February 23 , 1976
1 . Call to Order
2 . Invocation
3 . Approval of the Minutes of February 9 , 1976
Approval of the Minutes of February 10 , 1976
Approval of the Minutes of February 16 , 1976
4 . Recognition of Visitors
5. Correspondence
6 . Commission Consideration
A. Bid opening - Pickup Truck
B. Mr . Peter Johnson - Higley Publishing Corporation - Seaspray
C . Resolution #76-1 - Budget Transfers
D. Resolution #76-2 - David Lee
E . Ordinance #5-76-5 - Advisory Planning Board - First reading
F. Parks Project - Consideration of Budget
7. City Clerk
8. Chief of Police
9 . Director of Public Works
10 . City Manager
11 . Commissioners
12 . Mayor
13. Adjourn
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 23 , 1976 AT 8 : 00 P . M.
PRESENT : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner
Robert B. Cook , Sr .
Alan C . Jensen
James E . Mhoon
L. W. Minton , Jr . , Commissioners
AND : R. C . Vogel , City Manager
Oliver C . Ball , City Attorney
Cynthia H. Hutchinson , Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner , Mr . Howell .
The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton , followed by the
pledge to the flag .
The Minutes of the meeting of February 9 , 1976 were approved as
written upon a motion by Commissioner Minton , seconded by Com-
missioner Jensen and carried .
The Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 10 , 1976 were
approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Minton , seconded
by Commissioner Jensen and carried.
The Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 16 , 1976 were ap-
proved as corrected upon a motion by Commissioner Minton, seconded
by Commissioner Jensen and carried . It was suggested that the
Minutes be corrected as follows :
Mr. John Buckler , President of the Little League , requested police
supervision during the Little League season. He stated that they
had had trouble with children coming over to the Park after dark
and causing disturbances. Chief Stucki stated that he did not have
the manpower to have constant supervision during the Little League
season. He also stated that he did not think that it was the
Police Department ' s responsibility to supervise the recreational
activities . Commissioner Mhoon suggested that the Little League
hire a security guard to patrol the Park after dark . After much
discussion , a motion was made by Commissioner Mhoon to hire an
off-duty policeman at $5 . 00 per hour to patrol the Park during the
Little League season with the City donating $500 . 00 and the Little
League to pay $250. 00 . The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Cook and carried unanimously .
Mayor Howell called on Dr . William Lee , Councilman from Jacksonville
Beach . Councilman Lee presented a draft of an Ordinance for the
Commission ' s consideration concerning the animal dontrol problem
in the beaches area . Councilman Lee requested that the Commission
appoint a member to attend a committee meeting with Jacksonville
Beach and Neptune Beach to investigate the possibilities of solvinc
the problem together . Mayor Howell stated that Commissioner Mhoon '
had been appointed to the committee and would attend the meeting
on Thursday , February 26 , 1976 at 8 : 00 P .M. at the Jacksonville
Beach City Hall .
FEBRUARY 23 , 1976
Mr. Robert Wardrep presented a brief report on the Atlantic Beach
Planning Board. Mr . Wardrep stated that for the last several
months the Planning Board had been meeting with representatives
from Milo Smith and Associates and were progressing very well with
the comprehensive plan for Atlantic Beach. He pointed out that
press releases should begin soon due to the fact that Public
Hearings were planned for the latter part of May with work starting
on a final draft in June .
Bid Opening - Pickup Truck
The following bids were received and opened :
Lee Chevrolet $3 , 385 . 00
Lynch-Davidson Ford $3 , 468. 24
Commissioner Minton moved for the bids to go to committee and
award to the low bidder if specifications have been met . The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Mhoon and carried unanimously.
Commissioners Minton and Mhoon were appointed to the committee.
Mr. Peter Johnson - Seaspray Subdivision
Mr . Peter Johnson and Mr. Ted Wilson , representing Higley Publish-
ing Corporation submitted a preliminary plat for Seaspray Sub-
division and asked that the Commission approve said plat and then
approve the final plat at the next regular meeting. Mr. Johnson
stated that the final plat needed to be executed by the mortgagee
and the owner-developer and a few minor details would have to be
changed. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Johnson if he had submitted
the street design as required by the specifications of the City .
Mr . Ted Wilson stated that Mr . Walter Parks had approved said
design and Mayor Howell stated that they had to be approved by the
City Commission. After a reveiw of the plat and discussion, a
motion was made by Commissioner Minton to approve the plat as it
is laid out and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the
plat on behalf of the City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Jensen and carried unanimously . Mayor Howell stated that the
second set of plans pertaining to sewer and storm lines , paving ,
water, etc. have been approved by the City Engineer and after
proper inspection would be accepted by the City. Commissioner
Minton so moved the above and the motion was seconded by Com-
missioner Mhoon and passed unanimously .
Resolution #76-1 - Budget Transfers
Resolution #76-1 was presented and read in full by Mayor Howell
and upon a motion by Commissioner Mhoon , seconded by Commissioner
Minton said Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote . Said
Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof .
Resolution #76-2 - David Lee
Resolution #76-2 was presented and read in full by Mayor Howell .
FEBRUARY 23 , 1976
A motion was made by Commissioner Mhoon to pass said Resolution.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Said
Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof .
Ordinance #5-76-5 - Advisory Planning Board - First Reading
Ordinance #5-76-5 was presented in full in writing and read by
title only on first reading by Mayor Howell . Upon a motion by
Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Jensen , said Ordinance
was passed on first reading - title only .
Parks Project - Proposed Budget
A thirty-nine (39) weeks proposed budget for the Parks Project
was submitted to the Commission for their consideration. Mayor
Howell stated that he had talked to Mr . Tony Magoulis in Washington
D.C. concerning the feelings of the City Commission on the salaries
of the Parks Project employees . Mr . Magoulis stated that it was
within the rights of the City Commission to submit a new budget
and have it approved by the Coastal Plains Regional Commission .
The proposed budget will reduce the labor budget and create seven
(7) new laborers jobs . Commissioner Cook pointed out that he was
strictly against paying overtime and Mr . Vogel stated that any
overtime would have to be authorized by the City Manager before the
overtime work was started and that this would be done only in an
emergency situation. Mayor Howell stated that the new budget
would be effective on Wednesday, February 25 , 1976 if approved
by the Coastal Plains Regional Commission. After much discussion ,
a motion was made by Commissioner Minton to approve the proposed
budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jensen and carried
Mr. Hilliard asked the Commission ' s permission to send out bids
for a new garbage truck and a new pickup truck . Mr. Hilliard
explained that he wanted to dispose of the six year old garbage
truck and also purchase a pickup truck due to the fact that
Public Works give the Lifeguards their oldest truck. The Commis-
sion granted Mr . Hilliard permission to send out bids for a
garbage truck and a pickup truck.
Mayor Howell stated he had talked with the owners of the property
for the proposed water plant site . He pointed out he had no
prices on the property but did not foresee any problems in that
area. Mayor Howell also stated that he asked the Selva Marina
Board of Directors for a 15 ' wide easement along the northern
border of the Selva Marina Country Club for the installation of
a 24" main which would feed from the proposed new plant easterly
and pick up at the Selva Marina Drive extension. A report should
be made at the next regular meeting on the water plant site and
the easement.
FEBRUARY 23 , 1976
There being no further business , Mayor Howell declared the
meeting be adjourned.
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`-'•m . Howell , Mayor
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C/ thia H. Hutchinson
Recording Secretary