03-11-92 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 , 1992 AGENDA 1 . Solid Waste Report and related discussion 2 . Introduction of ordinance Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:30 PM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Gulliford. Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Commissioners Edwards, Fletcher, Tucker, and Waters. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Public Works Director Kosoy, City Attorney Jensen, and City Clerk King. 1. Solid Waste Report and related discussion Bob Kosoy confirmed that each Commissioner had received a copy of his report and two draft ordinances, one of which provided for collection fees on a volumetric basis, and the other provided for collection fees at a flat rate. He also provided a report of a study of Tri-Beach Consolidation of Solid Waste Collection and Haulage prepared by Jim Seroka, Ph.D. , Director of the Center for Local Government Adminis- tration at the University of North Florida. Mr. Kosoy outlined the existing collection service and manpower of the city. He reported that the Girvin Road landfill had closed and the city was now driving thirty-six miles (round trip) to the north side landfill. He indicated the north side landfill was scheduled to close in August 1992, following which the city would use the Trail Ridge landfill, a distance of eighty-eight miles (round trip) , representing a 663% increase over the current mileage. Mr. Kosoy discussed the importance of separating yard trash from household garbage and recyclable items. He said it was important to educate the public on the new regulations because the county facilities had advised that loads which had not been properly separated would be rejected at the landfill. Discussion ensued regarding variable collection rates as a means to charge less to those who generated less garbage and Mr. Kosoy said he felt this was the fairest method of charging; however, he said this would require additional study before it could be implemented. Discussion also ensued regarding mechanized collection of garbage containers, which, he said, had been in operation in Fernandina since 1971; however, he felt this method would be more costly. Mr. Kosoy also compared the estimated costs and level of service of contracting out solid waste collection vis a vis continued collection by city crews. Mr. Kosoy recommended enactment of the proposed ordinance which would reduce the six day per week garbage collection to two days per week. Under this ordinance yard trash would be picked up twice weekly and recyclables once a week. The cost of service would increase to $48.00 per quarter. Mr. Kosoy pointed out the ordinance no longer required payment of a fee to have white goods picked up. He said the city was no longer being charged for this service and would pass this saving on to the residents. In the event this situation changed, the fee could again be reinstated. Page Two Minutes of Special Called Commission Meeting March 11, 1992 Mayor Gulliford introduced Scott Kelly, Chief of Solid Waste for the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Kelly explained the City of Jacksonville was now handling the recycling of white goods and funds derived from the sale of the scrap metal was adequate to cover the cost of the recycling operation, thus Jacksonville was no longer charging Atlantic Beach for the collection of white goods. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of a transfer station being constructed on the south side of Jacksonville. Mr. Kelly reported a study of this matter was nearing completion and he would keep the city informed in this regard. Mr. Kelly said a study of estimated costs of hauling the extra distance versus the cost of operating a tri-beach transfer station indicated the extra cost of hauling would be $60,000 per year greater than the current hauling costs compared to $89,000 per year to participate in the transfer station facility. He felt a third consideration was a mini-transfer station, but he did not feel this was a viable option for Atlantic Beach. Mr. Kelly stressed the importance of not mixing yard trash with garbage. He discussed the various collection methods and said he favored mechanical pickup of 60-gallon containers. He recommended some flexibility to allow 90-gallon containers to be provided at a higher rate to families who needed additional capacity. Side yard pick up could also be made available at a higher rate for anyone who wanted that service. He felt the city could do this as economically as private contractors. Mr. Kelly also advised that $16,000.00 grant money was available to Atlantic Beach through the City of Jacksonville for promotion of yard waste disposal and recycling. Mayor Gulliford felt it was important to consider every option for handling yard trash in order to reduce the number of trips to the landfill. Mr. Kelly recommended encouraging residents not to bag grass clippings and to promote back yard composting. Branches could be chipped and used as mulch in the city's parks. He felt this could reduce the volume of yard trash by half. The draft ordinances were then reviewed and Mr. Kosoy pointed out most of the matters discussed were included in the ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding the disposal of white goods and Mr. Kosoy said he would like to continue using tags to indicate the items for pick-up; this helped to inform the city of the location of items and also helped with scheduling pick-ups. Discussion ensued regarding recycling corrugated and it was agreed to put pressure on Waste Management to include corrugated in the recycling program. In the meantime, the Mayor requested that the recycling bin be brought back until the matter had been worked out with Waste Management. Mr. Kelly said there would shortly be a complete guide to recycling in the Florida Times Union and he would provide Atlantic Beach with copies of this information. Page Three Minutes of Special Called Commission Meeting March 11, 1992 2. Introduction of Ordinance Ordinance No. 55-92-26: AN ORDINANCE REWRITING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 16, REFUSE AND GARBAGE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 55-92-26 on first reading. Commissioner Edwards moved to approve passage of Ordinance No. 55-92-26 on first reading and set for public hearing on March 23, 1992. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fletcher. Commissioner Fletcher encouraged the city to continue to pursue the possibility of establishing collection fees on a volumetric basis. After further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Pat Pillmore, 995 Camelia Street inquired why garbage containers could not be left out the night before collection and after further discussion, it was the general consensus this provision should be deleted from the ordinance. 3. Any other business: There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P ASkAAl . 1 Wil iam I. Gull fold,' Mayor/Presiding Oific: ATTES T: Maur en King City Clerk ttcc t... �a t 3'►►(qz • kt1;U MAR 4 1992 CITY OF • , 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 1!� TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 4 44 FAX(904)247-5843 March 3, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT #13 On February 28, 1992 Commissioner Lyman Fletcher, Alan Potter, Ray Salman, Shelton Flowers, Ernie Beadle, Harry McNally and Bob Kosoy met to discuss current water and sewer concerns and projects. A brief summary follows: 1. Letter from M. Burton requesting additional compensation: At the February 24, 1992 meeting, the City Commission requested that Mr. Burton's letter of February 20, 1992 be reviewed by the Water and Sewer Committee. The $7317. 00 being requested is not broken down into direct labor ( i. e. , specific hours, dates, personal and tasks) for a complete review. Furthermore, the Committee would review a complete invoice for additional compensation against the cost to the City of not having the rate ordinance effective until 1992. R. Salman will prepare draft letter to Burton for this Committee's review. 2. Changeover to City of Atlantic Beach: With the substantial completion of the Sea Gardens Lift Station project, all water and sewer service within the City of Atlantic Beach corporate limits is now provided by the City of Atlantic Beach water and sewer plants. Accordingly, a memorandum was sent to the Finance Department advising that the 2nd quarter billings be adjusted to reflect this change, initial impact fees be transferred to the City of Atlantic Beach, and information be added in the 1st quarter billings advising affected homeowners of change. 5 � 3. Buccaneer Chlorine Contact Facility: We received cost proposals from 3 Engineering firms: 1 ) Flood, 2) Pitman, Hartenstein and Associates, 3) J. Lucas and Associates. After considering the costs proposals versus the technical proposal ratings it was agreed to recommend that J. Lucas and Associates perform the design work. Note: Subsequent to the meeting R. Kosoy called J. Lucas to discuss contingencies in his proposal regarding deliverables he needs from the City. At this time, it is not certain if the deliverables can be obtained and therefore, the recommendation should be contingent on the City's ability to obtain the said deliverables. 4. Mayport Road Bore and Jack: Andy May has sent correspondence to Ms. Carol Davis of F. D. O. T. requesting reissuance of the permit for this project. If problems occur, R. Kosoy will contact the local F. D. O. T. representative, Mr. Bill Dial. 5. Capacity Analysis Report : It was decided to prepare these reports in-house. R. Kosoy will furnish DER guidelines to Harry E. McNally and Tim N. Townsend, who will provide 10 year annual flow averages and other required information for reports. 6. Buccaneer WWTP Expansion Surge: Committee discussed problems with hydrasieve and dropping of screenings on deck of surge tank. Walkthrough is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday March 4, 1992. 7. 2nd Ground Storage and Hydro Tank at Buccaneer Assisi Lane WTP: Alan Potter will provide plans and specifications for bidding. These plans and specifications are revisions to his originals for the water plant and he is providing the revised versions to the City at no cost. Permits will be prepared by Alan Potter and permitting fees will be paid for the City. 8. Grant Forms: EPA grant forms due by March 15, 1992. J 9. EPA Performance Audit Inspection of WWTP 'S: EPA personnel rated both WWTP 's and neither Harry E. McNally nor Tim N. Townsend were satisfied with ratings. Responses will indicate we are following procedures outlined by Athens, Georgia and that we would like copy of criteria for rating facilities. 10. Capital Improvement Fee Ordinance: R. Kosoy will prepare draft ordinance for Commission review by next meeting. Ordinance will estimate flat fees for connections and establish designated fund for capital improvement. 11. Letter of February 11, 1992 from City Manager: Committee reviewed letter regarding approval of Change Orders up to $5, 000. 00 for the WTP #1 and #2 Improvements Project. The Committee recommends that Change Orders up to $5, 000. 00 be reviewed by the Director of Public Works and, if acceptable, the Commission authorize the City Manager to approve such Change Orders. However, when and if bona fide Change Orders exceed an aggregate amount of 5% of the construction contract, Commission approval would be required. RSK/tb cc: Lyman Fletcher/Commissioner Ernie Beadle/Assistant to P. W. Director Harry E. McNally/Utility Plant Division Director Tim N. Townsend/Utility Plant Division Director Alan Potter/Consultant Engineer Dr. Ray Salman File - WSCR