03-08-93 v MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, AT 5:30 PM ON MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1993 The meeting, which was held for the purpose of conducting interviews with prospective architects for the expansion of the Public Safety building, was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Interviews with architects had been scheduled as follows: J. Bruce Duff & Associates, Inc. 5:30 PM Fleet & Associates, Inc. 5: 50 PM RAM Architecture 6: 10 PM Bruce Duff, President of Duff & Associates, said his firm was established in 1987 and outlined their experience and qualifications. He distributed hand-outs which included a list of projects their firm had designed, resumes of other principals of his firm, and testimony of their ability to complete projects within budget. He also provided a conceptual plan of a proposed expansion. The plan was discussed at some length, following which Mr. Duff answered questions. In response to a question from Mayor Gulliford Mr. Duff indicated he felt the expansion would cost approximately $55 - $60 per square foot. Robert and Janis Fleet represented their firm, Fleet & Associates, Inc. They outlined their qualifications and experience with similar projects. They reviewed a list of projects they had designed and felt that with their experience as a land planner and an architect they were well qualified for the proposed project. Ms. Fleet indicated they had recently completed a renovation project for Putnam County and were able to complete all the renovations without having to shut down any department. She outlined their current workload and felt they would have the time to give this project priority treatment. Robert Fleet said he would be the Project Manager and reviewed his project team. He said he had done a walk through of the building felt there was adequate space to provide the additional space needed and also provide additional storage and briefly outlined some of the possibilities. He said his firm had a history of completing projects within budget . Robert Maurer of RAM Architecture outlined his experience, particularly in similar projects. He presented illustrations of other buildings he had designed and documentation of the experience of his firm. He explained that his business was only two years old but said he had thirteen years of diversified professional experience for both public and private sector clients. He introduced his team which included a structural engineer, mechanical/electrical engineer, landscape architect, and civil engineer. He indicated the design phase would take about four weeks, and preparation of construction documents would take about four weeks. He felt he would need to spend some time in the Page Two Minutes of Committee of the Whole March 8, 1993 building and discuss the needs with the personnel using the building before he would present any specific plans for the expansions. Following the interviews the Mayor explained that ranking of the teams would be by ballot and he provided ballots for this purpose. Discussion ensued and the Fire Chief and Police Chief indicated that while Mr. Duff had visited the building and discussed the needs with the personnel, he did not seem to incorporate their suggestions in his conceptual plan. The principals of RAM had not attended the pre-bid conference and staff questioned their interest in the job. Fleet & Associates seemed to be more responsive to the needs and suggestions made by the staff. Mayor Gulliford inquired whether references had been checked and Chief Thompson explained a thorough reference check had not been made but preliminary checks, particularly on Fleet & Associates whom the staff had ranked No. 1, had revealed nothing negative. Following the ranking by the City Commission, a more thorough check would be done. Voting by the City Commission resulted in the following ranking: No. 1 - Fleet & Associates No. 2 - Duff & Associates No. 3 - RAM Architecture The ballots are attached hereto and made a part of this public record. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Maur en King, Crty Crk N9 91 OA N o r n4 -N . ?y-u-D,11 h7-3D' Viva Oil 9 Sysdr)osSD` 0/ -oSS '2 ' n9 - J-3..jOSS 1-19 ad 3T1-1.- O No, sNV 3 "1-2lit '9 t j -L I 1-17"/7 ttLi M 5 f•I N d wcr� NI-AO-3n _..L 011 f - 1-7/iJQ )5"D OK) 91,QA No Nva 1-\ �vn1��11 t Q2V vvv c __La-a-i_th D'1 -DoSS '2 d fna - 7 NId'11 ng t1.1„.9jpie --').r)Snd ,rJ- Jo NQ1sNdd)e3 3- LL S �.� �- n-1- -1-1 row tilt M 5 f`i Q.1D''J Q' 3 N /•\ d wo7 2J-a= 1-21 011 170. 1 re7/ s in? 'a-3(IQ n ov N9 91 QA )-1 N NUJ no . ?)(1-17),1-1r1-70V vv v nQ lc,-t1 (19 )-1.1.--3J 1-1 ca od ,nom. JO N o, s N Vd>e3 3-NLL `' ', S I j 14771V ttLi 5No'-tQ'3N 2)-4; N1-71N-Va vif. J -w r7liJ-40 '3-3 N 4 t ssi YV.W 0.2 2,D NC) 91,QA )- 1 NQ NVO n4, vvva - oSS V 'g AG X19 hL-.AO's 1-19od ,nom Jo No1sNdd),(3 S zJ 1j t-r7V1 ` NJJ M 5N°QLD' N t\UtJ.-9dvvo7 2J N1-71r`iD►a 0'1'1 pj ,"7j -Q rot 5S1 yv.w(3v ),D NO 91,QA N Q ( J noh vv°'a -)1'19 Od 3 rjj- JO N o, S N dd),(3 5t' 9 1JQ'3aN AL11.1-9 dvvo7 Pv�rt'� 0015S1WW02 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, MARCH 8, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 22, 1993 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning authorizing the architect to proceed with plans, specifications and bidding relative to improvement with Jack Russell Park concession stand B. Report with related action relative to property for sale adjacent to Jordan Park (George Worley, City Planner) C. Purposed sign for Shoppes of Northshore (George Worley, City Planner) D. Discussion and related action concerning architect for improvement for Public Safety building E. Interim report from the Parking Study Committee (Commissioner Fletcher) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Community Center usage report for February B. Water and Sewer Committee report 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-11 relating to the purchase of mobile video system for a police vehicle B. Resolution #93-12 relating to purchase of new base station radio for Public Works Department 6. Ordinances: A. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #95-93-55 relative to amending the cost of investigation for solicitor's permit B. Introduction and first reading amending Ordinance #33-93-5 relative to election procedures for a commission seat being vacated by a letter of resignation 7. New Business: A. Report and recommendation concerning the state grant for tree planting (Carl Walker, Beautification Coordinator) B. Discussion and related action regarding people holding "We'll work for food" signs (Mayor William Gulliford) C. Authorization to purchase software package to track Section H assessments (City Clerk Maureen King) D. Staff evaluation of technical proposals for expansion of Atlantic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant (Robert Kosoy, P W Director) E. Discussion and related action concerning repair of weirs on DAVCO plant clarifier (Robert Kosoy, PW Director) F. Action on purposed CDBG contract with the City of Jacksonville (City Planner George Worley) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment NOTE: 5:30 pm presentation by architects regarding Public Safety Bldg. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE O O ROAD, AT 7 : 15 P. M. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1993 . T T E E Present: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters, III , Commissioners O E T C And: Kim D . Leinbach, City Manager i O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 22 , 1993 Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the Fletcher regular meeting of February 22, 1993 Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Mayor Gulliford referred to Poinsettia Street and problems residents were having regarding parking and drainage . Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, reported drainage would he installed in conjunction with the Church Road project which was still under design. He added the shoulder on the eastern side of Poinsettia Street would have limerock installed, along with signage . He explained it would save the city money to have work done on Poinsettia Street and Church Road at the same time . The problem of resident parking was discussed and it was decided to allow parking on Poinsettia Street . Edwards x Motion: Allow parking on Poinsettia Fletcher x x Street for benefit of property owners Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x Police Chief Thompson asked if parking would be allowed for everyone, to which it was determined parking would be allowed for everyone . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Page 2 v V March 8 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 2 . Recognition of Visitors: A Representative of Vision Energy explained he would answer questions concerning problems residents might have . Commissioner Edwards reported he had suffered four outages in four months . It was explained Vision Energy had a problem with people turning tanks off . It was decided to lock the tanks and provide the Fire Department with keys . Alan Potter suggested having dual locks, one for the Fire Department and one for Vision Energy. John Barnard announced a free Department of Transportation bicycle and pedestrian seminar would be conducted at the Sea Turtle, March 30, 1993 . He reported two sessions would be held: 8 : 30 a . m . until 4 : 30 p. m . , and 7 : 00 p. m . until 8 : 30 p. m. Kaysee Pigford, 1735 Seminole Road, reported concerning the septic tank system at her residence which had failed. She reported she had solicited bids from several contractors to install sewer lines , but that she was able to get a response from only one contractor. She reported she was still forced to use a port-o-let . Commissioner Fletcher reported the Water and Sewer Committee discussed the problem and recommended a pilot project of 980 LF from 17th Street to 18th Street with an assessment to the affected homeowners for the cost of the project . Steve Johnson, 2835 Seminole Road, stated he felt the problem should be taken care of because all the septic tanks in the area would eventually fail , and everyone would have to pay for a sewer system in the future . After discussion it was decided to purchase a grinder pump, install it in the septic tank along with a 2" line to the manhole at 17th Street, to provide temporary relief to Ms . Pigford. Motion: Authorize acquisition of Edwards x x grinder pump, and establish a Fletcher x x temporary hookup to the manhole at Tucker x 17th street, as a temporary measure Waters x until the City installs sewer lines Gulliford x_ It was determined the grinder pump would cost approximately $600 . 00 . Mr. Kosoy asked if the City was going to bid for 17th Street and 18th Page 3 March 8, 1993 v V NAME OF Street, to which it was determined the City would COMMRS. MSYN be going to bid for 11th Street and 18th Street, and it was agreed bidding requirements could be waived. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bob Weiss announced a St . Patrick' s Day party would be held at the Day' s Inn from 7 : 00 p. m. until 9 : 00 p. m . regarding forming Beaches County. Alan Jensen, City Attorney, announced he had filed the City' s lawsuit against the City of Jacksonville on March 8 , 1993 . 3 . Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning authorizing the architect to proceed with plans, specifications and bidding relative to improvement of Jack Russell Park concession stand Edwards x Motion: Authorize the architect to Fletcher x x proceed with plans, specifications Tucker x x and bidding relative to improvement Waters x of Jacks Russell concession stand Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. B. Report with related action relative to property for sale adjacent to Jordan Park George Worley, City Planner, reported concerning the availability of property for sale in the vicinity of Jordon Park. He indicated the assessed values of property near the park and he advised the Commission he would aggressively pursue if the land was for sale and the asking price for the parcels . C. Purposed sign for Shoppes of Northshore George Worley introduced Paul Ferber, representing Shoppes of Northshore, who presented the Commission with a sketch of a proposed sign which would replace the existing banner. It was decided to defer action until the next meeting to give the Commission time to study the proposed sign and, in the meantime, Mr. Ferber will provide each Commissioner with a colotr sketch of the proposed sign. Page 4 v V March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x Motion: Defer action on proposed Fletcher x x sign for Shoppes of Northshore until the next Commission meeting of March Tucker x 22, 1993 Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. D. Discussion and related action concerning architect for improvement for Public Safety building Motion: Direct City Manager to Edwards x x enter into negotiations with Fleet & Fletcher x x Associates for architectural design Tucker x for expansion of the Public Safety Waters x Building Gulliford x It was explained the City Manager would engage in negotiation with Fleet & Associates . If negotiations with Fleet and Associates did not pursue to the City' s satisfaction, negotiations would then commence with the second ranked firm. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. S. Interim report from the Parking Study Committee Commissioner Fletcher reported the Parking Committee had received good response to their survey. He indicated the Committee was considering two issues ( 1 ) the possibility of having a shuttle which would be handled by the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) . The shuttle would run from shopping areas to transport people to the beach. Commissioner Fletcher indicated it would be necessary to have authorization from the Commission to enter into an agreement with the JTA to provide the shuttle. Edwards x Motion: Authorize entering into Fletcher x x agreement with JTA to provide Tucker x x shuttle service Waters x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Fletcher explained the second area the Committee discussed was the possibility of having parallel parking on 19th Street. It was explained 19th Street was not safe because it was a narrow street with two-way traffic and had no Page 5 March 8, 1993 V v NAME OF re nt time angle COMMAS. MSYN Ciarw3lka _ HA, explained at the P 9 parking was used and pedestrians walked behind cars , thus creating unsafe conditions. It was suggested parallel parking would be more safe, using two-way traffic, with the installation of a sidewalk. A discussion ensued concerning parking spaces that would be lost and it was explained some "no parking signs" would be removed which would result in additional parking. It was decided this would be an agenda item for the next commission meeting of March 22 , 1993 , at which time the Committee would present plans to the Commission. Bob Kosoy was asked to examine street ends to ensure beach accesses were in good repair. . Item 7B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 7B. Discussion and related action regarding people holding "We' ll work for food" signs Mayor Gulliford explained it was the intent of the commission to help people that were truly in need; however , it was felt citizens were harassed by some people holding "we' ll work for food" signs who were not sincerely in need. Commissioner Edwards presented several ordinances other cities used to alleviate the problem, and the City Attorney was asked to prepare an ordinance for Commission action for the next Commission Meeting of. March 22 , 1993 . 4 . _Consent Agenda: A. Community Center usage report for February B. Water and Sewer Committee report Commissioner Edwards referred to the Water and Sewer Committee report dated March 2, 1993 , and questioned why the water project would be completed in two phases. He felt the work should be done at one time . Bob Kosoy explained the engineers would determine the feasibility of phases, and the Commission would have the final decision. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Consent Fletcher x x Agenda Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Page 6 v V March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 3 . Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-11 : A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Resolution #93-11 . David Thompson, Police Chief, explained a citizen ' who wished to remain anonymous donated $1 ,695 for the purchase of a mobile video system. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x x Resolution #93-11 Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution #93-12: A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor. Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Resolution #93-12 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x Resolution #93-12 Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 6. Ordinances: A. Ordinance #95-93-55 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 18, SOLICITORS, AMENDING SECTION 18-18, FEES, TO INCREASE THE COST OF INVESTIGATION OF APPLICANT, AND AMENDING SECTION 18-19 ISSUANCE, TO REQUIRE RECEIPT OF INVESTIGATION REPORT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Ordinance #95-93-55 , said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x x Ordinance #95-93-55 on final reading Tucker x. Waters x Gulliford x 1 Page 7 V V March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance #33-93-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 , ARTICLE II, BY ADDING SEC. , 2-21 WHICH ESTABLISHES THE PROCEDURES TO BE USED TO FILL A COMMISSION SEAT WHICH IS BEING VACATED BY A COMMISSIONER SUBMITTING A LETTER OF RESIGNATION TO RUN FOR ANOTHER OFFICE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance #33-93-5 on first reading. Edwards Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x Ordinance #33-93-5 on its first Tucker x reading and set public hearing for Waters March 22 , 1993 Gulliford Commissioner Fletcher suggested changing the time a member of the City Commission seeking to run for another elected office shall submit a letter of resignation from 15 days to 30 days . Substitute Motion: Approve passage Edwards x of Ordinance #33-93-5 on its first Fletcher x x reading, as amended, and set public Tucker x x hearing for March 22, 1993. Waters Amendment: change amount of time Gulliford x member of City Commission seeking to run for another elected office shall submit a letter of resignation from 15 days to 30 days. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7 . New Business: A. Report and recommendation concerning the state grant for tree planting Karl Walker, Beautification Coordinator, reported an application was made in 1992 for the National Small Business Tree Planting Program. Recently, he added, the City was advised by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs that it was chosen as a recipient of the grant award. Page 8 V V March 8 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN He explained the project called for tree planting on the grounds surrounding the City Hall complex, and the amount to he awarded was $4, 800 . 00 . The match by the City was $2 , 805 for tree cost and planting, and an additional amount of $1 , 443 for maintenance for a three year period. Motion: Authorization to proceed Edwards x with Grant Agreement with the Fletcher x x Florida Department of Agriculture Tucker and Consumer Affairs waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action regarding people holding "We' ll work for food" signs (this was addressed earlier in the Agenda) C. Authorization to purchase software package to track Section H assessments Maureen King, City Clerk, explained there was a need in the Clerk' s office to purchase a software package which would accurately maintain records and generate reports relative to Section H assessments, and any future assessment programs . ShP explained Commission authorization was required to expend $2 , 400 to purchase a software program from Byte Technology. It was decided Water/Sewer restricted funds would be used to pay for the package . Motion: Authorize purchase of Edwards x x software program from Byte Fletcher x Technology in the amount of $2 ,400, Tucker x x for maintenance of Section H Waters assessment program, utilizing Gulliford x Water/Sewer restricted funds No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. D. staff evaluation of technical proposals for expansion of Atlantic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Bob Kosoy reported 14 proposals had been received for the Consulting Engineering Services associated with the expansion of the Atlantic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant . In addition, the Consultants were requested to demonstrate their Page 9 March 8, 1993 v V NAME OF AhilitV to prepare an Pnginparinq rPpnrt for COMMRS. MSYN financinn. Mr . Kosoy reported Mssrs . Beadle, McNally, Townsend, and Josoy evaluated the proposals. The evaluation took place over three days and each individual assigned a numerical rate from 1-10, with 10 being the highest and one being the lowest in each of the six categories . He explained numerical rankings were scored independently and scores were then added, averaged, and multiplied by appropriate weighting factors . He explained staff made a considerable effort to maintain complete objectivity in the evaluation process.. He explained the short list of three firms were as follows : ( 1 ) Flood Engineers, Inc . , (2 ) Pitman . Hartenstein & Associates, Inc . Engineers, (3 ) Waltz & Moye, Inc, & Briley, Wild and Associates, Inc . A discussion ensued concerning whether or not this matter should have been referred to the Water and Sewer Committee, but it was felt staff had been directed to present a short list to the Commission. The Mayor explained the Water/Sewer Committee served in a advisory capacity and not a legislative capacity. He explained the committee could assist staff in asking proper questions and providing expertise. It was decided the top five choices would be referred to the Water/Sewer Committee and the City Commission will conduct interviews with the top ranked firms on Monday, March 29, 1993 at 6:30 p. m . E. Discussion and related action concerning repair of weirs on DAVCO plant clarifier Bob Kosoy reported the weirs on the #2 sewer plant were corroded and getting in worse condition. He explained several areas along the weirs had experienced sudden rupture and were causing severe "short circuiting" or rapid hydraulic overflows. He explained new weirs needed to be quickly built and installed. It was recommended Viapex Welding be paid $6 , 594 . 96 for the replacement of weirs on the #2 Sewer plant . Edwards x x Motion: Authorize expenditure of Fletcher x $6,594.96 to Viapex Welding for the Tucker x x repair of weirs on Davco plant Waters x clarifiers Gulliford x Page 10 v V March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. F. Action on proposed CDBG contract with the City of Jacksonville George Worley, City Planner, reported concerning the proposed Contract with the City of Jacksonville for the combined 17th and 18th year CDBG Program. He explained because of the delays in getting the contract the City would have a relatively short time to spend the funds. He felt now would be an appropriate time to pursue as much of the drainage and right-of-way acquisitions as possible in the Donner' s Subdivision. He explained any continued upgrade of the housing stock in the area was somewhat offset by the poor infrastructure situation, especially the roads for access purposes and the drainage system for health purposes . He added the seven housing rehabs identified in the proposed contract included four by the City and three by the Donner Community Development Corporation. He recommended approval of the proposed contract and the signing of the four original copies for submittal to the Jacksonville Mayors Budget Review Committee. Motion: Approve proposed CDBG Edwards x contract for submittal to the Fletcher x x Jacksonville Mayors Budget Review Tucker x Committee Waters x x Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher asked Mr. Worley for a report indicating how the funds would be used. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manaaer Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach, City Manager, advised that Allan Potter had prepared request for proposals for proposed bank financing of the City' s capital improvement plan. He reported proposals would be acquired in the near future. Kim Leinbach asked Bob Kosoy to give a report concerning water outages that had recently occurred. Mr. Kosoy reported many complaints had been received concerning recent water outages on February 26th, March 1st and March 3rd. He explained on February 25th the City had a closed valve at Donner and Francis which had to be repaired. Some residents were notified via placing a flyer on their door, but a much larger Page 11 v V March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN area was involved than staff had anticipated. Mr. Kosoy explained further concerning what had transpired to result in water outages . Mayor Gulliford suggested an explanation and letter of apology be placed in the City Newsletter concerning the water outages . 9= Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, and City Clerk: Commissioner Waters referred to the property available for purchase near Jordon Park which George Worley reported on earlier in the agenda . He indicated he would like the property to be dedicated for parks , only. He referred to a park that at one time the City contemplated naming "Adele Grage Park" where Ocean Drive and Seminole Road intersect . He felt perhaps the park could be sold and the money utilized to buy the property near Jordon Park , and he asked that this matter be researched. Commissioner Waters referred to a business called "The Lake Doctor" and an article that appeared in the newspaper indicated they had sprayed illegally. He asked Mr . Kosoy if staff called DNR for reports concerning vendors, to which Mr. Kosoy reported he called DNR for reports, and that he was monitoring the work of the Lake Doctor on a daily basis . Commissioner Waters referred to a leaking well on Coral Street and Mr. Kosoy reported this was being investigated by Staff, HRS and St . Johns Water Management District . He indicated the problem should be resolved in the near future , and as soon as it is determined who the owner of the well was, the well would be capped off and abandoned. Mayor Gulliford announced JCCI was looking for study issues and he asked that staff respond to the request . There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9 : 35 p William I . Gul if. A 4 . Mayor/Presiding Of A T] T E S T: U/ / [�✓� . Maureen Kina. City Clerk