05-28-79 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA May 28, 1979 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of May 14, 1979 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manager's Report 6. New Business 7. Unfinished Business A. Public Hearing - PUD - Mr. & Mrs. Dan Siakel and Mrs. Audrey Parcel Ocean 10 B. Public Hearing - PUD - Mr. Mike Ash - Lots 698 and 699, Saltair Section 3 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions 10. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 57-79-8 - Establishing Parking Violations, Providing for Payment of Parking Fines and Issuing Summons; and Providing an Effective Date - Second Reading B. Ordinance No. 40-79-9 - Providing for the Granting of a Non-exclusive Franchise to Operate a Cable Television System in the City of Atlantic Beach; Setting Forth Condi- tions Accompanying the Granting of Franchise; Providing for City Regulation of the Cable Tele- vision System; Prescribing Penalties for Violations of the Franchise Provisions; and Establishing General Rules for the Application Procedures Required Before Granting a Franchise. Second Reading 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MAY 28, 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. V V PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner 0 0 Alan C. Jensen T T L. W. Minton, Jr. E E Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners D D AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney M S Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk 0 E T C • ABSENT: James E. Mhoon, Commissioner I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS . N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of May 14, 1979 Jensen x x Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting be approved Minton x as submitted. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Recognition of Visitors , The chair recognized Mr. Andia, 371 Plaza, who had a complaint about a $5.00 late charge on his water bill that was charged in error. Mayor Howell apologized on behalf of the City. City Manager's Report Mr. Davis reported that once again, he was able to purchase water meters from Rockwell International under Jacksonville Bid No. 5-0573-79 at a substantially less price than the City of Atlantic Beach had previously paid for the same meter. He requested authorization to purchase 50 3/4" meters for stock at the purchase price of $1,487.50. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to purchase 50 3/4" water meters Jensen x x from Rockwell International for a purchase price of $1,487, .0 Minton under Jacksonville Bid No. 5-0573-79. Van Ness x 4c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell Mr. Davis also stated that Mr. Parks had requested permission to proceed with plans for increasing the capacity of drainage in the City. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Parks, the City Engineer, if it would be necessary to obtain permits for this project and Mr. Parks answered in the affirmative, stating that you still have to apply for a permit with the Corps of Engineers, and in each instance they resolve the right to say if a permit is necessary. After a short discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Jensen and seconded by Commissioner Minton that Mr. Parks be authorized to proceed with the necessary plans to increase the capacity of drainage at .Plaza and 11th Street. Mr. Parks then suggested that the Commission also include Seminole Road and 6th street. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES Names of MAY 28, 1979 Commrs. M S Y N City Manager's Report - continued Amended Motion: Authorize Mr. Parks, the City Engineer, to Jensen x x proceed with the necessary plans to increase Minton x the capacity of drainage at 11th Street and Van Ness x x Plaza, and also include Seminole Road and Howell x 6th Street. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Davis recommended that the Commission not pursue a special census at this time, as it would entail a minimum of six to ten enumerators to be paid for the by the City, and a 10-year census is due in 1980. Commissioner Van Ness inquired what the dollar differ- ence would be in the revenue sharing. Mr. Davis stated that he would check and report back at the next meeting. Unfinished Business A. Public Hearing - PUD - Mr. & Mrs. Dan Siakel and Mrs. Audrey Parcel - Ocean 10 Mayor Howell explained that a request had been made by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siakel to change the apartments at the foot of 10th street and Beach Avenue into townhouse condominiums to be sold individually. The chair recognized Mr. and Mrs.Parcel to present the plans. Mr. Parcel explained that they planned to completely re-design the 10 units zoned for the piece of property, and sell them as townhouses in fee simple, including a common wall. The Mayor then announced the request was now open for a Public Hearing and invited the audience to examine the plans and offer comments from the floor. As no one spoke for or against, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. The Mayor inquired how many water meters they planned to install, and Mr. Parcel stated that each unit would have a meter. The Mayor also reminded Mr. Parcel that 10th Street was a Public street and could not be reserved for the owners of the townhouses. A discussion followed on parking spaces recommended by the Planning Board; refuse containers which will be separate containers to be picked up at the corner of 10th and Beach, and the assurance from the Parcel's that a five foot easement would be deeded to the City at the rear of the property. Motion: Approve the plans subject to the Planning Board's Jensen X X recommendation as to the parking (install four parking Minton X stalls) ; that not less than a five foot easement be Van Ness X X dedicated to the City at the rear of the building for Howell X utility purposes, and the plans include the stipulation that a centralized point for garbage collection be provided. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES Name s o f MAY 28, 1979 Commrs . M S Y N Unfinished Business - continued B. Public Hearing - PUD - Mr. Mike Ash - Lots 698 and 699,Saltair Mayor Howell announced that Mr. Mike Ash had submitted an applicatio-i to construct a six unit complex on two lots in Saltair Section 3 under Planned Unit Development. The chair recognized Mr. Ash to present the plans. Mr. Ash stated the proposed apartments would be located at the corner of Sturdivant and Poinsettia. Mr. Davis commented that the plans had been approved by the Planning Board. The Chair announced that Mr. Ash's application was open for a Public Hearing and invited the audience to offer comments from the floor. As no one spoke for or against, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the PUD application of Mr. Mike Ash to construct a six unit apartment complex on lots 698 and 699, Jensen x x Saltair Section 3. Minton X Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 57-79-8 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING VIOLATIONS, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF PARKING FINES AND ISSUING SUMMONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read by title only, on second reading. Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on second reading by Jensen x x title only. Minton x Public Hearing set for June 11, 1979. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x B. Ordinance No. 40-79-41 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR CITY REGULATION OF THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FRANCHISE PROVISIONS; AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL RULES FOR THE APPLICATION PROCEDURES REQUIRED BEFORE GRANTING A FRANCHISE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read by title only, on second reading. Jensen x x Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on second reading by Minton x title only. Ne Public Hearing set for June 11, 1979. Van x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES Name s of MAY 28, 1979 Commrs . MS Y N , The Mayor presented a copy of a proposed draft prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages upon public properties, and requested referral of the draft to the City Attorney. Mr. Ball stated the draft was in proper form. Mayor Howell requested that the rules be waived on emergency and passed on first and second readings. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES UPON PUBLIC PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. Said Ordinance No. 10-79-12 was presented in full, in writing, and read by title only, on first reading. Motion: Waive the rules, and on emergency said Ordinance be Jensen x passed on first reading by title only. Minton x x Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES UPON PUBLIC PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. Ordinance No. 10-79-12 was presented in full, in writing, and read by title only, on second reading. Jensen x Motion: Waive the rules, and on emergency Ordinance No. 3 10-79-12 be passed on second reading by title only. Minton x x Public Hearing set for June 11, 1979. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. /ZnOra A 14 (SEAL) William S. Howel Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk 71CITY OF 4 AitRhtiC Beak - Rigida 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD—DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 May 28, 1979 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT The Department of Public Works finds itself in need of additional water meters to continue to meet the demand of new housing in Atlantic Beach. I once again have been able to purchase water meters from Rockwell Inter- national under Jacksonville Bid No. S-0573-79 at less than $30.00 a piece. Prior to this, the City of Atlantic Beach was paying substantially more for the same meter. Please authorize me to purchase 50 3/4" meters for stock at the purchase price of $1,487.50. The City's engineer, Mr. Parks, has advised me that some time ago he was instructed to give consideration to increasing the capacity of drainage where the lagoon system crosses under Seminole Road, The Plaza & 11th Street. Mr. Parks is requesting permission to proceed with this endeavor at this time. (See letter attached) Several weeks ago, you authorized me to check with the University of Florida Division of Population Studies for the purpose of determining a correct census for Atlantic Beach. I have done this and have been advised that due to an error in the 1970 base data for Atlantic Beach a special census is the only course of action that can be followed. Since this would entail a minimum of six to ten enumerators to be paid for by the City, and since a 10-year census is due in 1980, I recommend that we do not pursue this special census. The price of gasoline continues to rise. The latest quote is .58300 per gallon for regular gasoline and .66300 per gallon for lead-free. Respec ully su mit -•, 0 f iii )1114 Bi 1 M. Davis City Manager BMD:jl WILLIAM S. HOWELL JAMES E. MHOON ALAN C. JENSEN L. W. MINTON, JR. CATHERINE G. VAN NESS Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner BILL M. DAVIS OLIVER C. BALL MRS. ADELAIDE R. TUCKER CARL STUCK! RICHARD HILLIARD City Manager City Attorney City Clerk-Treasurer-Comptroller Chief of Police Director of Public Works and Fire Department