03-13-75 v MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1975, AT 800 P. M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. F. W. Fogg Robert R. Rosborough, II, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Mr. Vogel stated that the purpose of the special called meeting was to reconsider Specifications No. 75-3 Police Patrol Cars and the awarding of the bid to Lee Chevrolet, Jacksonville, Florida. Mayor Howell stated that the city received one bid from Platt Pon- tiac for $14,404.00 and one from Lee Chevrolet for $14,600.00; another from Lee Chevrolet for $13,760 .00 and another one from Lee Chevrolet for $13,760.00 . He stated that apparently what happened, which is certainly understandable, is that two of the bids from Lee Chevrolet were overlooked due to the fact that they were stapled and were not read or recorded in the minutes of March 10, 1975 . The only bid recorded in the minutes of March 10, 1975 from Lee Chevrolet was for $14,600 .00 . Mr. Hank Ohler, who represented Lee Chevrolet, stated at the meet- ing of March 10, 1975 that his bid should be reduced by $261.00 because he had included AM-FM radios in his bid and was not aware that the city specifications did not call for AM-FM radios, but just factory installed radios . During the discussion, Mayor Howell stated that at the previous meeting of the City Commission, Chief Stucki had stated that Lee Chevrolet did not meet the specifications in that the bid called for a 2 BB carburetor, factory installed radio, vinyl interior and twenty-four hour delivery. At this meeting of March 10, 1975 Mr. Ohler pointed out that two of the cars already have vinyl in- teriors, but one would have to be re-upholstered to meet the specifications. Also, Mr. Ohler requested a forty-eight hour deli- very, and the specifications called for twenty-four hour delivery and a penalty of $100.00 per day after twenty-four hours. MINUTES MARCH 13, 1975 PAGE TWO Mayor Howell stated that according to the minutes of March 10, 1975 that the award bid stipulated nothing other than that Lee Chevrolet be awarded the bid. There were no stipulations that the 2 BB carburetor be waived and would be replaced with a 4 BB carburetor. There were no stipulations that the factory installed radio be waived or any stipulations to waive the delivery date. At this time, Oliver Ball, City Attorney, stated that the city re- served the right to waive informalities in any bid; to reject any or all bids in whole or part, and to accept the bid, that, in its judgement, will be to the best interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. If the bidding process is going to operate, the city must advertise for bids, receive them sealed and not allow anyone from the floor to add or delete any of the specifications. Commissioner Fogg stated that he felt that the commission had acted in good faith by awarding the bid to Lee Chevrolet, but should have not allowed anyone to speak from the floor. He stated that all of the commissioners that were present had acted in the best interest of the city. Mayor Howell stated that there was no question that the City Commission had not acted in the best interest of the city. Commissioner Fogg moved that the city rescind the action of the City Commissions Meeting on March 10, 1975 and award the bid to the lowest and best bidder, which is Platt Pontiac. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. The vote was "Ayes - Fogg, Minton and Howell; "Nays" - Rosborough. There being no further business Mayor Howell deā€¢lared the meeting adjourned. ri / / (Seal) ALS 1 . . A A 1`7 am S. Howell Mayor-Commissioner j4,-Zia a.7)Y-*--,41k Gloria Ju Knight City Clerk