11-08-78 v MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON NOVEMBER 8, 1978, AT 6: 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Alan C. Jensen Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: Pill M. Davis, City Manager Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ABSENT: James E. Mhoon L . W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners Oliver C. Pall, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell . The Mayor recognized Mr. Bill M. Davis who had requested the Special Call meeting to discuss two pressing problems. He explained that the City needs to acquire a truck to house the 30KW generator recently purchased for $500, in order to have a mobile unit. After discussions with Chief Stucki and Mr. Hilliard, the suggestion was made to re-purchase the fire truck that was traded in on the Quick Response Unit, as the chassis and tires were in superb condition. Mr. Davis requested Commission authority to re-purchase the piece of apparatus from Emergency One, Inc. in the amount of $2, 000. 00. After a short discussion, the following motion was made by Commissioner Van Ness and seconded by Commissioner Jensen, and carried unanimously. Motion: To authorize Mr. Bill M. Davis to re-purchase the fire truck previously traded in from Emergency One, Inc. , in the amount of $2, 000. 00, to be expended from * * * *upa,i?P 'opr4,a e�r puppe d • * * * * * * * * Mr. Davis explained in detail to the Commission that it is necessary that the City obtain, in addition to the Comprehensive Plan, a Coastal Plains element study. Mr. Bell, of Kellum, Patterson & Bell orally reported to Mr. Davis an estimated figure of between $8, 000 and$10, 000. for the Coastal Plains element study. Mr. Marvin Hill has agreed to furnish the above mentioned study and an interpretation of the current zoning Ordinance. Mr. Davis also added that he would like Mr. Hill to take the land use plan from the current comprehensive plan and incorporate it into the zoning Ordinance afthe City of Atlantic Beach. After a short discussion, the Commission assured Mr. Davis of the Commission ' s favorability of Mr. Hill ' s proposed agreement should it be presented at the next regular meeting. Mr. Davis requested approval to purchase, if possible under the old Police car bid, a new car. He noted that this item is appropriated in the current fiscal year budget. The following motion was made by Commissioner Van Ness and seconded by Commissioner Jensen. Motion: Authorize Mr. Bill M. Davis to purchase a new car. Commissioners Van Ness and Jensen voted yes and Mayor Howell voted no. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE TWO MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1978 There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. (SEAL) William S . Howell, Mayor ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk