Item 3A- Recommendation to Award FundingAGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: REPORT DATE: BACKGROUND: JUSTIFICATION: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSIONER'S REPORT Recommendation to award funding to Atlantic Beach Elementary and Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle schools for after-school enrichment programs. John M. Stinson, Commissioner, Seat No.2 31 5 tof0ctober 2017 The City of Atlantic Beach, through its Cultural Arts and Recreational Advisory Committee (CARAC), has chosen to support various arts and recreation programs available to residents, families and others throughout the City. CARAC has been charged with evaluating and selecting such programs for funding awards and assistance from applicants interested in such support. In an effort to fairly and justly consider and award funding to such programs, CARAC has adopted a program whereby applicants are evaluated based on participant volume, need, a description of the proposed program, the anticipated outcome of the program (benefit), cost to participate, evaluation metrics and resource utilization. This Contribution Application was presented to the City Commission on the 14th of August 2017. There may be other historical information, not presented in this chronology and not available at the time of the drafting of this report. For approximately eleven (11) years, the City of Atlantic Beach has partnered with Atlantic Beach Elementary School by funding in part, an after-school enrichment program and a Cultural Arts Festival. These events have been the sole responsibility of parents and volunteers with regards to planning and implementation. The City of Atlantic Beach has also financially supported Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School with after-school extracurricular programs. These funding levels have been reduced due to the proper implementation of an evaluation system of needs based programs as described in the BACKGROUND section of this report. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 BUDGET: RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: PRESENTATIONS: APPROVAL: Historically, the funding for the programs has included purchase of supplies, award of financial scholarships to less fortunate potential participants, and to offset labor costs where necessary. Atlantic Beach Elementary after-school programs have routinely been awarded up to fifteen thousand, five hundred ($15,500) dollars. It is anticipated based on the newly created award system, that Atlantic Beach Elementary School would receive only five thousand ($5,000) dollars for the coming year enrichment. Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School impact is not yet know but will be determined prior to this recommendation being presented to the City Commission for action. It is estimated ninety (90%) percent of the participants at Atlantic Beach Elementary School are children of Atlantic Beach residents and taxpayers. This is particularly important with the adoption of Duval County Schools Choice Program. The percentage of Atlantic Beach children of residents and taxpayers participating at Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School is not certain at the time of preparation of this report. Budgetary impact is expected to be approximately $15,000. Place this Recommendation on the City Commission Agenda for the 27th of November 2017 for consideration, debate and action. 1. Historical funding awards made by CARAC for the past 5 years; 2. Minutes ofthe CARAC meeting ofthe 11th of July 2017; 3. Excerpt of Minutes of the City of Atlantic Beach, City Commission meeting ofthe 14th of August 2017; 4. Copies of the Contribution Award application prepared and submitted by Atlantic Beach Elementary School; 5. Copies of the Contribution Award application prepared and submitted by Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School. None at this time. Approved to form and correctness by: John M. Stinson, City Commission, Seat No.2 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 City of Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee Contributions {Donations) to Outside Organizations FY 2013 I 2014 FY 2014 I 2015 FY 2015 I 2016 FY 2016 I 2017 FY 2017 I 2018 Beaches Fine Arts $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Neptune Beach Elementary $2,000.00 F.A.C.E. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,025.00 Tony's Turkey Trot $500.00 $1,290.00 Deck the Chairs $500.00 Youth Empowerment Summit $1,000.00 Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $5,000.00 ABET $2,000.00 1st Act $2,000.00 Atlantic Beach Elementary $15,500.00 $21,320.00 $21,320.00 $20,820.00 $5,000.00 Beaches Resource Center $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Dial-A-Ride $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500 .00 ABAA $1,000.00 The Giving Closet $1,000.00 Recreation Discretionary $4,000.00 $27,500.00 $43,820.00 $43,320.00 $45,320.00 $22,815 .00 FY 2013 I 2014 Contributions verbally confirmed but not located in City Commission meeting minutes. FY 2014 I 2015 through FY 2016 I 2017 are actuals noted in City Commission meeting minutes. FY 2017 I 2018 Contributions reflect recommendations noted in CARAC minutes. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Called Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 11, 2017@ 6:30pm Adele Grage Theater Present: Grant Healy, Marina Kaplan, Beverly Norman, Dawn Pope, Pam White, jay Wilson-late, Faye Wood, Timmy johnson (Liason) Absent: Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) 1. Call to order-Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order-6:30p.m. 2. Recognition of Visitors a . There were no visitors to be recognized 3. Grant reminded the Committee the purpose of the Special Called Meeting-to discuss a new procedure for contributions granted to organizations, as proposed by interim City Manager, Kevin Hogencamp in March. a. Timmy Johnson reviewed the forms that were sent to the Committee from Kevin and confirmed which form they decided to work off for revision based on Committee's response. I. Met with Marin~ Kaplan to combine the new application and procedures with a timeline. The Committee was thankful to Marina for her input and time she took to work on this. b. Grant requested a motion to adopt the application fonn/process as presented c. Dawn motioned to adopt the application fonn, Beverly seconded the motion !.Discussion: Pam White stated confusion on who can apply, only 50Jc3/tax exempt? She felt it was not stated clearly. d. Pam motioned to look at proposed procedures jointly as one package with guidelines, application form and timeline. Marina seconded the motion. I. Discussion: Pam addressed that the outline of procedures only discusses 501 c3 organizations, no exceptions listed or options for exceptions. She questioned the outlined criteria, suggested it be more specific. (was referring to the wrong package) 2. Grant referred to page 3 that explained outlines of qualifying criteria, referring to revised packet by Marina. 3. Marina agreed that after organizations, summary of page 3 should be included on page I which will include school districts/organizations. 4. Timmy explained that all schools are non-profit-add schools/districts providing funding for After School programs for funding available. S.Grant advised the Committee that until now, there hasn't been a strict guideline on who has been getting funding. 6.Jay questioned the maximum amount of$ !Ok; Grant referred to page 1 in response. 7 .Timmy reviewed why $l0k became maximum amount. 8. Pam suggested $5k maximum amount with no mininlUm 9. Marina suggested to say range of $500-$1 Ok; do not say "no minimum." I 0. Jay asked if the annual amount will change, perhaps use a percentage each year. Dawn indicated that a percentage causes more room for error. II. Marina clarified for the 2017-18 fiscal year only, not annual. 12. Beverly mentioned that most requested have been lower than $5k 13. Timmy explained that if applicants request higher than $5k and qualification says $5k, applicant did not review the criteria and will be thrown out. He reviewed amounts given out last year. 14. Marina suggested wording to $100-Sk for range, made note that no one is going to request less than $100, favored by Committee. 15. Grant asked Committee what they thought of the timeline; reviewed dates/showed concern of how long Interim City Manager will take to review considering timeframe taken to give procedures. He mentioned that if the ICM moves it back to weeks, everything on the timeline moves back two weeks. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 16. Timmy will request proposal gets back from Kevin and the City Attorney by July 19th for the Commission to approve at the August 14th meeting so it goes public on August 1St" and begin to receive submissions. Changes will be reviewed at July 25th CARAC meeting. 17. Pam wanted explanation of how it will be publicized and to whom; Timmy explained a press release will be sent, Facebook, City website and current organizations who have been receiving regular funding in the past. She said that she does not want existing organizations take for granted that they will receive funding on a regular basis. 18. Timmy explained to the Committee that there may need to be some Special Called meetings to review the process as it goes along. 19. Grant likes the procedure set forth; indicated no amount will be released until September 12, deadlines September 29. $32k amount not published but publicity will go out to advise organizations. He asked the Committee if they would like to adopt the schedule, per Grant, consensus of Committee was in agreement. 20. Dawn discussed preliminary application of September 29-0ctober 6, confirmed that once applications are received, Timmy will send to the members for scoring, members will return the score sheet to Timmy immediately and will sign off on the receipt. There should be a spreadsheet of the scores. a. On October 3 (date change)-meet and discuss the scores and comments independently. b. Pam confirmed that the Recreation Department will filter the applications for the Committee and they will only receive those that meet the criteria. She asked if the applications are going to be emailed. c. Timmy explained that due to our current technology, emails would be too large. He suggested they would have to mail or drop off the applications. Any applications postmarked after the deadline would not be considered. Selected applicants will be invited to a meeting for questions and answers by the Committee. Marina suggested there should be the same questions to everyone; perhaps a list of questions sent to the organizations so they can be prepared to answer them. d. Committee decided that October 3 @ 6:30 pm would be a Special Called meeting to review the scores and decide on organizations they would like to meet with for presentations. Committee to score as they are giving presentations, Timmy to tally at meeting, top scores will receive the requested funding. e. Pam would like to have a comment section on the score sheet to make note if they disagree with the amount being requested. She added that she thought the commitment to Turkey Trot, Giving Closet & Neptune Beach Elementary was for the cmTent FY not the 2017-18 FY. f. Grant con finned they had been approved for the 2017-18 FY but no amounts had been decided -also said they will need to re-present and will go to top of list. g. Dawn suggested giving the remainder of the 2016-17 FY funding to Giving Closet; Grant agreed, remaining balance approximately $1500. She referred to the February & March Minutes for the Giving Closet. h. Timmy explained that there has not been a motion on the amounts since Kevin indicated no spending from the budget until there was an approved contribution process in place. 21. Grant requested a motion to accept the amendment changes for the requested application documents, non-profit status, and timeline. a. Pam asked for final reporting of spending from the awarded organizations within 30 days after the event be stated. b. Marina explained that the Committee will approve any monies left over if any; review how this year goes. Grant explained that that excess funds will carry over elsewhere as needed in the budget. c. Jay asked why #6 had a"?" Timmy asked if that number should be scored. All members agreed that it should be. Jay also asked if there should be bonus points, Committee Members were not in favor of bonus points. d. Marina suggested that organizations receive a blank copy of the Reviewer's Score Sheet so they can make sure they're aware of scoring procedures. e. Pam said the Save the Date on the last page needs to be changed to October 10. 22. Grant again requested for a motion to accept tile amendments to the Annual Contribution and Application Guideline Package. Jay made a motion for the changes to be accepted. Marina seconqed the motion for tlte amendment, all in favor-motion accepted. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 , . 4. Events -Timmy a. Suggested the Recreation Department take on responsibility of existing events and coordinate them; reach out to the Committee for assistance as needed and for volunteering. Members will volunteer and host the events. I. New Events, such as Bocce Tournament and Jazz Festival, the Committee organize with assistance from the Recreation Department. Member(s) take lead on organizing with guidance from City Staff. 2.Grant said that new events need attention from the Committee. b. Committee agreed that this is their perspective on Event Planning. c. Marina requested that directives given out to Committee when needed. d. Dawn said she likes that the Committee can now focus on planning events and not having organizations ask for funding throughout the year. 5. Jazz Festival -Pam shared with the Committee involvement of putting together vs. having professional organizers a. Grant suggested she get with Della for guidance 6. Next Meeting-July 25, 2017@ 6 p.m. in Theater a. Discuss remaining funds in budget 7. ### ent-with no further business, Marina motioned for adjournment, Dawn seconded the motion to e meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:10p.m. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 August 14,2017 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Roll Call Vote: Aye: 5 Waters, Harding, Hill, Stinson, Reeves Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Award Bid 1617-11: Multi-Year Contract for Street Sweeping/Vacuuming for the Public Works Department. Commissioner Stinson requested to remove 4A. Commissioner Stinson stated there was an issue last year with this company about whether or not they were using water in the cleaning process. Commissioner Stinson asked ICM Hogencamp if he was comfortable with this company's services and their responsiveness to our contract expectations. ICM Hogencamp responded yes. Motion: To award Bid 1617-11, Multi-Year Contract for Street Sweeping/Vacuuming for the Public Worl\:s Department. Moved by Stinson, Seconded by Waters Roll Call Vote: Aye: 5 Harding, Hill, Stinson, Waters, Reeves Nay:O MOTION CARRIED 5. Committee Reports A. Application and Guidelines for Contributions to Outside Organizations (Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee) Timmy Johnson, Director of Recreation and Special Events, addressed the Commission. Mr. Johnson introduced Dawn Pope for the Cultural At1s and Recreation Advisory Conm1ittee. Ms. Pope reported that she has been on this Committee for over one year and has enjoyed giving back to the City of Atlantic Beach. This Committee is responsible for making funding recommendations to the Commission. Ms. Pope reviewed the attached Application Guidelines Policy that is used in administering the contributions. These guidelines include scoring criteria and an application form for the organizations to complete and submit for review. There were no questions. The Commission thanked Ms. Pope for her report. 6. Action on Resolutions None. 7. Action on Ordinances 9 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Contribution Awards for arts, recreation, cultural events and programs FY 2017-2018 APPLICATION FORM NOTE: All Applications MUST be Postmarked by 5:00p.m., September 29, 2017 GENERAL APPLICANT INFORMATION: Please type or print legibly 1. Name of Organization: A+tanhc fbwch 8emerrta£Lf school 3. Has your organizatio~r received financial assistance from the City of Atlantic Beach before? Yes b::1 No 0 If yes, what activities and which fiscal year? Afkr" Scncol fTintJ/liY?lfl±2Cuttural Ar-ls ~9Dt:r ct,-pnbr I 4. Amount requested for FY 2017-2018 $ 51 ()C(),OD ~would U:YJJ.to r--t&.t.tt<bt adrJ)ntJllaJ if £hJAilcU?Ie, Fun as must be u5eafor servrces or matenals""arrectly associafecf to proposed special event activity that Atlantic Beach residents can benefit from. 5. Title of Proposed Special Event/Program/Service: A=fkr Sdf)DDl fXlrtrbmtflt I tLllturaJ vtrts Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 6. Date of Event/ Program Start date: tO/ L.Dt 1-End Date: LP { 2.0l5 *Note, the term "program" is used broadly to include a program, event, activities or services. 7. Participation (maximum 25 points) i. Estimated number of people who are expected to participate in this prot;e;: 050 ii. Estimated number and percent of who are Atlantic Beach residents: # % '10 iii. Location where the program or event will take place: At\aYlhL fi'D(jl) e±unen:la) iv. Is the program open to all residents of Atlantic Beach?@N v. Is there a fee for participating'(Y)N 8. Need Statement (maximum 25 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program is intended to address. Please note how it was determined that these needs or gaps exist, and state if the program targets a population or age group that is currently underserved. 9. Description of Program/Event (maximum 100 points) A.) Describe the goals and objectives of the program and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach (specifically cultural arts and recreation benefits). Include a description of the program activities and how they will be delivered. Also describe how the program will be advertised to ensure adequate participation. Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 8. Need Statement 30% of all enrolled students at ABE are entitled to free lunches, and we like to offer financial scholarships to these students who would benefit / from our program and would not be able to afford it otherwise. These '"" c;y financial scholarships never go unused. We have also been able to offer r our classes at a lower rate than other schools in the district largely in part to the contributions made to us by the city of Atlantic Beach, creating a safe and scholarly after-school environment for all who attend. Many of our program instructors are teachers at Atlantic Beach that will take a skill or hobby they have developed and share it with the students through our After School Enrichment (ASE) program. We Jove having our teachers involved in the program, and the kids enjoy interacting with them outside of the classroom. To ensure participation, we supplement what the district would pay them hourly with your contribution as a kind gesture. When a student sees their teachers name on our brochure they immediately get excited and long to take their class. The Cultural Arts program within ASE addresses the needs of all students at Atlantic Beach Elementary, especially the lower income children who otherwise would not be exposed to educational demonstrations and musical/ dance performances influenced by cultures from diverse backgrounds across the globe. 9. Description of Program/Event A.) The ASE program offers students and residents of Atlantic Beach an integral way to explore and further develop interest in a variety of recreational and educational activities. ASE offers working mothers and fathers of lower-income households an affordable way to not only meet their employers' expectations, but also provide their children crucial exposure to arts and sciences that otherwise could not be found at a reasonable price. Our program runs three, six-week sessions a year and includes an additional week for any missed or unavoidable cancellations. The typical class begins at 3pm and runs until 4pm, but we do have some that may run a little longer. The majority of our classes are taught by teachers, ABE parents, or business vendors ... all local to Atlantic Beach. We also have some students from Fletcher High School who have taught a few classes as well. Our course offerings vary by session, but some that you will find include: Chess, theater, yoga, football, basketball, leadership, string instruments, ballet, cooking, baking, Bricks 4 Kids (STEM class focused around Legos), foreign language, running, creative writing ... the list goes on and on. Our courses are highly anticipated, and students eagerly await the announcement of our first, Fall session. We advertise through a brochure that is distributed to every student. We put up brochures at the front office Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 6. Date of EvenU Program Start date: B/ aor=t-End Date: U! I EJ-Dl8 *Note, the term "program" is used broadly to include a program, event, activities or services. 7. Participation (maximum 25 points) i. Estimated number of people who are expected to participate in this pro~m: 41-0 ii. Estimated number and percent of who are Atlantic Beach residents: # 9 % 03Q iii. Location where the program or event will take placeftt(Hf!P G. f?;eo.cYl £1t:ffi;U)k:U~ iv. Is the program open to all residents of Atlantic Beach? YJ v. Is there a fee for participating? Y@) 8. Need Statement (maximum 25 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program is intended to address. Please note how it was determined that these needs or gaps exist, and state if the program targets a population or age group that is currently underserved. 9. Description of Program/Event (maximum 100 points) A) Describe the goals and objectives of the program and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach (specifically cultural arts and recreation benefits). Include a description of the program activities and how they will be delivered. Also describe how the program will be advertised to ensure adequate participation. Page 2 of4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 to catch the eye of those walking past. Some brochures are set up at the Adele Grage Community Center in hopes of attracting AB residents whose children may not attend ABE. An announcement is made every day on our morning news that is broadcasted in every classroom by our ABE Video News Crew. We also send out a blast of our monthly newsletter via email to all ABE parents. Lastly, we promote the program on the school marquee. Our Cultural Arts program is a week-long adventure that begins with exhibits and decorations adorning our hallways and ends with a day-long excursion for students including musical and artistic performances by performers, crafts and other activities that are indicative of that region, storytellers, and native foods. In the past we have visited Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. This year's festival is focused on the Greco-Roman time period and is sure to excite!! Last year, as well as this year, we are looking to also have professional performances in music and dance for St. Patrick's Day. All grade levels participate in an assembly which this year showcases Irish heritage. B) 1. Yes, this program is very successful. It is highly anticipated every year and students enjoy the many choices that are offered to them. Our classes fill up on a consistent basis as evidenced by only two classes cancelled in the last 3 years for lack of sign-up interest out of a total of 11 0 classes in that period. We offer 3 days of registration and parents begin to line up 3 hours beforehand to make sure that their child gets into their desired class. Our Cultural Arts festival is also a highly successful, yearly event attended by all 470+ enrolled students at ABE. Students, teachers, and parent volunteers enjoy the creative and fun learning experience that this program provides. 2. There are other programs offered outside of ASE that are also successful, such as musicals, Run Club, and Green Team. All of these are successful in their own way, but none on the scale of ASE. C) Our classes run anywhere from $45-$65 per six week session. Some of these classes cost a bit more than others to account for any necessary supplies. Also, many third party vendors offer below market pricing to make the program viable. The funds that we have received in the past from the City of Atlantic Beach have allowed us to keep our prices lower than other programs through Duval County. We have not come across an instance where we had to deny participation to a student who is financially unable to pay for our classes as we have been able to offer 30 financial scholarships a year.· Moving forward, we hope to be able to continue to Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 8.) Describe the intended outcomes of the program, and why you believe the program will successfully achieve the intended outcomes (i.e. is the program based on solid evidence of success?) 1 . Does this program have a history of success in similar contexts? 2. Has your organization successfully implemented programs of similar scope and scale? C.) If there is a fee or cost to participate, please describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees. 10. Evaluation (maximum 25 points) Briefly describe how you will measure success (important metrics include reach, outcomes, participant satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement). Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement and how (if) results will be disseminated to the community. 11. Resourcing (maximum 10 points) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations), or if there will be collaboration with others to help offset expenditures. Page 3 of 4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 offer these scholarships as well as the same great classes taught by our teachers and parents all at a low rate. The activities and events hosted during our Cultural Arts festival are free to all ABE students and their families. In the past, this program has cost anywhere from $2500 to $4200 depending on the cost of performances as well as any donations that are made directly to the program such as food and crafts. We try to limit our budget to $3500 and do our best to get donations of goods and time whenever possible. 10. Evaluation To measure success, we will focus on feedback from the respondents most closely tied to the program's success, the students and the parents of those students. Beginning this year, we will provide parent surveys at the end of our program to allow them to express any concerns, suggestions, or ideas for improvements they may have, as well as an opportunity to provide verbatim feedback of the role ASE plays in their child's development and testaments to the role ASE plays in making sense of the juggling act so many parents play between work and parenting. These will be reviewed by the Community Education Director, Community Education Assistant, and Principal and will be considered for the following term. To follow suit, our Cultural Arts chair will provide student and teacher surveys for any suggestions or improvements, as well as measurable responses related to the effectiveness of the program. These will be analyzed and addressed for the following year. 11. Resourcing We rely on the tuition for courses we offer and your contribution to offset expenditures. We do occasionally have Fletcher High School students looking to fulfill some of their community service hours by volunteering to teach classes offered by our program. Moving forward, I believe it would be beneficial to both parties if we were able to enlist more high school students. We will also look for donations of supplies from parents for some of our classes and continue to request discounted rates from our business vendors. The Atlantic Beach Elementary PTA, and parent volunteers assist with the Cultural Arts festival. Our business partners are contacted for any in-kind donations, and we do our best try to find performers that will offer discounted rates. All of these things will remain in place for this year. 14. As a way of expressing gratitude to the City of Atlantic Beach we will include a statement of appreciation on every brochure that goes out for ASE. We will also let it be known to parents and community members by way of school (+ns.cJe_,r -fo rs.f/bvl »--n--t='. ¥ Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 newsletters, school marquee, and any other publication involving the After School Enrichment program and Cultural Arts Festival. Our programs exist in large part to the City of Atlantic Beach and their generous contributions made to enrich our students and community. Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 4pproy_ :1P 2B,cw -APia--ScJ1oei £nrtth mtfL~ 12. Total Program Cost:$ A-pfl'ZJ't·· f1b :qEDO-~ULfura) frrtE> (Includes all estimated costs to conduct proposed activity/program) 13. Attach to Contribution Application: ~ Copy of Organization's Budget Summary G:r Copy of Proposed Program Budget ~ Copy of current State of Florida Non-Profit Corporation Certification ~ List of Current Organization's Board of Directors ~ IRS W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Certification 14. How will the organization acknowledge the City's financial contribution to the community/beneficiaries of the proposed special event activity? ACKNOWLEQGMENT OF RESpONSIBILITY: Authorized Signature assumes all responsibility for developing and implementing proposed activities or events in this application, including public acknowledgment of the City's financial contribution. Authorized signature will comply with all accounting and budget procedures outlined by the City. Authorized signature and accompanying group will hold harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from all losses, claims, accidents and problems associated, directly or indirectly, with the development and implementation of proposed activities or events. Authorized Signature agrees to present final outcome of event to Cultural Arts Recreation Advisory Committee within 30 days of the event. Au~~ ~~u~Organization Date Printed Signatur All Information Requested On This Application Must Be Completed As A Condition For Being Considered For Public Funds By The City Of Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts And Recreation Advisory Committee And In No Way Guarantees Funding. Page 4 of 4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Contribution Awards for arts, recreation, cultural events and programs FY 2017-2018 APPLICATION FORM NOTE: All Applications MUST be Postmarked by 5:00p.m., September 29, 2017 GENERAL APPLICANT INFORMATION: Please type or print legibly 1. Name of Organization: m lA~pf-\-Crus-\:(,ll ~-(~cas IM'\ cd ~e. Sc~ou I Mailing Address: $i.bCQ MGL'-{p?f-r eo . f\-tl.&~., FL 3d-d3~ City State Zip ContactPerson: '"Jen(\~~~ ~·\ t\ss·,s-\-<N\-t Pt.Ac~pc...l Daytime Phone: 'lo'i · d-41-Set Tl x..t Lf to Evening Phone: qo lj -<4 7'-1 · 7 Y~.£? s-c.e.&L Email Address(s): Ke oi 1" e d\.AV o--\ s. (.hOD t $, • c rj . PlAb\ I(_ 2. Organization certified as a florida Non-profit Corporation? Yes 0 No~ s,choD \ State of Florida Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) Corporation Certification Number g'$-15Vl 3 '1 ~&'9 I).C-0 Federal EIN Number: 5q -~ (]Ja rfi 5 <?Oj 3. Has your organization ever received financial assistance from the City of Atlantic Beach before? Yes Ckr'No 0 If yes, what activities and which fiscal year? Q.oos -ptt ~-\-~ G-n (~ (_ ~ ~ {-d-±ccros :-t~~<.Yl OCA \l\rf2 4. Amount requested for FY 2017-2018 $ 5, 000 Funds must be used for services or materials directly associated to proposed special event activity that Atlantic Beach residents can benefit from. 5. Title of Proposed Speci~l Event/Program/Service: ~VY\~~ '-\-ro.ns-~-h o.n Cu 012 J-~ --IDflj c0\ .r: ch {:N:n+ Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 E.-YI r:c. 1-1 ~ + .: 6. Date of Event! Program Start date: \few (l)v'\1\ J End Date: :=:~\\ol)\ ~0\f *Note, the term "program" is used broadly to include a program, event, ac 1t1es or services. ~0/\( (6 ~b -'7 ( bD) \Y -¥/3/1 g-. !-Participation (maximum 25 points) i. Estimated number of people who are expected to participate in this program: ~50 ii. Estimated number and percent of who are Atlantic Beach residents: # '-/d-'s-%SQ.. iii. Location where the program or event will take place: ~C)M S () Oo fa cdkAd iv. Is the program open to all reside~ of Atlantic Beach~N ~\.-,cc.) I .'~ (-\TL. 1 v. Is there a fee for participating? Y~ (6u~ 8. Need Statement (maximum 25 points) ~~-s\t--~k-s 'i"-c.. ~J, ·.P~ . Qr\('~c (Y--e;l+ ~ro<()rc.{«l 'S QS 1 ~~v h'C ~ \v'-. Ovv-'Sc:A,,c.c) \ .,i... rvf ~~ -€1\-\-P \ CiVt , 9. Description of Program/Event (maximum 100 points) A) Describe the goals and objectives of the program and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach (specifically cultural arts and recreation benefits). Include a description of the program activities and.how they will be delivered. Also describe how the program will be advertised to ensure adequate participation. l~ S~uvk D:ks : ~ (,Vl est41oticskJ. pro\)ravn n~j:" UJ•\h.~ ovv r--t 'ld~ ~hcoJ. sc_hoo \. )\,.~:;.. p (<) f:)'fvt VV\ btp s frDJ~·<Le.-S~v~s~·.:¥1 1 (ec.reo.-~e-.1 J. cuo .. ~tc €r\f~LhYr-etl+ ~-'Af:M ik S\.A m«'if. f)j ~ew lo0 5 CA.Ca.~\G .t re.uca.rh~l '0'\ll·ctrtt/V'-U\+ 'f-i-...a-t pruv~& s CA v-Q ... H -roW\&d ..J cOJ\A[)re I"U\~\W {ftr'-'II~V'<j fJ)C{*fn fr>U:. .few 1\t\ · E>cJ\.. S~ ~.-ts }res; duYfS · Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 B.) Describe the intended outcomes of the program, and why you believe the program will successfully achieve the intended outcomes (i.e. is the program based on solid evidence of success?) 1. Does this program have a history of success in similar contexts? 2. Has your organization successfully implemented programs of similar scope and scale? ~u~ shwtc b~ks OV'\ 2. ~f!Jo:~) en c:c \. (V"o/\-+ hcA~tt )?e,go-t\IJ_&lv· sV\ccess ~\ ~ 0 s~~lv\' oLv- C.) If there is a fee or cost to participate, please describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees. 10. Evaluation (maximum 25 points) 11. Resourcing (maximum 10 points) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations), or if there will be collaboration with others to help offset exP,enditures. · t?x(zCJ.r-c.S Q.esoLNL-e. ~~UI\( 46~\c s o.S a.re(o~J .. Page 3 of4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 [;'f'r~c~vv~1 :~4 1 3'00+ 12. Total Program Cost:$ S""'v(V .. b~\:_ S ~ $S ;Cf-00 (Includes all estimated costs to conduct proposed activity/program) 13. Attach to Contribution Application: D Copy of Organization's Budget Summary D Copy of Proposed Program Budget D Copy of current State of Florida Non-Profit Corporation Certification [JJ/ List of Current Organization's Board of Directors D IRS W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Certification 14. How will the organization acknowledge the City's financial contribution to the community/beneficiaries of the proposed special event activity? .. ~~€)·{\\ -re ~ ~o1~h:9 ~ Skk a-r F\&rtJc. ~p+. l)~ eJ vlo;. s ~ s 1-w-0,\.)JCN' J. ~ Sci.t\.e0l COMV\t\LM.··c~~ UJ~ sb~~ \<hfs ;'llcl""-d~~j (OA8 ;'VIet,~S ¥ ~+-4V.C.W>tw '-{_pptUtz-~~Dn ~tclv-(~ (Aclo~.dj ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: Authorized Signature assumes all responsibility for developing and implementing proposed activities or events in this application, including public acknowledgment of the City's financial contribution. Authorized signature will comply with all accounting and budget procedures outlined by the City. Authorized signature and accompanying group will hold harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from all losses, claims, accidents and problems associated, directly or indirectly, with the deyelopment and implementation of proposed activities or events. Authorized _Signature agrees to present final outcome of event to Cultural Arts Recreation Advisory Committee within 30 days of the event. Date All Information Requested On This Application Must Be Completed As A Condition For Being Considered For Public Funds By The City Of Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts And Recreation Advisory Committee And In No Way Guarantees Funding. Page 4 of 4 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 Budqet Fund Details Sprinq2017 Fund Fund name Functional Commitment Number of Description Comment Amount Area Item Positions 10000 General 5100 120 24.00 1,128,000 10000 General 5100 150 1.00 16,700 10000 General 5100 200 0.00 424,684 10000 General 5100 313 0.00 SUBS SUBS 22,344 10000 General 5100 350 0.00 COPIER MAINT. GENERAL 1,000 10000 General 5100 360 0.00 COPIER RENTAL GENERAL 15,000 10000 General 5100 370 0.00 POSTAGE GENERAL 2,500 10000 General 5100 510 0.00 BASIC SUPPLIES Basic Supplies 14,733 10000 General 5100 640 0.00 BASIC EQUIPMENT CAPITAL 13,721 10000 General 5200 120 6.00 282,000 10000 General 5200 200 0.00 104,622 10000 General 5200 510 0.00 ESE SUPPLIES ESE Supplies 850 10000 General 6100 130 2.00 ·. . 100,000 10000 General 6100 160 1.00 23,500 10000 General 6100 200 0.00 45,819 10000 General 6100 510 0.00 SCHOOL COUNSELING SUPPLIES GUIDANCE 200 10000 General 6200 360 0.00 POSTAGE RENTAL CURRICULUM APC 550 10000 General 6200 390 0.00 BULLS BAY COPIES MEDIA 1,000 10000 General 6200 610 0.00 LIBRARY BOOKS Library Books 50 10000 General 6200 620 0.00 AUDIO VISUAL GRANT 50 10000 General 6300 510 0.00 CURRICULUM SUPPLIES APC 1,300 10000 General 7300 110 ' 3.00 216,000 10000 General 7300 160 4.00 94,000 10000 General 7300 200 0.00 115,013 10000 General 7300 331 0.00 IN COUNTY TRAVEL TRAVEL 700 10000 General 7300 332 0.00 ADMIN 00 COUNTY TRAVEL ADMIN 1,000 10000 General 7300 333 0.00 ADMIN 00 STATE TRAVEL ADMIN 1,000 10000 General 7300 334 0.00 ADMIN CONFERENCE FEES ADMIN 1,000 10000 General 7300 350 0.00 ADMIN REPAIRS ADMIN 500 10000 General 7300 370 0.00 ADMINWC ADMIN 1,114 10000 General 7300 510 0.00 ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMIN 1,412 10000 General 7300 640 0.00 ADMIN_ EQUIP FURNITURE WC ADMIN 2,147 10000 General 7900 160 2.00 47,000 10000 General 7900 200 0.00 17,438 10000 General 7900 510 0.00 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES Custodial Supplies 6,000 10209 CSR Amendment 9 5100 120 12:00 564;000 10209 CSR Amendment 9 5100 200 0.00 209,244 11102 SAl-Supplemental Aca 6100 130 1.00 ·-.· 47,17'5 11102 SAl-Supplemental Aca 6100 200 0.00 17,502 .48776 Title 1117/18 6400 130 1.00 45,645 48776 Title II 17/18 6400 200 0.00 16,934 1----------- 3,623,1031 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 Building a Culture where Academic Achievement is Celebrated! 2600 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-2998 Katrina E. McCray, Principal September 28, 2017 Timmy Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 _,_T'-'ra"""n.:.::s:.:..:it,_,io::..:n..:....:<.:Su,.,m:.:..::.:..:m:.:..:e"""r....::C.,a,_,_,m:.:.~P::..:S:...;&=.,C.,o'""n.,.ti,_,_,n,_,u""'in~g,_,E::.:n.!!.r-""ic,_,_,h,_,_,m""'e""'n.:.:t:..:.A..::c .... t:..:iv""'it,_,_,ie==s'---------------$ 2,245.00 • Summer Camp provides the rising 61h graders with preparation for their first year of middle school • Agriscience Field Trip • Curriculum planners and supplies o This camp helps the student's transition from elementary to middle school • Enrichment activities and incentives will provide students with continuing support throughout the year • Instructors preparation and salaries • Parents Seminar: lessens the anxiety for the entire household when the morning of school day one arrives • catered breakfast • Information on transitional challenges, school wide policies and procedures, and community resources provided to them in order to engage in discussion about the different challenges • Student presentations of camp activities Pre-Advanced Placement Summer Camp & Continuing Agriscience Enrichment Activities $755.00 • Students spend a week in rigorous activities which prepares the students for the future Advanced Placement during the school year • Supplies • Planners • Field Trips • Enrichment activities and incentives will provide students with continuing support throughout the year ..:..Ye:::::a,.,r~lvL...::.E,_,_nr,_,ic~hc::m=e,_,_nt"""'A,_,c~t:.:.;iv,_,i.::ti.:::ces::...>::.an'-'-d=S.::tu,d,e""n:..>.t..:.:ln:.:..:c,e"""n:..>.ti:..:v_,e=-s -------------,------$2,000.00 • In-school academic enrichment activities • Agriscience Enrichment activities • Accelerated student enrichment activities • High School Transitional activities • Parent Seminars • Transportation • Faculty and Staff Professional Development for AVID and Agriscience Total ________ .$5,000.00 Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 Thank you for supporting your community Middle School's Programs Katrina E. McCray, Principal Jennifer Kent, Assistant Principal, Transition Summer Camp Director Chris Koek, Assistant Principal, Accelerated Placement Summer Camp Director (904) 247-5977 200 stud/Sdays =1000 As Scheduled $1.00/student/day Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017 Shark Bites Quick Facts • Attended by 126 incoming 6th grade students August 7-11, 2017 • 7 Teachers worked a total of 242 hours that week to put on the camp • Total Budget $5,200 • Made possible through grants from The City of Atlantic Beach and the Beaches Resource Center • Making friends, making memories and feeling prepared for the challenges of middle school= priceless Agenda Item 3A November 27, 2017