03-10-75 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA March 10, 1975 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of the Minutes of February 24, 1975 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6. Commission Consideration: A. Bid Opening - Police Cars B. Dorothe Allen - Re: Sidewalk Art Show C. Mr. Strickland - Re: P.U.D. Mobile Home, Lots 1-4, Block 78 Section "H" D. Report of awards committee on Drainage Pipe 7. City Clerk 8. Chief of Police 4110 9. Director of Public Works 10. City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Mayor 13. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1975, AT 8:00 P . M. PRESENT: Robert R. Rosborough, II Mayor-Pro Tem F . W. Fogg Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioners AND R. Co Vogel, City Manager Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: William S . Howell, Mayor - FLC Directors Meeting Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney - FLC Directors Meeting L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioner - Out of the City The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Mr. Rosborough. The invocation was given by Commissioner Cook, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of February 24, 1975 were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried. Correspondence The Beaches Leader requested that the City of Atlantic Beach place a half page ad in the "Welcome Day" supplement to be published April 13, 1975 . The cost will be $150 .00. It was moved by Com- missioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City of Atlantic Beach place an ad in the "Welcome Day" supplement in the amount of $150.00 for one half page. Bid Opening - Police Cars Mr. Vogel stated that before the bids are opened he would like to state that it would be to the advantage of the city to proceed with the award tonight because the city desparately needs new cars. . The following bids were received: Platt Pontiac, Jacksonville, Florida Three Police Patrol Cars Net With Trade In $14,404.00 Lee Chevrolet, Jacksonville, Florida Three Police Patrol Cars Net With Trade In $14,600 .00 MINUTES MARCH 10, 1975 PAGE TWO No other bids were received. Hank Ohler, Lee Chevrolet, stated that the specifications are not clear on one item. He stated from practice that the city has been using AM-FM radios in their surveilance. Lee Chevrolet' s bid does include AM-FM radios, which reflects a cost of $261.00 included in the bid. The bid for police cars meets all the specifications with the exception of the radio. Chief Stucki suggested that the commission continue with the agenda and take a brief intermission and give it to the commission as a committee and come back and make a decision. It was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried that the bids for the police cars be brought up later on in the meeting. Dorothe Allen - Sidewalk Art Show Mrs. Allen requested permission to close Atlantic Boulevard to Ahern and from Ahern to First Street for the purpose of a sidewalk art show to be held May 17th and 18th. Commissioner Rosborough stated that he had been informed that the shoulders along Ocean Boulevard have been seeded, graded and roped off. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried that Mrs. Allen be given permission to rope off Ocean Boulevard north to Ahern; Ocean Boulevard going west to East Coast and east to Beach Avenue with the stipulation that Mrs. Allen rope the area off, Mr. Strickland - P .U.D. Mobile Home, Lots 1-4 Block 78 Sec. H Mr. Vogel stated that this request for P .U.D. in Section H will be referred to the Advisory Planning Board for study and recommendations. Report of Award Committee - Drainage Pipe The following are the recommendations of the committee: Armco Steel Corp. 20 pieces 20 'X12" pipe $3 .70 ft. 20 Pieces 20 'X15" pipe $4.40 ft. Bituminized Fibre Pipe Hardy ' s, Inc. Total Bid $5,068.64 MINUTES MARCH 10, 1975 PAGE THREE It was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried that bid for steel drainage pipe be awarded to Armco Steel Corporation and the bid for bituminized pipe be awarded to Hardy ' s, Inc. Reuben Bennett - P .U.D. Section H, Blk 87, Lots 4 & 5 Public Hearing Mr. Vogel stated that Mr. Bennett requested permission to place a mobile home in Section H, Block 87, Lots 4 & 5 under the P .U.D. ordinance , at the February 24th meeting. Public Hearing scheduled March 10, 1975. Mayor Pro Tem Rosborough declared the meeting in session for a public hearing. He stated that under the P .U.D. ordinance, mobile homes are permitted in Section H if certain re- quirements are met . As no one wish=oito speak for or against the request for a mobile home in Section H, Mayor Pro Tem Rosborough declared the public hearing closed. Commissioner Fogg moved for approval of this request, seconded by Commissioner Cook. During discussion, Commissioner Fogg stated that the city is going to wind up with nothing but mobile homes in Section H. Commissioner Rosborough stated that Section H is the only area left to be deve- loped and that the City Commission should look further into the matter of allowing mobile homes in Section H. Chief Stucki stated that when a municipality starts zoning areas for mobile homes, the city should take a serious look at the fire ratings and the in- ability to supply water in case of fire. A substitute motion was introduced by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried that no action should be taken on this request and that the City Commission should meet as a committee with the Advisory Planning Board to discuss mobile homes in Section H. Bid Opening - Police Cars (continued from page one) Questions pertaining to the cost of AM-FM radios in the police cars were discussed. Chief Stucki pointed out that FM radios are of no value, at this point in time, to the police department . Commissioner Rosborough stated that if the $261.00 for FM radios is deleted it will bring the bid down to $14, 339.00. Mr. Ohler requested forty- eight hours to deliver the cars . One car is a Caprice and the other two are Impalas. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the bid be awarded to Lee Chevro- let on the condition that Lee Chevrolet will deliver all three automobiles within forty-eight hours and if not, the award will be cancelled. (Copy of Verbatim Minutes attached hereto and made a part hereof) MINUTES MARCH 10, 1975 PAGE FOUR There being no further business Mayor Pro Tem Rosborough adjourned the meeting. Robert R. Rosborod, I Mayor Pro Tem (Seal) ATTEST G gOerz- 407_, oria Jun Knight 7 City Clerk Police Cars - Bid Opening (Verbatim from the Minutes March 10, 1975) Commissioner Rosborough May I have the bids for the police cars? Mr. Vogel Gentlemen, before we open the bids I would like to state that it would be to the advantage of the city to proceed with the award tonight because of the trouble we have had in getting police cars . With the cars we have now, we will wind up with a walking beat in the next couple of days if we don't get these cars. Commissioner Cook Have you specified a delivery time? Mr. Vogel 24 hours. Commissioner Rosborough To bring you up to date, these bids were let some six months ago and they were awarded to the agency here on the beach and they haven 't been able to furnish the cars . We are about out of cars. Don't tell anybody---but we are down to about our last police car. It is imperative with the summer months coming on that we do something. Frankly, as strange as it may seem, cars are hard to get -- these particular kind. We just have been trying to get standard cars that are in stock, but we have not been able to locate any. Commissioner Rosborough This is a proposal from Platt Pontiac, dated March 10, 1975 --Platt Pontiac, the undersigned, do hereby declare that we have carefully ex- amined City of Atlantic Beach Specifications 75-3 for the required equipment and do hereby agree to furnish all equipment in strict accordance with the specifications and re- quirements of the City Manager and to the satisfaction of the City of Atlantic Beach for the following price. Three Police Patrol Cars $14,404.00 Net with Trade In • Page Two (Verbatim from the Minutes March 10, 1975) Commissioner Rosborough Lee Chevrolet, March 10th. We, the undersigned agree to furnish 3 Police Patrol Cars for $14,600.00. Delivery - 1 in stock and 2 in 48 hours. Special painting and servicing time required. Includes AM-FM radio. Commissioner Rosborough Lee Chevrolet is $14,600.00 and Pontiac is $14,404.00 . Mrs. Knight There are no other bids . Commissioner Rosborough Gentlemen, this is an emergency measure and I will leave it up to the commission if you want to make a motion. Platt Pontiac bid $14,404.00 and Lee bid $14,600 .00 . Mr. Hank Ohler May I say something? Commissioner Rosborough Yes Mr. Hank Ohler I am Hank Ohler from Lee Chevrolet. Your specifications are not clear on one item. I know from practice that you people are using AM-FM radios in your surveilance work. Our bid does include that and that reflects a cost of $261.00 included in our bid. I have so stated that they are included. Now, your bid did not call for that. Commissioner Rosborough Includes AM-FM radio. Mr. Hank Ohler At a cost of $261.00, so if you allow me to deduct that out and put the standard radio, which your bid calls for, I would be under $14,404.00. I have stipulated that the $261.00 on an alternate situation. Commissioner Fogg What is the model of the car? Commissioner Rosborough It does not say. It says that it meets specifications. The bid calls for 400 cubic inch 2BB Carburetor, V-8 engine, automatic transmission. These are the specifications. Mr. Hank Ohler We have included a 4 BB carburetor. Commissioner Cook You just read off 2 BB and Mr. Ohler said 4 BB. Page Three (Verbatim from the Minutes March 10, 1975) Commissioner Rosborough Our specifications call for 2 BB carburetor. Mr. Hank Ohler You will notice that it just says radio. I have included AM-FM as so stipulated in the bid. Mr. Vogel You did specify it? Mr. Ohler No, all you said was radio. So, your bid accepted an AM radio Commissioner Cook Chief Stucki do you have preference on the type of radio you have in the car? Chief Stucki Not at this point in time. We use to have surveilance equipment on the other but we modified it and carry the old units in the car. Commissioner Cook In other words, it would not do any good to have FM radio in there. Chief Stucki Not at this time. Commissioner Rosborough Factory installed radio. Gentlemen, Lee Chevrolet is $14,600 .00. If you reduce the cost of AM-FM radio, it is$261.00 which would bring it down to $14, 339.00 compared to Platt Pontiac ' s $14,404.00 Commissioner Fogg Does either one of them take trade-ins? Commissioner Cook Platt said that figure included the trade-in Commissioner Rosborough That is the net with trade-in. $14, 600.00 is the net with trade-in . Commissioner Cook Is that specified in the bid? Net with trade-in. Commissioner Rosborough Yes Chief Stucki I suggest we go on through the agenda and take a brief intermission and throw it to the commission as a committee and then come back and make a decision. Commissioner Rosborough That ' s alright - it just means that we are going to drag it our further. We will have a meeting right after the regular meeting of City Commission. • . Page Four (Verbatim from Minutes March 10, 1975 Commissioner Fogg I move that we take Chief Stucki ' s recommendation. Commissioner Cook I second it. Motion carried. Continuation of the Agenda Police Cars Commissioner Rosborough Mr. Ohler, this AM-FM radio cost $87 .00 more than a regular radio? How much does a regular radio cost? Mr. Ohler My cost is less than $55 .00. You see the situation here is this -- you've got to add the leading equipment and things of this sort and this is my cost on doing it and that is what I included in it. Now, two of the cars that I have have the AM-FM already in them. The other car, I had planned to put it in there. Now, the alternate, I can take it out and put AM' s in. Now again I read something into this knowing how you equipped the previous cars on surveilance situations. Two of my cars have AM-FM and I have yet to include it in the third one. Commissioner Rosborough What has surveilance got to do with FM radio? Mr. Ohler It used to be that it was done. I did not realize you had discontinued using it. Commissioner Cook FM radios are of no value to us according to the Chief. Chief Stucki Chief Stucki agreed. Commissioner Rosborough You can get Jones College on it and that is about all . It would reduce the bid $261.00? That is a stock figure? You are not just pulling this out of the air? Mr. Ohler I can show you my documents where I have put it in. It ' s also ---interupted by Rosborough) Commissioner Rosborough You don 't show that here. You don 't show the cost here. ---interupted by Ohler Mr. Ohler Yes I do. Commissioner Rosborough Oh, you do. .Page Five (Verbatim from Minutes March 10, 1975) Mr. Ohler You see I bid another alternate car and it is in there because in these I did not bid the AM-FM because it had to be added. These cars do meet the specifications. Commissioner Cook I do not think it would be ethical for us to allow him to second guess the bid after it is opened. But, if he has it written down -- Commissioner Rosborough He ' s got $261 .00 to add for AM-FM. Well, now what do you say 2 in 48 hours? Mr. Ohler I will have to go and pick two of them up. If you give me the order tonight it will take a day to get them. Commissioner Rosborough Are you sure you can get them? Mr. Ohler All I 've got to do is go to pick them up. I 've the cars . I 've got to drive 150 miles. All I have to do is make a phone call in the morn- ing and send two people. The reason I asked for the extra 48 hours was to give me enough time to get them. Commissioner Rosborough These are Biscayne ' s? Mr. Ohler No, they are not. One is a Caprice and two are Impalas . They are expensive cars. These are beautiful automobiles. They are the only thing I could come up with. Four door sedans. Chief Stucki But not the same model. Mr. Ohler Two of them are exactly the same and one is a Caprice. Commissioner Cook Will this cause any kind of problem for you Chief? Chief Stucki I would prefer to drive the same kind of automobiles . Mr. Ohler We have exceeded all the specifications that you asked for. Commissioner Cook I move that we award the bid to Lee Chevrolet on the condition that they deliver all three cars within forty eight hours and if not, the award will be cancelled. ' Page Six (Verbatim from Minutes March 10, 1975) Commissioner Rosborough Well, now he has got to paint them. Mr. Ohler Naturally, my understanding was that all bidders had to have this time in order to paint them. Commissioner Rosborough Well, he can get them in 48 hours but everybody has got to paint them our colors. Mr. Ohler It takes two days to paint them because its all two tone paint. Chief Stucki They don't meet the specs as written. Mr. Ohler What do you mean? Chief Stucki Well, the specs call for 400 with 2BB carburetor and a vinyl interior. Mr. Ohler That ' s what these have. Chief Stucki Are you going to put seat covers on them or are they vinyl interior? Mr. Ohler Two of them have vinyl already and one I have to reupholster and that is Included. They all have 400 engines in them. They are all 4 door sedans . On one, I have to take all the seat covers out and completely re-upholster. Commissioner Fogg It will be completely vinyl. Mr. Ohler Two of them already have vinyl in it. We have approximately 7 cars in the entire State of Florida with 400 engines. Commissioner Rosborough Mr. Cook made a motion to accept the bid from Lee Chevrolet. Commissioner Fogg I second the motion. Commissioner Rosborough Any discussion? Commissioner Cook Chief would you feel better if you could go down and look at them before they paint them? Page Seven (Verbatim from March 10, 1975) Chief Stucki If they are going to meet the specs apparently they are not now -- but if this is what I 've got to have -- then this is what I will have to take. Commissioner Rosborough Well, we have had Chevrolets in the past. Mr. Ohler Chief, we have exceeded the specifications of what you asked for by a great majority. What item do-.:you think we don't meet the specs? Chief Stucki Because I am going to get three cars and two of them are one model and another is another. Commissioner Rosborough All it has is a Caprice on the side instead of Impala. Mr. Ohler Everthing is exactly the same and its up to you gentlemen. Mr. Vogel What ' s the other car that we received a bid on? Commissioner Rosborough The other bid was on a Pontiac Catalina Mr. Ohler The cars are all the same. The only difference is in the fender, trim, etc. These bodies are the same size. Commissioner Rosborough If there is no further discussion, all those in favor signify by saying. 3 Ayes; No Nays. Mr. Ohler Will I need a purchase order or do I just go ahead and put the show on the road? Mr. Vogel The commission has got more power than any purchase order that I sign. Commissioner Rosborough That ' s $14, 339.00. Commissioner Cook When will they be delivered? Mr. Ohler I can deliver one tomorrow afternoon and (interupted by Commissioner Cook) Commissioner Cook When will they be ready? Page Eight (Verbatim from Minutes March 10, 1975) Mr. Ohler What I suggest we do -- I ' ll bring one over tomorrow afternoon to help you out. Drive it until I can get two painted and I ' ll switch the two in and we will paint the third one. If that is satisfactory. It takes two days to paint a car because you have to paint it one color and then go back the second day and paint it the second color. I can have you transportation tomorrow afternoon with the first car. It won' t be painted your color. Commissioner Rosborough And they can use that until you get the other two painted. 11r. Ohler I can go ahead and put the lights on. We can paint around the lights . That ' s no problem. You will have transportation. Meeting Adjourned