03-27-78 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 27, 1978 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of March 13, 1978 Approval of the minutes of March 21, 1978 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence A. Fletcher Senior High Band Parents Association 4. City Manager's Report 5. Unfinished Business A. Bid Opening - Sidewalks B. Community School - David Horne C. Stop Signs at Ocean Boulevard and 10th Street D. P.U.D. - Request by Dorothy S. Oden - Planning Board Report E. George Bull, Sr. , re Invoices from Mr. Parks F. P.U.D. Public Hearing-Mr. A. Outlaw-Office Bldg. , Pet Cemetery, Storage Bldg. , 6. Report of Committees Adjacent to Atlantic Memorial Gardens 7. Action on Resolutions 8. Action on Ordinances 9. Miscellaneous Business A. 835 Atlantic Boulevard - Dairy Queen B. 40 Simmons Road - Willie Davis 10. Adjourn Copies to Advisory Planning Board MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 27, 1978 V V PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner O O Alan C. Jensen T T Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners E E D D AND: Bill M. Davis, Acting City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney M S Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk O E ABSENT: James E. Mhoon T C L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS . N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag. For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Howell introduced and welcomed Mr. Bill Davis, the new Acting City Manager. Approval of the Minutes of March 13, 1978 Motion: The minutes of the Regular Commission Jensen x x Meeting of March 13, 1978, be approved Van Ness x x as submitted. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 1978 Motion: The minutes of the Special Called Jensen x x Meeting of March 21, 1978, be approved Van Ness x x as submitted. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Recognition of Visitors Mayor Howell read and presented to Mr. R. C. Vogel a plaque of Resolu- tion 78-5 commending him for his outstanding and dedicated service to the City during the 14 years he served as Fire Chief, Police Chief, and City Manager. Correspondence A. Fletcher Senior High Band Parents Association The Mayor stated he had received a request from the Fletcher Senior High Band Parents Association for a donation for The Senator. Jensen x x Motion: Approve donation for a one-half page Van Ness x x ad for Fletcher 's Senator. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page Two V V Minutes Names of March 27, 1978 Commrs . M S Y N _ City Manager 's Report Mr. Davis reported that in lieu of a City Manager 's report, Mr. R. A. Goll was prepared to give a status report on various projects Mr. Goll advised the Commission that in connection with the Donner Park construction, both the electrical and general contractors would complete their work this week, and that City forces should then initiate installing pine bark, re-installing bleachers and the drinking fountain, and either purchase park benches (at an approxi- mate cost of $500) or construct eight of them. Mr. Goll also commented that the Corp of Engineers would commence work on the beach renourishment program very shortly. He added that Mr. Higgins, of the State office that administers the Coastal Plains grants, had advised him that he would investigate the possibility of Coastal Plains awarding the grant in the near future as installation of the storm drains must be accomplished soon. Mr. Goll recommended that the City call for re-bids as soon as possible. Mr. Parks agreed that the new amended plans should be re-advertised and re-bid. Unfinished Business A. Bid Opening - Sidewalks The following bids were received and opened: 1. Griner-Woodruff, Inc. - Part 1 : $ 9,673.00 Jacksonville, Florida Part 2: 16,671 .00 Bid Bond from Trans- Part 3: 13, 527.00 $39, 871.00 America Ins. Group 2. Bentley, Inc. Part 1: $ 15,450.00 Jacksonville, Florida Part 2: 22,350. 00 Bid Bond from Cotton Part 3: 16,250.00 $54.050.00 States Mutual Ins. Co. 3. Harry Pepper & Assoc. Part 1: $ 19, 751.00 Jacksonville, Florida Part 2: 34,439.00 Bid Bond from United Part 3: 25,087.00 $79,277.00 Pacific Ins. Co. 4. Jax Utilities Part 1 : $ 20, 776.00 Jacksonville, Florida Part 2: 38,546.00 Bid Bond from United Part 3: 30,667.00 $89, 989.00 States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Mayor Howell suggested that Messrs. Parks and Goll study the bids and report back later during the meeting. Mr. Goll asserted that the first bid was only $1,000 over the projected cost and should the attorney find the bid to be in order, it would be his recommendation to award the bid to Griner-Woodruff, Inc. The matter was passed until later in the meeting. PaYge Three V V Minutes Names of March 27, 1978 Commr's. M S Y N _ B. Community School - David Horne Mr. David Horne introduced himself as the new Community School Coordinator for Atlantic Beach. Mr. Horne outlined the plans for the summer program and emphasized the fact that authority must be maintained for a smooth running program. He requested the Commission to consider taking action in writing to allow his depar.- ment to assume the authority for decisions and policies in operati g the recreational program. Mayor Howell, expressing the opinion this was an administrative problem, suggested Mr. Horne contact the City Manager the next day, and assured him the matter would be resolved. C. Stop Signs at Ocean Boulevard and 10th Street Mr. Davis observed the matter had been passed over at the last meeting at the request of Commissioner Mhoon. As the latter was out of town, Mr. Davis remarked that Chief Stucki was prepared to report on the subject. Chief Stucki stated that he had conducted study involving use of four-way stop signs in the Royal Palms area and found that the traffic had definitely slowed with their use. The Chief reported that he investigated the problem at Ocean and 10th Street and recommended that four-way stop signs be installed at that location to eliminate the major problem. Motion: Install four-way stop signs at Ocean Jensen x x Boulevard and 10th Street due to Van Ness x x blind corners. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. P.U.D. - Request by Dorothy S. Oden - Planning Board Report Mr. Davis presented a copy of the Planning Board minutes and noted that the Board had recommended approval by a 3 to 1 votes to eithea change the zoning of Residential "A" to Residential "8", or approv ng the request under P.U.D. Motion: Accept the Planning Board's recommen- dation to approve a request to build Jensen x x a duplex under Planned Unit Development Van Ness x x on Lot 9, Block 9, with a Public Howell x Hearing to be held on April 24, 1978. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E. George Bull, Sr. , re Invoices from Mr. Parks Mayor Howell remarked that Mr. Bull 's request of the City to pay part, if not all, of two statements, covering Walter J. Parks ' engineering services associated with Selva Marina S/D Unit 11, had been passed over to this meeting. The Mayor expressed the opinion that the City bear no expense for the two statements. Page Four V V Minutes Names of March 27, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N E. George Bujl, Sr. , re Invoices from Mr. Parks - Cont 'd Jensen x x Motion: Deny the request and file the Van Ness x x statements for information. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F. P.U.D. Public Hearing - Mr. A. Outlaw - Office Building, Pet Cemetery, Storage Building, Adjacent to Atlantic Memorial Gardens. Mr. Davis advised the Commission and audience that the Planning Board had voted unanimously to recommend approval of the applica- tion. Mayor Nowell announced that a public hearing was open on a Planned Unit Development application by Mr. A. Outlaw to construct a pet cemetery, storage building, and office building adjacent to Atlantic Memorial Gardens, and invited the audience to offer comments from the floor. Mrs. Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, inquire as to the exact location of the pet cemetery and Mr. Outlaw explained that it will be sited on the northwest side of the property on one acre of land, and that the two cemeteries will be divided by Church Street. As no one else spoke for or against, Mayor Howell declared the public hearing closed. Motion: Approve the PUD application for an office building, pet cemetery and Jensen x x storage building, adjacent to Atlantic Van Ness x x Howell Memorial Gardens. x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a Miscellaneous Business A. 835 Atlantic Boulevard - Dairy Queen Mayor Howell observed that plans for a drive-in window to be added to an existing building at 835 Atlantic Boulevard had been includes' in the agenda and asked for comments. Mr. Davis noted he found no objections to the plans. Motion: Plans for construction of a drive-in Jensen x x window at 835 Atlantic Boulevard Van Ness x x be approved. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. 40 Simmons Road - Willie Davis The chair observed that the plans for an addition to an existing building being used as a carpenter shop had been sent to the Commission with the agenda, and, according to the drawings, all requirements were met. Mr. Davis added the zoning, Business "8", Jensen x x was proper. Van Ness x x Howell x Motion: Plans be approved. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page Five V V Minutes Names of March 27, 1978 Commrs . M S Y N sem — — ► , The chair called on Mr. Parks for an opinion on the sidewalk bids. Mr. Parks advised the Commission he had no reservations concerning the low bidder. The low bid contractor was queried as to the date of commencement of work, and he responded that he would initiate construction within 10 days and complete the work within 120 calendar days following the contract date. Mr. Coll requested authorization from the Commission to write a letter requesting HUD to re-allocate the sidewalk funds within the grant. He pointed out that HUD should be notified that the City will proceed with the project and will agree to absorb all costs exceeding the contract, to-wit: an overrun of approximately $1,100. Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #78-7 - Budget transfers, in the amount of Jensen x x $1,100 from Capital Appropriations, Van Ness x x Account 7-1000, into the HUD project. Howell x • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Motion: Award the contract for sidewalks to Griner-Woodruff, Inc. , in the total amount of $39,871.00, subject to the approval of the City Attorney and including the authorization for Mr. Goll to notify HUD. The Mayor will Jensen x x be authorized to sign the contracts on Van Ness x x behalf of the City. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Jensen noted the last Advisory Planning Board Minutes reflected a request for a P. U.D. application from Mr. Tom Collier, a builder, and suggested the Commission refer the application and plans to the Board for consideration. Motion: Refer a Planned Unit Development Jensen x x application submitted by Mr. Tom Van Ness x x Collier to the Planning Board. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. William S. Howell , Mayor-Commissioner (SEAL) ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 78-5 WHEREAS, RabeAt C. Vogel hats seAved the City oS Atlantic Beach, F.eon.ida, a6 PotLce CivLe6 Sum Manch 24, 1964, to Juey 29, 1967, old then as Acting City Ma.na.gen to Manch 11, 1968, and SuntheA as City Managers untie Manch 23, 1978, and WHEREAS, Mn. Vogel hays exhibited oven the yeaAz a high (Aden oS dedication, dcLLgence, and penzenvena.nce in the execution ob the Sunction4 oS hi o S S.icee, and s po a-L1,Lca ey that o S City Managers, and WHEREAS, Mn. Vogel did gain the z.ignat esteem of h us a ooc ateo and the gMat tude ob f etaw citizens Son hiz sign S icant contnibutLone designed to liunthen the .interests 0,6 the community, and to enhance the admLnistnat is n o S the aS Sa ris o i the City o S Atlantis Beach, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: THAT Mn.. Vogel be commended Son outztanding senv.ices nendened to the City oli Atlantic Beach, F.eon.ida; and THAT recognition oS such seAvice be spread upon the m.inutez ab thus body and that a copy oS this nezotutian be presented to Mn. Vogel as a token o6 appnecLatLon lirom the people oS the City o6 Ata.ntic Beach, Floni.da. Adopted unanimou ly by the City Commizzion o6 the City ob Atlantic Beach, Flon.i.da, the 27th. day oli Manch, A. D. , 18. 1 , // ' ' . o ' I', Mayon- •mmizs.ia ner �/ ,-b'fin en, r stianen --‘,.•ta...} am, / 'on Ca sk'nen„a, ,- 16 V W. cnton, n. Camm�s ca C.", q...c.z,,,,(.4,_i� "'!Y A f �, �'„ : en ine G. Van. ess, Con -i,. „,, -. .• , - ..' ' • C2e---:-. (5 ' 4/e, P: E:�: O.g%ven C. Bat, City Attanney , ° • , '• •e R. uc en, C-ay Cee -Tnea3unen �� /�� Paul Steckta, Asst. TAeasunen-Comptnotten RESOLUTION 78-7 WHEREAS, the City Charter requires that the City Commission approve all transfers from one account to another; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE APPROVED IN THE 1977-78 BUDGET: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE Acct. 7-1000 - Public Works Capital Appropriations $1, 100.00 Acct. 008-100 - HUD Project Sidewalks $1, 100. 00 TOTAL $1, 100. 00 $1, 100. 00 Passed by the City Commission on March 27, 1978. t'C�ATTEST: /, (SEAL) (22 ui k° Adelaide R. Tucke: City Clerk 4