08-24-92 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, AUGUST 24, 1992, 7:15 PM AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting of August 10 and Special meeting of August 17, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMI'rI'ED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS 3. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Fleet Landing status report B. Approve payment of invoices from Chancey Metal Products, Inc. totaling $5,826.00 for work at wastewater treatment plant C. Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee report D. Grant approval to hold Beaches Run at 7:00 PM on August 29, 1992 E. Authorize donation of old City Hall sign to Beaches Historic Society 4. Resolutions: A. Approval of Resolution No. 92-24 to assess a gas franchise fee of 5% of the gross receipts of Vision Energy's sales in Atlantic Beach 5. Ordinances: A. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 90-92-158 to rezone Lot 8, Block 9, Subdivision A, from RS-2 to RG-1 B. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 28-92-3 to amend Ordinance No. 28-91-1 limiting the terms of Mayor-Commissioner and City Commissioners C. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 28-92-4 to repeal Ordinance No. 28-91-2 relating to appointing a City Commissioner to the position of City Attorney 6. New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance agreement for BLEND grant funds B. Discussion regarding appointing a committee to study and make recom- mendations regarding possible revision of the City Charter C. Approval of contract with the City attorney for FY 1992/93 7. City Managex reports and/or correspondence A. Report regarding Environmental Achievement award for recycling B. Discussion regarding proposals for construction of sports complex/ concession stand for Jack Russell Park 8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINU'TE'S OF THE REGULAR AR MEETING OF ATfANrIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SE7'ITh OLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON !( DAY, AUGUST 24, 1992 V V O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor T T Glenn A. Edwards E E Lyman T. Fletcher D D Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners M S AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford who asked for a moment's silent prayer for the residents of South Florida who had been devastated by Hurricane Andrew. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular meting of August 10, and Special Called meting of August 17, 1992 Edwards x x Notion: Approve minutes of regular meeting of August 10, Fletcher x 1992 Tucker x Waters x x GUl.liford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Edwards x x Nation: Approve minuses of Special. Called meting of August Fletcher x 17, 1992 Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 2. Recognition of Visitors: J.P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, expressed the need for large overhead street name signs on Mayport Road. He felt these signs would be helpful since the speed limit had been increased. The City Manager was directed to check into this with the Department of Transportation. Mr. Marchioli inquired into the status of plans to pave bike paths throughout the city. The Mayor advised that bike paths would be funded through gas tax revenues and these funds had been pledged for Section H improvements and also other paving projects such as Levy Road and Church Road. The Mayor said he hoped bike paths would be a priority in the future. Mr. Marchioli also complained of the uneven pavement on Sherry Drive. Mr. Kosoy indicated he had developed a five-year paving plan and Sherry Drive was not a priority at this time. Robert Weiss, 253 Seminole Road, announced that an appeal to the decision of the Governor and Cabinet regarding the relocation of the Coastal Construction Control Line, had been filed in PAGE TWO V V MINUTES AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Tallahassee, and the Property Rights Preservation Association would hold a meeting in Jacksonville Beach at 7:00 PM on Thursday. August 27, 1992 when Judge Robert P. Smith would be in attendance to outline further actions being taken. 3. Consent Agenda A. Acknowledge receipt of Fleet Landing status report B. Approve payment of invoices Ltt=n Chancey Metal Products, Inc. totaling $5,826.00 for work at wastewater treatment plant C. Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Cb mitts. report D. Grant approval to hold Beaches Run at 7:00 PM on August 29, 1992 E. Authorize conation of old City Hall sign to Beaches Historic Society At Commissioner Waters' request, Item A was withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Edwards x Fletcher x Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda with the exception Tucker x x of Item A Waters x x GUlliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda Item A - Fleet Landing Status Report Public Works Director Bob Kosoy reported because of the high water level and the possibility of the arrival of Hurricane Andrew the Haskell Company had installed several pumps at the city's request. He indicated these pumps had all now been shut down. He said Haskell was doing a good job and construction would probably be ongoing for a month or so, during which time the water level would probably fluctuate. Mayor Gulliford requested the City Manager secure a permit and see if the creek could be cleaned while the water level is so low. 4. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 92-24 A RESOLUTION ASSESSING A FRANCHISE FEE OF FIVE PER CENTUM OF THE GROSS RECEIPTS OF VISION ENERGY'S SALES OR DELIVERY OF GAS IN THE CITY LIMITS OF ATLANTIC BEACH Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 92-24 The City Manager explained this resolution proposed to assess a fee on gas sales similar to that already in place for cable television, electricity, etc. He said this would generate a small amount of revenue for the city. Following further discussion it was agreed the assessment should be referred to as a franchise fee, not a tax. PAGE THREE MINUTES V V AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x Substitute Motion: Amend resolution to reflect the assessment Fletcher x of a "franchise fee" and approve passage of Tucker x x Resolution No. 92-24 as amended Waters x x Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-92-158 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOT 8, BLOCK 9, SUBDIVISION "A" FROM RS-2 TO RG-1; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REFLECT THIS CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-92-158, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. John Baillie, 1923 Beach Avenue, representing the property owners, Jacqueline Wurn and Stephen Grad, spoke in favor of passage of the ordinance. He reviewed documents including maps, sketches, and photographs of surrounding properties. Mr. Baillie noted that the subject property was surrounded by duplexes and apartment buildings and he felt when the area was down zoned in the 70's from its former use of duplex and single-family residences to RS-2, an undue burden was placed on the subject property. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, reported she had received calls opposing the proposed duplex. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance NO. 90-92-158 on final reading Commissioner Fletcher declared a conflict since he lived within 300 feet of the subject property. However, he advised that he had no personal or pecuniary interest in the property. Commissioner Waters felt the property owners purchased the property with the knowledge of the existing zoning. He said he was committed to maintaining single-family zoning throughout the city as far as possible. Commissioner Fletcher felt the city needed to be strict about rezonings, particularly where it involved spot zoning. He felt the owners of three other lots in the immediate area would be adversely affected or could request similar rezonings in the future. PAGE FOUR MINUTES V V AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Mayor Gulliford noted that the subject property was surrounded by duplexes and multi-family units and was, therefore, by usage, zoned as multi-family residences. Following further discussion, the question was called and roll-call vote, the motion carried on a 3 - 2 vote with Commissioners Fletcher and Waters noting nay. B. Ordinance No. 28-92-3 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 28-91-2, RELATING TO APPOINTING A CITY COMMISSIONER TO THE POSITION OF CITY ATTORNEY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 28-92-3, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the ordinance the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 28-92-3 on final Fie-toiler x reading Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried on a vote of 4 - Gulliford x 1 with commission Fletcher voting nay. C. Ordinance No. 28-92-4 - Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 28-91-1, RELATING TO LIMITING THE TERMS OF MAYOR-COMMISSIONER AND CITY COMMISSIONERS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 28-92-4, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the ordinance the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Edwards x x Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 28-92-4 on final Fletcher x reading Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 6. New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance agreement for BIFID grant finds Edwards x x Fletcher x Notion: Authorize Mayor to execute agent for BLEND grant Tucker x funds Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. PAGE FIVE MINUTES V V AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN B. Discussion regarding appointing a committee to study and make recommendations regarding possible revision of the City Charter Mayor Gulliford asked Commissioner Tucker for her recollections of the events which led to the approval of the present City Charter. Commissioner Tucker advised she was not employed by the city at that time. She said she would like to see the references to the Florida Statutes deleted and those passages set out in full in the Charter. Canmissioner Fletcher agreed that the Charter in its present form was confusing and not very instructive. Following discussions the City Attorney was directed to check to see whether the present Charter was legally adopted and make recommendations regarding how to proceed. It was agreed to establish a committee of seven members to review the Charter, such committee to be chaired by Commissioner Tucker. Appointments to the committee will be made at the next City Commission meeting. C. Approval of contract with the City Attorney for FY 1992/93 Edwards x x Fletcher x Notion: Approve agreement with City Attorney for FY 1992/93 Tucker x Waters x x Following brief discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. Gulliford x 7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: A. Report regarding Environmental Achievement award for recycling Public Works Director Kosoy acknowledged the work of the Solid Waste Committee and said the city would qualify for an environmental achievement award. He had assembled a package of supporting documents regarding the city's recycling program and intended to apply for the Environmental Achievement Award for Recycling. B. Discussion regarding proposals for construction of sports complex/concession stand for Jack Russell Park Parks & Recreation Director Blanchard reported she had contacted three architectural firms and had received proposals from Clements, Rumpel, Goodwin, Inc. , and Actech Architects, Inc. She outlined the proposals submitted and it appeared the best option would be to remodel and add on to the existing structure. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the YMCA trailer and Ms. Blanchard explained the architectural firms had indicated the trailer could be anchored to a proper foundation and covered with cedar shingles to make it architecturally compatible with the other buildings in the complex. It was suggested that if the YMCA wished to retain the trailer at that location, the city could require that they cover it with cedar shingles. PAGE SIX MINUTES V V AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The Mayor suggested an architect could be selected with the provision that a not-to-exceed figure or a percentage of the construction cost be agreed upon. He also suggested the architect should meet with the citizens to determine the needs and provide a suggested plan to the City Manager who could make recommendations to the City Commission accordingly. The City Manager said an in-house needs assessment had already been completed. Notion: Start the process to retain an architect to do the Edwards x appropriate study of the needs of this park and all Fletcher x x the users of it and public facilities for the Tucker x x ultimate construction and remodeling of the existing Waters x facility, and request the City Manager to come back Culliford x with recommendations No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. The City Manager reported he and the Finance Director had met with the city's auditors, Purvis Gray and Company regarding the city's capital needs. A budget workshop was scheduled for 6:30 PM on Monday, August 31, 1992. Mr. Wendland reported the Water and Sewer Committee had developed a water and sewer capital improvements schedule and they had requested Purvis Gray to assist the city regarding restructuring the city's current debt with the possibility of combining the three water and sewer funds into one fund. He said Purvis Gray had submitted a proposal for these services at a cost not to exceed $7,000.00. Nation: Ester into contract with Purvis Gray Company in an amount not to exceed $7,000.00 to assist the city in Edwards x matters related to financing of water and sewer Tucker x capital improvements In further discussion, the Mayor felt Purvis Gray was in an excellent position to assist the city in this matter since they had performed the city audits for the past several years. Commissioner Fletcher said he had no objection to hiring Purvis Gray for this work but he felt the scope of the work needed to be better defined. Substitute Notion: Defer action on the request until the Edwards x Water and Sewer Committee can define the scope of Fletcher x x work and schedule a special meeting for Monday, Tucker x August 31, 1992 to act on the recommendations of the Waters x x Water and Sewer Committee Gulliford x Following further discussion, the question was called on the substitute motion and carried unanimously. PAGE SEVEN MINUTES V V AUGUST 24, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN illiam McGee, Selva Marina Drive, requested that Purvis Gray be asked for an opinion regarding the propriety of diverting funds ($887,000.) from Water and Sewage into other accounts. Commissioner Edwards provided each Commissioner with a pamphlet from the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission. He solicited support for the Constitutional Revisions outlined in the pamphlet. Commissioner Fletcher announced the zoning review committee would resume their weekly meetings on Wednesday, August 26, 1992. Commissioner Waters referred to a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Boll and confirmed that the Code Enforcement Officer and Public Works Director had received a copy. He asked that the various complaints be investigated. Commissioner Waters also referred to a letter from Councilman Dick Brown regarding the refund of Barge Canal funds. The City Manager was directed to write letters to the at-large councilmen as requested by Councilman Brown. Commissioner Waters also commented on the sand which had accumulated on Beach Avenue and Mr. Kosoy said the city swept this area from time to time. Commissioner Waters also inquired into the work which has been going on at 16th Street and the City Attorney indicated he was aware of the problem and he was awaiting information from Public Works. Cb missioner Tucker, who had just returned from vacation, provided each Commissioner with information regarding the State of California budget problems. Mayor Oilliford reviewed the following correspondence: a letter from Continental Cablevision regarding outages, a letter to the Department of Environmental Regulation requesting an extension to the Consent Agreement, a letter from George Worley to Townsend Hawkes regarding property at 1771 Beach Avenue, a letter from the Chamber of Commerce regarding "GO" which focuses on minority and women-owned businesses. He said he could not attend the meeting and asked that each Commissioner receive a copy and this letter so they could participate in this program if they wished. There being no further business .. come .-fore the 'ty Commis.ion, the Mayor declared the meeting . :jo :.: at 9:40 PM. William I. Gullif.i . Mayor/Presiding • :- ATTEST: Lt,he�.iJ -.tf� Maureen King, Cid, Cle • tek CC✓t-,1,ti t 51c)--4197 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: CITY MANAGERS REPORT SUBMITTED BY: ROSE H. BLANCHARD, PARKS & REC. DIR. DATE: AUG. 21, 1992 BACKGROUND: per Instructions from the City Commission, I have solicited the enclosed proposals for the construction of a new Sports Complex/Concession stand for Jack Russell Park, to match the existing buildings in the Park. The City Manager and Finance Director and myself have viewed these plans and feel that the proposals from CRG ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS, INC. AND FROM ACTECH are more on target for what we asked for. The proposal from ALBERT H. HALFF is for preliminary work and actually, no proposal for construction would be forthcoming until they did the preliminary study. This would cost us over $7,000 more. . .before we begin. We request direction from the City Commission on how you wish us to proceed in this matter. Time is of the essence in that the monies have been budgeted in the current budget (1991-92) . We have been delayed due to the schedule of Little League Games up to the beginning of July. They plan to begin play for the FALL BALL SEASON in October. RECOMMENDATION: It is the Recommendation of the City Manager, Finance Director and the Parks & Recreation Director that we consider the proposals submitted by CRG ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS, INC AND ACTECH: ATTACHMENTS: PROPOSALS FROM ALL THREE(3) FIRMS, FOR YOUR PERUSAL. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM NO. ! / ` CRG ARCHITECTS PIANNERS/INC 2111 CORPORATE SQUARE BLVD,JACKSONVILLE,FIA. 32216 (904)725°0055 FAX 725°4080 July 8 , 1992 Ms . Rose Blanchard Director of Parks and Recreation Atlantic Beach City Hall Parks Department 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, Fl . 32233-5400 RE; PARK IMPROVEMENTS Dear Rose : I enjoyed meeting with you this last week and discussing the possibilities for the little league concession stand. After our meeting, Roxanne and I met with your maintenance personnel and visited the site . Our initial understanding of the proposed program is as follows: 1 . Concession stand - run by the little league , this facility needs to a more efficient layout allowing walkup access from both adjacent fields . The existing space appears to be adequate in square footage, however the current layout is inefficient leaving the space feeling crowded with much wasted circulation space. 2 . Baseball Equipment Storage - used by the little league this activity is currently housed in a container building adjacent to the concession stand. This space needs to be incorporated into the concession stand building. 3 . Park maintenance -. home for your park personnel , this small area currently occupying about 250 square feet is much too small for what they do and the equipment they store . Flammable storage is an area that needs to be addressed. Our feeling was that this park function need not necessarily be located in the concession stand building and probably if remodeled in conjunction with the concession area , would be adequate to house the , baseball storage requirement currently in the container building. The park maintenance department could be located elsewhere in the park. An idea for its new location is discussed later . PETER RUMPLE FAIA°ROBERI GOODWIN RA°IHOMAS M(:NETT RA°HAPIC`,ION P'IRKES PA°ROXANNE HORVAIH RA PAGE 2 4 . Toilets - a toilet needs to be incorporated into the concession stand. Evidently the public toilets located separately "on the hill " provides needed requirements for the park itself , so the toilet in the concession area could be for internal use not public . As I 'm sure you know the public toilets don ' t meet the latest ADA requirements for handicapped access . This could be handled as a separate project or rolled into this one , depending on available monies . 5 . Press boxes - needed on top of the concession area to provide visual access to both fields . 6 . Office space - possibly on second level with press boxes. This presents problems of access by handicapped and code considerations for egress . This added space may be a problem with our limited budget. 7 . YMCA Programs Buildings - ownership of these double wides needs to be clarified. Additional research and discussions need to occur with users and the City to develop space requirements and possibilities . Certainly to cover the existing buildings with Cedar siding and develop decks and overhangs around this building would go a long way to make its appearance more compatible with the City Hall and other buildings in the area . Also, placement of the building should be looked at for optimum functional and visual appearance . I include some drawings we have developed recently for FCCJ showing what can be done to take a portable classroom type building and cover it with cedar siding and incorporate covered decks around its perimeter . We would like to make the following recommendations for this project : 1 . Remodel the existing concession stand building to include concession area, baseball sports equipment storage and new toilet. Add a new trussed roof to the building to incorporate a loft-type space for the 2 press boxes on a mezzanine level . Cover the existing block building with cedar to match other building and use roof slopes to relate to the City Hall . Some demolition would be , required , and perhaps an addition onto the building would be required. The limited budget would probably eliminate the possibility of demolition of the existing building and replacing it with a new structure . This should be looked at more carefully to be sure . PAGE 3 2 . The park ' s maintenance department could be relocated to the sides and back of the existing racquetball courts . This would help cover the large expanse of exposed block walls of the courts on the parking lot side and save on construction costs by utilizing the existing walls that are there. I include a little sketch of its placement. New roof trusses to match the slope of the City Hall could be utilized and new walls with cedar siding would go a long way to tie together the park area and hide the large unsightly blank racquetball walls . These two recommendations could be done for your budget of $50 , 000 . 00 . A preliminary breakout would be : New park maintenance building-300 SF @ $40/SF = $12 , 000 Remodel existing concession building 950 SF @ $40/SF= 38 , 000 Total (without contingency) $50 ,000 These numbers of course are rough and designs and final plans would affect these numbers , but I feel sure it ' s possible to meet the $50 ,000 number . We would anticipate a fee of $5 , 000 . 00 for the necessary design work and contract documents . This number is higher percentagewise than we normally charge and is due to the smaller size of the project. The work- effort for a smaller project is usually almost as extensive as the work effort for a larger project. We would be delighted to meet and discuss this project in greater detail and would be honored to be selected to help contribute to the development of the park. Please call with questions . ou truly Thomas L. McNett , RA • Executive Vice President TLM:wm MEM ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ■■. ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS ■■■ July 24, 1992 AVO 1010 JACKSONVILLE•DALLAS•CHICAGO ARLINGTON•FORT WORTH City of Atlantic Beach 1301 GULF LIFE DRIVE,SUITE 201 800 Seminole Road JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 322079000 904/346-1348 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Attn: Ms. Rose Blanchard Director Parks and Recreation Department Dear Mrs. Blanchard: Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit our proposal for a modification to the existing concession stand building located within Jack Russell Park. Our proposal shall include three phases for this project. These will include an inventory of existing facilities within the park, the current and projected future needs for the operation of the concession stand, press box, storage rooms and restrooms and thirdly, the development of conceptual construction drawings and cost estimates for the modification. Our proposal is further defined as follows: Inventory Halff Associates will determine location of all recreation facilities within the park,size and dimensions of all structures, construction methods for the concession stand structure and foundation, utilities serving the park and general condition of all the park facilities. Identify Current and Future Requirements Halff Associates will meet with representatives of the City and assist in determining current needs and projected future requirements. This information will be determined along with the inventory information identified above including structural condition of the existing structure. Conceptual Design Drawings Based on the information obtain during the previous tasks, Halff Associates will ,- prepare conceptual design drawings and construction estimates for three alternatives. 1. Pre-engineered building 2. Modification to the existing building 3. Demolition of existing structure and construct new building TRANSPORTATION • WATER RESOURCES • LAND DEVELOPMENT • MUNICIPAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • SURVEYING STRUCTURAL • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • REMOTE SENSING AND MAPPING • PLANNING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM(G S) Mtn ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ■■■MEM ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS July 24, 1992 Ms. Rose Blanchard Page 2 The above services will performed for a total fee of$ 7,400.00. We estimate the time to complete these tasks to be 4-6 weeks from the time given authorization to proceed. The staff to be utilized for these tasks will include civil engineers, structural engineers and architects from our office. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal. The City of Atlantic Beach is a unique residential community and Halff Associates is honored to be a part of the positive growth of the City. Sincerely, ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES, C. John R. Barnard, P.E. ■ • 4111 II law MNI ■ ACTECH,ARCHITECT•ENGINEERS•PLANNERS INCORPORATED P. BOX 691-32201 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 (904)356-1274 July 15, 1992 Rose Blanchard Department of Parks and Recreation City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Proposal for Architectural and Engineering Services Baseball Structure at Russell Park Dear Rose: Thank you for giving ACTECH the opportunity to render architectural/engineering services to the City of Atlantic Beach Recreational Department. Sedley Huey and I visited the site and measured the existing conditions. It is our professional opinion that in order to accomplish the necessary additions under $50,000.00, the following items should be considered: 1. Keep the existing masonry structure. 2. Add new toilets between the existing masonry structure and the south playing field. 3. Add stairs in the existing structure to go upstairs. 4. The second story could fit on top of the first story masonry walls. The size of the upstairs will be +/- 35'-8"x27'-0". This size should be ample to have two sky boxes and a meeting room. 5. The existing storage rooms and the snack stand could remain in their present locations. The spaces could be remodeled. Rose Blanchard, City of Atlantic Beach July 15, 1992 Page Two The fee for professional services is 6.5% of the construction budget ($50,0000) which is $3,250.00. The balance will be enough to remodel the structure. Every effort will be taken to make the remodeled structure compatible with the City Hall and Fire Station. Please advise us if the additional resumes are required. The City has copies of our resumes and qualifications on file. Sincerely, •rar. Vermey architect, A.I. . GV/lad