10-11-76 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA October 11, 1976 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1 . A. Approval of the minutes of September 27 , 1976 B. Approval of the minutes of Call Meeting October 5, 1976 2 . Recognition of Visitors 3 . Correspondence A . Edward Ashurian; Belvedere 4. Report of City Manager 5 . Unfinished Business A . Application for Federal Grant 1. Phase I water plant expansion 2 . Saltair S/D improvements 3 . Public hearing B. Joe Bell; Kellum, Patterson & Bell Planning Consultants C. Cemetery; Planned Unit Development, Levy Road & Main St 6 . Report of Committees - None 7 . Action on Resolutions - None 8. Action on Ordnances - None 9. Miscellaneous Business A. Emergency sewer line repairs; payment of invoice 10. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER II , 1976 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell , Mayor-Commissioner Robert B. Cook, Sr. Alan C. Jensen James E. Mhoon L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners AND: R. C. Vogel , City Manager Oliver C. Ball , City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell . The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of September 27, 1976, were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Jensen, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. The minutes of the special called meeting which convened on October 5, 1976, were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Correspondence A letter from Edward Ashurian requesting paving of Belvedere Street was read; it also proposed that contiguous property owners participate in paying the cost. The Mayor suggested that the City Manager study this proposition and report back at the next meeting. It was moved, seconded by Commissioners Mhoon and Minton and carried that the foregoing be done. 4. Report of City Manager The City Manager gave a verbal report on City land use planning and announced that a Public Hearing concerning recommendations of the 701 Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Plan developed by Milo Smith & Associates will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 1976 at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall . Mr. Vogel also advised the Commission that the new computer was used for the first time to produce the payroll checks for the October 5th payroll . 5. A. Application for Federal Grant - Phase I - Water Plant Expansion The Mayor stated that since the last special Commission meeting, information has been received which may require a possible change in the priorities that were established at that meeting. Mr. Howell oufIined the procedures MINUTES OCTOBER II , 1976 PAGE TWO the Commission should follow at this time: First, authorize Mr. Goll , a planning consultant, and Mr. Parks, the City Engineer, to proceed with preparation of the application for Phase I , i .e. , Water Plant Expansion, as the No. I priority. Second, authorize Mr. Goll and Mr. Parks to proceed with preparation of the application for the Salt Air Subdivision improvements as the No. 2 priority. Public Hearing on Phase I - Water Plant expansion and Salt Air Subdivision Improvements to be financed with a possible Federal Grant. The Mayor stated that a legal notice had been published for a Public Hearing. He then declared the Commission in session for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the floor. He stated that Mr. Parks and Mr. Goll were present to answer any questions. The consultant and the engineer explained the extent of the project and responded to questions asked from the floor in a satisfactory manner. There being no further questions or objections, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Commissioner Mhoon, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried to authorize Mr. Goll and Mr. Parks to proceed with the applications for Phase I Water Plant Expansion and Salt air improvement. 5 Bs Joe Bell ; Kellum. Patterson & Bell Planning Consultants The Mayor recognized Mr. Joe Bell , an associate of the Planning Consultants. Mr. Bell explained that the recently enacted state statutes require that all municipalities in Florida have a comprehensive plan by 1979. He explained that Atlantic Beach has the majority of the elements necessary to satisfy the foregoing requirement, and should the Commission elect to do so, his firm would like to complete the remaining elements of the program and place it in line for State certification. It was suggested that additional study be given this subject by a committee and report at the next meeting. It was moved, seconded by Commissioners Mhoon and Minton and carried that the foregoing be done. The Mayor asked Com- missioners Mhoon and Minton to serve on this committee. C. Cemetery; Planned Unit Development„ Levy _Road & Main Street Mr. Howell , stating that this part of the meeting was a continuation. of a previous public hearing concerning this subject, called on one of the principals, Mr. Pharr, to continue his commentary. The latter reported that he had obtained the necessary survey and topography data pertinent to the cemetery site, and that he presently needed the City Commission's MINUTES OCTOBER II , 1976 PAGE THREE approval to place the property under the Planned Unit Development ordinan.,e of the City Code, with the understanding that final plans would be subject to City Commission approval . The Mayor agreed that this procedure complied with the ordinance. The Mayor then declared the Commission in session for public hearing and invited comments from the floor. All comments from the floor favored construction of a cemetery on the site. The Mayor then declared the Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that the approval was granted in line with the Planned Unit Development ordinance. Mjscellaneous Business A. Emergency sewer line repa i rsLpayment_ of .invoice Mr. Vogel asked for the Commission's approval to make payment in the amount of approximately $7,000. for emergency repairs to the sewer line that was reported at the last regular meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Mhoon, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried to approve payment. B. Fire EngineRepairs The City Manager reported that Lynch-Davidson had increased their original estimate of $2,500 to over $6,000 to complete repairs of the American La France fire engine. Mr. Vogel , who was questioned in detail by the Commission about this unusual escalation, stated that in the future he would insist on itemized statements as to parts and labor, and would compare these with other estimates before acceptance. It was moved, seconded by Commissioners Minton and Cook and carried to approve payment. C. Mr. Howell called on Mr. Steckla to report on the subject of some plant- ings at the corner of Redfin and Royal Palms Drive, a matter that was discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Steckla reported that the iron stakes had been removed and that the plants did not constitute a traffic hazard. D. The Mayor mentioned to the Commission that the Municipal Courts would cease to exist January I , 1977, and our City Court would probably cease around December 15, 1976. He explained the various options that were being negotiated, i .e. , disposition of fines and forfeitures and imposition of fines on a flat fee or percentage basis. After a discussion by the Commission, it was agreed that the flat fee basis would be the most advantageous for the City and the Mayor stated he would proceed in that direction. E. Mr. Vogel advised the Commission that Mrs. Emma Stephen's son was MINUTES OCTOBER II , 1976 PAGE FOUR seriously ill in a Sarasota Hospital . He requested and received per- mission to extend all necessary assistance needed in her behalf. Commissioner Mhoon suggested the City send flowers and express to Mrs. Stephens the Commission's concern. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared that - e meeting be adjourned. j /• qilliam S. Howell , Mayor (SEAL) ATT EST: .addadj,t4Z,6,24‘4. Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk