12-08-93 v S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 6:45 PM, DECEMBER 8, 1993 AGENDA Call to order 1 . Discussion and related action relative to the proposed concession building in Jack Russell Park 411 2. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 6:45 PM ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1993. Present were Mayor Fletcher and Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, Waters, and Weiss. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Deputy City Manager Jarboe, City Attorney Jensen and City Clerk King. 1. Discussion and related action relative to the proposed concession building in Jack Russell Park Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order and explained the meeting had been called for the purpose of discussing and formulating a proposal to be prepared and presented to Councilman Brown at a town meeting the following evening relative to $1 million of renaissance funds which were available for projects in District 3 . Based on population, the Mayor felt the share to Atlantic Beach should be approximately $280, 000. He felt this was an opportunity to get some funds for recreational or public works projects and listed projects such as the Jack Russell Park concession building and restrooms, Donner Park concession building and restrooms, Jordan Park improvements, recreational equipment, Y.M.C.A. recreational building, and development of the 4-acre tract in Section H at Begonia Street and Atlantic Boulevard, currently owned by the city. Commissioner Weiss noted there were only four beach access parking spaces for the handicapped. He also felt two additional beach ramps and refurbishing existing ramps for the handicapped would be desirable. He also suggested a pedestrian overwalk at Mayport Road would be beneficial . Commissioner Rosenbloom inquired whether the Mayor had had any indication of the types of projects Councilman Brown would be likely to fund and Mayor Fletcher indicated the projects should be capital improvements rather than operational . Commissioner Rosenbloom agreed that recreational improvements in Jack Russell and Donner Parks should be priorities and suggested the possibility of offering matching grants. Parks and Recreation Director Blanchard noted that the city paid $700.00 per month to rent a trailer for recreation activities in Donner park and it was felt these funds could be better spent to provide a permanent facility in this area. Deputy City Manager Jarboe noted that Atlantic Beach provided most of the recreational services to the Jacksonville residents north of Church Road and west of Mayport Road and felt Councilman Brown should be agreeable to providing funds to Atlantic Beach which would benefit those Jacksonville residents. Page Two Minutes of Special Called Meeting December 8, 1993 Commissioner Shaughnessy noted that parking, particularly in the Neptune Beach/Atlantic Beach business area, continued to be a problem. She felt a parking garage would benefit both communities and suggested that a feasibility study be considered. She also agreed with the proposal to proceed with the Russell Park concession building and suggested a similar, smaller facility be built in Donner Park. She also felt the city should proceed to develop the city property in Section H. Commissioner Waters felt the city should proceed with the concession building in Jack Russell Park as currently designed and plan a smaller building in Donner Park. Former Commissioner Tucker, who was in the audience, suggested the city investigate the possibility of acquiring additional land which was for sale adjacent to the city property in Section H and following further discussion, the city manager was directed to check into this matter and report back. Discussion then ensued regarding how the proposal should be presented and Commissioners Waters and Rosenbloom felt a formal proposal, giving as many specifics as possible, including cost estimates, should be prepared for presentation to Councilman Brown the following evening. Following further discussion, the projects were loosely prioritized as follows: 1 ) Concession buildings/community center and restrooms at Jack Russell and Donner Parks; 2 ) Improvements to Y.M.C.A. facilities; 3 ) land acquisition and development of the city property in Section H; 4 ) improvement of beach accesses for the handicapped; and 5 ) Pedestrian overwalk at Mayport Road. Other proposed projects not ranked in priority order were a new lifeguard station and a feasibility study for parking garage. 2. Any other business There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Fletcher declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. ...111 .1.- 11,1001111.P yman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: Maur ,en King City Clerk