June 23, 1975
i. Call to Order
2 . Invocation
3 . Approval of the Minutes of June 9, 1975
4. Recognition of Visitors
5e Correspondence
6 . Commission Consideration
A. Ordinance Noe 65-75-5 Street Closing - Second Reading
B. Ordinance No, 25-75-11 Flood Insurance - Final Reading
Public Hearing
Co Girl ' s Softball League
7 . City Clerk
8, Chief of Police
9. D _rector of Public Works
10. City Manager
11 . Commissioners
12. Mayor
13 . Adjourn
PRESENT° William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
L. We Minton, Jr.
Robert R. Rosborough, II
Fe W. Fogg
AND R. C . Vogel, City Manager
Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney
Gloria June Knight, City Clerk
ABSENT Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell .
The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the
pledge to the flag.
The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1975, were approved as
written upon a motion by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner
Rosborough and carried.
Recognition of Visitors
Mrs. William Koenig, 780 Redfin Drive, asked about the possibility
of installing a traffic light on Mayport Road at Plaza? Mayor
Howell stated that Mayport Road is a state road. Every year when
the State of Florida request from the City of Atlantic Beach what
we would like done, the city asks for two things. A traffic light
at Mayport and Plaza and sidewalks along Mayport Road. Every year,
the city is turned down. The Department of Transportation has com-
plete control over Mayport Road. They will not allow the City of
Atlantic Beach to put up a traffic light even with city funds.
Mayor Howell suggested that Mrs. Koenig write the Department cf
Transportation, Tallahasssee, Florida.
Mr. Thomas McCrary, 118 4th Street, stated that he represented a
group of citizens who are concerned about the possibility of people
being injured by surfers. He stated that it was becoming increas-
ingly dangerous to take his children to the beach because the number
of surfers have increased. Mayor Howell stated that in the past,
the city has attempted to get the surfers to do their surfing in a
wise manner in order not to funnel them to a specific area. If the
surfers are creating a problem, the Chief of Police will be notified
and appropriate action will be taken. Commissioner Minton asked if
Mr. McCrary had complained to a life guard. Mr. McCrary stated
that the life guards are not on duty in the early part of the
JUNE 23, 1975
Commission Minton suggested that irresponsible surfers be reported
to the life guard on duty and if the life guard does not take
action, then he is negligent in his duty and should be reported to
the Chief of Police. Mr. Vogel stated that the city will respond
to this complaint.
Ordinance No. 65-75-5 Street Closing - Second Reading
Mayor Howell read Ordinance No. 65-75-5 abandoning a portion of
that certain street known as Main Street on second reading by title
only. Said ordinance was presented in full and in writing. Com-
missioner Fogg moved that Ordinance No. 65-75-5 be approved on
second reading by title only, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough
and carried, Public Hearing to be July 14, 1975.
Ordinance No, 25-75-11 Flood Insurance - Final Reading
Ordinance No. 25-75-11 pertaining to requirements for compliance
with the National Food Insurance Act of 1968 was presented in full
and read on third and final reading by Mayor Howell. Said ordinance
was posted in line with charter requirements. He then declared the
meeting in session for a public hearing . As no one appeared either
for or against said ordinance, Mayor Howell declared the public
hearing closed. Commissioner Rosborough moved for passage of
Ordinance No. 25-75-11 on third and final reading, seconded by
Commissioner Fogg and carried.
Girl ' s Softball League
The City Commission received a letter from the Atlantic Beach
Community School stating that they would like to initiate a Girl ' s
Softball League. The league to be open to girls, 4th grade and
above. They requested authorization to use the Little League ball
diamond in the evenings beginning in July through the first week of
August. The Community School will assist with park clean up the
morning following the games with the regular park recreational
personnel at Jack Russell Park. Commissioner Rosborough moved that
the Community School be given permission to use the Little League
field beginning in July through the first week of August, seconded
by Commissioner Minton and carried.
JUNE 23, 1975
Director of Public Works
Mr. Hilliard reported that the new generator at the water plant
has been installed.
City Manager
Mr. Vogel presented plans and specifications for a commercial
building located at 1651-1661 Mayport Road. The plans and specifi-
cations meet the Southern Standard Building Code and the zoning.
After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded
by Commissioner Fogg and carried to approve the plans and specifi-
cation for a commercial building located at 1651-1661 Mayport Road.
Commissioner Minton
For the benefit of the audience, Commissioner Minton pointed out
that the City of Atlantic Beach is the only municipality that
supports the Atlantic Beach Community School.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
adjourned. •
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2Wi liam . o Howell, Mayor
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Gloria Jun Knight, City " erk