11-24-75 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA November 24 , 1975 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3 . Approval of the Minutes of November 10, 1975 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6 . Commission Consideration A. Reuben Bennett Re: Addition to Building, Atlantic Blvd. B. Lee Ross Re. Application for P.U.D. Sherry Drive and Ahern Street C. Resolution #75®23 D. Resolution #7524 7. City Clerk 8 . Chief of Police 9. Director of Public Works 41/ 10. City Manager 11. Ccrmissioners 12. Mayor 13. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, 411 NOVEMBER 24, 1975, AT 8: 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner James E. Mhoon Alan C. Jensen Robert B. Cook, Sr. L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners AND: R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton followed by the pledge to the flag. Commissioner Minton called for a correction of the minutes of November 10, 1975. It was suggested that the minutes be corrected as follows; Oscar Rawls - Drainage Outfalls Mr. Vogel suggested that the City pass a Resolution that would hold the State harmless from liability due to any work author- ized by the City on the beach and seawall. Resolution #75-22 41/ was passed by the Commission to accomplish this recommendation. Upon motion of Commissioner Mhoon, seconded by Commissioner Minton, the minutes of November 10, 1975 were approved as corrected. Copies of said Resolution are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Recognition of Visitors Mrs. Reinikainen of 765 Redfin Drive complained to the Commission that the City of Atlantic Beach would not pick up a dog that was disturbing her and the Mayor asked Chief Stuck! to reply to this, he replied that Animal Control has dis- continued capturing dogs in Atlantic Beach due to the fact we do not have a leash law. The Mayor stated that this was probably a crutch to excuse Animal Control from serving Atlantic Beach. He said he would investigate but in the interim, Chief Stucki was advised to handle this one complaint. Robert M. Angus and Associates - Seaspray Subdivision The following plans were submitted to the Commission for approval: 1. Topographic Survey 2. Proposed Subdivision Layout 3. Proposed Layout for Sewer Lines and Water Lines 4 . Proposed Drainage Plan PAGE 2 MINUTES NOVEMBER 24, 1975 The Mayor suggested that the Commission refer this request to Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. for his review and recommendations. The Commission concurred with the Mayor's recommendation. 695 Atlantic Boulevard - Reuben Bennett Mr. Reuben Bennett, owner of 695 Atlantic Boulevard submitted plans for re-modeling the subject building and the City Commission approved the plans after being assured that these plans met the Code of the City of Atlantic Beach and the Southern Standard Building Code. PUD Ahern Street and Sherry Drive A verbal application was made by the owners of the property on the Northeast corner of Ahern Street and Sherry Drive in which they requested that a five (5) unit apartment building be allowed on this property. The Mayor was advised that the project had Planning Board approval and he explained to the Commission that this was the first step and that the second step would be a public hearing before the Commission on December 8, 1975. Resolution #75-23 Resolution #75-23 was presented and read by the City Manager and the City Commission adopted by unanimous vote said Resolution which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Resolution #75-24 Resolution #75-23 was presented and read by the City Manager and the City Commission adopted by unanimous vote said Resolution which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 645 Atlantic Boulevard - Construction of Green House The City Manager presented an application from John G. Laurenson, Jr. and Edgar R. Stoddard, Jr. in which the applicants requested to be allowed to construct a green house. The Commission after assurances from the City Manager that this was in compliance with the Code of the City of Atlantic Beach and the Southern Standard Building Code, approved the application for construction. Seawall Drainage The City Manager recommended that the Commission authorize the City Engineer, Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , to proceed with preliminary plans for the construction of a drainage line or lines to relieve the necessity of drainage through the seawall in several locations. This drainage line is proposed to be constructed in order to not only relieve drainage on the beach, but also adjacent areas along the route of the line through the center of the City, thereby alleviating several drainage problems with a drainage line of sufficient size properly installed. • PAGE 3 MINUTES NOVEMBER 24, 1975 Mr. Parks was authorized by unanimous vote to proceed with this project. Quigley Advertising Agency Quigley Advertising Agency requested permission to install safety signs that would contain advertisements on the bottom of the sign. Mr. Vogel stated that he would not approve installation of these signs without the Commission' s approval. By unanimous vote the Commission denied this request. Commissioners Commissioner Cook raised the question as to proceedure for establishing a salary scale for the City Commissioners. The Mayor referred this to the City Attorney. He advised that in his opinion this could be accomplished by the City Commission under Home Rule and/or referendum. Land Exchange The City Attorney was asked for his opinion on the on going negotiations for acquiring additional land adjacent to the sewer plant for the public works yard as well as sewer plant expansion in exchange for the existing public works yard. Mr. Ball stated that the agreement in his opinion was complicated and he did not recommend acceptance, however, he did not recom- med against acceptance. After much discussion, it was decided that the principals confer and bring back a recommendation for the next regular meeting. Mr. Ball admonished the City Commission and City Manager about consideration of items that did not appear on the agenda and stated that the Commission and City Manager should avoid this unless a dire emergency existed. Beaches Aquatic Club - Ad Valorem Taxes Based on a written decision by the City Attorney the City Commission has directed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution for adoption at the next regular meeting which would be retro- active and legal to relieve the Beaches Aquatic Pool of all back Ad Valorem Taxes and be exempt in the future. Twenty Year Ad Valorem Taxes The City Attorney was directed by the City Commission to prepare a Resolution for the next regular meeting to excuse all Ad Valorem Taxes that are twenty (20) years or more of age. Water and Sewer Rates The Mayor appointed a committee consisting of Commissioners James E. Mhoon and Alan C. Jensen, R. C. Vogel, City Manager and Mayor Howell to initiate a study of the water and sewer rates in order PACE 4 MINUTES NOVEMBER 24, 1975 to be in a position to comply with Federal guidelines under the "201" Grant. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. ,1/ V . l,f am ! , Howell Mayor-Commissioner (SEAL) ATTESTS Pq- 7//i77.)747 R. Co Vogel City Manager