04-10-78 v AGENDA
April 10, 1978
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the minutes of March 27, 1978
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
4. City Manager's Report
5. Unfinished Business
6. Report of Committees
7. Action on Resolutions
8. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 34-78-1 - Amending Ordinance No. 34-69-1 - To
raise the minimum electrical permit fee from the present
$2.00 to $5.00
9. Miscellaneous Business
A. A report of police cars by Chief Stucki and a request for
approval to call for bids for three new police cars.
B. Request by Broward Builders, Inc. - Behind 447 Atlantic
C. Request by N & L Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. -
West 6th Street - Block 34, Lots 5, 6 and 7
10. Adjourn
Copies to Advisory Planning Board
1978 V V
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T
Alan C. Jensen E E
James E. Mhoon D D
L. W. Minton, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: Bill M. Davis, Acting City Manager 0 E
Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,
offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the
Approval of the minutes of March 27, 1978 Jensen x x
Mhoon x
Motion: The minutes of the Regular Commission Minton x
Meeting of March 27, 1978, be approved as Van Ness x x
written. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Recognition of Visitors
The chair recognized Mrs. Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, who inquired as
to when the traffic light at Mayport and Plaza would be installed.
The Mayor explained that he and Mr. Davis had attended a meeting with
the the Department of Transportation on Friday, April 7, and were told
that the contract had been let by the State of Florida.
Mayor Howell recognized Mr. George Bull, Sr. , who apologized for not
requesting that he be listed on the agenda, but expressed the opinion
that it was vital to Sevilla for proper advertisement, and requested
permission from the Commission to install a directional sign at the
intersection of Saturiba Drive and Seminole Road on Jacksonville's and
the City of Atlantic Beach 's right-of-way, perhaps by granting a
variance, if necessary. Mr. Bull also requested that the Commission
consider a proposal to refer an over-all plan of Selva Marina Unit 12,
and other units on utility systems, to the City Engineer and other
regulatory agencies. Commissioner Mhoon expressed the view that Mr.
Bull should contact Mr. Bill Davis, the Acting City Manager, to resolve
the matter of the directional sign. Mayor Howell noted that Mr. Bull 's
request for referral of the over-all plan of new units in Selva Marina
was in order and suggested that with no objections from the Commission,
the utility plans for Selva Marina Unit 12 and other units be referred
to the City Engineer for consideration, and that Mr. Parks report back
at the next meeting. Commission agreed.
Page Two 1 V V
Minutes Names of
April 10, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N
- - ` - I t.. f
City Manager 's Report
Mr. Davis mentioned that a copy of the City Manager's report had
been included in the agenda, and explained that he was in receipt
of a request from Mr. Leigh Broward, a local developer, concerning
VA financing in the Saltair Subdivision. Mayor Howell inquired if
Mr. Parks, the City Engineer, was prepared to comment at this time.
Mr. Parks recommended that the City accept for maintenance all
streets and drainage in the Saltair Subdivision, with the exception
of that portion of Poinsettia between David and Sturdivant, and
the section of Sturdivant between Sylvan and Pine Streets. It was
noted that water and sewer maintenance had already been accepted
on the above.
Motion: Except for that portion of Poinsettia
between David and Sturdivant, and the Jensen x x
section of Sturdivant between Sylvan Mhoon x x
and Pine Streets, move to accept for Minton x
maintenance all streets and drainage Van Ness x
in the Saltair Subdivision. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mr. Davis commented that Mr. Parks had also reported that construc-
tion was completed on the Sanitary Sewer Extensions, and the Water
Distribution System in Selva Marina Subdivision - Unit 11. Mr.
Parks then recommended that the City accept for maintenance the
Sanitary Sewer Extensions and the Water Distribution System in Selv
Marina Unit 11.
Motion: Accept the recommendation of Mr. Walter Jensen x x
J. Parks, City Engineer, and move for
the acceptance of maintenance of the Mhoon x x
Sanitary Sewer Extensions and Water Minton x
Distribution System in Selva Marina Van Ness x
Unit 11. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * x x * *
Action on Ordinances
Mr. Davis presented to the Commission copies of a proposed draft
amending Ordinance No. 34-69-1 to raise the minimum electrical
permit fee from the present $2.00 to $5.00, and to allow for certain
other changes that would bring our Code up to the level of that of
the City of Jacksonville, and requested referral of the draft to
the City Attorney. Mr. Ball stated the draft was in proper form,
and suggested the rules be waived on a seventy-two-hour advance
notice, and the Ordinance be presented for first reading.
Page Three V V
Minutes Names of
April 10, 1978 Commr s. M S Y N
-- •.i.. f
Action on Ordinances - Cont'd
Ordinance No. 34-78-1 - An Ordinance Amending the Ordinance Code
Part II, Chapter 7, Section 9 (i,k,1) of the City of Atlantic Beach
Regulating the Installation, Use, Maintenance and Repairs of
Electrical Wiring, Apparatus or Equipment for Light, Heat and Power,
in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and Establishing Permit and
Inspection Fees and Inspection Procedure was presented in full, Jensen x
in writing, and read by title only on first reading. Mhoon x x
Minton x x
Motion: Rules be waived, and pass Ordinance No. Van Ness x
34-78-1 on first reading by title only. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Miscellaneous Business
A. Chief Stucki - Request for Call for Bids - Three New Police Cars
Mr. Davis presented a status report prepared by Chief Stucki regard-
ing mileage and operating costs on three older model police cars, an ,
requested approval to call for bids for three new police cars. It
was also noted that on March 13, 1978, the amount of $5,495 had
been transferred from Capital Appropriations Account 3-1000 into
Account 9-1000 and that those monies would have to be re-allocated
before awarding a bid. Permission was granted to call for bids.
B. Request by Broward Builders, Inc.
Mr. Leigh Broward requested approval of his submitted plans and
permit application to construct an office building on Lots 822, 823,
824, and 844, Saltair Subdivision (directly in back of 447 Atlantic
Boulevard). Mayor Howell observed that this location was zoned
Business A.
Motion: Approve Mr. Broward's plans and permit
application to construct an office Jensen x
building on Lots 822, 823, 824, 844, Mhoon x x
Block 3, Saltair Subdivision, subject Minton x
to the proper building code, permits, Van Ness x x
etc. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
C. Request by N & L Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of a permit application from N & L
Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. , to construct a cement block
building on W. 6th Street, Block 34, Lot 5, Section H, to be used
as a workshop, office and warehouse. Mr. Davis asserted the locatio,
met all zoning requirements.
Page Four V V
Minutes Names of
April 10, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N
Miscellaneous Business - Cont 'd
Motion: Approve the building application of Jensen x
N L Heating G Air Conditioning, Inc. , Mhoon x x
to construct a workshop, office, and
Minton x x
warehouse on Lot 5, Block 34, Section H, Van Ness x
subject to the proper building code, Howell x
permits, etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mr. Davis remarked that he, Mayor Howell, Mr. R. A. Goll, and
several others completed the final inspection on Donner Park 's
addition, and advised the Commission that the work had been
accomplished in a satisfactory fashion. Mr. Davis queried the
Commission on the possibility of scheduling an opening day ceremony.
Commissioner Mhoon stated this was an excellent suggestion. The
Commission unanimously agreed.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk