02-13-78 v AGENDA
February 13, 1978
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the minutes of January 23, 1978
Approval of the minutes of February 6, 1978
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. Harry C. Warnock, Jr.
4. City Manager's Report
5. Unfinished Business
A. Bid Opening - Tennis Courts
8. Mr. A. L. Outlaw - Construction of 1) Office Building 2) Storage
Building 3) Pet Cemetery, all in or adjacent to Atlantic Memorial
Gardens on Levy Road
C. Mr. B. H. Kimball re Water Service
D. Mr. Edward Ashurian - Lots 765-766 Saltair S/D, 621 Atlantic
Boulevard - Office Building
E. New Baseball Field in Russell Park - Commissioner Jensen
F. Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. - E.D.A. Project and HUD Project
6. Report of Committees
7. Action on Resolutions
8. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 20-78-33
9. Miscellaneous Business
A. Extension of Permit to Install French Drains on the Beach
8. As-Built Drawings for Saturiba Drive
10. Adjourn
Copies to Advisory Planning Board
On line 21, Page 1, change contracted with to contacted
On line 32, Page 1, change Mr. Morgan Crown to Mr. Morgan Kraan.
On line 4, Page 2, change sentence to read, Mr. Parks commented that
the plans and specifications did not offer
On line 6, Page 2, after the word table, insert "The Bidder, in compliance
with your invitation for bids for the construction of a 'Paving and Drainage,
Saltair S/D - Section 3 ', having examined the plans and specifications
with related documents and the site of the proposed work, and being
familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the
proposed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby
proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct
the project in accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time
set forth therein, and at the prices stated below. These prices are to
cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the
Contract Documents of which this proposal is a part. "
On line 9, Page 2, after the word forms, insert Mr. Parks indicated
that such data was provided sometimes and more often than not.
On line 30, Page 2, change Weihnacht to Reinertson.
On line 31, Page 2, change the Ocean Village One Project to Seminole Road.
Add to second paragraph, Page 3, Mr. Parks pointed out that the matter
had been discussed with the contractor and that Note 6 on Sheet 2 of the
Paving and Drainage Plans stated "the top elevation of all catch basins
are approximate, and are to be adjusted where necessary to meet field
conditions. All catch basin tops within paved areas are to be flush with
pavement. All catch basin tops within swale are to be 10' above grade. "
He also averred the shop drawings for the catch basins had not been
submitted to him.
, ,,-
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T
L. W. Minton, Jr. E E
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners D D
AND: Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk M S
ABSENT: Alan C. Jensen T C
James E. Mhoon, Commissioners I 0 y
R. C. Vogel, City Manager NAME OF ONEN
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,
offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the minutes of January 23, 1978
Minton x x
Motion: The minutes of the Regular Commission Van Ness x x
Meeting be approved as submitted. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Approval of the Minutes of February 6, 1978
Commissioner Van Ness announced the following corrections that should be
included in the minutes: A) Lines 21 and 32, Page 1; 8) Lines 4, 6,
9, 30, and 31, Page 2; C) Add to second paragraph, Page 3.
Motion: The minutes of the Special Call Meeting of Minton x x
February 6, 1978, be approved as Van Ness x x
corrected. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A. Harry C. Warnock, Jr.
Mayor Howell informed the Commission of correspondence from Mr. Harry
Warnock who requested water hook-up for Lots 21 and 22 in Ocean Grove
Unit 2. Mayor Howell reminded the Commission that Mr. Warnock had been
told that when the City's additional pumping capacities were on line,
and additional areas could be serviced, his request would probably be
granted. Mayor Howell commented that the existing water main, which
was constructed to provide service for some of the units in Seminole
Hummock, touches the corner of Mr. Warnock 's lot. Mayor Howell expressed
concern over what would be done with the line going across Mr. Warnock 's
property, and pointed out that if the line stopped on the south side of
Mr. Warnock 's property, he would be required to pay for the line across
his property and the hook up. Mr. Parks said that the new plant should
be finished and accepted sometime this month.
Page Two V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N
- - — 0,-.
Correspondence - Cont 'd
Motion: That Mr. Warnock be granted his request
provided that plans are submitted for
the line to be run across his property Minton x x
and that he pay all construction costs, Van Ness x x
downstream pollution charges and Howell x
water cut-in charges with no cost to
the City of Atlantic Beach.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
City Manager 's Report
Mayor Howell announced that Mr. Vogel had been admitted to Beaches
Hospital earlier in the afternoon and, therefore, there would be
no City Manager's report.
Unfinished Business
A. Bid Opening - Tennis Courts
The following bids were received and opened:
Vallencourt Paving Company, Inc.
City Hall Court #1 - $6,329
Russell Park Courts #2 and #3 - $6, 715
Russell Park Court #4 - $3,330
Total - $16,374.00
Bid Bond from TransAmerica Insurance Company
Sport Courts, Inc.
City Hall Court #1 - $7,310
Russell Park Courts #2 and #3 - $8,660
Russell Park Court #4 - $5,220
Total - $21,190
Mayor Howell requested that the bids be sent to committee and report
back at the next regular meeting.
Motion: The bids for re-surfacing the tennis
courts be sent to committee and a Minton x x
report be given at the next Commission Van Ness x x
meeting. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mayor Howell appointed Commissioners Minton and Van Ness to the
C. Mr. A. L. Outlaw
Mr. A. L. Outlaw requested construction of 1) Office Building,
2) Storage Building, and, 3) Pet Cemetery, all in or adjacent to
Page Three V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - Cont'd
Atlantic Memorial Gardens on Levy Road. Mayor Howell pointed out
that the request came under Planned Unit Development and asked Mr.
Outlaw if his plans had been presented to the Advisory Planning
Board. Mr. Outlaw replied that the plans had not been submitted to
the Board, and Mayor Howell stated that the only action that could
be taken at this time would be for the Commission to refer the plans
under PUD to the Planning Board.
Motion: To refer the plans for 1) Office Building,
2) Storage Building, and, 3) Pet Ceme-
Minton x x
tery, all in or adjacent to Atlantic Van Ness x x
Memorial Garden on Levy Road to the
Planning Board for their next meeting Howell x
on February 21, 1978.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
C. Mr. B. H. Kimball re Water Service
Mr. Kimball explained that a 15-unit townhouse project was planned
north of Mr. Postore's property at Bobby Jacobs ' estate on Seminole
Beach Road. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Kimball if all re-zoning
variances had been approved, and Mr. Kimball answered in the affirma-
tive. Mayor Howell also queried Mr. Kimball if he was aware that
the City of Atlantic Beach requires the contractor to install all
of the pipe at their expense according to City specifications, and
turned over to the City when completed. He added that no recovery
can be expected for the contractor's cost from the City. Mr.
Kimball replied that he was aware of these requirements. It was
reiterated that the request was for water service only. Mr. Hilliard
asked what procedure had been planned for the water meters and Mr.
Kimball replied that individual meters had been planned for the
fifteen units. Mayor Howell specified that all of the meters would
have to be installed on public property.
Motion: Approval of the water service request Minton x x
subject to the specifications, plans, Van Ness x x
etc. , being approved by the City Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
D. Mr. Edward Ashurian
Mr. Ashurian requested approval of his plans to build an office
building on Lots 765 and 766, Saltair Subdivision, otherwise known
as 621 Atlantic Boulevard. He explained that it was a 50' x 100' lot
properly zoned for business and that the proposed building comprised
three offices and eight off-street parking spaces.
Page Four V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commr.'s. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - Cont 'd
Motion: To accept plans for a 3-unit office Minton x x
building subject to the plans Van Ness x x
meeting requirements of the building Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
E. Baseball Field in Russell Park - Commissioner Jensen
Mayor Howell stated that Commissioner Jensen was out of town, and
requested committee member Van Ness to give the committee report.
Mr. Gavin, the League President, was present and stated the Junior
League proposal had been abandoned, and the decision made to upgrade
the present facilities with allotted funds in the current budget.
Mr. Hilliard stated that the new Mayport Junior High School had been
given permission to use the practice field at Russell Park for the
9th grade baseball team. After discussion, it was determined that
the new Junior High School could use the practice field only, and
the Little League field would be used for the Little League. It was
pointed out that City labor would be utilized to upgrade the present
facilities. Commissioner Van Ness asked if a cost estimate had been
developed for the renovation of rest rooms and conversion of the
other building into a small office space. Mr. Hilliard replied that
the cost would approximate $2,000. After lengthy discussion, the
following motion was made:
Motion: To release funds for the purpose Minton x x
of upgrading and renovating the Van Ness A x x
present facilities at Russell Park. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
F. Mr. Walter J. Parks - EDA Project and HUD Project
Mr. Parks, who was recognized by Mayor Howell, stated he had nothing
new to report on the EDA Project and requested that it be carried
over for the time being.
Mr. Parks presented the Commission with maps showing the three
separate parts for the sidewalk project.
Part #1 - North on Mayport Road from Plaza
Road to Church Road
Part #2 - East on Plaza Road from Mayport
Road to Seminole Road
Part #3 - South on Mayport Road from Plaza
Road to Atlantic Boulevard
Page Five V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commr's . MS Y N
Unfinished Business - Cont 'd
Mr. Parks stated that the proposal form will be divided into the
above mentioned sections with the proviso that the City can award
nothing if the bids are not suitable, and can award one part, two
parts or all three parts. Mr. Parks reiterated that the sidewalks
will be four feet wide as approved by the Commission at the last
meeting. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Parks to elucidate on the adjust-
ments that would be needed on the rights of way on Mayport and
Plaza Road. Mr. Parks replied that he had talked to Southern Bell
about the terminal cable boxes on the rights of way and they reporte.
to him there would be no problem in their relocation. Mr. Parks
commented on several other required adjustments and observed it was
his understanding that these adjustments would reflect no cost to
the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Parks requested permission from the
Commission to call for bids on March 13, 1978.
Minton x x
Motion: Call for bids to be opened on Van Ness x x
March 13, 1978. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 20-78-33 - An Ordinance to Accept the "Uniform
Governmental Accounting System for Local Units of Government".
Ordinance No. 20-78-33 was presented in full, in writing, and read
by title only on first reading.
Minton x x
Motion: To pass Ordinance No. 20-78-33 on Van Ness x x
first reading by title only. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Miscellaneous Business
A. Extension of Permit to Install French Drains on the Beach
Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of a copy of a letter from Mr. G.
L. Hill, Engineer for Bureau of Beaches 6 Shores, concerning an
extension for the initiation of construction of the drains to
November 20, 1978. He added that the letter indicated the expiratio
date for the construction was the same as the initiation date. The
Mayor suggested, in Mr. Vogel 's absence, that Mr. Parks contact Mr.
Oscar G. Rawls for a clarification and correction on this matter.
Commission agreed.
Page Six V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N
Miscellaneous Business - Cont'd
B. As-Built Drawings for Saturiba Drive
The Mayor declared that as-built drawings had been submitted for
Saturiba Drive and requested that Mr. Parks comment on the matter.
Mr. Parks averred that the plans do not reflect any adjustment of
the issues in question on Saturiba Drive. He noted that the print
reflects water meters on private property beyond the north right of
way limits of Saturiba and stated that if the meters remain on those
locations, the City will have to obtain blanket easements from the
property owners for ingress and egress to read and maintain the meter. .
Meter boxes and yokes were installed by Charles Smith, Inc. , for
Mr. Bull by a special arrangement, with no involvement with the City,
other than to provide and install the meters when water service is
applied for by owners. Mr. Hilliard injected that meters have not
been received for Saturiba Drive, and that he did not have a meter
for a house (at 319 - 19th Street in Selva Marina Unit 11) which the
owners desired to move into within the next week. Mr. Parks remarke.
that the water mains have not yet been sterilized for that area.
Mayor Howell expressed the opinion that the City did not have a right
to go on private property and install meters. He reminded the Com-
mission the City would not be requested to accept any streets for
maintenance in Unit 11, and that, therefore, there will be no
dedicated rights of way. The Mayor inquired if any easements had
been received from the developer for water mains and sewer lines, an.
the reply was in the negative. The Mayor further commented that the
amended plat for Unit 11 was approved and contained a dedication on
the plat, including a right of ingress and egress for the purpose of
reading meters, maintaining lines, etc. , but that as of today, the
City of Jacksonville reported the plat had not been recorded. He
also revealed Unit 10 had not been recorded either, according to
information obtained from the court house. The City Attorney inject- .
it was his understanding the plats had not been recorded due to
unpaid taxes, so the City does not, at this time have an effective
dedication for installing meters, etc. Mr. Parks apprised the
Commission that it was his understanding that Unit 10, (on the north
side of Saturiba) was to be recorded as three separate parcels, and
lots were to be cut out of the three parcels by metes and bounds.
Commissioner Van Ness reported that clearing on Live Oak and Sherry
north of Saturiba has been accomplished to a depth of about four lot-.
Mayor Howell opined that no water cut-ins should be made until the
matter was resolved. Commissioner Van Ness suggested the City not
issue any building permits until the matter was settled and inquired
how many had been issued. The reply was three, two in Unit 10, and
one in Unit 11. The City Attorney agreed with Commissioner Van Ness
and suggested no permits or water cut-ins be allowed due to the fact
the City cannot operate on private property. The attorney also
commented the City should not bear the cost of this matter being
Page Seven V V
Minutes Names of
February 13, 1978 Commr's. M S Y N
1 f
Miscellaneous Business - Cont 'd
cleared up, and that the developer should bear all the expense, to
the satisfaction of the Commission.
Motion: There will not be any further permits Minton x x
for water or sewer connections in Selva Van Ness x x
Marina Units 10 and 11 until this Howell x
matter is settled.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The chair recognized Mr. R. A. Goll, of Goll G Associates, who
advised the Commission that if bids for the construction of sidewalk .
on Mayport Road and Plaza exceeded the estimate, HUD 's policy
dictated that only those sections for which there are sufficient
funds can be built with grant money. He explained the overcost of
surveying will be reviewed at the time bids are received with the
view of changing a line item (since the grant cannot be increased).
Mr. Goll commented that Federal programs were now available for out-
door recreational facilities, but which require 50%6 local matching
funds. The Mayor suggested this item be discussed at a later date.
The Mayor asserted that at the next meeting, he planned to give a
progress report on the 201 planning on the sewer system.
The chair recognized Mr. Bob Retherford who inquired when building
permits could be issued on Pine and Magnolia in Saltair. The Mayor
explained it was impossible at this time, in light of the weather
conditions, to establish the time when the streets would be paved,
and that no building permits can be issued until the streets are
finished. Mr. Don MacLean injected that he also was interested
inasmuch as his contracts had been extended periodically since
December. The Mayor remarked that he felt as soon as weather condi-
tions improved, the contractor could commence work on other than the
problem areas.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
I/ I
Ilia .� o - , 'ayor-Commissioner
Adelaide R. Tucker