05-11-92 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, MAY 11, 1992, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. JTA's bond proposal and impact on Wonderwood (Dick Brown) B. Request 200 block of Pine Street be closed for block party (Paul Hoffman) C. Request permission to have 4 piece band at family reunion (Mike Brooks) D. Authorization to use beach area June 27 for Corporate Olympics gathering (Eden Kendall, Promotion Director Lite 96. 1) 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning Town Center project and City R-O-W, Resolution #92-10 (Commissoner Fletcher) B. Request to hold annual block party at Atlantic Blvd. and Ocean Blvd. May 30, 1992 (Commissioner Fletcher, Town Center Chairman) 5. Consent: A. Proclamation declaring week beginning May 17 as Public Works week B. Adele Grage Community Center monthly report C. Fleet Landing status report D. Request approval of change order #1 relative to contract extension for Buccaneer WWTP expansion 6. Committee Reports: A. Water and Sewer Committee report (Commissioner Fletcher) B. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9291-7, Buccaneer Water System Improvements Phase I (Commissioner Edwards) C. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9192-10 clearing/hauling debris from Public Works (Commissioner Edwards) . D. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9192-11 construction of basketball court at Donner Park (Commissioner Edwards) E. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9192-12 roll on/roll off sludge container (Commissioner Edwards) 7. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-12 regarding US Senate Bill 1650 8. Ordinances: A. Continuation of public hearing of Ordinance #40-92-17 regarding Continental Cablevision's request to extend franchise B. Introduction of Ordinance #90-92-157 concerning garage sales C. Introduction of Ordinance #95-92-52 concerning flea markets 9. New Business: A. Discussion and related action related to proposed tennis court charges (Commissioner Tucker) B. Recommendation to accept Connelly & Wicker's proposal for sanitary sewer rehab for 6th Street, Howell Park and Russell Park (Public Works Director Robert Kosoy) 10. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Customer's water bill complaint B. Report on extended hours at City Hall C. Staff recommendation concerning CDBG D. Status report on parking study proposal E. Solid Waste report F. Status report concerning parking on north end of Cavalla Road Road in conjunction with the fire lane topic G. Police seizure and forfeiture report H. Status report on parking of life guard vehicles 11. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY v v 7.OMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7: 15 O O tI ON MONDAY, MAY 11, 1992 T T PRESENT: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E Glenn A. Edwards D D Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Waters, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 1992 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Tucker x x April 27, 1992 . Waters x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: There were no visitors. 3. Appearances: A. JTA's bond proposal and impact on Wonderwood Dick Brown, Councilman, District 3, City of Jacksonville, spoke concerning the Wonderwood Connector. He explained a $102 million bond issue was approved by the Jacksonville council last month which included $3 million to design Wonderwood. He explained he supported the construction of Wonderwood and he indicated he would like to see the project move forward more rapidly. He felt the expressway eventually would become as vital to the Arlington area as it was to the Beaches area. Jacksonville City Councilman John Crescimbeni, who represents Arlington, was also present at the meeting. Commissioner Fletcher entered the meeting at this time ( 7 :35 p. m. ) Mayor Gulliford announced he would allow a request of V V PAGE 2 NAME OF MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Ortega Industrial Contractors, Inc. to be heard. He explained this was in regard to the bid for the City of Atlantic Beach Water Treatment Plant No. 1 and No. 2 Improvement Project, and Ortega' s pending case against the City. City Attorney Alan Jensen introduced Lyman Weingart who appeared on behalf of Ortega, as well as a representative from Ortega. Mr. Jensen asked the commission to refer to a letter that appeared in their agenda packets from Smith Currie & Hancock dated May 7, 1992 relatitve to Ortega' s claim against the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Jensen explained Ortega had indicated its willingness to settle for $10, 980.04 representing its bid preparation costs, plus a formal determination by the City of Atlantic Beach that Ortega is a responsible contractor under the evaluation criteria employed by the City of Atlantic Beach. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Refer Ortega's request to settle Tucker x lawsuit to the Water and Sewer Committee, to Waters x x be discussed at the next City Commission Gulliford x meeting of May 26, 1992 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Request 200 block of Pine Street be closed for block party. Paul Hoffman, 282 Pine Street, presented a petition on behalf of the residents of Pine Street, to block the 200 block of Pine Street for Saturday, May 23, 1992, to hold a street block party. Edwards x Motion: Grant permission to block the 200 Fletcher x x block of Pine Street for Saturday, May 23, Tucker x 1992, for the purpose of holding a block party Waters x x Gulliford x Chief Thompson suggested hiring an off-duty police officer to control traffic during the block party. Commissioner Waters asked that signatures of all residents of Pine Street be obtained. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. C. Request permission to have four piece band at family reunion PAGE 3 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Michael Brooks asked permission for a four piece band to play at a family reunion at 343 Beach Avenue from 6:00 p. m. until 10:00 p. m. on Saturday, May 23, 1992. Edwards x Motion: Grant permission to Michael Brooks Fletcher x x for a four-piece band to play at 343 Beach Tucker x Avenue from 6:00 p. m. until 10:00 p. m. on Waters x x Saturday, May 23, 1992, during family reunion Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. D. Authorization to use beach area June 27 for Corporate Olympics gathering Eden Kendall, Promotion Director, Lite 96. 1 FM, asked permission to hold a Corporate Olympics to benefit Cystic Fibrosis on Saturday, June 27, 1992, from 10:00 a. m. until 2:00 p. m. at the east end of Atlantic Boulevard. Edwards x Motion: Grant permission to Lite 96.1 FM to Fletcher x x hold a Corporate Olympics to benefit Cystic Tucker x Fibrosis on Saturday, June 27, 1992 from 10:00 Waters x x a. m. until 2:00 p. m. at the east end of Gulliford x Atlantic Boulevard No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Item 10B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 10B. Report on extended hours at City Hall (City Manager) City Manager Kim Leinbach reported concerning a program staff initiated at the direction of the Commission over the last eight weeks to extend the City Hall hours on Thursday from 5:00 p. m. until 7:00 p. m. The City Manager recommended the City discontinue this service due to limited personnel, and the small amount of citizens who utilized the service. He felt in most cases the night deposit box where residents have 24 hour access for making water bill payments would serve residents to a great degree. J. P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry, asked if car tags could be made available at locations other than the City Hall. Mayor Gulliford invited Mr. Marchioli to attend a meeting of the Beautification Committee on Wednesday, May 13, 1992, at 7:30 p. m. , at the City Hall, to present his PAGE 4 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN suggestion to the Committee. Item 10A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 10A. Customer' s water bill complaint (City Manager) Mayor Gulliford referred to a letter written by C. M. Jolley pertaining to customer service that appeared in the Beaches Leader. The Mayor stated he contacted C. M. Jolley via telephone and they discussed the matter. The Mayor reiterated his position regarding customer service and the importance he placed upon treating citizens in a respectful manner. He indicated he did not mean to disparage any city employee by his comments at the last Commission meeting. Theresa Braddy, Customer Service Representative for the City of Atlantic Beach, explained she had worked in the Water Utility Department for 1-1/2 years and that she did her best to be helpful and courteous to all citizens. City Manager Kim Leinbach reported he intended to contact the University of North Florida to provide instruction for employees coming into contact with citizens on a regular basis in terms of how to effectively deal with the public, as well pursuing other means to handle irate people. 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning Town Center project and City Right-of-way, Resolution #92-10 Commissioner Fletcher presented Resolution #92-10 granting permission to construct the proposed improvements on City rights-of-way, and he asked Chief Thompson to speak to the public safety aspect. Chief Thompson reported he met with the Traffic Representative from the City of Jacksonville. He indicated there had been discussion between JTA, the City of Jacksonville, and the City of Neptune Beach concerning having the intersection of First Street and Atlantic Boulevard a 4- way stop street, however, no decision had been made. He indicated he would be monitoring intersections at First Street and Atlantic Boulevard, and AlA and Atlantic Boulevard. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve Resolution No. 92-10 Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x PAGE 5 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Request to hold annual block party at Atlantic Boulevard and Ocean Boulevard May 30, 1992 Commissioner Fletcher presented a request from the Board of Directors of Town Center for permission to hold their annual festival on May 30, 1992. Permission was requested to close Atlantic Boulevard East of Third Street. Edwards x Motion: Approve request of Town Center to Fletcher x x hold block party at Atlantic Boulevard and Tucker x x Ocean Boulevard May 30, 1992. Approve closing Waters x of Atlantic Boulevard east of Third Street Gulliford x during the block party. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Item 6A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 5A. Water and Sewer Committee report Commissioner Fletcher presented the Water and Sewer Committee report. A copy of the complete report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. He discussed the recent rate increase and pointed out Atlantic Beach water/sewer rates were the lowest of the three beaches communities, and among the lowest in the entire county. He explained the water utility was a very efficient operation and the quality of the water Atlantic Beach residents enjoy was the best, as it was regulated by both the Federal and State Government. He added the Enterprise Fund, which was the city' s water and sewer system, was the largest the City operated. He explained a new "oversight group" had been formed consisting of the City Manager, City Clerk, and the Finance Director. The group would meet monthly, he explained, and would coordinate the production of the business side of the water utilities, i. e. , billing, data base, and public relations. With reference to the public relations, he added, one of its purposes would be to institute a procedure wherein an irate customer would meet with the Finance Director or the City Manager. A discussion ensued relative to the feasibility of having monthly billing instead of quarterly billing. It was Eelt this procedure would be beneficial and would PAGE 6 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN probably be instituted in the future. Alan Potter explained the rate adjustment and stressed that every customer was now paying equally for service. Commissioner Fletcher pointed out the need and incentive to conserve water. Commissioner Fletcher referred to Item 3 of the report which concerned a well located on a lot on the southwest corner of the intersection of Coquina and Coral Streets, which provided water to several homes in Ocean Grove. Commissioner Fletcher recommended the City Attorney be directed to write a letter to residents requiring them to connect to the city' s system, since the well was not a safe source of drinking water and could be a threat to public health and safety. Edwards Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to write Fletcher x to each homeowner connected to the well on the Tucker x southwest corner of the intersection of Waters Coquina and Coral Streets, which provides Gulliford water to several homes in Ocean Grove, requiring connection to the City water Bob Kosoy reported the city did not own the well. It was pointed out approximately 60 homes use the well. He reported both the City Manager and HRS wrote the homeowners a letter and advised them to connect to city water. As of this date, however, none of the homeowners had responded. Scott Kelly, City of Jacksonville Solid Waste Department, suggested having the Department of HRS condemn the well and provide a written opinion to that effect; he indicated the City would be in a better legal posture with a letter from HRS. The City Manager felt because the residents were citizens of Atlantic Beach, they should be afforded the opportunity to connect to city water. Edwards x x Substitute motion: Defer action until the next Fletcher x meeting. Obtain a formal response from HRS Tucker x x stating that the well should be condemned. Waters x Send a copy of the letter from HRS to Gulliford x homeowners utilizing the well, along with a letter from the City Manager indicating homeowners must connect to city water No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. PAGE 7 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Scott Kelly reported concerning the developments that have occurred regarding solid waste. He reported the City of Jacksonville, in working with the DER, were negotiating for early opening of the Trail Ridge landfill. He indicated Monday, May 18, 1992, might be the day the new landfill opened. All residential garbage would thus be directed to Trail Ridge, and the north landfill would be closed. Mr. Kelly offered assistance from the City of Jacksonville in printing door hangers for use by the City of Atlantic Beach. Mayor Gulliford reported the city of Atlantic Beach had done an outstanding job concerning recycling. He indicated he had received complaints concerning the recycling trucks speeding in the city, and he asked Bob Kosoy to contact the contractor. Bob Kosoy indicated the opening of the new landfill placed the city in a crisis mode, and he reported a new vehicle would have to be purchased immediately. Commissioner Edwards asked if the city would consider hiring a private contractor, and Mr. Kosoy replied if costs became prohibitive, the city might have to hire a contractor. Commissioner Edwards indicated many people had called him to complain concerning the city' s charge of $48/quarterly. He indicated some other cities were able to have private haulers at a cost of $9/month. He felt the commission owed it to citizens to look into all the options, and offer this service at the least expensive cost. Mr. Kosoy replied the city hoped to use a volumetric system which would reduce the cost of garbage significantly for some people. The mayor pointed out it should be understood that a volumetric system would not generate a decrease to everyone; some people would have an increase in their rate. The City Manager indicated if the city decided to use a private hauler, the utilization of city workers would be of primary concern. He reported local and city newspapers would contain the new garbage schedule for the city. 5. Consent Agenda A. Proclamation declaring week beginning May 17 as Public Works week B. Adele Grage Community Center monthly report C. Fleet Landing status report D. Request approval of change order #1 relative to contract extension for Buccaneer WWTP expansion PAGE 8 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve consent agenda Edwards x x Fletcher x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Tucker x x unanimously. Waters x Gulliford x Agenda Item 7A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 7A. Resolution #92-12 regarding US Senate Bill 1650 Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution 92-12: Opposing S1650, Also Known as the National Flood Insurance, Mitigation and Erosion Management Act of 1991 . Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Approve Resolution 92-12 Tucker x x Waters x Mayor Gulliford felt Resolution 92-12 should request Gulliford x specific action, i. e. , request each Senator vote to defeat S1650. He asked that the Resolution be sent to the President, Vice President Quail, and all members of the U. S. Senate, local Congressmen, and State Legislators. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. At this time Mayor Gulliford read a letter from a citizen concerning the Easter activity that was organized by Recreation Director Rose Blanchard. The letter indicated the writer was happy with the activities and the manner in which her children had been treated by Ms. Blanchard. Mayor Gulliford complimented Rose Blanchard for a job well done. 6. Committee Reports: A. Water and Sewer Committee report (report was given by Commissioner Fletcher earlier in meeting) B. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9291-7, Buccaneer Water System Improvements Phase I Commissioner Edwards reported the Awards Committee met on Thursday, April 2, 1992 to receive bid advertised as Bid No. 9192-7, Buccaneer Water System Improvements Phase I, Mayport Road Water Main Extension. Commissioner Edwards reported it was the consensus of the committee to accept the low bid from AA Septic Tank Service, in the amount of $133, 083. 95, as the lowest responsible bid meeting bid specifications. PAGE 9 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Award bid for Buccaneer Water System Edwards x x Improvements Phase I, Mayport Road Water Main Fletcher x Extension, to AA Septic Tank Service at the Tucker x bid price of $133, 083.95 Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on bid #9192-10, Cleaning/hauling debris from Public Works Commissioner Edwards reported the Awards Committee met on Wednesday, April 29, 1992 to receive bid advertised as Bid No. 9192-10, Clear and Haul Debris from Public Works Yard to Northside Landfill. Commissioner Edwards reported it was the consensus of the committee to reject all bids and to have the City Public Works Department undertake the work. Edwards x x Motion: Reject all bids and have the City Fletcher x Public Works Department clear and haul debris Tucker x x from Public Works Yard to Northside Landfill Waters x Gulliford x It was explained the Sanitation budget, which had recently been strained with repairs and maintenance, would not be able to afford even the lowest bid that was received, and it was felt the Public Works Department could do the work. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on Bid #9192-11, construction of basketball court at Donner Park Commissioner Edwards reported the Awards Committee met on Wednesday, April 19, 1992 to receive bid advertised as Bid No. 9192-11, Construct Basketball Court at Donner Park. Commissioner Edwards reported it was the consensus of the Committee to accept the low bidder, Robert Lawrence Construction, in the amount of $3, 780.00 as the lowest responsible bid meeting bid specifications. Edwards x x Motion: Award Bid No. 9192-11, Construction Fletcher x of Basketball Court at Donner Park, to Robert Tucker x x Lawrence Construction at the bid price of Waters x $3, 780.00 Gulliford x Vo discussion before the vote. The motion carried PAGE 10 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN unanimously. E. Report and recommendation by the Awards Committee on Bid #9192-12, Three Roll-On/Roll-Off Sludge Containers Commissioner Edwards reported the Awards Committee met on Wednesday, April 29, 1992 to receive bid advertised as Bid No. 9192-12, Three (3 ) Roll-on Roll-Off Sludge Containers. Commissioner Edwards reported it was the consensus of the Committee to accept the low bidder, Hardee Equipment, in the amount of $38, 277.00 as the lowest responsible bid meeting bid specifications. Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Award Bid No. 9192-12, Three Roll- Tucker x on/Roll-Off Sludge Containers to Hardee Waters x x Equipment at the bid price of $38, 277.00. Gulliford x Bob Kosoy explained four bidders declined to bid, and he felt the stainless steel floor the city specified, which required the vendor to furnish a generic roll-on, roll- off container with a custom built perforated sub-floor 6" off the bottom, did not interest these bidders. He indicated the city sent this out to 13 bidders and, although they seemed receptive to bid, only two sent in bids. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-12 regarding US Senate Bill 1650 (this was acted upon earlier in the meeting) 8. Ordinances: A. Continuation of Public Hearing on Cable Television Ordinance No. 40-92-17 Mayor Gulliford asked to have this Public Hearing continued until May 26, 1992. Edwards x Motion: Defer action on Ordinance No. 40-92- Fletcher x x 17 and continue public hearing at the City Tucker x Commission meeting on May 26, 1992 Waters x x Gulliford x Ray Salman reported a complete new and different ordinance might be forthcoming. The Mayor stated if that PAGE 11 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN were the case the Public Hearing on Ordinance #40-92-17 would be ended and a new ordinance would be reintroduced on its first reading. The ordinance would then go through the normal process again. The question was asked and the motion carried unanimously. B. First reading of Ordinance 90-92-157 concerning garage sales AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ARTICLE II, LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS, AMENDING SECTION 24-17 TO ADD A DEFINITION FOR GARAGE SALE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance 90-92-157 on first reading. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage or Ordinance No. 90- Fletcher x 92-157 on its first reading and set public Tucker x x hearing for May 26, 1992 Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. First reading of Ordinance 90-92-52 concerning flea markets AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 13, OFFENSES, ARTICLE 1, IN GENERAL, BY ADDING SECTION 13-11, FLEA MARKETS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance 95-92-52 on first reading. Edwards Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 95- Fletcher 92-52 on its first reading and set public Tucker x x hearing for May 26, 1992 Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 9. New Business: A. Discussion and related action related to proposed tennis court charges (withdrawn from the agenda) PAGE 12 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN B. Recommendation to accept Connelly & Wicker's proposal for sanitary sewer rehab for 6th Street, Howell Park, and Russell Park Bob Kosoy recommended accepting Connelly & Wicker' s proposal which included survey, design, and preparation of plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers in Sixth Street, Howell Park, and Russell Park at a cost not to exceed $7, 180.00. Edwards x x Motion: Accept Connelly & Wicker's Fletcher x Engineering Fee Proposal for Preparation of Tucker x x Plans and Specifications for sanitary sewer Waters x rehab for 6th Street, Howell Park, and Russell Gulliford x Park at a cost not to exceed $7, 180.00 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 10. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Customer's water bill complaint (this was discussed earlier in agenda) B. Report on extended hours at City Hall (this was discussed earlier in agenda) C. Staff recommendation concerning CDBG The City Manager reported concerning changing priorities of expenditures for the city' s current CDBG Program. He presented a summary of the CDBG contract setting out the proposed tasks for this budget year and he briefly explained the original goals of the program as established by the Donner Subdivision Citizens Advisory Committee and subsequently approved by the City Commission. The City Manager recommended adherence to this year' s CDBG priorities. The program could then be reviewed and changes made in next year' s budget, as necessary. Edwards x x Motion: Adhere to this year' s CDBG Fletcher x priorities. The program could then be Tucker x reviewed and changes made in next year's Waters x x budget, as necessary. Gulliford x Mayor Gulliford indicated his desire to have Church Road paved between Mayport and Frances. Commissioner Waters suggested using some of the CDBG money to pay part of the salary for the part-time Code Enforcement Officer for the PAGE 13 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMBS. MSYN work he would perform in the Donner area. A discussion ensued concerning plans to build restrooms in Donner Park and the fear that vandalism would occur as in the past. It was suggested not keeping restrooms open 24 hours a day. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager reported he was conducting meetings with Rose Blanchard and Carson Merry Baillee and would have a report concerning utilization of the Community Center at a later time. The City Manager reported concerning the Adele Grage Community Center and he indicated in order to utilize the building the city should bring the building up to standard. He indicated the work would cost between $14,000 and $18,000. He reported one alternative would be to sprinkle the building and he indicated he would like to go out to bid to get this done. He reported having the building sprinkled would alleviate the need to buy sheetrock, paneling, etc. , and a savings would be realized by reducing insurance premiums. He reported money was available in the budget. The Commission concurred in going out to bid to determine how much it would cost to have the building renovated. The City Manager referred to the trailer located at Russell Park and recommended relocating it Donner Park. He reported it would cost between $3, 000 and $4,000 to relocate the trailer vs approximately $125, 000 to build a new structure at Donner Park. The Mayor felt a two- story multi-purpose structure built in Russell Park where the concession /storage building now stands would be an asset to the community, and he indicated Convention Development Tax could be used for this purpose. Rose Blanchard reported $50,000 had been budgeted for this structure, and she indicated the Little League had offered to build a two-story building after the season is over. The Mayor indicated he would like the city to develop plans so that it would have some control over what happens in the future. The City Manager stated the YMCA was presently using the trailer in Russell Park, and it was decided to discuss the matter with YMCA. The City Manager was authorized to invite RFP' s for design of a building for Russell Park. The City Manager reported an employee committee had been formed to study the feasibility of bidding the city' s health insurance. PAGE 14 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The City Manager reminded everyone of the Special Meeting to be held Monday, May 18, 1992, 7:30 p. m. to discuss the ownership of Selva Marina roads. D. Status report on parking study proposal Bob Kosoy reported the city had advertised for a Parking Study. He indicated he and the City Manager reviewed the proposed bids from five firms. He reported since the cost was under $10, 000 in all cases, this was not under the Consultant' s Competitive Negotiations Act and therefore cost could be evaluated as a factor. He recommended entering into a contract with Rich & Associates to perform the parking study. A discussion ensued concerning the bid submitted by Albert Halff & Associates. It was determined Halff & Associates had previously done work for the City, and had been very helpful to the city in the past. Edwards x Motion: Accept proposal from Albert Halff & Fletcher x x Associates to undertake a Parking Study Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. E. Solid Waste report (this was discussed earlier in agenda) F. Status report concerning parking on north end of Cavalla Road in conjunction with the fire lane topic George Worley reported he had researched the ownership of the vacant lots at each end of the Cavalla Road apartments for the prospect of being used as parking for the residents to replace the current parking along the back of the buildings. He reported the lots at the east end were owned by the owner of the property where Pic n' Save was located, and provided access to the loading area at the rear of Pic n' Save. He reported additional signs clarifying the location of the "no parking" area were ordered when the "Fire Lane" signs were installed. When these signs were installed, he added, reasonable fire access would be available, as would reasonable parking. Dave Siebert, 816 Cavalla, spoke concerning a problem he was having with vehicles parking near his home, and he was advised he could petition the city to designate parking spaces to be by decal. A long discussion ensued and Mr. Siebert was directed to meet with George Worley regarding the possibility of applying for a variance. PAGE 15 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN G. Police seizure and forfeiture report Chief Thompson reported concerning a house on Francis Avenue (Dudley house) that was confiscated during a drug arrest. He stated the house would be sold and the City would be compensated in the amount of $10,000. He reported the city received a check from the Drug Enforcement Administration in the amount of $19, 912 ,representing a drug arrest that was made in conjunction with other law enforcement bodies. He explained the money would go into the Law Enforcement Trust Fund which could be utilized for investigations, equipment, etc. He reported two vans were donated to the West Side Skills Center to be used in their automotive shop. He reported two vans as well as $7, 800 had been confiscated in conjunction with Jacksonville Beach; he indicated the city would keep one van and the money would be split between the two agencies. He reported $3, 000 representing money seized during drug arrests was taken from the property room and turned over to the city. He reported the Police Department had a supply of hand guns which they hoped to make available to police supply companies. H. Status report on parking of life guard vehicles Chief Thompson reported lifeguard trucks were not safe in that the lifeguards were not able to see little children who might dart in front of the truck. Thus, the city had purchased a "railer" vehicle or dune buggy type vehicle for $2,300. It was felt this would be more practical in that it would be safe and durable. 11. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Commissioner Waters asked that staff check the Dewees Access. He indicated a fence recently was put up and the access is considerably smaller than it previously was. Bob Kosoy stated the city had received a complaint concerning the fence and it was felt the fence encroached upon the city' s easement. He reported the builder brought in the plan, which indicated the fence did not encroach upon the city' s land. He indicated he planned to look at a certified as-built survey which is sealed by a licensed land surveyor. Mr. Kosoy stated he would review this document and if it does show an encroachment, the site would have to be fixed and resurveyed. Commissioner Waters stated steps were supposed to be installed at this site and presently there are no steps. PAGE 16 V V MINUTES, MAY 11, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Gulliford referred to Sea Oats and the plan to place yellow tape to protect them. Bob Kosoy explained D.N.R would not allow any such tape or posts, as the D.N.R. felt this would disturb the dunes. The Mayor suggested the city contact D.N.R. in an effort to come with an agreement to police the area. Mayor Gulliford referred to the creek near the City Hall. The Mayor volunteered to loan equipment to clean out the creek. There being no further business t.- ••--ting adjourned at 11 :00 p. m. I \ 1 —Wil . Gul if.gd, J1 . Mayor/Presidi g Oi , iced ATTES T: Mau een King CITY OF > tc &ad - 96 1200 SANDPIPER LANE , __ ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 4 , FAX(904)247-5843 May 6, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT #17 On April 30, 1992 Commissioner Lyman Fletcher, Ernie Beadle, Harry E. McNally, Alan Potter and Bob Kosoy met to discuss water and sewer concerns and projects: 1. Water Rates We should publicize information explaining rates, how they compare to other Beaches and City of Jacksonville and the need for conservation. A meeting between this Committee, Finance Department and City Manager was recommended. 2. Wastewater Maintenance Fees Committee recommended that Wastewater Maintenance Fees being charged to the City of Atlantic Beach should be reviewed with respect to Interlocal Agreement. (Note: City Manager advised that the City Attorney reviewed our requirement to pay these fees over one year ago and the City Attorney felt that the 2nd resolution passed by the City of Jacksonville required the City of Atlantic Beach to pay fees. ) 3. Coquina Well Unless the City Manager authorizes the City Attorney to write to each homeowner connected to the well requiring connection to the City water by some appropriate timeframe, the City must defer to HRS (Chris Carter) for enforcement. If the well ruptures, the Atlantic Beach Water Distribution Crew will run temporary service and call a contractor to effect an emergency repair. Continued 4. Problem Areas in Water Distribution System Report will be drafted by Consultant and permits prepared for submittal to HRS. 5. Problem Areas in Sever Collection System Recommend acceptance of proposal by Connelly & Wicker, with minor modifications, for 6th street, Howell and Russell Park. 6. Bayport Road Bore and Jack Recommend award to AA Septic Tank Service 7. Buccaneer WWTP Expansion (Surge Tank) Modifications to screens could add $30, 000. 00 to contract price but is recommended by this Committee to increase capacity of screens and decrease wave action. Committee further recommends that design plans be prepared by Gee and Jenson at no additional cost to the City. RSK/tb cc: Lyman Fletcher/Commissioner Ernie Beadle/Assistant Public Works Director Tim N. Townsend/Utility Plant Division Director Harry E. McNally/Utility Plant Division Director Alan Potter Dr. Ray Salman File - 92 WSCR