532 Atlantic Beach Ct change of contractor letter Ryan "Vriga & Brenna McLaughlin
72 17" Street•Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 • Phone: 904.710.7153
September 14,2016
City of Atlantic Beach
Attn: Building Department
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233
Re: Building Permit Application
Property Location: 532 Atlantic Beach Court,Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Homeowners: Ryan Vriga and Brenna McLaughlin
To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of Brenna McLaughlin,my wife,and myself,I am notifying the City of
Atlantic Beach that we have terminated our previous construction contract for the construction of
the structure on the above property location. This termination includes any and all contracts with
or associated with all associated subcontractors,vendors and suppliers both known and
unknown. The replacement contractor will be Ken Sarbu Construction Company,Inc.who will
soon be applying for a new building permit and I will be providing a new Notice of
Please let me know if you need any additional information by contacting my attorney,
Kevin Schoeppel at 904.652.2600. I appreciate your anticipated cooperation.
Sincerely, I '
v U, v
Ryan Vriga
cc: Kevin A. Schoeppel,Esquire
Ken Sarbu Construction Company,Inc. (Replacement Contractor)
SEP 1 6 2016 D
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State of f/o rich Countyof (7r 'q Tax Folia No.
To Whom It May Concem:
The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Section 713 of
the Florida Stamtes,the following information a slated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT.
Legal Description ofproperty being impmved:L 6fA2r AH s1' B4aab Carr yry 47-4 (4-14 Zr 4 J 1k ne,17111,
ar a A +A 67 /u c 1" of . br�14.
Address ofpmpmy being improved: 53Z A04+lr'c la e4 Ger.r} }l4+{R 84441r FL 3IZ33
General descripOm afimprovemenm: C pL T_l" l� t }r {• ./ rexodfru.4z
Owner.Brean414,Ln441A + Xyd. Vrejs Address: 72 17A V.r 404.1k &4e4r FL 32237
Owner's interest in site ofthe improvement: fee Si'svw 1e.
Fee Simple Titleholder(ifodur than owner):
Contractor: li SACJS& Caesrfraaf"on l' -T
Address: 326 a/ CA Zf8 MA'dd1 b ,-� FL 32- 68
Telephone No.:C9o4)Z(2'1157 pxx;.:&63) 271 -92g:
Address: Amount of Bma S
Telephone No: Pax No:
Name and address mfany person making a Was for the construction ofthe i of mvemems
Name: AN ItA CoQ!} &N9
Address: _ po Box lista W4y /'OJI CA gfe../
Phone No:/-OW-TYJ-2924 Fax No:
Name of person within the State of Florida,miser than himself designated by owner-pan whom notice or other docomen ,may be
served Name: Key,,A J64x,*!!y4 Exr. PUK4wf
JC(ra I�eIA �ty ; $ AQ fefi fe/�
Address: L55a Sf Astwrerfewe /L d. Sfe. 10S x/4e%e lGr AL 37.2/7
Telephono NoC�Oy)LS2 - �Loe Fax No:!`9oY) LS2 - �6YO
In addition to himself, owttr designates the following person m receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section
713.05(2)(b),Florida Smuts. (Fill in at Owner's option)
Telephone No: Fax No:
Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration date is one(I)year from the date of recording onlas a different date is
Sia I , v Data:
SCOTT P DA]227690
Bcbre methis d of in a oaab.rDmaI.Sate
Notary Public-StatOf Florida,has umodly cared!
Personally Known:
Commission Y FF My Comm.Expires JNosey
Id11_c ion:
Nmmry Public:
My svmmissbn expires: 1d1
Doc#2016215713,ORBK17712 Pagei4 , /
Number Pages:I
Recorded 09/16/2016 m 0251 PM,
If I
9/]5/20164:47 PM