 Seminole Road .`_}��, tlantic Beach,Florida 32233 'Telephon904)2475800 ������ A)D1. ' FAX(904)247-5845 REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: //A 6 / / 6 Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / <- ,yew -01' . 7 q Original Plans Examiner: /`'X ( ( j_ ii() Project Name: //j/,-c/4 A/2) Project Address: 46.),F9 A r//,-Wic /3/v d Contractor: r/9-4 /r3l/lG Pr�?,S Contact Name: ./DD Contact Phone : 9') 3 r- /7,1-c/ Contact e-mail: h�� -,Z'3r ,c.P.d//S e (74-Vin co/') Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s)Due: $ Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: /eEVISE'? Ai a a / , /, D / 44/. oat 7,1' /I . o3 9h ,). 0 I /h 3. a I F / / , /1_f.//5%D C --/DO C //o ( - / ate / r �- / 30, - / 3 �/ C - - . r6i/iS /3 L - X - Additional Increase in :ui sing .1 alue: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: Public W/U Approval: By signing below.I(print name) Old OF S C/f affirm that the above revision is inclusive of ie propos hanges. Li,-�, / // /6 /6, Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) Date Office Use Only Date: Approved: Rejected: Notified by: !^ Plan Review Comments: Department review required Yes No Building --- — - Planning&Zoning Tree Administrator Plans Examiner 1 Public Works �_ Public Utilities _ Public Safety Date Created 4/13/16 Rev.3 Fire Services 1 � •'SL�J=f��, CITY OF ATLANACH 1 800 STICeminoleBERoad Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 4. 0 Telephone(904)247-5800 71.5:-:7!---. .`. . =`' FAX(904)247-5845 w - y:. s`f.1it1? REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: ////6 / / io Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / <--,c/(//60 —/ 3 J n Original Plans Examiner: / ( /ki 7 ) Project Name: /'IJ%tc74)1) Project Address: a)fei ,27/ }/1-ic /3/vel Contractor: /-9-4 /3v!G 1r�?.S Contact Name: /O D Contact Phone : (?,e) ‘-'2"3 ) ' /7.V Contact e-mail: ;L'd/ ,,-,e'30 G P.e- /L s e 7/.1kv7„/'l Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s) Due: $ Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: /1F(//Sc'77 // 0, 0 / 0 /2•7/. 0,;2 "1 / . 03 t7i r). (2 / /h3. 01 F(;, / J /21 /. e(.7, 2, /Ec):.3 , C/.%, 1---:-/- 2, L-/, 3; V/S�o C -740 C -iso r - / aO , r / 3o c - / 3 ;d, - /i/o /Z 60 55/) G - / v,- 1—/e — / Additional Increase in Building Value: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: Public W/U Approval: By signing below. 1(print name) 01-) /�i S C/f affirm that the above revision is inclusive of e propos hanges. �O,-t-,f- / // /6 / / 6 Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sip if increase in valuation) Date Office Usc Only Date: Approved: Rejected: Notified by: Plan Review Comments: Department review required Yes No Building Planning&Zoning Plans Examiner Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities . Public Safety Date Created 4/13/16 Rev.3 Fire Services I i 1 1 ---- -2,->>..;i!.-\1: , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J, i-. _ `irk 800 Seminole Road •y Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 3 s) Telephone(904)247-5800 7, V FAX(904)247-5845 r-/-J;31PY REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date:_ ////( / / 4, Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / <- /, j W -/7J 7Original Plans Examiner: / ( /Xj 7- Project Name: 4, c 74 A/b Project Address: Mfg ,.f/a rc /3/vel Contractor: Pte, /3//i c Ori?s Contact Name: /D D Contact Phone : (90 V, 3 r" /7,?•(/ Contact e-mail: 71.--a -1Z: ',G Pe, s 2 ri.fr- (-o/,) Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s) Due: $ f •42(2) . 00 Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: �?EV/Sc0 ,x'10. 0 / / /, 0 / l /14/, 0;Z / /t / .J3 lb .)._(.9 l 711 _3,;_p / ,�( , / , '`0. 2, 1-0..3 ; 6--_,, /, 1/• 2, 'L, 3 /C Fy/,�"D C -/00 , C --//0 / <' ,_ / 0 o / C - i 3 0, C - / 3 co/ e - /4/e, REI/psi/) L - / 1-/e / Additional Increase in Building Value: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: ? Public W/U Approval: , By signing below.1 (print name)_ Old ./7f•S C/7 affirm that the above revision is inclusive of ie propos hangs. Lit-1.--y. 0 . ------ - - / // /6 / /6 Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) Date ORicc Ilse Only • Date: A roved:- ��T� ` i �� Pp �fr Rejected: , — --- y ,? ..'INC 1 6 2016 • Plan Review Comments: - ..• Department review required Yes No --+4ri— Building ------- — Planning&Zoning Tree Administrator Plans Examiner Public Works - r Public Utilities c2--t 15 f .------.--- Public Safety liFire Services — _ Date Created 4/13/16 Rev. 1109 S. Marion Avenue Lake City, FL 32025 386-961-7312 904-759-1305 Cell Centennial IFDOT From: Kyle Davis [mailto:KDavis(Qbakerklein.coml Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 9:12 AM To: Dycus, Douglas Cc: Lindsey, Angela Subject: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 Hi Doug, Please find attached the sheets showing the addition of the baffle box as we discussed. Please let me know if these look ok and we will provide the updated signed and sealed drawings. Thanks for the help. Thanks, Kyle F. Davis, P.E. Vice President F Baker Klein r ENGINEERING , , Certified 8(a), EDWOSB, JSEB, MBE 1334 Walnut Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Phone: 904-356-8520 Mobile: 904-424-6019 Fax: 904-356-8524 kdavisbakerklein.com www.bakerklein.com 8 ,094.49 q,V °t St. Johns River :A9 ;Q Water Management District 1ti4exM6N' Hans G.Tarnier III,Executive Director• David Wade,Jacksonville Service Center Director 7775 Baymeadows Way • Suite 102 • Jacksonville,FL 32256 • (904)730-6270 • Fax(904)730-6292 On the Internet at floridaswater.com. • May 13, 2014 Mr. Kyle F. Davis, P.E. DB Civil Works 1633 San Marco Boulevard, Suite 5 Jacksonville, Florida 32207-3080 Re: Ashland Mini Storage,Application No. PDEX-031-137999-1 (Please reference above number on all correspondence.) Dear Mr. Davis: On May 12, 2014, the St. Johns River Water Management District (District) has received your submittal requesting exemption verification for the reconstruction of a 1.80-acre site located at 1089 Atlantic Boulevard in the City of Atlantic Beach. The project involves construction of a 1.50-acre storage facility and creation of a 0.30-acre depressed landscape area for treatment effort purposes. The project site has not received a permit from this agency in the past and does not require any impacts to wetlands. As proposed, the project reduces the site imperviousness from 1.76 to 1.52 acres. Based on the information provided, the District has determined that the project complies with the exemption pursuant to Section 373.406(6) F.S because the activity has been determined to have only minimal or insignificant individual or cumulative adverse impacts on the water resources. Therefore, the project will not need a District permit pursuant to rule reference. This exemption verification only applies to the requirements of the District and does not relieve you of meeting the permit requirements of other agencies. Please contact Pierre Alexandre at (904) 730-6259 or PAlexandre@sjrwmd.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, David Miracle, Director Jacksonville Service Center cc: Dale Lovell OOVERNINO BOARD John A.Miklos,CHAIRMAN Maryam H.Ghyabl,vice CHNRMAN Fred N.Roberts Jr.,SECRETARY George W.Robbins,TREASURER ORLANDO ORMONO BEACH OCALA JACKSONVILLE Douglas C.Bournlque Douglas Bumett Lad Daniels Chuck Drake Carla Yetter VERO BEACH ST.AUGUSTINE JACKSONVILLE ORLANDO FERNANDINA BEACH • Williams, Scott From: karl.roberts@ashproperties.com Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:20 PM To: Williams, Scott Subject: Ashland Self Storage(Atlantic Self Storage) Attachments: SJRWMD Permit Determination-1.pdf Scott, Attached is the St. Johns River Water Management District paperwork for this property. As it turns out we are actually decreasing the impervious area by this project and therefore received an exemption from SJRWMD. FDOT permit and info will follow shortly. Thank you, • Karl Roberts, PM Ash Properties, Inc. 7880 Gate Parkway, Suite 300 Jacksonville, FL 32256 karl.roberts@ashproperties.com (D)904-899-4618 (M)904-674-9506 (0)904-992.9000 <1)))>I 1 Rule 14-96.F.AC STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 850-040-24 PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CONNECTION SYSTEMS PLANNING NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT Paye1of4 4 Important: This Notice does not authorize construction to begin and is not a final permit. ALSO NOTE: THIS NOTICE OF INTENT IS ONLY VALID FOR 1 YEAR FROM SIGNING DATE IN PART 6. PART 1: APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICATION NUMBER: 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 Project Name: Ashland Self Storage State Road Name/Number: Atlantic Blvd/State Road 10 Section Number: 72100 Maintenance Office: Sean Kelly, PE Permit Staff Representative Applicant: Ashland Investments, Inc. Responsible Office: Justin Ashourian Mailing Address: 7880 Gate Parkway, Suite 300 Jacksonville FL 32256 Street City State Zip Telephone: (904)992-9000 PART 2: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED: The Florida Department of Transportation has completed its review of the subject connection permit Application received May 20, 2014 for consistency with Rule Chapters 14-96 and 14-97, F.A.C., and current Department spacing, location, and design criteria and hereby issues this"Notice of Intent"to: ❑ Issue the subject permit consistent with the permit Application. ® Issue the subject permit consistent with the permit Application and subject to the attached provisions. IMPORTANT • This notice of intent to issue a permit does NOT constitute Department permit issuance. The permit will be issued after the permittee shows proof that a valid local government development approval or development order has been given to the sites served by the connection and special provisions of the approval consistent with the permit applications and conditions previously noted. No connection work on the right of way shall be initiated until the Department permit is actually issued. Any changes to the site(s)plan will require re-evaluation of the connection(s). This notice is valid for one year,from the date of issuance, and can only be extended with approval by the Department for problems outside the control of the applicant pursuant to Rule Chapter 14-96, F.A.C. This Notice of Intent is transferable as specified only in Rule Chapter 14-96, F.A.C. Continued Next Page Rule 14-96.F A C STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8550-040-24 PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CONNECTION SYSTEMS PLANNING 06/O6 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT P.9e2a4 PART 3: CONDITIONS • Conditions to be met before Permit will be issued: Standard: 1. Development approval from the appropriate local government consistent with the Notice of Intent to Permit; 2. Assurance of performance pursuant to Section 334.187, Florida Statutes (if required); 3. Notification of all known right of way users affected by the connection(s); 4. Compliance with drainage requirements in Rule Chapter 14-86, F.A.C. Other Conditions: Provide a copy of local government approval. Please add R3-2; No Left Turn Sign to plans. Continued Next Page Role 14.95,F A C STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION E50-C40-24 PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CONNECTION SYSTEMS PUNNING 06/06 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT Page 3of4 PART 4: NOTICE OF DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY 1. All approved connection(s)and turning movements are subject to the Department's continuing authority to modify such connection(s)or turning movements in order to protect safety and traffic operations on the state highway or State Highway System. 2. Transportation Control Features and Devices in the State Right of Way. Transportation control features and devices in the Department's right of way, including, but not limited to, traffic signals, medians, median openings, or any other transportation control features or devices in the state right of way, are operational and safety characteristics of the State Highway and are not means of access. The Department may install, remove, or modify any present or future transportation control feature or devices in the state right of way to make changes to promote safety in the right of way or efficient traffic operations on the highway. PART 5: DEPARTMENT CONTACT NAME: Angela Lindsey ADDRESS: 838 Ellis Road South Jacksonville, FL 32205 PHONE: 904-360-5346 PART 6: SIGNATURE OF DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY C.,000•0 -----7 SIGNATURE OF DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: PRINT OR TYPE NAME: Sean Kelly. PE PRINT OR TYPE POSITION: Jacksonville Maintenance Permits Engineer DATE: 8/19/2015 PHONE: 904-360-5205 Continued Next Page Rule 14-96,F A C STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 850p40-$4 PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CONNECTION SYSTEMS PLANNING NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT Paye 4 04 PART 4: APPEAL PROCEDURES You may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57,Florida Statutes. If you dispute the facts stated in the foregoing Notice of Intended Department Action(hereinafter Notice),you may petition for a formal administrative hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1),Florida Statutes. If you agree with the facts stated in the Notice,you may petition for an informal administrative hearing pursuant to section 120.57(2),Florida Statutes. You must file the petition with Clerk of Agency Proceedings Department of Transportation Haydon Bums Building 605 Suwannee Street,M.S.58 Tallahassee.Florida 32399-0458 The petition for en administrative hearing must conform to the requirements of Rule 28.106.201(2)or Rule 28-106.301(2),Florida Administrative Code, and be filed with the Clerk of Agency Proceedings by 5:00 p.m.no later than 21 days after you received the Notice. The petition must Include a copy of the Notice,be legible,on 8 1/2 by 11 inch white paper,and contain: 1.Your name,address,telephone number,any Department of Transportation identifying number on the Notice,if known,the name and identification number of each agency affected,if known,and the name,address,and telephone number of your representative,if any,which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding. 2.An explanation of how your substantial interests will be affected by the action described in the Notice; 3.A statement of when and how you received the Notice; 4.A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none,you must so indicate; 5.A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged,including the specific facts you contend warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action,as well as an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules and statutes you contend require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; 6.A statement of the relief sought,stating precisely the desired action you wish the agency to take in respect to the agency's proposed action. If there are disputed issues of material fact a formal hearing will be held,where you may present evidence and argument on all issues involved and conduct cross-examination. If there are no disputed issues of material fact an informal hearing will be held,where you may present evidence or a written statement for consideration by the Department. Mediation,pursuant to section 120.573.Florida Statutes,may be available if agreed to by all parties,and on such terms as may be agreed upon by all parties. The right to an administrative hearing is not affected when mediation does not result in a settlement. Your petition for an administrative hearing shell be dismissed if it is not in substantial compliance with the above requirements of Rule 28-106.201(2)or Rule 28-106.301(2),Florida Administrative Code. If you fail to timely file your petition in accordance with the above requirements,you will have waived your right to have the intended action reviewed pursuant to chapter 120,Florida Statutes,and the action set forth in the Notice shall be conclusive and final. End • Williams, Scott From: Tod Desch [todparbuilders@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 8:44 AM To: Williams, Scott Subject: Fw: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013-Ashland Self Storage-SR 10-Section 72100- MP 14.373- Attachments: ashland NOI.PDF Scott, Spoke to the DOT supervisor yesterday, here is what they said„ Tod Desch Par Builders Jax Fl 32256 (904)535-1724 ----- Forwarded Message From: "Rhoden,Jennifer"<Jennifer.Rhoden@dot.state.fl.us> To: "todparbuilders@yahoo.com"<todparbuilders@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 7, 2015 4:37 PM Subject: FW: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013-Ashland Self Storage-SR 10-Section 72100-MP 14.373- Angela's comments I sent a NOI (see attached) in August and this usually satisfies the City so that they will issue the permit. Once we have the local government approval and (4) sign and sealed plans I will issue the permit. Thank You Jennifer C. Rhoden FDOT Inspector Coordinator Jacksonville Maintenance Unit 838 Ellis Road Jacksonville, Florida 32205 Office: (904)360-5372 Cell: (904) 759-1467 Jennifer.Rhoden(a dot.state.fl.us From: Lindsey, Angela Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 3:48 PM To: Rhoden, Jennifer Subject: FW: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - Jennifer, I sent a NOI (see attached) in August and this usually satisfies the City so that they will issue the permit. Once we have the local government approval and (4) sign and sealed plans I will issue the permit. 1 Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 Email: andela.lindsey(d dot.state.fl.us From: Lindsey, Angela Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9:52 AM To: 'George Harlow' Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - George, Thanks and it looks good. Please send in the (4) sign and sealed plans with the local government approval. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 Email: andela.lindsey(c�dot.state.fl.us From: George Harlow Finailto:GHarlow(a�bakerklein.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 4:22 PM To: Lindsey, Angela Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - Angela, I have added the note for the No Left Turn sign. Please review and let me know how this looks. We are still waiting for the local government approval from City of Atlantic Beach. Best Regards, George D. Harlow, I.E. 2 • inniBaker Klein I NGINittING Certified 8(a), EDWOSB, JSEB, MBE 1334 Walnut Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Work: 904-559-2653 Mobile: 904-838-7854 Office: 904-356-8520 Fax: 904-356-8524 www.bakerklein.com LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. The information contained in this email and any attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other intellectual property protection. Any review, use, copy, distribution or disclosure by any other party for any use is strictly prohibited. All CADD files are the property of the Baker Klein Engineering, PL (BKE), and as such are subject to change. It is the responsibility of the recipient to request updates when necessary. BKE assumes no responsibility for data generated from this file which is not illustrated on the signed and sealed BKE documents If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your mail system. From: Lindsey, Angela [mailto:Angela.Lind sey[a�dot.state.fl.usl Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 11:27 AM To: George Harlow <GHarlow@bakerklein.com> Subject: FW: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - Please see attached your NOI. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 3 I Email: angela.lindseyAdot.state.fl.us From: Lindsey, Angela Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:40 AM To: 'Kyle Davis' Cc: Kelly, Sean Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - Kyle, Please find attached your NOI. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 Email: angela.lindseydot.state.fl.us From: Lindsey, Angela Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:31 PM To: 'Kyle Davis' Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - I have submitted the NOI for signature. I will email you a copy once signed. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 Email: angela.lindseyadot.state.fl.us From: Kyle Davis [mailto:KDavis(a�bakerklein.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:12 AM To: Lindsey, Angela Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 - 4 • Angela, I provided with you with this on 8-11-15. Could you let me know the status of the NOI? The City of Atlantic Beach is holding this up. Thanks. Thanks, Kyle F. Davis, P.E. Vice President u 10 Baker IlLe:,,,r: INvv. Certified 8(a), EDWOSB, JSEB, MBE 1334 Walnut Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Phone: 904-356-8520 Mobile: 904-424-6019 Fax: 904-356-8524 kdavis(a�bakerklein.com www.bakerklein.com From: Lindsey,Angela [mailto:Angela.Lindsey dot.state.fl.usi Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 12:28 PM To: Kyle Davis Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013-Ashland Self Storage-SR 10-Section 72100-MP 14.373- Kyle, Please see below the original comment that was made: The signature block needs to be changed — Justin Ahourian is actually signing for the sole manager/member of Ashland, which is Amoureuses Management Inc. Also, you need to make sure what his title is with them b/c it appears he is Secretary— and if so — we need signature authority for him. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 Email: angela.lindseyAdot.state.fl.us 5 From: Kyle Davis [mailto:KDavis(a�bakerklein.comi Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 1:46 PM To: Lindsey, Angela Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 Hi Angela, We submitted the updated plans and calculations earlier this week for final approval. Could you provide us with and NOI for the permit as soon as possible? The City of Atlantic Beach is holding up our permit until we provide that to them. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for the help. Thanks, Kyle F. Davis, P.E. Vice President Baker Klein Y: ENGINEERING Certified 8(a), EDWOSB, JSEB, MBE 1334 Walnut Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Phone: 904-356-8520 Mobile: 904-424-6019 Fax: 904-356-8524 kdavis©bakerklein.com www.bakerklein.com From: Lindsey, Angela [mailto:Angela.Lindsev(a�dot.state.fl.us] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 10:49 AM To: Kyle Davis Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013-Ashland Self Storage-SR 10-Section 72100-MP 14.373 I will need (4) sign and sealed originals of the plans and 2 of the calcs. Thanks, Angela Lindsey Maintenance Permits Coordinator 838 Ellis Road South, Mailstation 2801 Jacksonville, FL 32205 Phone: (904) 360-5346 Fax: (904) 360-5232 6 I • Email: angela.lindseyAdot.state.fl.us From: Kyle Davis [mailto:KDavis(c bakerklein.coml Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 1:45 PM To: Dycus, Douglas Cc: Lindsey, Angela Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013 - Ashland Self Storage - SR 10 - Section 72100 - MP 14.373 Ok. Will do. Thanks. Angela, how many hard copies of plan sets and calculations do you need? Thanks, Kyle F. Davis, P.E. Vice President • Baker Klein ENGINEERING ..1',,yr Certified 8(a), EDWOSB, JSEB, MBE 1334 Walnut Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Phone: 904-356-8520 Mobile: 904-424-6019 Fax: 904-356-8524 kdavisbakerklein.com www.bakerklein.com From: Dycus, Douglaslmailto:Doualas.Dvcus(a�dot.state.fl.usl Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 1:43 PM To: Kyle Davis Cc: Lindsey, Angela Subject: RE: Permit 14A2940031 & 14D2940013-Ashland Self Storage-SR 10 -Section 72100- MP 14.373 Kyle, This looks good, just add some notes/details on the abandonment of the inlet and 12" PVC pipe at the entrance. Sincerely, Douglas Dycus, P.E. FDOT District 2 Drainage 7 02 C . P/ES s ?s-\11:*6 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J .� P& L 800 Seminole Road { A0z;? tlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Telephone(904)247-5800 µ: v �°C��3�.�G AA, FAX(904)247-5845 --- ,,, REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: //�!b / / Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / < ',y 1 W n/� Original Plans Examiner: , C (kg7-2107-210Project Name: A.-Wt. 'U-) Project Address: Fel A7/, y,1--/, /3/vd Contractor: ,t i3vf 6 o/Z:F/S Contact Name: /D D Contact Phone : (9G) 3 r- /7?-/ Contact e-mail: h ei/i L.P.4 s e r �/dr�e- />) Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s) Due: $ Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: 11/SEP ,'10, 0 / 7 /. D / /2'i/. 0c "t / . o3 fhTh 3. o / --/0 - //0 r / a r / JO C - / 30 e - CE(% s /3 L - / e -�'� Additional Increase in Building Value: $ 0 Additional S.F. 0 Site Plan Revised: Public W/U Approval: By signing below.I(print name) 01-) 2)i S C/f affirm that the above revision is inclusive of le propos hanges. / // /6 / / 6 Signature of Contractor/ gent(Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) Date Office Usc Only Date: / 21//3 Approved: Rejected: �, Notified by: Plan Review Comments: / �e e 47--/c e.,441 Department review required Yes No Planning&Zoning Plans Examiner re inistrator Public Works a/A�.,/12( Public Utilities Public Safety - Date Creatcd4/13/f6 Rccc.3 Fire Services �s-"''�'r��� ZONING REVIEW COMMENTS siY/ „ � City of Atlantic Beach ___:)...--, s) Community Development Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 75 `,ill Phone: (904)247-5826 Fax: (904)247-5845 Email: dreeves@coab.us Date: 12/28/16 Permit: 15-CNEW-1297 Applicant: PAR Builders II Review: Revision Address: 1038 Belcher Road S, Largo, FL 33771 Site Address: 1089 Atlantic Blvd Phone: (727) 532-6111 RE#: 177616-0000 Email: Par0623@yahoo.com Correction Comments 1. VUA Trees: Section 24-177(d)(2)(b) requires one tree for each 50 feet of VUA not screened by a building. Two trees should be provided along the VUA at the north end of the property. Only one is provided. Please revise accordingly. 2. Residential Buffer: Section 24-177(e)(1)requires a buffer area 10 feet wide along residential uses.The buffer along parking/dumpster area is less than 10 feet wide. Please revise accordingly. 3. Residential Buffer Trees: Section 24-177(e)(2)(a) requires one tree for every 25 feet linear feet along adjoining residential uses. This would be in addition to the requirements above for the area along the north property line. Included in this is the lack of trees along the eastern property line that abuts a residential use. Please revise accordingly. 4. Shade Trees: Section 24-177(f)(2) requires 50% off all trees to be shade trees. East Palatka Hollys are not considered shade trees by City code and they are used exclusively for the residential buffer. Please revise accordingly. Informational Comments 1. Meeting the Above Requirements: The VUA area at the north end of the property is subject to all of the comments above. The northeast corner of this area is underutilized and could be redesigned to provide more of the required landscaping. The dumpster could be moved south and east at an angle so that a 22-24 foot wide drive aisle is maintained. This would allow for the required 10 foot wide buffer behind the dumpster and room for another tree or two. Additionally the area to the east of the dumpster and the triangular area to the west of the dumpster can be landscaped. This would also preserve the parking and access to the existing building to the west. 2. Tree Requirements: All trees are required to be at least 10 feet tall at the time of planting. Derek W. Reeves1 IZ/ 26/1‘ Planner 6/`^a dreeves@coab.us Y 1 1 c . PEES I ._, . s' ,i IL a . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 3 ' ``' 800 Seminole Road i ' - i� tlantic Beach, Florida 32233 £ Telephone(904)247-5800 RO6�<< AO FAX(904)247-5845 rr i3 REVISION REQUEST SHEET OR CORRECTIONS TO REVIEW COMMENT Date: ////6 / / 6 Received by: Resubmitted: Permit Number: / - �/e w -i�9 7 Original Plans Examiner: 7j ( / 'ick) Project Name: Ainc 4 AtZ) Project Address: p fo A 7,1, , 5/v e! , Contractor: f t?. /3r/i c o,=,'S Contact Name: /OD Contact Phone : (90) 5 3 r- /7a-y Contact e-mail: i-V ,1-,z/3t,,,G P//s e r,„,,h-n(oma Revision/Plan Check/Permit Fee(s) Due: $ Description of Proposed Revision to Existing Permit: /Ei/isc' .AiC, 0 / /, o / /14/. 0,;2. / . 03 7 c t2 / /h3. o / /.----- / / _u/s% ZONING REVIEW COMMENTS City of Atlantic Beach . . �...... ,* Community Development Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 1 014 Y` Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: dreeves@coab.us Date: 12/28/16 Permit: 15-CNE - Applicant: PAR Builders II Review: Revisi• II. ii.I` Address: 1038 Belcher Road S, Largo, FL 33771 Site Address: 1089 • tlantic B - Phone: (727) 532-6111 RE#: 177616-m1 Email: Par0623@yahoo.com L L Correction Comments 1 -1 301 l b gfe/gic 1. VUA Trees: Section 24-177(d)(2)(b) requires one tree for each 50 feet of VUA not screened by a building. Two trees should be provided along the VUA at the north end of the property. Only one is provided. Please revise accordingly. 2. Residential Buffer: Section 24-177(e)(1)requires a buffer area 10 feet wide along residential uses. The buffer along parking/dumpster area is less than 10 feet wide. Please revise accordingly. 3. Residential Buffer Trees: Section 24-177(e)(2)(a) requires one tree for every 25 feet linear feet along adjoining residential uses. This would be in addition to the requirements above for the area along the north property line. Included in this is the lack of trees along the eastern property line that abuts a residential use. Please revise accordingly. 4. Shade Trees: Section 24-177(0(2) requires 50% off all trees to be shade trees. East Palatka Hollys are not considered shade trees by City code and they are used exclusively for the residential buffer. Please revise accordingly. Informational Comments 1. Meeting the Above Requirements: The VUA area at the north end of the property is subject to all of the comments above. The northeast corner of this area is underutilized and could be redesigned to provide more of the required landscaping. The dumpster could be moved south and east at an angle so that a 22-24 foot wide drive aisle is maintained. This would allow for the required 10 foot wide buffer behind the dumpster and room for another tree or two. Additionally the area to the east of the dumpster and the triangular area to the west of the dumpster can be landscaped. This would also preserve the parking and access to the existing building to the west. 2. Tree Requirements: All trees are required to be at least 10 feet tall at the time of planting. Derek W. Reeves Planner dreeves@coab.us PLANTING NOTES: • 1. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR is responsible for vwlfj.g project 18. Plant material sal shall be'native'sal that was removed from the U CULATIONS site conditions and dl quantities indicated an thee.pans before plonting hole.If vol is badly contaminated,good quality.08 shall be used - commencing my wait LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR shall notify the as replacement after contaminated vol has been completely removed from Z LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT if sol conditions re poorly drained to pplIan0rrpq re.. .. C!9t determine la substitution of material.Is necessary. T9. ARe sodding h completed,the the side areas Moll be watered by z 3 VUA hand r irrigation system each day for two weeks.After approximately one 2. Sol teat.shall be prodded to evaluate various areas of the month of Installation,soddeden area.shot then be tap dressed with a 15-0-15 < 2 m landscape(especially the parking lot islands)far pH available commercialslow-rdeau fertilizer at a rate of 6.67 pounds pr01 1, 0 square ...5 n nutrients,phoaphrus content bulk density,etc.This w8 terve fest of area In m evenly broad-core pattern. J ^ to ensure proper plant'diction according to prevailing sail 20. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR is responsible for dl fine grading • conditions.what 1kro/sulphur applications are needed(if any) Ct S and long-term.urvival of plant material. preparation for planting.Apply pm-emergent to dl beds prior to planting. r. /9 SF/SHRUB= 72 SHRUBS 3. All plant material shall be Florida Grade No.I or better 21. Rough grades will be established by the owner.genera J nursery grown In accordance to Florida Grade.and Standards contractor at approsknotely 3 Inches below Curbs,sidewalks, J H Latest'Gradand Standards For Nursery Plants.Part I AND II.'Flrldo hrdscape amenities,mowing strips and abutment.All teride - a�• es TREET FRONTAGE Department of Agric lture And Consumer Services or To The Standards shall be a minumim 30-from bolding.or walks. woe In the latest'Americon Standard for Nursery Stock'.Americo National 22. CONTRACTOR deal on coordinate cstruction of planting areae Standards institute. with instdlotfen of initiation system. I- 4. NI plant material Mall be container grown or BAN.B69 23. Where seeding may be required on the plans.gemination rote U matrids shall be'hardened off root pruned during field shall be the maximum percentage required for the variety specified = W production and shall be dug at least several weeks before at the rote of application specified 3 planting Is performed. 24. Sod re.s shall be SPECIFIED Gross. Grass for sodding /3'OC./SHRUB=47 SHRUBS 5. Plants shad be sound.hedthy and vlgroue well branched and shoe be freshly cut h squares one foot wide by two feat long. ft densely foliated when In leaf. They shall be free of disease. Sod shall be healthy.free of Insects and weeds.In naturally flourishing • < Insects,eggs or larvae and shall have healthy..ell developed root candtbns.Dry,brown and onfresh sod we be rejected. Q W a DJACENT PROPERTY systems. They Moll be free from physical damoge or adverse 25. Sod.hal be lad end to and and side to side In a staggered a y conditions that would prevent thriving growth. the to form a uniform lays. NI uneven edge.shall be squarely ely < 8. NI plant.Mall conform to the mietiw Indicated in the trimmed to allow close and firm fitting of each piece. 1- N x plant Ile. 26. After ddareas is completed,the wake sod ea.MallLU be p 7. Substitution of plant material..el not be permitted unless watered by hand or Irrigation systern each day for two weeks Z 2 d out/noised In writing by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. If proof Is Sodded area.sinal then be top dressed with a commercial fertllzr 5 u submitted that any punt pealed in not obtainable.a proposal as directed herein at the rate of 12 pound.per 1000 square feet of Q /3'OC./SHRUB=1.6 SHRUBS will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or area in an evenly broad caw pattern. variety with corresponding adjustment of contract price. 27. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ie reopenede for fully maintaining JACENT PROPERTY 8. Plant material locations and bed outlines sinal be staked or dl plant material on este during and before planting.until the flogged on site by the CCNTRACTOR and Mali be adjusted If required work In accepted by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT and/orowner. •.e... to flt actual as-bolt conditions on site and approved by the owner The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Is reepansble for removing tree stakes „rt`0. .pis 2 or owner*representative. alter tree Is established. ��++��'' 1� 9. All proposed tree planting locations Moll be staked or flagged 28. All plants shdbe i guorahteed by the LANDSCAPE CCNIRACTOR to i./"1 ('''5$ before Installation by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT and approved by the be healthy plants and in tourlehtng condition of active Tooth for ./ O owner or owner.repreeentutive. ninety(90)days horn find'npecttrn and acceptance. All trees /Q 10. The CONTRACTOR shall estimate the depth of the planting hole sinal be guaranteed an additional one year from find inspection e/,�` JACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY by meourfng the distance between the point she.the topmost root and stance. .,• •E sR�,•`-a cod emerges from the trunk and the bottom of the root boll.The plating 29. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT,owner or owner,repreeentauve shall •.••••.. 6 hole shall be Nightly shallower thon this distance.No more than 2 to 3 have the right to reject any and all work whiter,in his pinion does _I,u.. inches of the root ball needs to be above the sal unless the site Is not meat with the requirements of the specifications of ony stage poorly drained Poorly drained sol requires planting depths even or of the project operation. higher.Planting hales dug too deep ore required to have sol added to 30. In general.the work shall proceed as rapidly os the site the bottom and loosely compacted.If planting holes should RI with becomes available. Keep dl areae of work dean,neat,and orderly water a.It Is dug,position the bottom of the root bdi above the of all tines. water and mound eel to cover the sides of the boll.The hole shall 31. Then coil be pecan core to all.slating trees to be BEES(10 SHADE) b•at least 1.5 tines the diameter of the root ball. Widr hdes shall retained en site to mold canetrucuon damp.. ZEES(13 SHADE) be used for compacted sae and.at sit... 32. An outometic Irrigation system b to be provided and 11. The axil shall be fresuy tiled and large Bil b ods of soroken up.The a shop drawing of the layout SHRUBS growing medium shall be settled and ram at the time of hwbkide design must be submitted to _ rental agency,for review < application.Herbicides may be mechanically incorporated by mixing into and approval.prior to hstalla . ° re SHRUBS top layer at a depth of 1-3 inches. 33. Irrigation eyeten�hal •.to'ma1 ...Z log 1DOR w K 12. All backfill around plant matrld shall be worked firmly by eking coverage to dl plan with g�yTpp lawn area. LLI 0 : 6,558 SF a shovel down Into the backfll 20 to 30 tines round the tree as you 34. Irrigation stet•• di eat where t4' I bring U, 0 : 6.190 SF add backfll sotLarge dumps.hal be broken up.Do not pack the of shrub and lawn 4i. fie • spray heads coil 4, •e < Z W backfll.Only step firmly an backfill vol to stabilize the root bal.The or tnpact..Throb •,Inlmum 2.5' top of the root bdi shall remain 1 Inch(small trees)to 3 Inches(large air heads mhkmu• ding �- 0 E I Vega)or approsknatdg y 10X above ad..Do not over-pack the loosened 35. A double fl• prevention approved equ• , . sell when wet Add 10 to 20 gallons of water to the rootbal Incline.ite. to a DCA-100; to• fir a rectan - (n• • •ve boo(12'e . < Fol In any holes r depressions with badrfll voser l.Do not attempt to on the vice side of • T .Ar • •ely •- t to the 0 CO W eliminate air pocket.by compaction.Water Infiltrating the backfill.oil water meter. GJ Z CO NI eliminate large as pockets. 38. After the landscape aim roved D m 13. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR shall bear find reponetlity for agency any subsequent changes be heti ..:C w U proper surface drainage of Monte/areas. Any discrepancy In the for review and approval. ,- drawings, drawings•obstrucUan on the site,or prior to wok done by ony 37. Shade trees alias be planted mini 'from EOP 25'from • E. = Z Z other party,which the CONTRACTOR feels precludes establishing 38. Do not plant bees below Normal Water Nt.j ewe a awing,. Q < proper drainage shall be brought to the attention of the LANDSCAPE Sod all 4:1 or greater dopes.Seed ddea l other stu ars. ARCHITECT for correction or relief of said reponsblity. 39.B89 stropping wire,and any synthetic material sin removed prior Q 14. Viten planting on elopes.set tree so top-meat root In the boll on to tool inspection.Nin boskets should be cut 8'below the uphill skle is even with the mil.The side of th•root ball on the 40.A mulch ring for dl newly planted trees shall be prodded a (5) downhill side eW be well above the surrounding not.Soil shall cover the flys feet in diameter and not dew than(6)els Inches from tree Mink. sides of the root boll.Mulch shall cover the edge of the rootboll and not 41.Sol In tree Island.shall have at least(1 )twelve inches of suitable eel i.d on t and be void of any connction debris ansuilabte materials. P op Ww42.Tress must be a mhknum(7.5)seven end one half feet from water lines 15. Renting beds n dl be cut or edged to form a uniform dem LJ.Irwithin r7 M ba provided w dthean autamatk Mgolion system or hone IIn•between beds anal lam areas. lobs wRnh(50)filly lest of an nMy punted matwidir odea approved 16. After dl plant material In a plant bed ores hoe been Instdl.d and ate mate memo of estobliehment of planted materials is prodded approved.the areas between plants shall be raked to an even grade to 44.Shrubs seal not be planted closer than(2.5)two and one half feet conform to prenukdnIng finlah grade..All p1onlhg beds and pont sauces from my structure shall then be uniformly covered with a minimum four Inches of/2 grade 45.NI projects shall be required to submit one photo of all pedned plant or better of pine bark mini nuggets materials and one group phot of each specified plant material. 17. Before fertilization a sal and/or foliar nutrient andysie sinal be performed to determine whether phoephorue fertiliser with 30X Pow release nitrogen rril be required.All planting bed meas shall be fertilized \// `// 9eea LANDSCAPE approximately 4-6 weeks after Installation. A H Q// IiN .\'v!•a�t NCUIo son 000 WILT PLAN IID or r®reALL 2• O'd s'\7 ,r%�, r MLa1 ROVE MOTEL& �"�,(4. \B OM Ion 0/4 s®.mssnmrn&Y.MUNI SAND 'f.i�,..�•"j or s_00920 Looms red morsao., 04.28.14 MI MI al arni . � w =MG 1.110230(-0111 SOD-w i, y .AL•w e a WED %�7 >f_ . . /f/� TELL.,AaanlAcme ,yr. ..WJtuAhc , ;, Sn,,, s ewuauhu . ,�1 f !au 6 lmnsl Is aariAppr CROWN AT nlaila Iv*.No poi al ado soft ea,No AKAHAr.l.rw•o,dilarolo• es.•..+,.•r 0.4.Nolafir 11114 mw� ,�tea= on na/11 YAMIawN" SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL re+� g 1 o fl d a ,� masa N/Nolopeg Nap aoweae.rap g-KW MINT.Moir 7 f Ch04 'j •,',At- ./I\vs;.;�f�p� ... a reAr-ensue®mm¢ a /\\ _� / TOE ill 110 ALASKA=peel m' cos,sowz Mr vzv wnuia VW areas 0/ rmsus Pare en ! Au MIDI maa.mw,,a MASTIC MVO > 001 m.�Dyl V. Q WOO TOMO 62112TH OWL m mix.wawa win 1201100.241.21100 TO.v a' MIEwuv111111 AMP��oro 108 N0. 16714 NOW swwu so<see ar 101,370711101=7::%.3/0 moLmr ver i•>.• y�V F /J• inamr svmw► DRAWN: OHM :::.S.:-I �(I �ft.mRlRr,'v' �e waLn vrrm comms RD= //•I' .s c•- I IRmMLL O minion OWN vv von.nnvsmoh env ���;or '. 31�, -as rsc a sem ucv.su roe OQ• JO W a1 NEM mW -2 a MST NpCR STYE COC ON EACH sax v I i smrwL u+oa sone u aro=mea a" L' ) SCALE: 1:20 TREE PLANTING DETAIL L- 1 ram m SCALE DRAWING NO. 63' NORTH r . w: � + ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL 612.45' y � ..,_.� ,.; �:jot �`.�?1 C/i`, ?.]tL iit,r NO LANDSCAPE CAL /® h�i,. ,. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE.INTERIO el PUBLIC VUA: 25,980 SF. "FP' I I REQUIRED: 2,598 SF. �' - , PROVIDED: 2.549 SF. .%'/i TREES: 6 TREES(3 SHADE) 00 -�i N SHRUBS: 2,598 X 25%.650 SI F- (,E1: f 1 SOUTH REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, C,e� r " -.� Do VUA FRONTAGE: 187 FT REQUIRED: 1,870 SF. D PROVIDED: 1.328 SF. Z./30��� 41 Or Z r TREES: 4 TREES(2 SHADE) �v SHRUBS: 187 LF X 75%=140 LF �� �/ ' m n NORTH REQUIRED LANDSCAPE,C L !!! 30 �/ o VUA FRONTAGE: 63 FT ,<1.,,,/i5. ✓,,,,/i5 I /(� Ib. Z REQUIRED: 315 SF. // �� ■!� � PROVIDED: 388 SF. ���/// $ y TREES: 1 TREE(1 SHADE) ��/�� E 2 \ Qyy SHRUBS: 182 LF X 75%.137 Lf /2/ * L!L/) /A a EAST REQUIRED LANDSCAPE,Al VUA FRONTAGE: 71 FT I I p/� REQUIRED: 355 SF. PROVIDED: 360 SF. I i �� TREES: I TREE(I SHADE) EAST REQUIRED LANDSCAPE.AC 6 /' VUA FRONTAGE: 142 FT � f4%' REQUIRED: 1,420 SF. PROPOSED 26,840 SF PROVIDED: 1,565 SF. BUILDING FOOTPRINT TREES: 6 TREES(3 SHADE) PROPOSED 26,840 SF BUILDING FOOTPRINT TOTAL TREES REQUIRED: 18'. TOTAL TREES PROVIDED: 18. I ___ C. 11 TOTAL SHRUBS REQUIRED: 11'. I TOTAL SHRUBS PROVIDED: 12. N I I I TOTAL GREEN AREA REQUIRE4 I TOTAL GREEN AREA PROVIDE (DEFICIT: 368 SF) 111 I ■ II I ti • 1111i , 'I (!) SOD I 1 I IIIL 'SOD II 5 3 DLC 3 DLC itt L. _, \\ _. / a �w ��� ,. -. om • vx/ (- �I �;� lirrr 'VII I if). \ Ci /// \ \ 4 I IVN `1I IVN / `0 �J / \ 3353IVN to m o� AO—1 o < p rn 111.2j I X ;•-: I alit. ` 00 0 0 II : 0000ab000000^cV , ��00000 - .:1-1111 .,. I ... . 187' SOUTH __ATLANTIC BOULEVARD STREET FRONTAGE STATE ROAD NO A-1—A AND 10) PLANT LIST QTY SYM DESCRIPTION SIZE SPACING •NOTES INCHES 5 0 UP ULMUS PARVIFOLIA'DRAKE ELM' 10'-12'x 5-6'.2'CAL..4'CT.,MATCHED AS SHOWN FYN.FF.WW.OHE 10 8 0 IAS ILEX X ATTENUATA'EAST PALATKA HOLLY' 10'"12'x 5-4'2•CAL..FTG.MATCHED AS SHOWN N.FYN.FF,WW 16 5 0 LI LAGERSTROMEIA INDICA'NATCHEZ CRAPE MYRTLE' 8'x 4',3 TRK.4'CT,MATCHED AS SHOWN FYN.FF.WW.OHE 10 26 17/3 DLC LOROPETALUM CHINENSE'DWF RED RAllLEBERRY' 18'x 18'.FULL,MATCHED 36'OC. FYN.FF.WW 36(TOTAL) 53 0 LJ LIGUSTRUM JAPONICA LIGUSTRUM' 18'x 18'.FULL"MATCHED 56'OC. N.FYN.FF.WW 87 QIVN ILEX VOMITORIA'SCHILLINGS HOLLY' 16'x 16'.FULL.MATCHED 36'OC. N.FYN,FF,WW SOD PASPALUM NOTATUM'ARGENTINE BAHIA'-TSA FREE(WEED FREE) SOD ALL 4:1 SLOPES OR GREATER.10'FROM EOP ANO ALL DISTURBED ROW.COORDINATE FURTHER GRASSING WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SELECTED SOD SPECIES MEETS ALL CURRENT LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS.ANY VARIABLE WILL REQUIRE GOVERNMENT APPROVAL. INt *PLANT LIST LEGEND: N-NATIVE,FYN-FLORIDA YARDS 8 NEIGHBORHOODS 2006,FF-FLORIDA FRIENDLY.WW-WATER WISE 2008. OHE-JEA OVERHEAD ELECTRIC(ACCEPTABLE PLANT LIST)