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07-13-92 v
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, JULY 13, 1992, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invvocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Presentation concerning Donner Neighborhood Community DevejpMent Corporation (George Johnson, President) B. First Coast Parlimentarians to present Parlimentary Guide to Mayor and Commission Members (Margaret Moorehead, Rep.) C. Report and recommendation regarding Atlantic Beach experimental theatre (Carson Merry Baillie) D. Report on Trash Bash (Theresa Todd) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTAITON AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Fleet Landing Report Olt B. Monthly report of the Adele Grage Community Center 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-17 recognizing the Interlocal Agreement Committee B. Resolution #92-19requesting approval of Budget Adjustment #92-17 6. Ordinances: A. Introduction of Ordinanace #80-92-48 relative to water impact fees B. Introduction of Ordinance #65-92-21 renaming a portion of W. 12th Street 7. New Business: A. Report and recommendation relative to proposed access restriction to Dutton Island (Police Chief Thompson) B. Presentation of pension report with updates (Finance Director Kirk Wendland) C. Discussion and related action regarding hydraulic shares of Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Hayward (City Attorney Alan Jensen) D. Report with recommendation to extend Waste Management's contract an additional two years 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment AB 1197 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SFM HOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992 V V O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor T T Glenn A. Edwards E E Lyman T. Fletcher D D Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners M S AND: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney 0 E Maureen King, City Clerk T C Police Chief David Thompson (Substituting for the I 0 Y City Manager, who was on vacation) NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1992 Edwards x Fletcher x Tucker x x Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, Waters x x 1992 GUlliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Item 3B was taken out of sequence and was acted upon at this time. 3B. First Coast Parliamentarians to present Parliamentary Guide to Mayor and Commission members Margaret Moorehead introduced the President of First Coast Parlia- mentarians thanked the City Commission for passing a Resolution recognizing April as Parliamentarians' Month and presented the City Commission with a copy of a Parliamentary Guide based on Robert's Rules of Order. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, complained of shrubbery on Sailfish Drive which was overgrown and which obstructed the view of motorists. The Public Works Director was instructed to check into this. 3. Appearances: A. Presentation concerning Donner Neighborhood Community Development Corporation George Johnson, President of Donner Neighborhood Community Development Corporation, thanked the City Commission for the recent gift of five houses on Francis Street. He reported on the work of the Corporation which had now been in existence for one year and AB 1198 PAGE TWO MINUTES V V JULY 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN said he hoped, in cooperation with the city, to make a very positive difference in the area. He said the Corporation hoped to move an elderly lady into one of these homes as soon as possible since the home she currently occupied was in a dangerous condition. The terms of this arrangement would be discussed at the next meeting of the Corporation. He reported that an application for a loan of $100,000 to move and renovate the houses had been submitted to C & S Bank. The meetings of the Corporation are to be posted and City Commissioners were invited to attend. B. First Coast Parliamentarians to present Parliamentary Guide to Mayor and City Catmission members This matter was taken up earlier in the meeting. C. Report and recommendation regarding Atlantic Beach experimental theatre Carson Merry Baillie reported the first play performed by the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre had been very successful and had been attended by almost 400 people. She said the group proposed to present five more plays throughout the course of the next year and requested approval of the City Commission to proceed with this schedule. The City Commission concurred with Ms. Baillie's request. Discussion ensued regarding the harsh language in the play and whether it was appropriate for Atlantic Beach. A request for a committee to screen future plays was rejected but Ms. Baillie was encouraged to publicize whether future productions were suitable for children. D. Report on Trash Bash Theresa Todd, Chairman of the Solid Waste Committee, reported on the Trash Bash held on July 4. She estimated about 350 people had attended the event and enjoyed snacks and games and she felt it had been a very successful event. She thanked the members of the Solid Waste Committee and other volunteers who had assisted. She also thanked Waste Management and Publix for their donations. The Mayor provided Ms. Todd with information regarding a Japanese system of solid waste collecting, shredding and compacting and he asked Ms. Todd to review the material with a view to establishing a pilot program in Atlantic Beach. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Fleet Landing report B. Monthly report of the Adele Grage Community Center AB 1199 PAGE THREE MINUTES V V JULY 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x Fletcher x x Notion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 92-17: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIDING THE CITIZENS FRCP FINDING COMMITTEE ON THE INTER- LOCAL AGREEMENT FOR DOING AN OUTSTANDING JOB IN DEVELOPING THE REPORT WHICH DOCUMENTS THE NEED FOR ADJUSTMENTS IN THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-17 and personally commended the committee for their work. Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 92-17 Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 92-19: A RESOLITPION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-19 Edwards x x Fletcher x Notion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 92-19 Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 80-92-48 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH, pLILMING FOR EXTENDED PAYMENT PLANS FOR MATER SYSTEM CONNECTION AND IMPACT FEES, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 80-92-48 on first reading. Edwards x x Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 80-92-48 on first Fletcher x x reading and set for public hearing on July 27, 1992 Tucker x Waters x Vo discussion before the vote. The motion carried by a 3 - 2 vote Gulliford x with Commissioners Fletcher and Waters voting nay. AB 1200 PAGE FOUR MINUTES V V JULY 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN B. Ordinance No. 65-92-21 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RENAMING THAT PORTION OF WEST 12TH STRENT BETWEEN N O STREW AND MAYPORP ROAD TO WEST PLAZA; REMOVING THE NAME WEST PLAZA FROM THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT BETWEEN 11TH AND 12TH STREETS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 65-92-21 on first reading. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 80-92-48 on first Fletcher x reading and set for public hearing on July 27, 1992 Tucker x x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 7. New Business: A. Report and recommendation relative to proposed access restriction to Dutton Island Chief Thompson reported the residents in the vicinity of the approach to Dutton Island, along with the owner of Dutton Island, had requested permission to install a gate on Church Road to restrict access to the island. He said this was an ideal area for lumping, drug abuse and other illicit activities and had been a 2roblem for the Police Department for years. It was his recommendation that the residents be allowed to install the gate provided it is clearly marked and the city is provided with a key. The City Attorney expressed the opinion that since the installation of a gate would be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare he could see no reason to deny the request. Brief discussion ensued and it was the general consensus that permission to install the gate should be granted. Motion: Approve the request to install a gate, at no cost to Edwards x the city, on Church Road at the location indicated Fletcher x x on the map attached hereto to restrict access to Tucker x x Dutton Island but reserve the right to revoke this Waters x action in the event a problen arises GUlliford x In further discussion, Mayor Gulliford felt it may be in the best interests of the city to have the city limits extended to the Intracoastal Waterway, and Mr. Dutton may wish to petition the City of Jacksonville to have his property incorporated into the City of Atlantic Beach. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Presentation of pension report with updates Zayor Gulliford requested that this item be discussed when the City Manager is in attendance and felt that the appropriate time would be during budget workshops. The Finance Director agreed and said the information was provided for information only at this time. AB 1201 PAGE FIVE MINUTES V V JULY 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN C. Discussion and related action regarding hydraulic shares of Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Hayward The City Attorney reported he had been advised by Don Ford of a request for hydraulic shares. He said the water and sewer lines had been installed in August 1988 but there appeared to be no written agreement regarding the hydraulic shares. He suggested that payment of hydraulic shares be approved for a period of five years, which had been standard city policy. Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to draft an agreement Edwards x providing for payment of hydraulic shares to Mr. Fletcher x x Ferguson and Mr. Hayward for a five year period Tucker x x commencing August 1988 Waters x tilliford x After brief discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Report with recommendation to extend Waste Management's contract an additional two years. Motion: Extend contract with Waste Management for recycling Edwards x for an additional two years Waters x In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Waters expressed some concern that the city had received complaints of litter attributed to the recycling crews. A request was made for updated information regarding items which could be recycled and Theresa Todd, Chairman of the Solid Waste Committee, reported that an updated door-hanger would shortly be distributed to residents. Substitute Notion: Authorize the Mayor and/or City Manager to sign agreement approving a two-year extension to the Edwards x x recycling contract with Waste Managenent subject to Fletcher x Waste Management running an appropriate advertise- Tucker x x ment or advertisements in the newspaper, as well as Waters x producing and distributing a door hanger for Gulliford x residents further explaining what could and could not be recycled No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: None 9. Mayor to call on City Carm_issioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: OQnaissioner Waters thanked Theresa Todd for her work in connection with the Trash Bash and indicated that comments received from others who had attended the event had been very positive. AB 1202 PAGE SIX MINUTES V V JULY 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Commissioner Waters noted that 700 people had used the Adele Grage Community Center during the previous month and thanked Rose Blanchard for her work in this regard. Mayor GUlliford commented that he thought the maintenance of Atlantic Boulevard median had been shoddy and Bob Kosoy reported city staff had not been satisfied with the maintenance and a new contractor had been engaged to do this work. Lt. James Hill of Atlantic Beach Fire Department, reported the Professional Fire Fighters of Jacksonville Beach were pursuing an adopt-a-mile program and were considering Atlantic Boulevard, including the medians, possibly as far west as the city limits. Discussion also ensued regarding the care of the palm trees which had been planted in Atlantic Boulevard median and the Mayor requested that this matter be placed on the next Commission agenda for further discussion. City staff was directed to provide the City Attorney with the appropriate information so he could write to the contractor who had planted the palm trees. Mayor GUlliford also indicated that the city should appropriately recognize businesses who had been involved in community projects, and noted in particular Publix who had contributed to many city functions. Mayor GUlliford also reported a tentative date of December 12 had been set for a Christmas festival which would include a performance by the Jacksonville Symphony. He suggested that other events, including Santa Claus, Christmas Trcc lighting, and a brief play by the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre could be considered for that occasion. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned . : -55 PM. 11A air/ 0.(11/1 -Wi liam I. ZNi lifo Mayor/Presiding 0 i - ATTES T: .)92044-1.62--- Maureen 72Q44.1.62 Maureen King v City Clerk AB 1203 • - -7/130v • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • CIlY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORI ADGENDA ITEM : Gate on roadway leading to Dutton island SUBMITTED BY : David E . Thompson , Chief of Police DATE : O6/3O/92 BACKGROUND : Dutton island is located at the west end of Church Road in the City of Jacksonville . Please see the attachment relative to the location . Access to the island is through Church Road in Atlantic Beach . Dutton island has been a problem area for years due to its lack of public exposure and its limited access . It has been an ideal area for dumping , drug abuse , and other illicit activities that thrive in the privacy offered by this wooded area . The resulting activities in the area are a constant source of problems for the residents living nearby . Mr . Dutton has attempted to restrict access into the property , but he has been generally unsuccessful in his attempts . He is in favor of such limitations , and his attorney has furnished a letter to Mr . Don Ford stating his support. Residents living near the access road to the island wish to erect a gate accross the roadway . This has been discussed and approved by those living near the Airway , and there are no houses west of the proposed location for the gate . the City of Atlantic Beach will be furnished with a key to the gate for emergency access . RECOMMENDATIONS : The Police Department recommends that the residents be allowed to restrict access to the island by erecting a gate at the proposed location . this recommendation is with the understanding that the lock for the gate will(- allow the City of Atlantic Beach access to the property it needed , and that the gate will be marked appropriately to assure that it is clearly visible to all motorists who travel down the roadway . Such permission may be withdrawn at any time in the future by the City Manager . ATTACHMENTS : 1 ) Map of the location 2 ) Copy of letter from Mr . Du ,_on REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGERe'// ' .. -2 . ...._,_._..._._...._ . ; Ht..NDA ITEM NO .__ __ J -14€014$01".' tefoglAtia? e (1240C t....0fie- r f.,2a.dvii• I. , . . • / . . TS LIME, eel RIO—mil NON T � �1 + SECTION LIMES ----- 77. M LOT LIMIT -- Tb ` I+ fi TECTIOM HOS, JCC. /B n r» LOT MO'!. .T "a it LIMES DE TWEEM C/ 30E01 L/M/TS L/NE _ •-7-��-' sue Dl VISIONS --- ----- --- - G • 1 I{ U ''Le As ;AIM r � 1 9i1 " Z " ' T 3 1 Ni ffn27. rf4 1 S STEWART ST 'p t_. • .,..\ \ I \ 0. CL Ni[•r.- AESTHER R0. a 1 2 _ 1 i 1 ir \ -.'RIE'-..." rec.c-E•H[M.KMl EMV�Ih.'Ll. e,( M1140414. OR ,M _i' .64 r.. ID / . '67..1111fX no. Elwin ..i. %, , e ' Sl C 2®Kla 4 Ira _ . , hili 14, -. ....---_-- sfls- i i ,C•11 INDEX .:COUNTY ` �� v�r� r . ri, ., . MUM' � .vol__ Vilgi e +�� �w r FLAT )BOO 171 to a,a :1� E)I M. 14aiiiTH ST. , NAME OF SUBDIIISION OR REPEAT PARE NO. .ray \r? / P 7 s Y I-, -•. t' , R ATLANTIC dE ALM,iLA,MATPORT TERMINAL (:OMPA NY S MAP OF ~�• Y KZ 21 1 X ~p 2 t Y, UWE • t ® Ira t -- ---_-___- IC!E►GN S-e4 to PM F p-G OM 0_61 MO.I. S-bi _ •IyEi j ` I ,.... Y~i Hs, tl Iril iirid,�� ATLANTIC DEAGM_SUDO'V_SIDS••A ~ 6-I S_ S4 I T -, ! ] ATOCS TO DE ACM. SJ RE /'S'ON"A" ~ Z I.®�„ ♦ STOCK 10h ea On•+E•S AEPL AT 6-43 N � '`/ I 2� (Fs) t��C 6 6 �� r r W B x 6 ,„` 6-4 = t_�a N® t DASHER'S ACFE hSIOM • �� 0 u 8 OASIEL D HAGPErI aEP'_AT BLOCK IA AT.ANTIC BEACH S'SSgag � r 3 � ©� Y t I WAI Er a W. Y t ID-II O®~ Y t I h - 7 SAL T11a SEC. M I Z � �® Ilag ) El �--' IO-h --. Io-Is 1 r ! SAL TIIR SEG _ IC-Ib SEM a MEI O �< f IIIIME �M . h ^ y • : r MINN 1111111110 -III ' >4 SALTAIa SEC 11111 PIM 7,_ 12 64 1 < , I C Z M ♦ Y � h 11,2' k I TRACT MARIhw Y . F 3 u- , x V e _ 9' r02' _ 14-e [DRAINAGE EASEMENT • i ALAN I Of A H TER OF PIAT HO 3 OF FLORIDA_DE AGM V, . WEST PLAZA rig I `� _ _ - nee I_ • AI-AM TIC BEACH TERRACE ACE -_.-i5-34 /.0 , I/ 1, I• t . R /` ,- / s 15_80_ �� IA PARE TERRACE -__- * ., M� �� s-bl d[ ;- [;4- r r/ I .. 1 .n• .7,. . M1 . IQT' . ' JAMES D. 'O,DoNNEi.L AND ASSOCIATES I ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1648 OSCEOLA STREET JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 05204 JAMES 0.0'DONNELL (904) 387-4963 KEITH H.JOHNSON TEt,ECOPIER (904) 364.7329 June 8, 1992 Mr. Don Ford 1589 Main Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Dutton Island/Walter Dutton Dear Mr. Ford: As you are aware, Mr. Water E . Dutton has attempted to secure the island from trespassers . so far, however, he has: been unsuccessful in that they have cut a wire cable, cut a lock, 1 and pulled large stones out of the way. It is my understandinglthat you have advised Mr. Dutton that you are willing to erect a gate near your house in an attempt to secure the island. This letter is to advise you that we have no objection to your erecting a gate in an attempt to restrict access to D',itton Island as long as Mr. Dutton is furnished keys to the gate. I am assuming that this fence was what was previously authorized by the City of Atlantic Beach; however, we make no representation one way or the other as to whether the road right-a-way consists of city property or not, or wh ther additional authorize -n s necessary. (771 41111 11"/ Keith H. Johnson KHJ:jam cc: Walter E . Dutton Thomas L. Vogel, Department of Public Utilities { ford.608/duttan