11-12-79 v AGENDA
November 12, 1979
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of October 22, 1979
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc.
4. Advisory Planning Board
5. City Manager's Report
6. New Business
A. Lee Ross - P. U. D. application for multi-unit complex - 7th Street
and East Coast Drive - Public Hearing
8. Richard Hamilton, Jr. - P. U. D. application to develop a portion of Old
Bull Airport - Public Hearing
7. Unfinished Business
A. Bud Gross - Application for construction of new business at Mayport
Road at 10th Street
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
10. Action on Ordinances
11. Miscellaneous Business
12. Adjourn
• - 1
PRESENT:( ittiam S. Howelt, Mayon-Comm-czzione& 0 0
Atan C. Jensen T T
James E. Mhoon E E
Cathetine G. Van Ness, Comm.iss.ionetrs D D
AND: Hitt M. Davis, City Manag etc
Of ve C. &tU, City A-ttonney M S
Ade a_Lde R. Tucke, City CLek 0 E
ABSENT: L. W. Minton, JA. , Comm-issioneh I 0 Y
The meeting was caned to oAdeA by Mayo& Howett. The invocation,
o44eed by Comm-L s-Lone Van Ness, wtzs 4o.JLowed by the ptedge to the 4.P_ag.
In tone with pAov.us.i.ont 04 the Chante, the 4ottowing Commis-Lonens wee
swo&n into o44,ice by the City C.lenk: ( iLUam S. Howett,MayoA-Comm.i& -Lonetc,
Seat No. 1;Jame4 E. Mhoon, Seat No. 2, and Atan C. Jennen,Se.at No. 3.
Appnovat o4 the Minute of Octobe& 22, 1979
Jensen x
Motion: The Minutes o4 the RegutaA Comm)&Lon Meeting o4 Octobetc Mhoon x x
22, 1979 be appnoved as submitted. Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HowetL x
CvAtces pondence
M't. Davis Aead a tette 4Aom the Beaches Aquatic Poo', Inc. &eques ing
that the City g&ant them an exemption ob the City's .imposed 4ue.L o.it tax.
The City Attonney advised not to allow the exemption, stating it wowed
be discAim.inato&y. The Mayo& commented that the Beaches Aquatic Poot
was exempt 4Aom ad vato&em taxes and .insthucted Mt. Bale to Aes e.cj ch the
State taws to see .i4 they woutd be coveed 4o& exemption and &epont
back at the next meeting.
Adviso'y Harming Boated
Comm.css.ione Van Ness AepoA-ted that Mk. GouLd,o4 Community A44a.itcs was
p&es en t at the .Fust meeting and the p&o btems .in the housing element o4
the Comp&ehensive P.Lan 4o& the City wee discussed. Some -stems wee
changed and/o& added and the housing element phase now meets the entitce
app&ova-L os the Ptanm,ing Boa&d. The next meeting Witt be heed on
Tuesday, Novembe 20, 1979.
City Mana_gen's Repot
Mn.. Davis Aeponted that Tyson, Fanche& and White, CPA's, wetce pees entty
conducting thew yeatrty audit. Mn. Davis &equested pehmiss,ion to ptace
an o&den with Nationat Cash Regi to 4o& a second disk to the compute,
in the amount o4 $5,850. The dusk .is a duty budgeted .stem in the 1979-80
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER _12{1979Commrs. MS Y N
City Manageit 4 Repoir,t -'-con c-nued
Jensen x x
- Motion: Approve purchase o5an additional disk to the computeh# Mhoon x x
.in the amount oS $5,850 Wm National Cash Register, Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell.
New Bu&Lness
A. Lee Ross - P.U.D. application tion multi-unit complex-Public Hein-'.ng
The ChaiA necogn.ized Mn.. Pete Johnson, attorney representing Mn.. Lec.
Ross. He stated that MA. Ross's o' g.inal plan that was pnev.iowsly
approved by the Commission called tion the new units to be placed
in the back oti the existing tout. units but there were some problems
with the access way. Mn.. Ross 's new proposal called eon the exustirg
units to be reto ca ted to the near o ti the .tot, and six units to be
constructed on the enont oven.LookLng the pante on Bast Coast D/.i.ve.
The sex back Line would be 20' tinom Past Coast Dr. .instead oti 15'
as negwitc.ed. Adequate patching would be provided .in the center.
Mayor Howell then announced that Mn.. Ross's application was open Soil
a public heatcing and .invited the audience to otitien comments tirom the
ti.eoor. Mn.. R. S. Jackson, 306 6th St. , Mn.. B. L. Hendtn,ick, 320 7,6
Sttceet, MAS. Lummus, 331 7th St., and Mn. .s M y.2er, 329 7th all opposed
saying there would be too many peop.2e eon the pnopetcty size. Mn..
Harold ( Leewt, 310 8th St. , Ms. Diane Mark, 316 7th St. , and Mn.
Thomas McC'uv.y all opposed due to the parking and tratie-.c problems
that pnesentey exist and also agreed with the above as to the satiety
tractors. Mns. Mark commented that cams ane peesentey patching on the 4
paved area oe 7th continually. The Mayon stated that temporary park-
ing is allowed on City owned propet.ty between the paved area and
any existing sidewalk, but no parking .cs allowed on paved area, and
suggested that she call the police .ie canes are blocking the sttceet.
Mn.. Thomas McCrary, 230 7th Street opposed stating he did not Sea
the an.ea would be upgraded. He asked why a Planned Unit Development
application was being applied tion and the Mayon answetced that under
the City o e Atlantic Beach code,that any area, regardless 04 zoning,
with three or mare units must come under Planned Unit Development.
Mn.. John Po-ct, 178 Beach commented that with adequate patching to
be pnov.ided, the new addition perhaps would be an aid to the parkinc
pnob1em nathetc than a hindrance. There being no tiwthen comments,
the Mayon dec taAed the Public Hean,ing closed. Comm-issionen Van Ness
moved tion passage oe the project. The motion died tion tack oti a
second. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
B. Richard Hamilton, Jr. - P.U.D. application to develop a portion
o ti Old Bae Ai .pont -Pub.li.c Heaping
The ChaitL recognized Mn.. R.ichand Hamilton, Jn. to address the
Commission and audience tion the Public. HeaAi.ng. Mn.. Hamilton detac,J ed
his pro pas ed plan to develop 44 single 5am-i,ey .lots adjacent to
Sava Man,ina Countn.y Club. Lots will be otieered on the 7th and 8th
holes with a minimum size oti 110' x 120' . They plan to impose
resttL.ictLons that wile require minimum square tiootage oven. and above.
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER 12, 1979 Commrs. M S Y N
-- + -. - -
New Business - continued- Ri.chand Hamilton- Pub.Zi.c Heating
the City's zoning regutat i.ont4. The project u at. be ancto s ed with
split Aait and stochade bencing. Mayon Howeel azked .i4 there wetce
any questions on comments. Mtus. Gregg, Sai? i.4 h Dn. , asked .ii 11th
Street was the only way in and out, and Mr. Hamilton rep.Zied in the
atg,cnmati,ve. Mt. Paths, the City Eng.ineet., asked what was the neeatic n-
ship o4 the South .Zine the proposed tract to the exiting night-
os-way £.im.its o 11th St. they were projected Glesteney. Mn.. Hamitton
answeAed approximately 30' would enctoach along the connen o/s the
pno pets ty. Mn. Parks noted that wooed be the center tine o b .the exist-
ing niht-oli-way 11th Street .is projected. Mn.. Patks expnersed
his concern o6 the existence o4 the easements that covets the prevaie-
h.ng 10" & te,'t main., 12" water. .t)tantom.itosion main, and 10" .6ewetcage
tionce main going to the existing treatment plant that ,in his opinion
were 4acnosanct. Mn. Hamilton stated the eatoements wowed be pne-se&vad
and .i4 necessary reaZi.gn 11th St. to turn a tittee 4uhthetr North.
Mn s. Jane Vincent, 1130 Seminole Rd. , was concerned about the tna44.ic
on one tottceet which would have to setcve 44 additi.onat houses. The
Mayon stated that land use wowed mandate othetc access noad.6 to be
built .in the 4utune, the same az Seminole Rd. which dead-ends.
Mn.. Henry Gati.teand, 1140 Seminole Rd, expne-toed the opinion that the
Comm.itosiDn was taking a"pi.eee-meae" approach and the Commission should
not eont'.iden the deveeopment untie adequate .tc.eets were provided .in
a total package. Mn.. Tom Nevitee, 1060 Seminole Rd. agreed with the
Mn. Gatcteand. As no one etre spoke son on against, Mayon Howeel
closed .the Public Heats ing.
Motion: Approval o4 Mn. Ham ton's Planned Unit Veveeopment Van Ness , x
appt icatio n Mho on , x
There £ottowed a discussion be6ore the vote. Mayon Howat stated
that since Mn.. Hamilton was not tune o4 the Southern boundary o6 his
pno peaty in ne ea t ion s h.ip to the center .Zine o6 lith St. as it now
exist , and .i4 lith St. was extended,the pno ject would have to be
moved to a Nonthett y d jte.c tion in onden to accommodate 11th Street.
Mn.. Hamilton answered yes, there was no question about .it. He a so
Maxed that at the present time they have no legal access to the
proposed project, and plan to purchase 160' .in order to gain access
to theirs, proposed Woad. The Mayon asked .i4 the City's ex.it6ting ease-
ments wowed, in 4aet, be running onto pni.vate pno pent y o4 the people
who punehnte the lots, and Mn.. Hami ton anzwetced yes. Commuss.ionet
Van Ness stated that the P!.anning Board had recommended that a tight,-
ight,os-way dor 11th Street be acquitted and n.e to fined so that .in the £utune.
11th Sttc.eet would be extended to Vonnen Road. This would negwiM
Mn. Hamilton to move his entitce project 30' to the Nonth.Mayon Howell
expressed the opinion that he did not have enough -inpnmati.on at that
time to e.a4t a vote. Mn.. Jim Alexandetr, Mn.. Hamilton's patctnetc,
qbered to .inseAt a stipulation that 30' be deeded to the City Lon
the might-o4-way, and Mayon Howell Mated that might help. The City
could then nequ,itce propetcty ownetus on the South side to a.e6o
deed 30' son the complete 60' night-o6-way.
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER 12,1979 Commrs. M S Y N
New Business - continued - Richard Ham-c,eton - Pub1 Lc Heating
Substitute Motion: Action on Mn, Hamilton's request or. P!a.nned Jensen x x
Unit Development be de6etvted untie the next Mhoon x
meeting o6 the City Commission, Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howett x
Unb.inL hed Business
A. Bud GnoaS - App!icat.ion son conatttuc Lon ob new business at
Maypoht Road at 10th -S.t'teet
Mn. Gr044 nequested Commission approval to consttuct a 15' x 20'
o64-.ce bu.ied.ing to be u6ed son sates and 1,ettv.ice o automobiles. T ".
would be phase I At a .eaten date, he wowed come back hebone the
Commission to en-eaAge the bu,ild.i:ng 16or phase II, He also nequested
penm-izz ion to place a temponatty conatnuct-i.on ttcailett on the site and
also use the tna,ilen bon sates son a pen.i..od o6 three to dour months
white the building is being constnuctedt Mn. Davis stated there wove.
be no objections to the pnopasae iso long ate he met the tenms o6 the
buied-ing code.
Motion: Approve application to construe obb.ice building at Jensen x x
Maypont Road and 10th Sttteet and ct-flow use of a constru i 'on Mhoon x x
tAa.itetc bon a pe�tAod not to exceed noun months. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howefe x
Un6.iniL hed Business
Comm-is4tonen Jensen suggested that the City recognize Mn.. Sam Bass,
Neptune Beach Police Depatttment, on behati o6 the action taken .in
neeat.ian with our policeman, Scott E.eeazett. Mayon Howe-U said that
Scott Eleazen should also be commended son ne'pond.ing to an assist
colt 6nom Neptune Beach. Commission agreed and £ni tttuc ted the
City Manager to send .letters to both men.
Mayor Howell announced that MA4. Nancy Minton had won the tennis
tttophy at the Fta. League o6 Cities convention. Mns. Minton was
nepnes enti ng the City o6 Ateant.ic Beach and the trophy was given son.
herr outstanding playing ab,i Lti.e-s. Mx. Davis suggested a £erten of
congnatutation-o be sent to MA/S. Minton. Comm-uss.ion agreed.
There being no £wt then business, the Mayor dectatt.ed the meeting
(SEAL) w" ' ' , S. How,7
. . , 041e ': uc eh
tillable Beads - Thmilia
November 12, 1979
The 1978-79 budget has been closed out and the newly approved 1979-80 budget
is loaded into the computer, and we are off and running under it.
Tyson, Fancher and White are conducting an audit of the last three months
of the fiscal year which will complete the year in total.
Most of us have just returned from a successful League of Cities meeting in
Orlando and our Mayor was elected to the office of First Vice President.
Congratulations to him:
You will recall that an item in the new budget was fixed for the addition of
a second disk to the computer. This additional disk will enable the
computer to operate with a retentive memory in every respect, i.e. , direct
inquiry will be available for every job the computer is currently doing.
Also, the addition of this disk will speed up the operational process, allowing
us to become involved with fixed asset accounting, now a requirement, that
we have not heretofore possessed the capability of doing. I respectfully
request your permission to place an order with National Cash Register for this
additional disk in the amount of $5, 850.
Re pest fu11 y submitted l
Bill M. Davis
City Manager
Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner
City Manager City Attorney City Clerk-Treasurer-Comptroller Chief of Police Director of Public Works
and Fire Department